How does it feel knowing that you were being deceived this whole time? No way this was made in a Chinese food market.
How does it feel knowing that you were being deceived this whole time? No way this was made in a Chinese food market.
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Holy shit, fucking Yanks again with their false flags and deception, how typical. They are the true enemy of thr world.
also the fact that they are the epicenter for degeneracy, such as tranny stuff. China is not the enemy
"could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. "
"could have come only from the US because it is what they call a “branch” which could not have been created first because it would have no ‘seed’."
This is assuming it is not a bioweapon. If it were engineered it could have been put together anywhere.
Ya ok
>chinese state researchers find "evidence" it cam from somewhere else
Checked and chinked
China is based so I don’t care
>...according to Colonel Chingchong Chang of the CCP Propaganda Ministry.
>trusting the chinese government.
Already knew it from the start whenever something happens it's almost always done by the puppets of the (((baby foreskin munchers)))
and their shills were pathetic at hiding it too it was obvious they were cianiggers trying to stir a war with china when they kept copypasting their "hate china/lets nuke china/china did it" topics
We take after our father.
This is some next level retardation
go eat dog faggot
this building is based (collapsed to its base)
I swear to god Shareblue and China are retarded siblings.
This. Dumb. Shit. Only. Makes. You. Look. Dumb.
According to China, CCP, some Chink....
yeah, there's no credibility or scientific merit here
Why is China based? Give a few reasons.
so they went on a shopping spree around the world?
> In about just 10 hours, through the coordination and joint efforts of multiple teams in many regions around the world, Fosun first purchased more than 240,000 sets of medical protective suits from France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Japan, India and other places while we also secured more than 200,000 medical masks.
> first batch of 10,000 masks from Portugal
> 900 masks and 1,700 protective medical suits from Japan were brought back by our staff
> 50,000 protective medical suits from Germany
> 100,000 N95 masks from India
> 32,000 pieces of protective clothing from the UK
> We have secured 330,000 masks and 270,000 protective medical suits overseas. In the next few days, medical supplies purchased from the United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, India, Japan and other places will also finish up various procedures in a timely manner, and strive to be shipped back to China as soon as possible.
> On January 24, the eve of the Chinese New Year, Fosun leveraged its global business layout and global team to carry out emergency tasks for its global supplies deployment plan. As of midnight on February 22, Fosun has deployed and shipped a total of 2.435 million pieces of medical protective supplies, including 1.01 million pieces of protective medical suits, 1.24 million masks, 75,000 pairs of protective goggles, and 110,000 pairs of medical gloves, as well as 470 ventilators, from around the world, ...
They’re authoritarian. Cracks down on degeneracy (porn, the herbal jew, etc.)
They support their own ethnic group, don’t allow miscegenation
They hate niggers, and are colonizing gun they again in Africa.
No longer communist, basically fascist now.
colonizing them again*
yeah fuck the gringos i was just a happy argie with a gf and a confy life now this corona shit and the coming wars economy problems and mass death will ruin my life and probably next generations coming if i ever dare to have kids, all you had to do was say NO TO THE JEWS NO TO THE ELITE BUT NOOOOOO
kill yourself jew boot licker
>according to the CCP, the CCP is not guilty
Then why did the CCP keep insisting it was from bats and not Wuhan virology lab for months? why did they keep silencing and arresting doctors speaking out about it? why constantly lie and downplay numbers? why did chinese keep getting caught stealing viruses from american and canadian labs? why has wuhan virology lab been working on speciffically coronaviruses from bats spiked with HIV for 10 years now? why are chongposts so obvious? why don't they ever have humour in them? do the chinese have souls?
anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew it was a glowie false flag. (((they))) did it just to fuck trump up during an election year
Nice try shill we all know it was a stupid french pharmaceutical company that made the virus in China and the Chinese either purposely or purposely released it.
the USA is based
Retard article
>Hurr the virus came from the US because coronavirus strands are all in US and not all in China
>Natural location of a virus would definitely matter when we are asserting that it was made in a fucking lab
>Also uhh it 'could' have been imported from somewhere else into the wet market despite the shitty health standards being a perfect breeding ground for a shitty virus
>The strand 'might' be different from the ones hurting everyone else haha
Ok china
Nice try chang. Fucking stop eating trash animals, you disgusting bug-monster.
>another jew boot licker from amerifat
If you know fuck shit about the actual stuff that might've gone on during 911 then you will swallow full well that there exists the means and apparatuses and instruments to have concocted all of this in an artificial setting to then spring upon the world
The reason China jumped on it is because they knew full well they were being pozzed by a yank bioweapon and needed to axe it before they got fucked too bad
The present back and forth shit throwing will precipitate into the third world war
No better way to drum up a conflict than to get the citizenry of either side baying for the blood of the other
This is sickening but mankind obviously deserves it
Rip u, fucking primate shits
Not to be too resentful
best source
>globalization research
Ok chang.
>Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.
wow full brainiacs at work or what
but US is ASSHOE
i'd pick the lesser of two weevils
this sounds about right. Something amerifatjews would do.
Nice digits durka-durka roleplayer. Fuck the kikes and fuck you for being basically the same thing as kikes.
And you get all asshurt when Trump calls it Chinese virus
You started blaming the US for the entire shit first.
>amerifat jew boot licker is mad
Okay Chang
Your threshold for credulity is mighty low.
Here we go with the nu-Euro muzzies and their "blame America for everything" theories. Sad
be gone insect
agreed leaf bro,im just mad because i worked really hard to have the life i have right now and the least thing i wanted was a war and pandemics on my lifetime
Are you proud of me Dad? Huh dad? You fucking loser man you abandoned me with the God damn niggers
Fucking bug shills are so transparent, ypur country sucks, you suck, ypur race sucks.
Fucking get it through your skull morons
>As readers will recall from the earlier article (above), Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus could have originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended.
This makes literally no sense. If there are 5 types in the US and only one in China, then it certainly came from China. It's almost like you don't understand mutation.
I'm going to wipe my dirty ass with pages of the Quran tonight
iTT: seething amerimutts and MOSSAD/FBI shills on suicide watch
keep licking the jews boots amerifat
> (OP)
>so they went on a shopping spree around the world?
>> In about just 10 hours, through the coordination and joint efforts of multiple teams in many regions around the world, Fosun first purchased more than 240,000 sets of medical protective suits from France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Japan, India and other places while we also secured more than 200,000 medical masks.
>> first batch of 10,000 masks from Portugal
>> 900 masks and 1,700 protective medical suits from Japan were brought back by our staff
>> 50,000 protective medical suits from Germany
>> 100,000 N95 masks from India
>> 32,000 pieces of protective clothing from the UK
>> We have secured 330,000 masks and 270,000 protective medical suits overseas. In the next few days, medical supplies purchased from the United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, India, Japan and other places will also finish up various procedures in a timely manner, and strive to be shipped back to China as soon as possible.
>> On January 24, the eve of the Chinese New Year, Fosun leveraged its global business layout and global team to carry out emergency tasks for its global supplies deployment plan. As of midnight on February 22, Fosun has deployed and shipped a total of 2.435 million pieces of medical protective supplies, including 1.01 million pieces of protective medical suits, 1.24 million masks, 75,000 pairs of protective goggles, and 110,000 pairs of medical gloves, as well as 470 ventilators, from around the world, ...
Make a new thread for this.
>still thinking we care what dirty third worlders like you think
apex kek
Ok chang.
Go marry a 12 year old and bring her home to meet your "bacha bazi" and the goats that you fuck. Fucking Dune Coon.
You can suck some ching chong bat soup dick tomorrow. Don't forget MERS came from you guys fucking the camels.
Fuck off retard
>a chink shill site pushing other baseless chink shills
Well meme'd, friend
>this is how jew boot lickers respond
Did the burgers rot your braincells?
>a highly contagious virus was in the US but it only started spreading when the glowcucks brought it to China
Sure thing, Chang.
No more so than fucking goats, Muhammad
>The reason China jumped on it is because they knew full well they were being pozzed by a yank bioweapon and needed to axe it before they got fucked too bad
Wrong. They had all that shit ready because it was their plan all along, communists will glady sacrifice millions of their own if it means damaging their enemies. Funny how the HK protests stopped huh?
And how many people has china tried to blame so far? First it was US, then Italy, I think they tried to blame Portugal as well at one point. They can't keep their story straight.
>Not to be too resentful
I won't be resentful when the chicom menace is wiped from existence.
Wow and only a week ago, they "proved" it was created in nature
>what is the link between schizophrenia and andrenochrome?
>why are ashkenzi jews prone to schizophrenia?
>how is adrenochrome harvested?
>why were jews expelled from 109 countries?
>what is the origin of the "vampire", and why does the myth exist universally across cultures?
>what is pizzagate?
>why do the people named in pizzagate theories seem to contract corona at incredibly high rates?
>how do the chinese prefer to prepare their meats?
>how many chinese died of corona?
I need these answers anons. You do, too
It’s going to get ugly. China will be angry AF, but the US media will get America worked into a Patriotard lather if they show the proof of Perfidious America’s deeds. It will break China away from America totally, which was more than likely the goal in the first place... a total decoupling of China from America... that may or may not be a good thing, but the plan is so audacious it may have dangerous repercussions.
Any proof that this started in America will never be accepted in the USA... UNLESS a lot of Americans beloved granny’s and Grampys start having painful deaths... THEN joe blow Americans will want real answers...They will psychologically be able to view themselves as ‘victims’ rather than perpetrators so the truth will be easier to stomach... the truth being the US Deep State is very likely the culprit... but that thier attack on China was so inept, and the Chinese response was so rapid, and competent ...that they poisoned thier own well.
Time will tell... or more likely it won’t.
just a coincidence shut the fuck up goy
go watch the anime tanya the evil. we are all just trrying to survive bro
the lab use to be closer
You yellow street dogs are new here, aren't you?
Try to be more subtle, and don't flood the board with the same glowing subject all at once.
You'll get the hang of shilling, chang.
We have faith in you!
Until then, kill yourself, bugs.
>Ching chang Chong.
Does your master like being known as a bear who eats honey?
>No way this was made in a Chinese food market
Exactly what I've been saying...That stolen Adrenochrome, which has been commercially available from the city of Wuhan in China for many years was tainted by the Kung Flu virus. Wuhan of course is from where the Cov19 virus originated after it was stolen from a Canadian laboratory by two Chinese scientists in 2018.
so... I can eat the bat I kept in a jar of alcohol for more than a decade?
I've had this weird feeling about something that happened to me for a while now. Back in November or so I got really badly sick, and so did my family. There was gunk embedded deep within my lungs for at least a month after I began recovering. I coughed through the whole illness and really, I only stopped coughing about 3-4 weeks ago. Symptoms:
>Constant cough because lungs full of stuff (Did I get the purported secondary bacterial lung infection?)
>Weak breathing, mostly caused by above
>Extremely weak
>Constantly tired
>Inability to eat. I went 3 straight days without eating and felt no worse for wear
>High fever
>Runny nose
Weird symptoms:
>No sore throat. It was the first time in my life a sickness didn't give me a sore throat
>Sick to my stomach, constant feeling of indigestion kept me from falling asleep
Because of the inability to sleep, I took some cough syrup. Shortly afterward I experienced the joys of intense intestinal bleeding for several days, to the point where blood loss put me in a state of constant lightheadedness. I felt like it was possible to die from it if left untreated, but I could tell I was only losing blood slowly, so I decided to wait to see if my body would fix itself before I had to go to the doctor to get the bleeding to stop. It eventually did. However, my boomer parents got it much worse than I did, both of whom were smokers their whole lives, one of which is mildly diabetic. My mother still can't breath very well after recovering.
>Does your master like being known as a bear who eats honey?
I'm Chinese and this sounds like a typical Chinese lie to get ahead of the story. They're now trying to seed disinformation about Americans engineering the virus in order to sow enough doubt in people's minds when it comes out the virus originated from the Wuhan biolab.