Why are internet libertarians so fucking stupid?

Why are internet libertarians so fucking stupid?

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>Why are libertarians so retarded

Libertarians are just delusional leftists.

I just don’t want the government to molest me and I don’t want mega Corp. to either I guess I’m just a filthy moderate

Nothing wrong with that but most libertarians are entirely fine with flooding society with addictive and damaging things like drugs, porn, human trafficking, the forever war, and pedophilia.

Half of them are basically neets/kids/college cucks and the other half are middleaged weirdos living in the woods to avoid paying property taxes

Most importantly is that they are retards who cry communism when you say that oligarchy is bad and jewish billionaires should have their wealth expropriated. They're like a distilled version of everything wrong with the American rightwing, with people who suck the cocks of corporations that bring in huge numbers of shitskins to replace them.

They do not actually want less government, they just want the current broken system but with weed and guns. They are basically worthless.

why do you make
bait threads that get deleted because they have no actual topic?

They don't drink their own coolaid.

So I'm right in thinking they're just porn and weed addicts that want to continue being shit?

Thats kind of the point of libertarianism

Everyone on the internet is a shit-smeared idiot who thinks their own side is the objectively correct side.

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They're not so much stupid as much as they are cartoon-villain-tier greedy where they think they can just fuck over everyone in the country and pay them shit and they'll just take it, as though there has never been a peasant uprising.

It's more that they moralize muh weed muh porn as being "FREEDOM" like the founding fathers started a war so they could get their cummies out of their tummies without the British coomer tax getting in their way.

It's not just degeneracy, it's lionizing degeneracy as being a good thing because it's a "freedom" to be degenerate.

So they do in fact celebrate degeneracy and evil as "to be evil is to be free". Like sure, God gave us free will to be evil, but to revel in it is just sinister.

it's recognizing the greater degeneracy of jackbooted thugs murdering innocents, kidnapping children, and kicking doors in at 3:30 AM and not allowing for that wicked insane evil to "combat" some fucking degen faggot offing himself with heroin or smelling like reefer

>everything not libertarian is literal Nazis
like clockwork

The worst part about libertarians is that many of them have an absurdly reductionist thought process, and this leaches into the rest of their worldview. To which, they come up with absurd moralities supported by retarded arguments. Or, they whine about "moralism" or the "moralists" when they themselves regard the pursuit of freedom with moral dignity with purely presuppositional reasoning, and they use this for a variety of topics, like gay marriage. I think StyxHexenhammer pulls this shit too much, though I like the guy. If we're not to bring morality into the State, then why should the State have moral precedence of our individual freedom which requires us to be individually alive? And to say that we have some intrinsic good to value our freedom is itself a strictly moral view. If we go by pragmatism, a state can very well function, and a society, but still stomp on individual freedom.
Many lolberts follow through by being social fence sitters and cowardly (not all, obviously, some just legitimately feel that way). That is, they just want to deflect criticism and aren't willing to rock the boat by actually believing in something, like that being gay is wrong, or abortion is bad, or that religion/trad morals should be culturally supported but not legislatively, or anything that would get them heat.

I have met intelligent lolberts whom I respect, but the keypoint of their view is that they distinguish between their own strong sense of morality and culture and what should be legislatively enforced by the state. And those are distinct things.

those things I described are what law enforcement in the United States do every day
there are tens of thousands of no-knock raids every year in the states - do you think those are peaceful activities?

>If we go by pragmatism
whose pragmatism
whose ends are being served

No, fuck cops. If there is a grievance within the community it should be up to the people within that community to sort it out. Obviously this may require the installation of a court system to prevent false accusations and punishments, but if you see someone molesting your daughter you should be allowed to execute them then and there. The American police force is a joke made up of incompetent and low IQ individuals on Call of Duty power trips.

The pragmatism of various forces championed by nonmoralistic libertarians, when compared to different natiosn and systems. Good economy, lean and efficient state, heightened production, etc. Libertarians often appeal to this, and I think the context of my post makes it clear that this is the kind of thing I'm talking about in reference to this type of lolbert.

Libertarians are the type to take a high productivity, good economy nation where everyones miserable over a poorer country with high happiness and stability.

Why don’t you libertarian phaggots just make a direct democracy platform with blockchain and pump a marketing campaign and steer the direction of your city/town into voting.

With the way they hype “democracy” you should be able to legitimize direct democracy in no time. Who’s gonna disagree with a more direct vote against the majority....

If the Jews/masons wanna go pump democracy, then kill it, with it.

People will get a taste of group legitimacy and be all over that.

Make it open source for all, so there is no owner.

Even the more "normal" lolbertarians are retarded open border dude weeds. Their open free society would last like a decade before the third world crashed it.

correct - it is obviously wicked violent activity
libertarians object to state violence like that

>nonmoralistic libertarian
what is that
a person is inherently a moral agent; you parse the activities of others in the language of justice if only on a visceral level of indignation at wrongs you experience
I don't see why a state is necessary for any good that transpires in the world - any function of a state monopoly that anyone might perceive as good can be replicated in practice without the extortion and aggressive territorial violence that states use against other people

where have you been where you've ever heard a libertarian advocate democracy as an ideal
really curious as to where you got that impression - here...?

Because all meme-tier internet movements like homesteading or neopaganism are backed by people who are usually poor neets who waste time and money cooming instead of making things happen.

You have to be at the absolute peak of blind idealism to believe in any sort of "stateless system" that lasts longer than a quantum event.

This is the thing that binds libertarians, communists, and every "Anarcho-Xfag" together.

That's weird most of homesteaders I know were six figure guys that hated corporate work and burned out. Same with the digital nomads. Mostly programmers.

Poorer country... high hapiness or stability lol. Go to africa you nog.

is it a lawlike feature of the universe that there has to be organized crime ruling over every population on earth?
I think that's a stupid thing to think - it's factually false

There’s gonna be so much libertarian salt when this virus proves free markets don’t work.

How come the happiest countries on Earth aren't superpowers?

Fuck you, get a job, i don't want to pay for your weeb neetbux.

Fed money printer is not free markets buddy. Thats market intervention, aka socialism.

Possibly other reasons, ever thought that when a country becomes a superpower that it changes? like rome having to make choices between original citizens and occupied peoples hmmm? Living in a gold age helps too opposed to a dark age.

>what is that
Libertarians that speak on avoiding bringing morality into politics. You're simply wrong if you think they don't exist.
>a person is inherently a moral agent
What about infant children or the otherwise mentally unfit? Where does this system of consent fit into their world?
>I don't see why a state is necessary for any good that transpires in the world - any function of a state monopoly that anyone might perceive as good can be replicated in practice without the extortion and aggressive territorial violence that states use against other people
The state is necessary in the sense that it exists as a necessary feature of society. I think Hobbes is right in this sense.
The world is a power vacuum. Anywhere human society is upheld, it is put together by threat of violence. It manifests in different ways. In violent shitholes filled with anarchy, which is the end result of this anarcho-libertarian system, it's filled by warlords and who ever has the biggest stick. In other societies, it's a portion of the people that naturally forms as a defense mechanism against undesirable forces, like aforementioned warlords, criminals, etc.
>any function of a state monopoly that anyone might perceive as good can be replicated in practice without the extortion and aggressive territorial violence that states use against other people
This point I find to be especially specious. Any kind of law enforcement, a loose assurance against private harm to individuals (and private violence is a farm ore likely threat to an individual's person than the state) proceeds from the state. States with weak capacities for violence increase the violence of society. Look at Mexico or Brazil. The "enforcement" is done by private entities, and they're far more violent places where people live in fear, where you can't speak against certain people or step in the wrong place. It's on the opposite radical end of totalitarianism.

priorities. a united group of a thousand is stronger than a thousand individuals. look around you. this is a world where we have to fight if we want our grandchildren and their grandchildren to have a good life. it's what we've done for thousands of years and we are nowhere near stopping to chill out with our "freedoms", just to get wiped out by some superior entity that works together.

national socialism, or something like it, is the way forward. it prioritizes the future over the present. imagine if our great grandparents worked with such a system, what our lives would be like now.

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governments that are beneficial to the people are possible, they've existed before. america began as one.

even still, if a bigger organized crime syndicate decides to invade you and you don't have an organized crime syndicate protecting you, there goes your race to the 2067 chinese bug zerg.

It's a general tendency of the world to live in a vacuum of either violent or the common threat of violence.
If there is a will of the aggressive to harm, and there is, it will expand. See ISIS taking advantage of the US leaving Iraq. What happened? They had the use and will for violence, and once the strongest left, they were the stronger and beat the locals and tore the country apart.
It's not a perfect law, but it is universal.

Libertarianism is actually ultra right wing just disguised with socially lefty things like drugs n gays

I work in essential distribution. I'm working through Covid19.

Basically why anarcho-whatever doesn't work. Any anarchist state would simply get overrun by an organized military. To create a military in anarchy is to invent hierarchy.

>is it a lawlike feature of the universe that there has to be organized crime ruling over every population on earth?
Nature abhors a vacuum.

Besides, look at what I said more carefully. Its not that such things CAN'T exist, its just that when you apply them to large, industrialized societies, they fly apart so fast that one could question whether they existed at all.

The specific problem common to ALL these systems is ONE QUESTION:
"Once you have no state, what stops people from forming a state?"
The only thing stopping that from happening is the population's belief in the ideology in question.

Do you imagine that a society can exist for any real length of time, UNANIMOUSLY agreeing with a single ideology, and NOBODY QUESTIONS IT?
To have that, you'd basically need... something like the state putting a gun to their heads, ironically.

I'm fine with libertarianism as long as its unified under the Church and the people stomp out degeneracy, but most libertarians believe drugs and porn and human trafficking are based. There is a reason "libertarians are pedos" is a meme, it's because a sizeable enough portion keep pushing for it.

Lack of stress and made up problems to fill an empty life. Why does Japan have such a high suicide rate compared to the US? I'd assume it's because of the work culture and stress.

wahh pot wahhhh porno wahhh someone sold a kid somewhere wahhhhh ancient kike superstitions wahhhh

meanwhile tens of millions of shitskins flood your nation. kikes and people that act just like them are farming your kin for income as if they are cattle. get your priorities straight.

So if you aren't constantly working for corporation, your life is empty? And you're admitting that high production leads to misery.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

Sure thing buddy. Japan also has a strong workers culture going back to the medieval era. In comparison to European countries its going to be higher. Compared to poorer countries, check out the homicide rates. Must be really happy going at each others throats.

So you believe we should have community possies rounding up those the deem criminal?

You're right, why can't we care about both? Why are you implying a global pedo trafficking network isn't a problem?

japan's suicide rate is about the same as america's. not saying that what you're saying overall is wrong, just pointing out the flaw there.

Not deem, confirm. And yes, there should be people going around and finding criminals and dealing with them, usually through exile.

the exact opposite is what you've been experiencing - government responses in the U.S. only started occurring after people had already largely changed their own behavior and started shifting resources themselves, and the consequence is that the state is piling on measures and allocating resources in ways that will cost people immensely while not delivering assistance to anyone except large corporate banks and firms that shouldn't be being propped up at the public's expense

your interactions with other people bear a moral quality
when a man tells you that you owe him something, the question of whether you do is a moral question - when he threatens you in order to attempt to get you to acquiesce to his demands, that is an action with moral quality
what is a political question that can even be asked that bears no moral weight? I suppose whether a local volunteer group working on cleaning up the city streets decides whether to meet at 2 PM or 3 PM? any political question with any actual significance bears a moral component

>What about
they're moral agents, just ones we afford a higher degree of latitude in how we respond to them

>it exists as a necessary feature of society
it is necessary that there be some people who claim that they and they alone may exercise "just" claims on what is ostensibly other people and their property? it doesn't appear that that's the truth, though, since we see humans function and relate to one another without those kinds of claims playing any part in their lives

Central banking predates socialism, but thanks for playing.

because it is a microscopic issue compared to literally tens of millions of spics overrunning the lands that were meant for your grandchildren. it is like 0.00000001% as important and often soaks up more attention than the shitskin/kike questions. tired of hearing about it. priorities. worry about tying your shoelaces after getting rid of the noose around your neck

Its the same thing if you are talking about talks between market intervention from discourses in Persia and Sumer. We have known for a long time that things like price fixing don't have intended consequences and only assuage the general population.

The guys behind the fed are the guys behind libertarianism dumbo. Think about it. It would just lead to more money and power for them.

Wasted on a pedo apologist. Fuck you, nigger kike.

fucking wasted

Ok, what do you plan on doing about it?

Ok tell me how a cartel of banks manipulating currency rates, draws, velocity, and quantity is the same as libertarianism kiddo.

how evil that every single civilization that has ever existed has interrupted the free market -- they aren't giving any room for the free market civilizations to show how functional they are!

>Anywhere human society is upheld, it is put together by threat of violence
that's not the case - most human activities are governed by mutual or at least customary respect
and that is not because people are "nice" or "good" or "benevolent", it's because people get their way and encounter less obstacles to achieving THEIR OWN ends when they don't make of themselves nuisances and dangers to the people they live amongst

No, he's right.
It would be worth it to see a million supple asian boys fall into the hands of drooling jewish pedophiles if it helped our race to restore a semblance of our spirit and resolve.

If you don't want to be eaten alive by this planet that hates and envies us, that is how you must think about these things.

As if pol isn’t mostly dumb asses

Assholes sure, evil probably. Pricing is just data. to manipulate data is akin to censorship, lies.

Private entities can do what they want. The cornerstone of libertarianism.

Why can't we do both? Taking our country back will require us killing the jewish pedos.

>absolutely zero hospitals order extra ventilators because those would cost profits, thousands of people die for no reason
>absolutely zero manufacturers ramp up production because they don't have orders already in place, thousands of people die for no reason

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>that's not the case - most human activities are governed by mutual or at least customary respect
Good times make weak men.

Not to imply that having respect for other people without threats involved is necessarily a bad thing, but people who ONLY KNOW "customary respect" are the first ones to fall apart when shit gets real.

Compared to what?

You're stupid. Fuck you.

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see what I mean? these people are obsessed with a few kiddie diddlers instead of worrying about the long term future for their kin. disgusting. reminds me of people that spend all their time obsessing over abortion or faggots. look at the huge brown tide and the massive pile of kikes that are destroying your society.

whatever must be done.

Include me in the screencap.

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second post also best post
Libertarians just want to out liberal the liberals. Leftists want gay marriage and weed, libertarians want poly bestiality marriage and OTC meth in drug stores.

they adhere to strict capitalist doma, rather than thinking for themselves.
they obsess with government regulations rather than living without permission as a free person would.
They also sheepishly sell out to conservative tyrants who oppress their citizens with buzzwords like "rule of law", in hopes of a small tax cut.
They fight passionately for the corporate master race to oppress them, rather than a democracy of their fellow citizens, who share their same interest in not-being-oppressed.

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>Why can't we do both?
The hunter who chaises two hares catches neither. And truth be told, among the few and narrow victories scenarios that we have left, letting the Jews go and victimize other races might become necessary.

want to know what's much more effective than getting rid of the jewish pedos? getting rid of the jews.

Well I believe in the maximum freedom possible as long as no one is harmed. Nothing wrong with drugs and consensual porn. Libertarianism deliberately confuses personal freedom with economic freedom though which only end up benefiting the rich.

>any kind of law enforcement, a loose assurance against private harm to individuals (and private violence is a farm ore likely threat to an individual's person than the state) proceeds from the state
this is wrong in two important senses
the first sense in which it is wrong is that law enforcement is not about protection against harm to individuals in the first place - law enforcement is almost entirely retributive in its function, transpiring after harm (or merely mala prohibita nonsense) has already befallen individuals in order to inflict the actors seen as responsible with further harm and/or extract from them their wealth and transfer it to the state
the second sense in which this is wrong is that what people DESIRE to be the function of law enforcement, which is separate from what law enforcement actually does in practice, not only can be but IS served by non-law enforcement private agencies
and that's because protecting vulnerable people by use of guns and cameras and bodies to identify and respond to potential threats is not something government alone can magically do, but that ridiculously obvious fact is often lost on people who forget the actually think about the physical things that law enforcement actually do in the world

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>Nothing wrong with drugs and consensual porn
Opinion discarded

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>governments that are beneficial to the people are possible
what about governments that don't prey on people?
or maybe I should ask you to predict my response here - what do you think I would categorize as predatory action from the state that you do NOT think should be classified as predatory, and why is it that you think it shouldn't be classified as predatory?


Confirm is not possible. It’s subjective whether someone is doing wrong. This is why libtards are brainlets.

Good thing God's morality isn't subjective.

Sorry to say this guy there is always a "rich" doesn't matter the system. Can be communism, Nat. soc., Capitalism, etc etc. There is always leadership. The market is data, In some systems the regular pops don't see the data. If I were to be communist, I would focus on schmoozing the party leaders instead of working hard same in dead-end capitalism where the market plumbing is ganked like clintons inner circle. In reset age capitalism, the system still shows data and people move/work to better things. It ain't perfect but there has only been a few systems that have worked out for longer terms Free markets, debt currency, Labor currency, and commodity currency. We are just picking poisons until something new comes along.

it's the general tendency of people who to live peaceably
violent actors are a minority in any time period, as if you think about it must be the case given if it weren't humans would have wiped themselves out
the majority of people are peaceable, and the only time they find themselves engaged in acts of deadly violence are when they're conscripted by states to fight on behalf of those states - individuals do not wage war

>See ISIS taking advantage of the US leaving Iraq
do you think ISIS is resurging in Iraq right now...?
or when on earth are you referring to?
the greatest threat to Iraqis presently is the possibility of the United States using Iraq as a staging ground for a war against Iran

Fenceshitters leave, ree, pick a side I can easily wave off or get out, etc

But most of them end up being normie peasants themselves