Kikes installing 5g in the schools right now

We need some weaponized autism right now.
There are kikes in white vans at all the schools
installing 5g killgrids in the schools. Get to your
schools early, document, and post of social

They are going to blame a mutated strain of
CV as the cause. Let's hope its not true.
First heard this theory from a bid on Youtube,
got to researching and sure enough it appears
to be happening. This is not a drill.

While we are sheltered in place they are doing
this shit.

Attached: 5g-100718139-large.jpg (700x525, 97.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i did see some white vans actually

COVID-5g will cause cataracts

Imagine how badass the internet is going to be. Giga fast porn and gaming. What a time to be alive fucking hell yes!! 5G Bby wooHOOOOOOOOOOO LETS GOOOO

it's going on right now at every school

Wuhan was the first place where 5g was tested, no coincidence that so many people died there.

5G cooks insects alive hundreds of meters away. If there are no pollinators, you will have to pay the Jew for the privilege of having your neighborhood get some greenery instead of just planting what you want, and call Jew pest exterminators when you run out of predatory insects to keep your shit clean.

>dude please just trust me I know things
Honestly I do trust you. Can’t wait for 5g. Gonna get 2ping max shits gonna be legendary bro

I'm one of the guys in the vans. Yes we're installing 5G.

>Wuhan was the first place where 5g was tested, no coincidence that so many people died there.

if you got kids or your family does time to homeschool this is not a drill

>more stale, anti-China neokike propaganda

How much to get one installed close to my house? I want the fastest possible internet speed

Qrd why 5g is bad? Any actual evidence?

major kike shilling
you were warned thats all i can do is share the
knowledge at least i tried

COVID19 is caused by 5G. The 5G frequencies cause the "virus" to activate. (Virus is a misnomer because viruses don't actually exist as micro-organisms. Viruses are a hoax and have never been observed under a microscope without being attached to an animal cell)

go away, Jew

the frequencies are too high energy and do harm to human cells more than anything we use in day to day life. like gamma rays.

No it doesn’t
I have a degree in Computer networking
All it does is just use a higher frequency
It can’t hurt anything. Schitzos go crazy about it just like schitzos get crazy over WiFi and cell phones

>high energy
Nigger take your meds

>why 5g is bad?
because Huawei and china are already leading this new technology much to the dismay of our kike overlords

so, can we say the 5G network is being installed because people is unable to protest against it?
>inb4 5G emmits dangerous radiation, thats the only danger

What is the fourth industrial revolution?

Why we must stop the fourth industrial revolution?

By using internet and web inteconnectivity, they are not only datamining your info and predicting your activities by exploiting cognitive bias, They are also implanting ideas in our minds based on what they already know, thus creating a feedback loop of what we defined as "artificial scychronicity" with the deepmind AI. 5G and similar technologies will be the start of the beta testing.
>inb4 it doesn't read your mind, it just gathers massive data from your microphones, cameras, GPS location, significant others and browsing history and predicts your actions based on virtual models
No shit
>inb4 5G is nothing but a DEW (Direct Energy Weapon), it will never enable interconnected AI's to enhance a totalitarian technocracy
It is a DEW an also the start of a mass surveillance and mind programming cyberpunk dystopia. It's both things.









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This, who wouldn’t want instant internet speed. I literally don’t give a single fuck about the side effects, it’s def worth it. No way it could be as bad as they say.

we have had 5g here for years, the only change iv had is the extra dick iv grown

I live in the middle of nowhere, coincidentally got 5g just before this shit started

Muh dicks!

The depth of evil the jews will commit for their controllers the deceivers of man knows nn bounds.

The church of satan is currently having their plan inverted by God and our King Yeshua.

>I have a degree in Computer networking

oh okay. so you're redundant as soon as the next coronal mass ejection, got it.

Can 5g cause those visual migraine things?
I had one a few weeks ago, never had one before or since. That was when the virus started rolling out and after 5g was being tested in my area.
Vision distorted (to the point I could barely read) for like 20 minutes, it was like looking into a kaleidoscope

guys i am serious better take this serious
this is the reason they are doing the koshervirus
hoax right now

I fucking new it!!! Thanks for this post. 5G makes you gay. When they shoot you with those Directed Energy Weapons, I call those spells. Fuck the Democrat Teachers' Union. It's a pay-to-play system. It's an oligarchy. 5G in the schools will put students to sleep but only the ones that aren't rich.

yeah ok bud
wifi hypochondria hysteria quackery
has been debunked more than homeopathy+astrology

it is non-ionizing radation


all you can do is warn the sheep but their
hubris will be their downfall

Israel invented 5G.
But won't allow 5G in their own country.
But Israeli companies install 5G in other countries...
Do you see the problem here yet?

'member Pokemon mass epilepsy? That was 5G

Here’s my theory
They move everything to the internet, work and school, once it gets going they realize the speeds aren’t meant for this

So it sells 5G “faster internet” to the public

guys, also during the lockdowns they are handing
out 5g wifi routers....coincidence? all i can do is
warn you fuckers

I like that. It sounds true.


I have a 5G router right by me right now. Nothing's happened. You're all faggots.

Starbucks is installing 5G in the center of Lakewood, Ohio. Starbucks and AT&T will put 5G worldwide.


Not only that you're all faggots but 5G's going to b everywhere and there isn't a thing you cock suckers can do other than complain online.

5G puts you to sleep and gives you ADHD. They give you Adderall. This increased heart rate fucks your eyes by 30 years old. Take Areds2 2x/day everyday (Does work but wont need until 30 years old). Eat 1 avocado a day to absorb stimulants so you still get the effect but with less side-effect. Eat 2 oranges a day to satisfy sweet tooth without the ADHD of insulin spike.

>there isn't a thing you cock suckers can do other than complain online.
Implying we can't fry 5G antenas with EMP.

This is true. It will be everywhere. Trust the diet I put in here. Lay OFF THE FUCKING SUGAR. 5G is still fucking crazy.

in China even us not really love 5G.
we have 4G 800MHz/900MHz in everywhere even on the top of the highest mountain in the world.
5G only can improve the too crowd situation such as black friday,gym with football game and so on

>I have a 5G router right by me right now. Nothing's happened. You're all faggots.

the routers have a chip in them, once the kikes push a button they are all weaponized

Ahem, EMP will disable your heart b/c laws of physics.

You're going to get to hell where your leader will be, suffering for all of time so that you repent. Your leader told you it would be okay, but you forgot there is no honor among thieves.

Yeshua will soon be here.

I know way more about all this. But you wouldn't believe me. Oh well.

why do you fuckers think the corporations are giving away free internet and wifi right now
to be nice?
all i can do is warn you guys

I heard 5g makes your anal spincter expand so BBC can enter males easier during mass rapes.

Look at those thin back wheels - they have no traction

What can't 5G do?

Viruses are indeed a hoax (Jews excluded). They are apparently not alive, but can reproduce.

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5G is very expensive and high energy only can make you play your mobile with no-lag when you watch a football game or forget your walkie-talkie when in black friday.
in metro use 4G tech is enough,real.

God bless you brother. In my past I was wrong
but I repented and now do the Lord's work.
That's why I am here right now, hopefully this
saves a childs life.

if the wifi antennas are harming people (with em radiation) then EMP strong enough to harm them could kill you!

5G is very expensive and high energy only can make you play your mobile with no-lag when you watch a football game or forget your walkie-talkie when in black friday.
in metro use 4G tech is enough,real.
the lower lag also with wifi6,i don't think 5G will be a major connecting way for your cell,only in crowd,apartment,mall,you can enjoy with it.

It will and, thank you for the help. We are all in this together, and always remember your faith. For God never loses, regardless of what the useful idiots on here or anywhere else tell you.

Do you know how the rapture will come friend?

>ITT everyone speaking out their ass about technology they know nothing about and constantly contradict each other statements.
Let me guess, the ayys are using the 5G towers to mind control the kids? lmao pathetic.

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>EMP strong enough to harm them could kill you!
there are EMP rifles already, with like directed beams and all, also God forbids some people try to blow those antennas with explosives! not everybody will have access to directed EMP beams.

they are prepping the id2020 network only 5g could handle something like that

>the ayys are using the 5G towers to mind control the kids
Ayys, I dunno..but the rest is kinda true if you take out the hyperbolic levels of parody from that statement. 5G will allow fast interconnectivity between all devices, including a deep mind AI. It's all on my post above. Every time I post it, no one even dares to shill it...they just ignore it and call more discord friends (samefagging with phones maybe) to slide the post.

I think id2020 is pretty cool. Why do you really give a fuck if you're given an identity?

>hurr durr bill gates bad
>muh mark of teh beast
>idc if this helps with child trafficking and stopping illegals from recrossing the border
>I just want live like it's 1500 where there's no vaccines and everyone wipes their ass with their hands

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finally, someone tying the dots! we have been talkign about the REAL dangers of 5G for months, now this happens, and then Billy Gates appears with those creepy microchips. Falling all in place much?
>inb4 I don't think so, it would never happen, it sounds too evil
Get out, you don't belong here!

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