Our great war is a spiritual war
Our great war is a spiritual war
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I’d settle for 4. I’m living like a mole man. I have a shitty apartment with nothing in it and I eat scraps
Our Great Depression...is our lives.
Lucky bastards. I work 9-5 for two.
i like fight club too anons
Sure is getting crazy out there.
maybe soon we'll have an influx in funny
content to laugh at.
Just broke the first 2 rules fag.
Quick reminder that living by what the movie says is going against the idea of the movie it self.
You've already lost
Not really, any man who can think for himself understands the message. Fuck consumerism, fuck feminization, fuck capitalist sterility.
how did they get the black eyes its the illiminati isnt it?
Rules 1 & 2
in after Rule 3
You have a warm asshole. You have a means of alternative income.
>Let's jut all wish for the best goyim
>Good vibes Goyim
No mother fucker. If you want to end this, come to my door and put a bullet in my face. Shall the gunshot ring out amongst my neighbors, and shall the entire event be reported to all republican and gun owning Americans. We are not going to go down easy. We are the Taliban x10. Come at us.
And the true god is Odin.
We'll just wait for you to starve to death.
Did you know that if you mix equal parts of gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate you can make napalm?
A patriot, or a morally inclined Jew that realized the world is not best run by niggers? Hard to tell...
I've got food for months. I have areas to run to with chickens, plants, and more guns & ammo.
I truly appreciate you admitting that Yas Forums has been flooded with opposition. May all newfag white boys take note.
Odin is Satan confirmed. You are a fucking idiot. You may believe you have conquered, but knowledge has been known for awhile now. Those who remain silent, are only planning for what is ahead. Such a fool you are. I guarantee you grew up in a city, whereas I grew up in the country. To pretend I don't know where food comes from - what a joke. Maybe you are here for a purpose. Is your purpose to alert White America that Trump does not have our best interest in mind? TAKE NOTE you lurkers. Take note.
That’s something to be proud of, Ivan.
No response. An affirmation of your weakness. A testament to your inability to fight when you are tiresome. I am enjoying these odds - for they are in my favor.
Let's go ahead and role play Jew. You live and die in metropolitan areas which you have invited niggers and foreigners to live in. Where I grew up, not only do we produce our own food, but foreigners will forever be a minority. When these niggers get hungry are they going to travel 2000+ miles before they eat, or are they going to RanSack NYC like nobodies business? Absolute fucking brainlets. I will never give you my CC info, you can suck my dick instead if you are so desperate for sheckles
I'm just about to convert to Hellenic paganism and start worshiping Apollo.
Odin is Hermes, you cuck faggot.
Moon Landing Was Real Goy
Naw bro, Odin is Saturn. Zeus is Thor. Go back to watching MTV, that is as far as your "logic" permits.
White man, turn to the path of truth known as Orthodox Christianity. Destroy modern degeneracy and have traditional gender roles. You can also be based and redpilled on demographics. Come home white man and fix European civilization, come to Orthodoxy.
I want to watch the world burn! Even the oceans!
What are you going to do without japshit?
The shills expose themselves immediately
KYS and your family OP
Most of Russia works 9-5 for 500$ and considers themselves lucky.
>Morally inclined Jew
No such thing exists in the way you understand morality. And no one wants niggers in power, any Jew who claims to want that has a good reason in their own interest to support such a thing or is not a Jew at all.
Morality is nothing more but the manner in which we relate to each other to serve our own interests. Of course a Jew would not care for a nigger, but a Jew is more than capable of using one if it serves his own interests.
Oh dear God, I wish humanity was better than this. I wish love existed. I wish we had kindness and cared for each other. My father was a fool, now I cannot pretend to be one.
You seem to understand Jewish morality well. You should just embrace it, it's pointless not to and many goyim have, and they all profit from it.
That nigger sold eggs for breakfast and cigarettes to feminist dykes. I shall understand the world, of course I will - but if there is ever principles and values which stand a fighting chance I shall die for them just as my ancestors did. Call me a fool, and yet what will the world become without us? Certainly without us, things will no longer be in a position to serve your own interests. So just as I am in a morale predicament, it appears you are as well.
There'll always be a fool to exploit. No need to be one yourself.
Tyler Durden would have supported a philosophy of maximum butthurt. Really his nihilism leading to destruction of history was appealing mostly due to its butthurt causing actions towards normies.
And yet, you would seek to protect your own children? Or would you murder them in a ritual?
Is there no place for the protection of what is objectively good in this world?
Exactly who is this who seeks to influence me?
you sound like crazy hobo ranting.
you have bone spur or brain parasites in brain?
You see, if you were to convince me to abandon my own kin, that would only serve to destroy your enemy from within. I have no delusion here - I must be your enemy. That is the only reason you come here.
What a joke you are you pretend a man who fights an army alone is somehow at an advantage. Meanwhile you extract the free gibs of nepotism. As if I were so stupid.
Italian niggers are far too irrelevant in the modern era to pretend your opinion is worth anything. You have done nothing of note since the time of Rome. You larped as fierce during WW2, yet you were the first to become a coward and admit defeat. Even the Japanese hate you to this very day.
Based and Red/Black Pilled movie. Ahead of it's time.
That's like lower middle class in some states in the US. You're doing good.
The flat Earth question is the thing everyone should be focusing on.
I thought Odin was Noah, the great father of our age that we all descend from and stuff.
LOL it would be better to just make it seem like an accident or like you died of natural causes, or like you committed suicide. Pretty sure the Taliban have tanks and anti-aircraft capabilities, dude. I doubt you do.
Basically the next big thing is technology and everyone is just waiting for the next technological breakthrough be it the AI or what have you.
Get rekt kike lover
Gas chambers are coming out again. Real ones this time.
And your dopey disrespectful president is going to get hunted down by 7,7bn people.
Deservedly so too American user.
Trust the plan. Lol
Israel till last. Sure.
Q is for quarantine Qtards
A combination of high level information warfare based on Gregory Bateson’s ‘theory of types’ , Lots of meditation and some incredible luck.
Seven weeks meditation with these bad boys.
And yes, it is all over 8kun too. Lol
Illumination route (27 pages)
Methodology (37 pages)
Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?
And fixating on national identity is a recipe for disaster.
And yes, we are definitely all created equal.
And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol
Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages
17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130 Mb
Every single entry date and time stamped.
Kills the poor hurt feelings and opinions of individual humans dead.
Jon James Pratt (999)
48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire
Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher
Never lies and is never violent. Ever
Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’
Let us all take a moment to reflect on what an absolute imbecile you are. A single member of ISIS or the Taliban? Their net worth is far below mine. Individually, you think a single sand nigger commands tanks and "anti-aircraft" - only a spic would think that. I welcome the Taliban and Uruguay to invade the USA directly, proclaiming so ahead of time in a direct challenge. See how long you last.
Oh? And what tech has Uruguay come up with? Shitting in holes dug out of dirt? Wow, such sophistication idk how Nicola Tesla, Einstein, Henry Ford, Elon Musk, Apple, or any of the great American companies shall ever compete against your hole in the fucking dirt.
Little extreme attitude there my boy
i am losing my mind
keep praying good goy, don't forget to go to work to create value!
> spiritual war
> no mention of Evola
> no mention of Guenon
> no mention of Father Ripperger
What happened Yas Forums? What happened?
Can do that with hard bar soap shavings too, small as you can get em, a little bit at a time until the gasoline is properly jellied.
You also want to add in a small amount of motor oil (used is fine) as an accelerant.
Hypothetically, of course. Yas Forums does not recommend actually making napalm. That shit is dangerous, yo.
i havent been fucked like that since grade school
now you sound like pub closing time drunk.