The cuck stamp is of a country that now represents
>more black than they show in the movies
>TV license fees
>confiscation of forks
>jeremy corbyn
>scottish national party communism
>john oliver
why keep the symbol of cuck faggotry on your flag???????????
Why do you guys have a cuck stamp on your flag?
Other urls found in this thread:
If any of you retards honestly think the red ensign was a better flag than a fucking leaf end your life now
Britain used to be something you could believe in, before it was undone by its own hand
Don't worry, their flag will be a red flag with five golden stars on it very soon.
dont blame me cunt i tried to change it
What a joke. Fucking meaningless trash.
Fuck off Jew, the people pushing that propaganda on British media hate the Union Jack and would like nothing more than to tear it down and replace it with a Hammer and Crescent
Imagine being this retarded
the union jack...
i wonder what "union" means?
>he likes being associated with this
Americans consume 7 cans of Mountain Dew per day. If you have a family of 13, that's over 637 cans a week. Over 2821 a month. Mountain Dew will be worth its weight in gold in a few months.
Remember how the best alternative flag was unironically a fucking triangle?
Because we turned barren lands into a thriving civilization and created the foundations of their infrastructures.
They keep the Anglo spirit alive and celebrate their ancestry.
Unlike amerimutts who rejected us and then went on to pay more taxes and become le 56% face.
Also their are plenty of USA cities with the union jack.
OP is a faggot, the red ensign is the real flag of canada, and same for the nigger countries in Africa and elsewhere. Unless you won your independence through armed rebellion and war, you wear the master's cuck stamp.
>somone put a burger flag in the corner of the German tricolor.
>two pajeets and a turk in the front bench
nice anglo you got there
kys kike
You're probably arguing with a chink.
Pajeets are more loyal to the empire than you ever were. You're just mad that a pajeet can qualify morally and spiritually more than you as an Anglo.
>Poos on front bench
Your leader was literally a nigger
yeah nah sod off. Its our heritage plus you'll end up with shit like canada and nz's proposed flags
your leader is literally a turk
At least he's white. Cope more mutt
Based Aussie bro
What are we without a racial identity? Nothing more than rootless cosmopolitans who belong nowhere. That symbol is as much ours as it is Britain's. The only people who want to change it are the globalist elite who want us all to become consumerist debt slave pawns.
you like multiculturalism/multiracialism like shown in that pic now?
I guess this really was a typical family
why does your country have cuck stripes for thirteen colonies that sucked the bong teet?
why keep the symbol of your cuck faggotry on your flag???????
inb4 muh flag reeeeeeeeee
i bet you're QUINTESSENTIALLY Australian
I bet you're fat and stupid
Poos seethe about the empire more than anyone. The only exception are Ugandan Gujaratis (like Priti Patel) whose families were brought to African colonies to work as administrators but later expelled by the blacks once they gained independence. Those tend to be fairly redpilled.
And the US is something to believe in? Next joke.
nice projection
what the hell are you talking about? id gladly welcome a socialist party over this neoliberal circus we currently have in parliament. The problem with modern corporate states is the lack of socialised or even nationalised organisations
for you? wide screen imax is needed
look at these seething wogs and mutts, unable to understand heritage and genetic loyalty
they envy the anglo spirit
cope xi ping pong
I'm proud to have the Crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick on my flag, along with the Southern Cross.
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
whatever you say, jaun trayvon bernstien
Our flag isn’t even a leaf, pic related is what an actual maple leaf looks like.
so is this their attempt at making people think nonwhites belong in Europe?
honestly cant fathom a yank unironically trying to win an argument with an australian by claiming that australia is less white
what goes on in their brains lads? reckon he looks like this little wog fella
At least we never had a nigger for a president LMAO
seethe on seppo
you'll never know the joys of the anglosphere
yeah you just have this freak communist
the commie that limited chinese land purchasing and closed the borders while your little israeli pawn fucks your entire country to save jewish bankers jobs lmao
nice meme word
the more you use it the hotter you raging butthurt glows
starting to feel sorry for the little fella
Because they’re slaves to the limeys duh, except cucknada.
I picture him crying and stuffing Cheetos in manually
Not my country flag.
What's it like to live under a gay dictator?
based aussie
*sob sob*
Didn't even read the rest of your ostentatious yammering. Acquire acumen and mayhap shalt a great scholar like me yet deign to bless you with a lesson in intellectual debate.
It's the flag of Hawaii.
And meh, parliament doesn't do dick here except panic.
They aren't humans. May God destroy this unholy land
now he's entered the triggered little bitch phase of his butthurt
>having realized the intellectual caliber of the magnanimous scholastic opponent he faces, the simpering blatherskite scarpers FRANTICALLY
There's a good pup.