By 2100, China and India Will Be the Two Strongest Nations on Earth

The age of white supremacy will be over soon.

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Europeans, South Americans and North Americans will still have a higher quality of life compared to them. Why bother?
I'd much rathere live a good life than having a high GDP.

GDP = good life

I just hope India grabs the opportunity to become a manufacturer and the developed world starts boycotting china for the coronavirus release

India does not want SHIT to do with China, nobody does. Even African countries hate you. Ngl, every nation on the face of the earth wants you dead

the strongest stench? yeah.

Attached: shit poo india.jpg (352x530, 56.28K)

India certainly won't ever have runs on toilet paper

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always remember
this was a Chinese BioWeapon

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They already are since america is kill now.

Nothing wrong with India. Fuck China. Soulless bugmen. They would watch the world burn and feel nothing.

>Nothing wrong with India

Asians live longer.

Meaning they eat healthier and have overall less stressful lives.

Lets not cope this hard littl one.

One's desire is to perfect indoor plumbing, and cow worship. The other secretly wants to fucking kill you.

God help us all if the chinks become the next superpower

Superpowers dumping their riches into thermal limos and handstamps

>In India, more than 200 people have been infected and four have died, with officials reporting multiple cases of people fleeing from quarantine.
>In response, the western state of Maharashtra and southern Karnataka state this week began using indelible ink to stamp people arriving at airports.
>The hand stamps include the date that a person must remain under home quarantine, and states that those marked are "proud to protect" their fellow citizens. /rnRHr

>By installing an infrared camera in the car, the temperature of drivers and passengers can be monitored. The device will periodically monitor the temperature of all the people in the car and report it to the system upon control of the driver. Then the system makes the secondary judgement based on big data and AI algorithms. For instance, if a temperature warning is generated, the system will inform the driver and operations staff via email and short messages to guide the driver to carry out the inspection and disinfection procedures. /vyvKd

Bunker up

Attached: loo corona stamps.png (1500x1500, 1.73M)

Depends how many of them die with the virus.
Lots won't want Chinese in their countries after their family members die from the Chong flu.
Most won't want to do business with China in any way after this and be dependent on them for drugs etc.

Economically speaking if China does well the rest of Asia does well including Japan(huge investors), Korea, All of SEA, India, Africa, and South America.

It's an actual win, but i doubt u know anything about economics. So i'll leave it at that.

China yes, India No

i don't want a plague of death, i guess you wouldn't understand that meme flag faggot

the handstamps work in India because they don't have toilets

Attached: india handstamp corona.jpg (585x1040, 47.45K)

this is a chink cope post if I ever saw one.

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something something i hate chinks
i get it brainlet but u don't understand economics

something something, PLAGUE OF DEATH

both were, before the european renaissance

dude, everyone will IMMEDIATELY jump ship to you guys if you ever get your fucking shit together. for fucks sake.

>if China does well the rest of Asia does well
This would normally be the case, but China's economy is entirely predatory and zero-sum in outlook. They use state owned enterprises immune from market considerations to dominate production of key products and drive all other competitors out of business...then use that as political leverage to force the world to say what they tell to.

Materialism made u decadent

America would start WW3 to stop itself from losing their position.
Fuck it'll probably threaten/entice Europe to help also.
Maybe we can even deal with a rat problem at the same time.

No need to hope. That's 100% what's going to happen IF you guys liberalize your commie-tier labor laws. This shit is one of the main things holding India back.

This guy has the brain of an ant, but made more money that your entire family will make for the next 1000 years

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Neat. Alibaba isn't a SOE so I have nothing against him. I'm sure he hates the CCP and only whores for them because he'd get disappeared if he didn't. Either way, chinks really do worship a god of money. It's vulgar and a mark of poverty. Either way, I bet my cock is 2x bigger than Jack's. And 3x bigger than yours chink.

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Communist china won't last another 10 years, maybe not even 5

It's irrelevant too on why other countries would benefit from China's uprising.
40% of China’s FDI has come from Japan. Japanese companies have enriched themselves from investing in China after their own economy reached its developmental limit. As a result, the Japanese state can endlessly borrow money because an almost infinite supply of bank reserves (the banks mostly being owned by the investing corporations) is coming from investments across Asia. Despite being the most indebted economy in the world, Japan’s effective bond interest rate (adjusted for inflation) is negative, meaning the state basically borrows money from the corporate banks for free. It is in no way an exaggeration to say that Japan has been the key player in China’s boom and this is well known by both the LDP and CCP. While maintaining the politically beneficial charade of hostility, both countries actually negotiate and renegotiate far closer trade agreements than either country has with any Western country or Korea on a regular basis. The CCP has done nothing about mounting anti-Muslim and anti-Western hostility in the country but did crack down on anti-Japanese protests.

Other winners will include countries with significant Chinese diaspora, including Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and especially Singapore. Chinese business culture is ingroup based and emphasizes cultural networking, and for this reason the Southeast Asian diaspora are already major players in the mainland economy. As the mainland gained more capital, overseas Chinese communities have been the first areas of investment.

Countries like Africa/South America will also benefit heavily due too China huge investment to said nations and this just speaks for it self.

When India becomes the wealthiest nation on Earth, they will celebrate by designating ALL streets to be shitting streets.

And the people will rejoice.

damn fucking rights it will

>Though there are a few faults to be found within this research-based systematic procedure, we will use the results of the study that made use of a question-and-answer system to figure out which countries were most racist. According to the findings of this research-based inquiry, the most racist country on Earth is India, followed by Lebanon, Bahrain, Libya, and Egypt. /0DzG2

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1. Use toilets.

2. Don't eat forest animals kept in tiny cages covered in a spray of shit.

Until you master these things, you will never accomplish anything.

There will be no native europeans left by 2100.

Just look at the birth rates. Native italians have a fertility rate of 1.1, far below replacement level (2.2). Immigrants have a fertility rate of 2.8

You will be outbred. That's a mathematical fact

Basically China is playing the long-game and using its soft-power too overtake the world.

Most of you brainlets can't comprehend anything i just wrote so i'll leave it at that.

No they wont, they will be lynched in all of europe and usa after the virus blows over.

Countries will learn to adapt
Like business with Iran n North Korea could be better then our baseline
But our prosperity will still remain
Fuck china

This is some of the most rose-tinted nonsense. I used to be a libertarian fag before I became an anarchist. Japan is a major investor in China, as is the US, but they are even bigger enemies of the chinks that we are. Or maybe you don't follow the news. And the "benefits" to Africa from the belt and road don't exist. China engages in predatory lending and only builds shit in other countries in order to dump its massive glut of steel and cement production from SOE's. As for the shit about diaspora chinks, yes, they're the kikes of Asia and act as colonists and agents of the CCP in their host countries. This is well know and why they are universally despised across SE Asia. Indonesians would love to massacre all the chinks in their country. It will be the same in Africa.

We need to bring a class action law suit against CHYNA and the WHO for their gross negligence. We need to be compensated for the damages and lives lost for their lies and incompetence.

Ah ok. I figured you were just a coping chink. Glad you confirmed it. You guys are completely fucked and the entire world wants to punish you. You got arrogant and greedy and stopped playing the long game. Now it's all threat's and bluster. But you don't have the military to back it up and won't because China hasn't won a war in 5 centuries.

The Japanese people are the only Asians that I consider human.

And by “earth”, you mean roughly 15 billion Africans


and south Koreans.

>coping chink
I'm not chinese

>entire world

i ain't helping u burger

2.11 is replacement
1.1 for Italians you sure think it’s 1.4 then again arabs are keepin it up

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in Wuhan, China" /bf4Vu

it's almost like they're in collusion

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longer life =/= happiness or quality of life; you can be in prison for 70 years, does that make you happy?

>eat healtier
No they fucking don't. Their diet is trash. Most heavily use oil in cooking and have issues with cholesterol and gout due to red meat and smoking.

Not gonna happen poo. History will not happen in the fantasy you think. You're threatening a whole race, you think you're just gonna wipe whites out? Ain't gonna happen, plus all the good genetics, technology, weapons and quality of life belong to whites.

>longer life =/= happiness or quality of life

Being happy doesn't just improve the quality of your life. According to a new study, it may increase the quantity of your life as well.

Older people were up to 35% less likely to die during the five-year study if they reported feeling happy, excited, and content on a typical day. And this was true even though the researchers took factors such as chronic health problems, depression, and financial security out of the equation.
"We had expected that we might see a link between how happy people felt over the day and their future mortality, but we were struck by how strong the effect was," says Andrew Steptoe, Ph.D., the lead author of the study and a professor of psychology at University College London, in the United Kingdom.

Imagine coping this hard lmao

Try 2030 (China) and 2040 (India).

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And you mother will still be taking dick down at the corner AMPM.

no shit and some jews from jewisburgerland probably helped them.

Is that why burgers are on average 300 pounds and white peoples average lifespan is 74 years old?

Only reason its 76 is cause of immigrants

No one likes china in India, you chang

>The entire world
>Tout le monde
its true americans think US is the whole world

President Xi is dead.

Trump wants to make a deal with a fake 'Xi'.

It means that the deal is going to be invalid and illegitimate.

The age of mediocrity has begun!

China and India are already taking over Africa as we speak.

Do you actually think your repulsive low IQ nation will become anything like china? Are you for real?

The 2000's was a white renaissance and we must bring it back. Emo Girl Nationalism will bring the Aryan race to the top permanently.

Hello paki

This is of course laughable, both countries are nothing more than overpopulated tin shack vermin nests whose credibility relies on "creating an image" to compete with the West (read Whites). I don't understand what the big deal is though, like yeah Whites are superior, but so what, just go live your life Pajeet and Chang.