Jannie fucks deleted my thread

This is now a gore thread

Attached: 1584557659910.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

Post your best gore vids

Attached: offing.webm (1276x720, 2.03M)

Hey man, not cool. Have you numbed yourself emotionally so much that you post gore to upset people not as desensitized as you or something. STOP IT! NOW!

Muslims are enemies of the Jew.

Attached: 1543120480473.webm (266x480, 1.83M)

was it ever know why he did it? he seemed absolutely convinced to anhero

that explains why natsoc germany admired islam from a friendly distance. and i do too.

Attached: hitler with a palestinian nationalist which most likely explains why israel loves murdering palestinians.jpg (1024x576, 95.06K)

Fake, he spliced it with him throwing some Bologna in front of the camera.

Blackmailed by tranny discord.

Wrong. This is now a gone thred. Reported and sage’d

What video is that before I open it?

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Attached: _104890564_moroccomurdercomp.jpg (1024x576, 96.71K)

Pretty sure this one is fake.

Attached: EC4B0A2E-1BA9-4966-9E98-DB2C99A2FCC7.jpg (768x1024, 120.6K)

If he going to be ok?

Tranny named Reiko

Hello Yas Forums I know you crave the attention you once had... Maybe soon you'll regain your throne but for now please fuck off Yas Forumsack to Yas Forums.

im numbed emotionally. Sometimes I feel like im going to make one of these videos myself.

Attached: IMG_20200324_015110.jpg (1280x720, 357.33K)

Ok, thanks, every time I see that video, everything goes red and and I can think about is ripping and tearing every non white demon to bits.

Failure to eject shit shotty

Did she died?

Attached: 1581538961313.jpg (720x960, 77.37K)

fuck off back to r3ddit first. normalfag. this place is for social outcasts. not hugbox normie shitfests!

Attached: NO NORMIES ALLOWED.jpg (468x494, 197.81K)

But who ejected the spent shell? Was it the recoil?

Attached: 37789B10-89BA-48A0-B5FA-4F63FE36E687.jpg (650x829, 188.38K)

Is it fake? glass behind him did not shatter.

Attached: F8F90E30-6495-48C0-A2AB-EA10861F6119.jpg (601x454, 96.14K)

I'm pretty numb to these things too, but I still can't stand gore involving animals. I don't think I'm fully desensitized though. When I see shit like this, I can only think about how precious and valuable life is. Everything that makes you you can just disappear with a little ball of steel. Its unnerving, but also inspiring? In the sense that I'll never find myself in a situation like this.


Attached: 42D198FA-BF29-4FB9-B39D-BB3C7433757D.gif (320x180, 2.96M)

Fuck yes

Attached: gorE.jpg (780x974, 130.51K)

This is the truth of the world. But those who are accustomed to a comfortable life, and never seek anything else, will never awaken to it.


Hello Al. I was wondering when you’d show up.

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I'm in the same situtation

don't do it man
you will likely go to hell
try and seek out God

Isn't it crazy... Are any of us strong enough to grasp how many unnecessary lives have been lost or ruined in Europe or North America? And to not look away or lose sight of that motivation?

Attached: B9E70D0B-001A-4AE5-A262-772248C61013.gif (420x315, 1.02M)

Jews are the enemy of humanity

Attached: mutt puppet mutation.png (282x308, 152.18K)

YOU must be looking for Yas Forums sorry to have assumed you came from Yas Forums.
Also Sage because this thread is complete ass.

Yummy.. got anything in polar bear flavor?

Attached: n_hayes_algoreideology_190919_1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 93.34K)

Poor fella

>trigger pulled right at head
To answer your question, fren, the kid did it during a livestream.

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Janny punks fuck off.

Attached: 1584924776912.png (707x456, 743.23K)

you're still a sissy ass bitch that can't handle gore.

Attached: decapitated limbs gore.png (480x640, 508.3K)

Attached: 2A0F80E1-B057-4E9F-884C-156C4A8C3943.png (600x461, 676.62K)

Nice,fuck commies.


Attached: youtmumgay6.gif (320x240, 3.74M)

You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Yas Forums. Yas Forums is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Yas Forums is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Yas Forums is not Reddit, Tumblr or 9gag.com. Yas Forums is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.

Is he ok now?

Attached: 1584443006134s.jpg (125x109, 2.45K)

I always wondered this also. People here really have NEVER shot a gun before is that tarp made of Kevlar lol

I can't stand the animal ones either. A deer getting it's head exploded, such as below, isn't a problem. But i've seen shit done to dogs and other animals on Yas Forums, that made me want to torture the aggressor, and couldn't watch them in full. I watch these to intentionally desensitize myself. Going to be an EMT soon, then shortly after, medical school. So I can't cringe at seeing devastation of the human body.

You must be so fucking new here. These threads have been a staple for fucking years.

Where are my Dwyer anons?

Get lost leaf

Its not fake

Hey dummy it's a pump action. God you people are fucking stupid

He made a full recovery and is now an interpretative dance instructor.

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I will never get how Yas Forums can complain about niggers and then have sub-human entertainment threads, you are not people, you are the botoom of a homosexual

the skull shattered instead

wrong reply srry

the aliens did it


Make sure to film it for the rest of us.

I know I watched the live stream.

>done to dogs
That’s fair.

Attached: BCB75D22-9139-4C3C-821B-F6FF24B8DE45.jpg (2710x3008, 1.67M)


Attached: GORE6.gif (242x201, 1.96M)

Is that a pic of his new face head replacements science has come a long way

Attached: 1581312372149.jpg (625x625, 67.22K)

When the time comes

This site went downhill after the 2016 election.Its now full of zoomers and shills/discord trannies

Jannies are faggots especially the one on Yas Forums.
That wh*te faggot soiboi cocksucker has deleted so many good threads with actual discussion and material.. he turned that board into a sadder more pathetic dumber version of redit. The threads he allows are lame and most are by thirsty dudes promoting celebrity worship. Despite having less traffic they have more threads per minute that Yas Forums.
Meaning their content is so shit, people don't want to stick around and post in them.

My uncle who's kids died in Sandy Hook, who later died in the Vegas shooting also watched the live stream. Crazy.

Don't do it but if u do at least upload here if u do bro, 4k quality, dunno why most of these vids are shitty pixelated low bitrate quality

Attached: Hnnng.jpg (778x768, 104.78K)