Enough with the Q threads, the ayyys, or coronachan. How many of you know about missing 411? Lots of us go in the woods either for sport or leisure, but there may be something there
Enough with the Q threads, the ayyys, or coronachan. How many of you know about missing 411...
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I miss human trafficking general
Me too... so much fresh asian poontang.
What’s so hard to understand about this? Bunch of hiking amateurs who fell or some morons who fell and got lost who cares.
What difference does it make at this long any ways?
Lots of crazy stories, here’s survivor man giving credibility to Dave Paulides
People go missing around where people live? What schitzo shit am I supposed to be seeing here?
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
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>Attention fellow POLsters, this is slide thread. Don't respond, hide and move along. Kek wills this.
People will disappear without a trace, sometimes show up where searchers had already combed through, then you have some lady that thinks she saw a predator
Sorry this isn’t some faggy ayy thread
Underground bases and tunnels are all over the place, the entire world is connected through suppressed technology.
Phil got wrekt, hung by his catheter and ruled suicide poor guy
I think there’s more to it though, like if you listen to the stories like podcasts or speeches you’ll hear some stories that can’t be explained, like the 2 year old that traveled 8 miles, or some dude in Boston that disappeared while his wife grabbed the car from a parking garage and found his phone smashed to a million pieces (dropped from the sky maybe)
Hey cool, natives believe in all that stuff, maybe what they think of Bigfoot might be a skinwalker (crazy documentary). Along with caves, apparently people disappear a lot around boulders and berries
Yeah I saw that movie Missing 411. Reminded me of the Russian Dyatlov Pass incident where their tongues and eyes were removed they’re bodies had been squeezed and crushed. Really unsettling stuff, maybe we really are an alien ant farm.
Have y'all met the average person?
Send any random person 30 yards into the treeline and watch as they get lost lmao
The phenomena of people being found where search parties have already been is very easily explained by the lost person wandering.
There is also the matter of their clothes being found in random spots, there is another phenomena known as paradoxical undressing when hypothermia sets in
I have yet to come across a case of a missing person innawoods that doesn't make sense. They all have been pretty clear cut to me
This topic is always sooo booooring because no one offers up ideas, it's just:
>"my ain't it spooky that folks go missing innawoods?"
>"a-a-ain't is spooky guys?"
how the fuck does "ain't it spooky?" have enough traction to be a recurring topic?!
Oh gruesome dude, well prior to this dude Linda Moulton Howe in the 80s got an award for her investigatory work with mutilated cows (precision organ removal) that and a billionaire buying skinwalker ranch, I think all these things are connected. The Irish, which had no previous connection with the Native Americans believe in the Fae Folk whereas near me in Massachusetts we have puckwedgies
Everytime this thread pops up multiple people usually point out that image is fake within the first ten replies.
>Missing 411 are people who went missing in the wilds
>Show a map of cave systems
>caves systems are in wild areas
>inadvertedly show a map of wild areas
>compare it to a map of people who went missing in the wilds
>Coincidence? I think not!
Pic related
Body in water, but the body was already dead (amount of water in lungs etc) how did it get there with no animal marks
Have you been around Yas Forums lately? I've seen more critical thinking in elementary school classrooms
If someone says muh Bigfoot they’re immediately ridiculed, if someone says ayyys well they’re insane, if someone with a PhD says she say a predator via visual distortion while bow hunting it’s meh
Lol I get it, maybe there’s reptilians underground and come up via the caves?
Sasquatchs cannot reproduce on their own. They drag humans into the caves and use them as breeders. Males and females.
Almost ALWAYS a fall or exposure
I have known multiple people in S&R and they tell me the amount of people who just fall into rivers, creeks, and off trails is staggering. Almost all their ops are rescuing some dumbshit that fell off the trail, down a hill, and broke their leg
Holy shit this thread got slid
I miss the old days of dulce base, denver underground, etc
Likely foreign troops hiding out on orders from oir own government
Only stupid fucking retards eander into the wild with a fucking gun anyway
Thousands of things can happen
Is there a source? I’d read that
Humanoids live and breed down there. The Rake monster creepypasta has it's origins on these real sightings
Slid? Still here, yeah dude love these posts, Denver underground is legit, but that’s some 33rd degree stuff right there, there’s more truth to dulce than the ayyyy that took down pol lol
That's the horse that killed a few people right?
Also if you want a real trip about these missing people look into the lists by the park services and how often they get updated.
Bow hunters get anal probed more often that someone with a gun and a gps locator beacon
Haven’t heard of it
Yeah, um, never...
Your pic
>plague that kills off many populations
>guy in gas mask
>people band together
>out of the ashes a “savior”
>the antichrist is (((their))) messiah
Dude I can’t sleep now, we gotta fight
>interesting roll
They stopped teaching critical thinking in 2000, so it checks out
No student left behind we teach to a test now not to learn
Schizo bigfoot/ayy larp. Absolute cringe.
What’s the QR code for
Do you know how fucking large America is?
Canada fucking too.
>Schizo bigfoot/ayy larp. Absolute cringe.
Imagine the cringe of loosing a war to Emmu’s lmao
>natives believe in all that stuff, maybe what they think of Bigfoot might be a skinwalker
Or you know mountain lions.
But whatever.
Trojan Detected
Lol I’m not gonna try to open that
Thing is these cases have no sign of animal attacks
Thats funny but fuck you, no fun allowed.
Like they could tell.
You still think the earth is a globe don't you?
get covid