/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2470 - CHINESE VIRUS EDITIONS

► Detected: 381,761 (+2,979) ► Died: 16,558 (+51)

~~~ Remaining to surpass H1N1: 1,891 deaths ~~~
~~ who.int/csr/don/2010_08_06/en/ ~~

Hong Kong tries to go back to normal, "third wave" stops it

Virus survives on surfaces up to 17 days, longer than expected

36 year old African-American female killed by infection

18 year old teenager has died in Britain

China didn't add 43,000 new cases since hitting 80,000

23 year old football player dies in Iran

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

In France, half in intensive care under 50 years old

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

Denmark only testing high risk cases

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

Norway expects 2.2 million infected

All of Italy under lockdown, 60 million in "red zone"

Germany under lockdown, 82 million people


00:55: 52 new cases and 3 new deaths in Switzerland.
00:49: 226 new cases in Germany.
00:44: 2,047 new cases and 105 new deaths in Spain.
00:40: China’s National Health Commission reports 78 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province. Most of them originated in a foreign country. Of those, 31 are in Beijing and 14 in Guangdong province.
00:40: 1 new case and 7 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
00:25: 69 new cases in California, United States.
22:50: 51 new cases and 1 new death in Missouri, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Please wake up! There's no virus, there's no epidemic. It's just your imagination.
We know it seems real to you but it's not. Look out of the window. There's no military, there are no looters, not a single body bag.
People are walking around cheering and laughing. It's a beautiful spring out there!

We know it's hard for you. We know you are afraid to leave the house, but you HAVE TO COME BACK TO LIFE.

Think about your mother. She is crying every night and praying for you to get better. Please, please, end this madness.
We will go to the doctor and try to figure it out with him, ok? We really, really love you, but we can't let you hide in the bedroom for the rest of your life.

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I’ll tell you what, Pence is god tier at putting your mind at ease with this sort of thing.



>Our findings suggest that a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals, but it would be better than no protection.

>The homemade cotton masks captured 50% of 0.02-1 micron particles, compared with 80% for the surgical mask. Although the surgical masks captured 30% more particles, the cotton masks did surprisingly well. The researchers concluded that homemade masks would be better than nothing.

>Any type of general mask use is likely to decrease viral exposure and infection risk on a population level, in spite of imperfect fit and imperfect adherence, personal respirators providing most protection.

Poorfag Mask. Least protection but better than nothing:

Now You're Trying Mask:

Schizo Mode:
Same thing as above but replace the paper towel pleb shit with an HVAC filter. Normalfags aren't buying these (yet) so you can still snag some. You can make multiple, reusable masks off just one of these.
Google a filter with a MERV rating from the link. The higher the rating, the better.

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I want anons flying drones around hospital's we can see the scale of this thing with drones.

Thread theme, in memory of UK.


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All the Asia shops are stocked and have no people.

Time to buy everything.

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Gays not welcome

Big gay?

My state's been in lockdown for 24hours and nothing seems to have changed
retarded neighbours appear to be having a party/bbq with 4 or 5 cars outside their house
fuck these dumb cunts

Holy shit shut up about this nothing burger already

The US puts ethanol in fuel. Why are tequila production lines retooling for hand sanitizer? Stop putting it in fuel and sell it for hand sanitizer!

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is it time? is this the one?

Post butt

inb4 the yellow nigger shills

Does the Algerian drawfriend have a twitter, pixiv, newgrounds, etc? I want to see all of his stuff.

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This omg

all these retarded lockdown restrictions over a fucking FLU. It has been one week of this nothingburger shit and I am already losing my fucking mind here.
THIS IS SO BORING. Oh no....some Boomers are dying. The same people who would die from a flu. OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN!!
Fuck me, you people are fucking stupid. I have fucking had it already.


Doesn't matter.


Every administration was warned about this. Every administration laughed it off as schizos wanting extra money.
Every administration was retarded.
Hopefully once this is over Trump's administration finally realizes the insane value in investing in masks so if a future outbreak occurs (which is inevitable thanks to pos China) at least we won't tank our economy trying to respond to it.

*Goes BRRRRR in your lungs*

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China 81,171 (3,277) Italy 63,927 (6,077) United States 46,145 (582) Spain 35,136 (2,311) Germany 29,056 (123) Iran 23,049 (1,812) France 19,856 (860) South Korea 9,037 (120) Switzerland 8,795 (120) United Kingdom 6,650 (335) Netherlands 4,749 (213) Austria 4,474 (21) Belgium 3,743 (88) Norway 2,625 (10) Canada 2,091 (24) Portugal 2,060 (23) Sweden 2,046 (27) Australia 1,973 (8) Brazil 1,924 (34) Turkey 1,529 (37) Malaysia 1,518 (14) Denmark 1,460 (24) Israel 1,442 (1) Czech Republic 1,236 (1) Japan 1,128 (42) Ireland 1,125 (6) Ecuador 981 (18) Luxembourg 875 (8) Pakistan 875 (6) Thailand 827 (4) Poland 749 (8) Chile 746 (2) Diamond Princess 712 (8) Finland 700 (1) Greece 695 (17) Iceland 588 (1) Indonesia 579 (49) Romania 576 (7) India 511 (10) Singapore 509 (2) Philippines 501 (33) Slovenia 442 (3) Russia 438 (1) Peru 395 (5) Bahrain 377 (2) Mexico 367 (4) Egypt 366 (19) Hong Kong 357 (4) Panama 345 (6) Croatia 315 (1)…

China +78 (+7) United States +2,411 (+29) South Korea +76 (+9) Australia +86 (+1) Thailand +106 (+3) Mexico +51 (+1) Paraguay +5 (+1) India +12 Philippines +39 Colombia +29 New Zealand +53 Kazakhstan +5 Trinidad & Tobago +1 Uzbekistan +3 Afghanistan +2 Guam +4 Bolivia +1 French Polynesia +5 Madagascar +5 Aruba +3 Suriname +1 El Salvador +2 Fiji +1…


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An interesting fact to know is that on average, the flu mutates with about 2 - 4 substitutions each year. This virus, however, is rapidly acclimating to human subpopulations based on their geographic region rather than ethnicity or anything else. In other words, localized strains endemic to a region are starting to form and are already differing by significant amounts to other areas.

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I'm drunk and on Twitter again. My main account of 11 years got perma-banned after arguing with a pedophile. Now I have a no follower account, which isn't so effective when it comes to trolling.

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Hey, I'd love to go outside, but I'm under state mandated quarantine.


apparently, Corona-chan can give you cummies in your eyes too, after gangraping your brain

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Don't be racist. Stock up on hand made spring rolls.

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CoronaChan archivist now.
Thanks to those who supplied images over the last couple of threads/days and most especially thanks to all the artfags making content, Regardless of how shitty it is.
I'm currently waiting for the Upload to mega to finish. once its done I'll provide the link for you all.
Once this is up I'll go back to hoarding until I have a sufficient number more to merit an update.

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Gee that's too bad.

You know what's required.


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>i'm cooooooooooooooooooooofiiiiiiiiin

>Large hospital in NE Romania closes after 52 doctors and nurses tested positive for the new coronavirus



Spain (-6.74%) Poland (-6.35%) South Africa (-4.88%) Brazil (-3.61%) Italy (-2.57%) Russia (-0.67%) Switzerland (-0.05%) Hungary (0.00%) Greece (0.00%) France (+0.50%) Netherlands (+2.56%) India (+2.82%) China (+3.62%) Taiwan (+3.70%) Germany (+4.07%) United States (+4.19%) Singapore (+4.66%) United Kingdom (+4.81%) Hong Kong (+5.15%) Austria (+5.32%) Australia (+5.63%) Japan (+8.94%) South Korea (+9.15%)

Sydney (-23%) Tokyo (-14%) Beijing (-28%) Wuhan (-19%) New Delhi (-59%) Dubai (-21%) Moscow (-51%) Rome (-0%) Milan (-15%) Berlin (-6%) Munich (-0%) Brussels (-1%) Paris (-4%) Madrid (-0%) Barcelona (-3%) London (-2%) Sao Paulo (-0%) Buenos Aires (-0%) New York (-8%) Washington (-4%) Miami (-0%) Toronto (-2%) Chicago (-4%) Houston (-3%) Mexico City (-6%) Los Angeles (-12%) Seattle (-6%)


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its almost like this is a fucking bioweapon

> you after being brain fucked by Corona-chan

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Well I wanted a gf before I died but you don't see me making a whiny all caps post. Why are women such overly sensitive bitches?

>Netherlands (+2.56%) India (+2.82%) China (+3.62%) Taiwan (+3.70%) Germany (+4.07%) United States (+4.19%) Singapore (+4.66%) United Kingdom (+4.81%) Hong Kong (+5.15%) Austria (+5.32%) Australia (+5.63%) Japan (+8.94%) South Korea (+9.15%)

We are saved!
The economy is saved!
Happoning over!

That's Illegal, Gimme your kung flu stash nigger

lol i didn't cover the twitter handle in the response. fuck i am drunk

you're still here? aren't you busy watching your mom get dicked by that bbc?

>Moscow has experienced a surge in recorded pneumonia cases this year. Data from the agency Rosstat showed Moscow had 6,921 pneumonia cases in January, an increase of 37% from last year.

>Moscow's health department then released its own figures showing cases in January were actually 8% lower. But Rosstat told Reuters it did not understand how the Moscow department could have reached that result.

Can a russianfag explain to me why you guys aren't up in arms about this shit? I get it's mostly shills and bots who post here, but there have to be some russianbros here as well.

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People who draw this shit should be shot. Ebola-chan is one thing, but this virus is rapidly ending the world as we know it and faggots are waifuing it. They'd probably do the same to the black plague if it re-emerged. Disgusting.

>wake up
>STILL no bunker thot gf

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fuck that noice

who hurt you user?

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it's almost like it's a virus and it's doing what viruses do, mutate

Sauce? I want to read more

You guys realize it's too late by now?

China is still burning bodies, they are still opening new hospitals, they're just refusing to report on them. For instance, the new hospital (old emergency sars hospital) is according to China opening again due to import cases.

Anyway, pic related, we're all fucked.

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wtf i hate art now

Cope harder nigger.

Since Czech gov was unable to provide masks to general population.
So everybody started making their own.
Like from grandmas to mothers taking care of kids everybody is making them now.
Now you cant even leave the house without a mask in Czech republic by the logic that If I wear a mas I protect you, if you wear a mask you protect me.


Could lithium be the cure?


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Give me my fucking gibes money already Trump, you fat retard.

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>it just happened to mutate the same infection vector as ebola and hiv via the furin protein

lovely bait user.
Here have a wallpaper for your trouble

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>Can't they do any research on their own? This post implies that he isn't even in China.
Why do chinks believe that Italy caused the outbreak?

Wtf!?!? The shop keeper at the grocery store had red(dish) eyes yesterday when I made my supply run. How long do I have?

Is China going to re-explode?

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funny coming from a memeflag, im sorry you got your parents killed

Only if Black Plague-chan was a delicious chocolate goddess.

I love the new narrative. They stopped it completely in china, but now that foreigners are coming in infected, they need capacity for hundreds of thousands of cases again. Wow, what a coincidence.

This is a giant LARP that everyone is perpetuating because they're realizing how nice it is to pause the shitty rat race of 21st century society. prove me wrong

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>he doesn't know about plaguechan

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I'll feast like a Chinese emperor this week bitch.

and the leftover gene sequencing evidence that got left behind from splicing?

Check(ed) out the number of mutations at present!
The one pointed at is a sample from France.
(Showing the L & S strains, FYI)

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H1N1 killed an estimate of 150,000 – 575,000 people in 2009 but for some reason I barely remember any of it; why wasn't it a big deal back then? especially since it targeted the young much more than usual. or rather why is COVID19 a huge-super-serious-never-seen-before deal in comparison?

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China never stopped exploding

if you want people to take you seriously get rid of that kekistani flag. That shit was over at least three years ago

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>starts coofing

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Forced quarantine of New York Wuhan style when?

>bro it was designed to hyper-mutate just trust me the chinks have an RC car controller dictating the virus's evolution from continents away

How many Gary’s has it been? 2000? 3000?

Where the fuck are my Trumpbux?

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>an estimate
That's why. 90% of those deaths are unconfirmed. It only killed 18500 confirmed deaths. The death stoll stayed as "18500" until June of 2012 when some scientist came up with an estimate.

MSM still hasn't talked about how many Chinks are in Italy and why.