Is this how to fix chink problem ?

“Chinese people are garbage! Germs! Devils! Nuisance! Get the hell out of Japan now!”
Hate-filled letters insulting Chinese people as “germs” and telling them to leave Japan were sent to at least four restaurants in Yokohama’s Chinatown

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-24 Bigots target restaurants in Yokohama’s Chinatown The Asahi Shimbun.png (665x680, 661.85K)

fuck chinks
fuck niggers
fuck jannies

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Pretty much all asians loathe chinese and would kill them if it were legal

those arent bigots, they are called Health Inspectors


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Based Nips are based

1 in 100 residents of Japan is Chinese. Chinese Nationals have second generation children considered Japanese. the percentage of Chinese affiliated citizens and residents in Japan is almost 20 percent. this means the government and people facilitate the movement of Chinese people's to Japan. therefore this is just typical empty gesture from peasant class who know nothing and have no shame.

Oy vey, not another Nanjing!


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Japan is right to call out China for their exotic dietary culture which led to the outbreak of Covid-19.
This never would have happened if they stuck to eating normal food, like raw fish and whale

TLDR, smells like bullshit. Kys.

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It's interesting how you could get a Japanese nationalist, a Viet nationalist, a Filipino nationalist, and a South Korean nationalist in a room together and the only thing they'd agree upon is fuck China

Everyone already felt like this for 20+ years.

China was not polite, good luck with karmavirus.

Once again the Japanese will show us how it's done. Our greatest allies. We just had to prove to them we won't take their shit. True friends now. And these friends know to stay on their side!

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>japan has had to put up with chink bullshit for 200 years
>Japan hates chinks more than anyone
>other asians also hate china more than they hate anyone else
Gee its almost as if this indicates something about the nature of chinks or something

How would you know? You are telling me you can tell a chinese and japanese apart if they were bunched in a room?

Based Samurai

Japanese and Chinese look very different you simple fuck.

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I'm Japanese. I can. There is definitely a difference between us and them.


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based gooks


China's sole positive contribution to the world, Bringing people together against them.

Didn't weeb land get their moon runes from the bat eaters?

Why is there a Chinatown in Japan? China is literally right next door. You can take a plane or even hop a ferry to get your mushu dog and bat wonton soup fix.

Germany's sole positive contribution to the world. Losing WW2.

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Why are you so defensive, chinaman?

based and nip-pilled

why are you so fucking ugly, bong jew man?

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Commies should fear the samurai

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Because the chinese government needs to keep track of the ones that got out before Communism somehow, what better than to have chinatowns run by chinese gangs, and government loyalists?

they also need to coordinate and cover the students and contract workers somehow too

i'd still fuck both



Gotta fucking love it,(((They ))) have been working overtime to poz Japan's youth and then this comes along and makes it ok for the younger generation (oldies still openly hate the cunts) to hate chinks. I used to think the nips were crazy with their whole "kamikaze, Japan is always protected" mindset but im starting to think its actually true.

The far right is at it again

Chinese are the Mexicans of the Spanish rape babies

>kamikaze, Japan is always protected
Ok to be fair kamizazes werent the best idea especially considering how good Japan is at making remote control things

*Mexicans of Asia
You know what I mean

absolutely of course.

I don't think chinks are even capable of swallowing their saliva. right on the floor.

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are you sure the chinks arent doing it themselves for insurance money?
>hey chang, whatcha doin?

That would be Filipinos, I have even had Filipino people tell me jokingly that they are the Mexicans of Asians. Chinese are the kikes of Asians

Last time i checked China thinks Japan is their country to conquer so fuck China and fuck my government for building their middle class.

It never would have spread if they didnt disperse 5 million infected changs all over the world while denying there was a problem.

Glass heart Chinese are so quick to anger because of their insecurities

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Is that Misa Eto?

Except the chinks cant conquer Japan. Theyve been trying to do that for millennia and always got their shit kicked in

No one cares Jap. The Chinese don't want to eat your disgusting Sushi shit anyway. Hopefully a chink burns down the bigots house with them all inside.

maybe you should show real flag if you want to prove you're not insecure

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Chang is known for his jew like tricks. Who knows.

Minamo Nagase

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At least chink girls are better than jap girls. How can one race be so ugly as the japs.
Wish I had chink poon here

anglos and germans have intermarried and intermixed with jews. you have semitic blood in you son

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I'm a burger and yes, they look clearly different. Nips are lighter skinned and have more European features than other gooks. The difference between chinks and them is as obvious as between chinks and Hmong.

Fuck off chink. Go eat your gutter oil-fried dog and shill for your ccp overlords so your social credit score rises enough to let you get basic medical care



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>Because the chinese government needs to keep track of the ones that got out before Communism somehow
How extensive is this? Do the chinks really see themselves in this way?


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>maybe you should show real flag
stop hiding in australian, mate.
Go back to Bug-central and be happy in your hive until the day of the insecticide.

Modern Japs look all like the right, not European at all.

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seethe chink