Do you really want to continue down the western degeneracy rabbit hole?
Do you really want to continue down the western degeneracy rabbit hole?
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I thought her arm was a Massive fucking dildo in the thumbnail
I suspect that an ascendant China would just cause the West to hysterically double down on globohomo
based coomer
China funds the white left out of spite.
I want to eat asians during the purge.
I've eaten out girls like those in video. I suggest you do indeed eat some Wholesome Asians. It will change your mind.
whatever is left goes to my dog and the firepot.
Sounds good, that's how law enforcement should be. Only way to defeat globohomo is to be like a stern father. Patriarchy will help ensure a future for white children.
>Manchurian clothing, not Chinese
That's where you are wrong you manchurian degenerate. China could have still been great if manchurian barbarians didn't race mix with them. We need some top notch dna sergery to recover real Chinese genes from race mixed mutts.
Seeing as this is the end of globalisation, they would be lucky to get out of this without losing control over their own country, let alone trying to control the world. Most governments will take a gigantic hit because of this virus.
One way China can still retain some control over what will be left of the western hemisphere is to introduce a vaccine. This will greatly improve Chinas reputation.
they eat dogs
Chink femoids are ugly and all your cherry-picking, plastic surgery, and makeup won't change that.
i like how the one on top straight up disappears
Whoa. These gals, dare I say it, are built for BBC
That creepy bug eye shit looks terrible.
Have you met Chinese girls. They are not trad, they are autistic thots.
>they're all wearing face masks
Also why would this even be recorded? Wouldn't it be worth -10000 social credits at this point?
they are not wholesome
much better the chinese pop than afrowestern propaganda
They eat people and torture animals.
Communjsts are not wholesome, trad, chad or human.
get out of the big expat riddled city centers bro
Kill all chinese.
Chinese are not human. Fuck off chang.
They are still autistic no matter where you go. No concept of personal space. Absolutely no indoor voice. Never learn how to talk with people, because they studied too much. Not to mention the nail on a chalkboard voice, whether they speak Chinese or English. Chinese girls just suck.
>wholesome trad
So Taiwan?
I want one of these masks.
fuck communism
well the chinks are not my kind of tradition so no.
>soulless gook/chink pedo coomer shit
hang em high
Asians actually assimilate better than almost any other race into white societies due to them generally worshiping whites and WANTING to adopt white culture and assimilate, dressing, acting like whites, going to white schools. Anything to an asian inherently becomes superior/elite if it is associated with whites.
I've met shy quiet chink girls that barely ever talk and super noisy ones and in-between in equal measure. Maybe try to base your generalization off a larger sample size BRO
>literally led by a neoliberal feminist party
you're just making them appealing
i dont want a gf that has social skills
women with social skills make me feel like what i am, a stupid loser that cant even.
its like you are putting out a banner with that post that says "beta males come get your chinky waifus, on sale now!" you are just advertising for chink women
I have met all sorts of them at home and when I visited China. My neighborhood is overrun by them now and so is my university. The ones in the US are extremely autistic, and the ones in China are a rainbow of autism.
Go ahead. I am not going to call you a beta for wanting one. But good luck.
Has anyone started posting the chinkoid webms yet?
that is pretty smart actually
china has been buying up facemasks the world over and shipping them back to china for months
printing the taiwan flag on those masks keeps them in taiwan
i'm just trying to help you. you want to make asian women seem unappealing and that is a fine goal. i support you. but you are failing at that and just making them seem appealing.
social skills are intimidating. it means she is going to be skillful at manipulation and is an artist of the mindfuck.
if chinky women are too autistic to be skilled mindfuckers that is a major selling point. and you dont want to make chinks appealing and i dont want to find chinks appealing.
KPOP is 1000 times better and you know it.
Change Asians to Chinese. Koreans are fine and Japanese are fine too. Korean girls are like better white girls, and Japanese girls are a gift from god sometimes. I don't care too much for Viets but they are very normal IMO. Flips are usually just import wives in my city.
It is just Chinese girls that I try to warn most people of.
They all look the same tho. Korean plastic surgery is out of control. At least the chink cuties look unique.
>trusting chink doctors
>trusting chink chemists
>giving china yet another chance to fuck the world over through their incompetence
Yeah that's a hard pass from me.
>if chinky women are too autistic to be skilled mindfuckers that is a major selling point
Chinky qt's will demand total control of the household and your finances. In reutnr oyur kids will be raised right, prim and proper. There is no mindfuckery whatsoever unless you try to be a nigger, then your dick will be removed. I like strong family women that know their role, what normal white man deep down doesn't?
i want to be warned away from chinese girls
i didnt even want a chinese girl until you started trying to make them sound bad
try again please. tell me something about chinese girls that will make me less interested before i develop a chink fetish that i dont want.
tell me they are cold and heartless or something, thats probably true.
Take the asianpill bros, have lots of white babies with your asian wife.
they'll just take the filter inside
This obviously not a shill thread.
Them being cold and heartless is a given. Richer girls will have the mean girls attitude of white girl, but lack the understanding that you do not stab someone because they disagree with you over something small. Middle class and poor girls will always yell at you, call you retarded, and actually mean it.
Get used to being hit, a lot. Some will punch you with strength that you would never expect out of a 5'2" 100lb girl. Others will pinch you in the weirdest places and make sure you have marks from it. Oh and don't expect them to give a shit about how you or anyone that you care about feels.
here i will do it then
chinese girls just want your money and also they are cold and indifferent to the suffering of others. additionally they wont get any of your western jokes so you wont be able to make her laugh.
there. cause when i hear autistic with bad social skills that just translates to "honest" and "too inept to even fake anything" and that is massively appealing.
Yes actually I'm fine with this
>Oh and don't expect them to give a shit about how you or anyone that you care about feels.
i dont even give a shit about how i or anyone else feels
you need to understand the beta male mentality better if you're trying to reduce the appeal of chink girls
That girl is clearly a chink
Imagine this happening to degenerates
Problem is the CCP, I'd like to keep my organs.
But Manchus are superior to the ugly short southern Jews.
She got the 'rona.
>Middle class and poor girls will always yell at you, call you retarded, and actually mean it.
i cant stand passive aggressive techniques and little hints and things and saying one thing to indicate another etc. just call me a retard and punch me please its so much easier
fuck it, i am now sold on chink girls
>girls dancing in slutty costumes dedicating their lives to their career while thousands of men drool over them
>so trad
What makes you think they won't be EXACTLY the same as Westerners in like 20 years? China won't be led by trad Xi for that much longer.
Well I tried. Good luck in your quest to finding the most autistic Chinese girl in the world.
They had some human characteristics to them.
>Although their Mohe ancestors did not respect dogs, the Jurchens began to respect dogs around the time of the Ming dynasty, and passed this tradition on to the Manchus. It was prohibited in Jurchen culture to use dog skin, and forbidden for Jurchens to harm, kill, or eat dogs.
I ask legit question, so far not convinced otherwise.
If we are to have a cold war with China, then we're only hurting ourselves to the benefit of zionist globohomo and Islam.
Chinks easily succumb to authoritarian rule, and are thus more malleable than you could ever fucking believe.
The only reason you think they're "Trad" is because it's easy to manipulate people by telling them they're following their own heritage and tradition.
Chinks can be programmed into anything you want.
Because koreans and japanese, despite being literal fucking US satellite states, are nothing like americans (outside of the korean protestant cults buts thats a very active brainwashing clique).
>Literally 3,000 year history of the most widespread, large scale grassroots revolutions against incompetent centralized rule. More peasant rebellions that rome could shake a stick at
>currently ruled by a fucking reovlutionary party that toppled an incompetent urban elite koumintang
>muh easily malleable
kys bro
>large scale grassroots revolutions against incompetent centralized rule
>currently ruled by a fucking reovlutionary party that toppled an incompetent urban elite koumintang
At this point you're not even trying.