Why is it allowed to glorify traitors that caused a fucking civil war in the United States??

Why is it allowed to glorify traitors that caused a fucking civil war in the United States??
i even see trashy confederate shit in northern states

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If you had actually traveled to "northern states," you wouldn't have gone back to Mexico.

Why do all the wrong people keep winning all the wars.

there is a thing called google, you dumbfuck

It's part of our history. Our civics is founded upon dissent and rebellion against govt, so celebrating the confederacy is just a part of what we're about. If we had more dissent toward govt today we'd be better off. I'm not even a right-winger, but I never understood the big frothing rage that other lefties have over people with confederate flags. Like yeah, I get it, slavery, but also state's rights and decentralized federal govt, which to me is a fairly left-wing-libertarian idea.

Southern States democratically brexited from an out of touch, overreaching foreign elite that didn't care for or represent their people, and got invaded by the north who started the war.

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i also noted that all the confederate generals were allowed to live a comfy life in the United States after the all the shit they did, i mean WTF
i countries like Russia, you would have been shot or hanged for betraying your country like that

Because we're not fucking retarded beaners

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what a cursed image

because we have the freedom of speech nigger

freedom of sheech is pretty gay

reminder that the whole thing could have been won as a confederate victory in the days following first bullrun as nothing stood between PT and capturing lincoln, but the confederates miscalculated and assigned honor to yankees who had none in truth. lesson learned, next time don't take the high road.

A civil war is just a failed war of Independence. The left bitches and moans about native American land but doesn't give 2 shits that the south is being held against it's will

not gayer than you

Nothing is as trashy as the mexican flag we use it for burrito decorations fuck you

I wipe my ass with the Mexican flag.

its a free country. foreigners wouldn't understand

How many civil wars did you wetbacks have?

The traitors are and were in DC. They won the war, but not before being fucked up. The flag there is a reminder that if the Yankees push too far they might get an asswhooping like never before.

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He's right though you treasonous sons of whores

I’m Mexican and I do the same

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>Why is it allowed to glorify traitors
That's the whole point of America. What the Confederates did to the Yanks was a lot more legitimate than what the Yanks did to Britain.

If those generals were killed or jailed, or they just simply told the confederates to take to the woods for guerrilla warfare, the civil war would have lasted another 50 years

This, Yanks are fucking animals just look at their states now.

I wouldn't expect a beaner to understand something as complex and abstract as states' rights. What is actually going on in the world right now, at this very moment, as the federal government prepares measures to annihilate what's left of our civil liberties, is a perfect justification of the struggle against the War of Northern Aggression.

forgot your flag spic

>spic flag
Disregard opinion.

you are also a yank

this is fucking delusion, the south was already demoralized and torched

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i get this reference and i chuckled

but still really, really pissed off

because a considerable component to the war was anti federalism despite all the only muh slavery bad faggot

lmfao says the faggot yankee lover.
Lincoln is the reason the constitution doesn't mean shit anymore.
That nigger lover had to import an army and arrest political opponents. He wasn't even legitimately elected.

Shut-up beaner.

Imagine being Little Anne

Imagine being nine months pregnant and cooped up in an attic for so long that you start to forget what it’s like to be on the outside.

Imagine being horny and hormonal every waking moment of the day.

Imagine your diary being devoid of entries for days on end as pregnancy brain prevents you from forming a cogent thought in your head.

Imagine having to go barefoot all the time because your feet are too swollen for your shoes and socks to bear and having to listen for the constant threat of creaks as you waddle about the cold wooden floor, feeling the splinters dig into your toes.

Imagine being plagued with nightmares at night and desperately wishing for some kind of escape.

Imagine being in there with Peter, they boy who fathered your baby, no more ready for fatherhood than you are for motherhood.

Imagine seeing him contort his pants with discomfort whenever he looks at your growing belly.

Imagine knowing what he really wants.

Imagine waiting until everyone falls asleep and then poking Peter awake, quietly gesturing him to follow you.

Imagine sneaking through the darkened corridors Opekta plant and onto the roof.

Imagine stripping off your dress that’s a few sizes for you and making Peter do the same.

Imagine making Peter lie down and climbing on top of him.

Imagine inserting him inside you because he’s too nervous to do it himself.

Imagine riding Peter like a horsey for what seems like an eternity, with only the moonlight to illuminate his face.

Imagine the sheer ecstasy of of having your insides filled with Peter’s hot and sticky goo.

Imagine looking up at the night sky with Peter and seeing the moon blocked out by chemtrails as armada after armada of Allied warplanes streams overhead on their way to Germany to take the fight to the Nazis’ backyard.

Imagine being reminded that soon, this terrible war will be over and that with any hope, you, Peter and the baby will to see the end of it.

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No it wasn't. Britain was very clearly rejecting representation of English citizens. Dixie had representation in Congress.

learn more about what the war was really about, then you might know who the traitors really were

What would America look like if it had of just split in two?

Friendly reminder the north wasn't some altruistic force of good. Jews made their money off of slavery and then the second industrialization became more profitable than slavery they stop using slaves.

Uh the South is the South. Let the peopls have their culture you Jewish Kike Nigger.

If you're actually interested in the subject of the war between the states you should read Lincoln: The Man by Edgar Lee Masters. It's about as redpilled as it gets regarding that subject.

The United States is more or less a failed country at this point. I'm not even a southerner but I don't blame them from trying to get out from under washington.

>dude is dating a girl
>he decides to leave because she is always telling him what to do and thinks she knows what's best for him
>she gets mad and wont leave his own
>he tries to force her out
>he started it

user, the civil war was caused by Lincoln.
The south wanted to seccede, not to go to war.
Sic semper tyrannis
Booth did nothing wrong

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When do the good guys win? They never win. History is written by the victorious. Good guys become the bad guys, bad become good.

Slavery would still have ended in the south but we'd have shipped the niggers back to Africa.
We'd be nigger free right now.
Instead the north took shit from whites to give to niggers and gave them a permanent foothold here.
No southerner would have agreed to that shit. It was forced on us by yankees.
Fuck the USA.

its too bad thats photoshopped to make her waist look like it isnt fat.

If youve never been there how about shut the fuck up. There are confederate flags waving all over upstate New York

what makes it more disgustin is that it was basically jews who tried to fuck the united states by creating that shit called confederate states

You mean niggers? I am confused. Please clarify your shilling.

Arlington cemetery was previously Robert E Lee's land. It's not exactly comforting to be blamed for the deaths in a war and have the bodies of soldiers lost buried on the land that you used to own.

Yeah, we deserve it. I’ll side with a southerner over a northern cuck any day even if I was born in Long Island.

little known fact, there is only one jewish military cemetery outside of israel and that the the cemetary for jewish confederates in richmond virginia

the only reason that america seceded from britain was because the travel time was 6 months round trip. the same qualifications (insufficient for the confederacy's cause) applied and still apply in america. there won't be any more civil wars, there will only be revolutions, travel time is only 2 days anywhere on earth

just because man's law promises classical liberalism, and secession, doesn't mean that man's law can run contrary to god's law. and god's law is not classical liberal bullsh*t no matter how much the politicians sell it to you

presumably because the defeated southern states had to be assimilated passively/politically. Lincoln didn't have the option to genocide them and burn their cities down.

that's relativism

Nah, it's the truth.
This nation is fucked now as a direct result of the north winning the war.
The constitution became nothing more than paper when Lincoln got into power because of retarded northern abolitionists.


you are a silly relativist

The Confederates were right, Beaner.