panic hoarders rekt
Panic hoarders rekt
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No one will be returning any of that, they can ask for double price if they need to sell it, triple in a few weeks.
cope hoarder
It's not panic hoarders it's scuzzy resellers who are peddling shit for 4x price from the back of their trucks.
Hey, I can see you guys somewhere back at the 1.5 mile mark at this Walmart breadline:
Damn it feels good to have toilet paper because I bought a little extra.
>linking jewleak
>It's not panic hoarders it's scuzzy resellers who are peddling shit for 4x price from the back of their trucks.
This. Now that the supply chain is stabilizing, these scalpers will try and return the shit they hoarded. Fuck them, let them eat the cost.
It's an interesting video you stupid ponce and I don't care about who hosts it like some stupid sperg.
they're already trying. some bitch came to my work trying return bags full of sanitizer and lysol wipes. manager told her to fuck off and she made a big scene.
>bought a little extra
enjoy eating dry beans and white rice the rest of your life
I wouldn't accept returns on potentially infected items either.
Been saying it for almost a month now
because all the online places are closing reseller markets. so they are fucking stuck with thousands of product and maxed out credit cards
2x12 Scott packs does not a "prepporz" make. It will run out in a few months but it beats waiting on a fucking Soviet breadline like a sucker at the moment.
>rice & lysol
Why would you return those?
imagine trying to return toilet paper. what the fuck is wrong with americans?
you can buy TP again on amazon its over
That will last you about 24 days
For poorfags I guess.
I stocked up on TP for like $45, even if I bought $200 worth I would use that stuff eventually.
they cant do that retroctively. they will get sued
Stores aren't required to buy back products to begin with. If you were dumb enough to buy 8 packages of TP and assumed you'd be able to return them then you're just retarded
Americans don't require TP anyway.
1 male person = it will last fucking forever.
>refusing a refund is grounds for a suit
anyone is free to refuse a refund at any time
they can also refuse to allow a transaction, or even let you on the property
you have zero rights to any private transaction
if you can't manage your money, no one is obligated to care about your retarded shit
they had a written return policy beforehand that allowed it. people were operating on the understanding of that policy. they can deny returns to purchases after a new policy was put into place but they cant deny returns to items purchased previously or they will be found acting in bad faith
Wrong. Its called discrimination and its against the law.
>can't return rice
lmao, fuck rice, beans are the patricians choice for long term survival
Look at this neoliberal piece of shit.
>they can ask for double price if they need to sell it, triple in a few weeks.
In a couple of weeks stores are going to be back to normal.
May your pallet of hand sanitizer sit for years as a reminder of how you reacted to jewish media propaganda.
Same to all the assholes that had their stock portfolios burned up.
It might be a little different with Costco, because they are a private club with a defined agreement
>mfw white people "prep" by buying 50lbs of rice
first of all costco is not simply a "store" they are a club. they sell memberships, you cant shop there without a membership which is a legally binding contract. you would have a very strong legal case that they broke that contract by arbitrarily making new rules with a taped flyer hastily made on a printed computer paper which contradict their stated member agreement and policies which you agreed to when entering into a membership agreement. im sure a contract lawyer can come along soon to elaborate
>first of all costco is not simply a "store" they are a club.
>because they are a private club
lmao, do you fags work for costco
Can you name another easily storable and cookable thing stable at room temperature, cheap and in bulk? Beans are more expensive and require more work like soaking them and shit.
bros, i thought this was going to be the big one a month ago when all the meme charts on /cvg/ were predicting millions of deaths by now. what the FUCK am i supposed to do with all this fucking rice? i don't even like cooking. the misso is fucking PISSED
They were retards who thought that this would be apocakyptic happening and they could get rich by reselling basic necessities to panicking normies. But then Amazon and Ebay attacked their prize gouging and things in stores are returning to normalcy after paboc buying spike, and they got nowhere to sell their thousands of hand sanitizer bottles.
no but i shop there and pay for a yearly membership
nice cocaine stack there.
Oh, I might have a few ideas. Heh.
The store has the right to refuse a refund for any reason. It says it right on their return policy.
t. worked in retail through uni
sell it lol
This little dude is gonna fuck your shit up op. He means business.
What's with all the past tense? Stores with fucking mile long lines that only allow a few in at a time to prevent infection are pretty fucking far from normal, even if they have good inventory. I'm not standing on a fucking mile long line surrounded by coughing lowlifes.
There is a reasonable point between idiots with tons of rice and having a little extra to avoid this bullshit.
Based HEB here in Texas did it too. Price gougers on suicide watch.
>mfw almost cost a friend her job because I went into the store with no member's card
My brother has one but he put all three of us on one single card so he always carry's it at work,the security was going stirr crazy finding out she had friends coming over on break to say hello?
literally nobody that bought that for their own use is going to return it. It's absolutely retarded to do that, because these are consumer staples. By definition, you are going to use them at some point and if you decide to return them you'll just get your initial money back, but that same amount of money now has less purchasing power because of inflation.
TL/DR: it affects nobody
I don't normally say this, but you sound fucking jewish as shit. Are you jewish as shit by chance?
I'm not returning anything
In fact I wish I bought more shit, for like two years
Does he eat rice?
I thought no western bug ate rice
No one is going to use bitchute no matter how much activist larp you put on.
You guys únderstand that this is against looters that loot a hoarder.
This is to stop niggers killilng hoarder so they can "return the items" for cashback.
Give it to the food bank
Why would anybody ever feel the need to RETURN toilet paper?
It's not like it's gonna spoil or rot, it doesn't go bad, you'll end up using it all eventually. It might take a couple years, but you'll get to it.
what's even bad about hoarding toilet paper
it's not like it can go bad, now you just don't need to buy it for a couple years
like i said you return robbed things to get cashmoney, you were not the original owner.
i use a roll a day
Hiram Katz over here like Curb
Saw a bloke buy 10 5kg bags of white rice the other day. Do these retards understand how much food that is? It's like a couple of years of rice every night.