Attached: 1584841826855.jpg (567x777, 71.28K)

mecca lecca hi mecca hiney ho

Is that acid?
Someone does that to me and I'd kill them.


Attached: 1584019037112.jpg (311x326, 15.97K)



Whew good thing I'm safe now

Don't have to worry about this if you don't coal burn.

Attached: Happy HK Policeman.jpg (900x900, 152.28K)


What is the meat twisted around the nasal feeding tube?

U bitch ;_;


Attached: 1433214548902.jpg (202x750, 53.78K)

wtf is this?

ok just in case

Uma delicia

fuck you

My balls itch. Also you should buy rice and beans NIGGER

>Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a type of severe skin reaction.[1] Together with toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Stevens–Johnson/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN), it forms a spectrum of disease, with SJS being less severe.[1][3] Erythema multiforme (EM) is generally considered a separate condition.[5] Early symptoms of SJS include fever and flu-like symptoms.[1] A few days later, the skin begins to blister and peel, forming painful raw areas.[1] Mucous membranes, such as the mouth, are also typically involved.[1] Complications include dehydration, sepsis, pneumonia and multiple organ failure.[1]

>The most common cause is certain medications such as lamotrigine, carbamazepine, allopurinol, sulfonamide antibiotics and nevirapine.[1] Other causes can include infections such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae and cytomegalovirus, or the cause may remain unknown.[2][1] Risk factors include HIV/AIDS and systemic lupus erythematosus.[1]
Fag disease confirmed risk for that OP pic


blessed post


Jesus christ what the fuck


Sup ghost

Was this an acid attack by one from the religion of peace?

Fuck you OP i’m not gonna post in your shitty thread

>Fag disease confirmed risk for that OP pic
Everybody on Yas Forums better reply to protect themselves, then.


Damn how’d that even happen

What is that

Attached: AD312312-CA08-49A8-B6F7-FE253E7173DE.gif (500x497, 1.3M)

that's not steven johnson you retard

You wouldn’t get the chance. Even if you recovered enough to be able to you’d have no will to do anything you’d just be completely dead inside because of the constant pain and deformity

Attached: 1506896369500.jpg (692x992, 160.38K)

Why is he flinching when he has a mask.

What happened? Burn victim I guess..

Nah dawg he'd become a masked crusader & shit.

awful, I'd come back as a mutant vigilante cuz I would care about living anymore

oh no

Don't look at the bad mans post everyone, just look here at the immunity cat!



That's what google reverse image search says you damn spic, cite your own sources

Good looking out for us there, Carlos.

what even is that?

Oh shit nigga wtf is krokodil

Attached: 5370E6D2-0E15-45FC-99E7-62A431FFCC7C.gif (196x236, 340.17K)

Fuck dude

Fucking evil nazi

mehoy minoy

What happend?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sed finibus lorem, nec efficitur velit. Phasellus at mattis lorem. Ut ac erat sed mi auctor malesuada vitae id nisl. Phasellus porttitor condimentum sem, pretium rutrum ligula maximus a. Sed mattis consectetur arcu at lobortis. Etiam at metus quis felis molestie finibus in quis libero. Fusce ultrices vel libero non auctor. Donec scelerisque aliquet odio id consectetur. Nam quis nibh mollis, gravida leo in, lobortis metus. Maecenas posuere condimentum turpis, nec luctus velit mollis vitae.


>press tag
Clearly he's just doing it for show or as a reflex. To then later said police sprayed him.

I dunno, I just love how happy the Policeman is.

You don't even deserve a reaction pic or proper grammar

Attached: 1573430550831.jpg (1054x752, 73.71K)


What do you think

Attached: COOOOOOOMpng.png (993x1405, 819.91K)

If you forward this thread to 10 people, bill gates will give you $100,000! I know it sounds crazy but it actually works!!!

Why would you do this OP

A preferable alternative to spending this 4 week quarantine with my boomer grandparents and crazy mom. At least my sister says clear.

Don't worry fren, I'd krill them for you.

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En englais you pinche majate

Thanks for the help, that was a close call.

ok nigger faggot eat my scrungus bungus haha

please no

me on the left


just posting out of fear

The early 2000's was a white renaissance and we must bring it back.


Attached: E2AB81DD-F3BF-4ACB-A075-3678D0AA574C.jpg (640x480, 35.23K)

huh wat u mean?

no u

probably no chemical but only dust filters.

Wtf happened

gay shit thread

youre gay

What happened to them? Fuck. I hope that person recovers. Usually I'd just laugh at something like this but I've come to be more compassionate and I genuinely hope they can pull through if they're not dead already and that they aren't suffering.

Start posting greek border generals. Its been almost 2 weeks since fresh footage of pig shit on barbed wire


Attached: A23D9F9F-CE4E-4E34-B2FE-090E40F86A90.gif (316x237, 1.8M)

Are you a Nurgle cultist?

la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam


fuck off m8

fug u fag

Can't risk it