Fascism in anime

Which anime turned you into a fascist user?
And why was it K-On!?

Also, someone shop MAGA hats onto these two.

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What is k on and why have I never heard of it

Thread theme, starting with a basic one this time.
Post the anime which made you think twice about fascism, was it GuP, Attack on Titan, K-On!, or the one with the red-headed German?

Oh it's a music anime. Damnit. I see it mentioned everywhere is it really that good?

It was a fascist manifesto realized in anime form created by a Japanese woman who was sick and tired of gay anons like yourself.
Depends, watch it and see.

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Code Geass was pretty fascist

Which Keion has the most chance of embracing the far-right and why is it Azunyan?


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Tamako Market, K-On! and Spice and Wolf.

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True, it's also pretty good, and the ending made it even better in my opinion.

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hmm, I can see K-On and Spice and Wolf, but explain Tamako if you can?

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Tamako Market takes place in a homogeneous, family and community oriented environment. There are cultural tensions between foreigners and the homogeneous Japanese characters. The pure and conservative love between Tamako and Mochizou is very cute and heartwarming.

Tamako Market is truly an example of why conservative, family and community based life with one ethnicity is the way to go to achieve a stable life.

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Strange that no one ever mentions the obvious anime, pic related.

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You might be right, will have to watch it a second time if I have a moment. What would you say was the meaning of those dark skinned characters who were not depicted as absolute foreigners?

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By fascist do u mean they hate on chins or "facist ideology antifaggot garbage? Cause if they're not racist to anyone, and it's music, hard pass on the gay shit. Plus I'm trying to make it through sakarda (sp?) Reset

*oops, I mean were depicted as absolute foreigners

The meaning? Hmm. Perhaps that with foreigners, you can have some fun, but in the end, they are different and you should stick to your own. They were from a remote south Pacific island, not Japan, so they absolutely were total foreigners. For the sake of storytelling, they could speak Japanese well enough.

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I mean it depicts a homogenous nation and world where there is no crime, and everyone gets along, also there are cute girls who may or may not be romantically involved.
I'm sure there's more to it than that, but watch what you want.

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another self bump and song post

please, let me know some other anime which has the potential to communicate a fascist message, or least a rightwing one.

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I want to deflower Ritsu~chan!

Imagine getting your political beliefs from cartoons, sad.

>spice and wolf
Lolbergsteintarian drivel mixed with satanic (((paganism)))
most jewish piece of japanese media i ever seen, markets don't even work that way

It's too late, Mio already has.

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Is modern day news any different?

ok coomer

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I dunno, seemed pretty based to me, and at least it attempted to portray economics in an intelligent way.
Name an alternative choice, If you can , , ,

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This world is so corrupt that the only way purity can exist is in anime.

True. It used to exist in film and literature, but that was long ago.

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K-On made me fash

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Come on Yas Forums!
Give me your most based anime recommendations.
Together we can make Yas Forums right again!
Together we can make Yas Forums based again!
And together we can make Yas Forums great again!

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In my case it is melancholy of Haruhi Suzmiya. She is smart and vigorous ideal dictator :)

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code geass and youjo senki

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she certainly has the personality, and the sash, but explain further if you can

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best keion song here, someone prove me wrong

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Said the fucking Judeo Christian.

Maybe if you keep praying and turning the other cheek then your "Chosen Peopleā„¢" and minorities will stop raping your mother.

"Big oof and open borders for all!", exclaimed the pope.

Your status: FUCKED

Yuojo Senki, but also Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

maybe if you're gay

still need to watch LotGH but it seems like it would be redpilled
prove me wrong, faggotkun!

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Attack on Titan is literally /ourshow/

We must secure the existence of our race and a future for Eldian children

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It's strange that animated works from a far-flung island halfway around the world have had more of an uplifting effect on white males than the whole of our shitty ((media)).

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>Nationalists democratically win election in a Western country
>Nationalists violently take power in a Non White country.. but WiTh a hAmMeR aNd SiCkLe FlAg
Why are the Goymmunists like this?

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goys gonna goy
but real fascists support Aki chan, and listen to her sultry songs.

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Could it be that anime is their version of cuck porn. It's made by japs but shows whites positively and all the waifus have white facial features. Makes you wonder.

LOTGH is pretty redpilled. It shows the flaws and strengths of both ideologies. Definitely a show about character studies and how people's flaws and strengths can work for/against themselves.

Fascism for how it uses its own people for the gain of the state in situations necessary for its survival. Also how a series of weak rulers can introduce permanent rot into an organization.

Democracy for how it manipulates its own citizens and prioritizes short term gain over long term sustainability.

Also how Jews (phezzan) try to continuously create a balance of power to sustain their own self-interests.

I've wondered what actual Japanese would say when asked this.
So is what I'm told. I will watch it eventually, but over 100 episodes, damn.
Also shameless self-bump for good and underrated song.

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>Also how Jews (phezzan)
This, i really appreciated the reference to the Samson option upon rubinsky's death

hey, no spoilers fag!
stick to suggestions!

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user you've had all the time in the world to watch something that aired in 1988

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Gurren Lagann goes as far as to show right wing masculine archetypes winning over the tyrannical government (which substitutes humans with beast-men, more controllable), establishing fascism, decaying into democracy led by public opinion and reverting to full blown militaristic rule in order to destroy the alien overlords obsessed with anti-masculine spirit (antifascist all-powerful kike control freaks that forced a population control system on the planet)

In one scene alone the spiral display opens up in a swastika

Jesus fucking christ, you again? You posted the same thread yesterday where you also made about 60% of the replies, fuck off and realize nobody likes your gay ass tranny show.

But there were other things to watch, and I want to save it for when I have enough time to appreciate it, not rush through it like some speedwatching faggot.
Someone comment on my waifu Aki chan's song, is it good, bad, or alright?

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I can see that, but I couldn't get past the infantile presentation, the whole "beastmen" thing was far too childish, and it just seemed like a shonen show for kiddos.
I will say it is well made and well animated, and definitely does have some meaning to it, just not my cup of tea . . . Kill La Kill on the other hand, now that's brimming with fascism.

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Little Busters.

It's got everything, everyone working together to accomplish what they couldn't individually, Rikki's acceptance of his masculine role, the succession of tradition, island niggers being violent..

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Mickey Mouse circa 1980.

Fascism you say

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>Anime is fascist !
just jews upset that they can't get those sweet sweet anime bucks from the nippys


Newfag as fuck


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Cute girls doing cute things in general. It made me appreciate beauty and purity and made me see how much kikes and the modern media hate these things.

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>Which anime turned you into a fascist user?
This one.


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After lucky star i started putting up NSDAP posters all over the house and throwing eggs at my neighbour goldstein's window