The west is doomed because people like me have no game

I'm every in-laws wet dream: smart, kind, respectful, great personality and good natured. I volunteer at a local NGO, go to church and have a MA degree. My family also has a lot of money.

The only problem is that girls dont pay attention to me because I'm ugly, DYEL mode and somewhat short (5'7).

I understand that their natural instincts will tell them that they should go for men with better genetics, but we see time and time again how that can lead to atrocious results, because there are a lot of scumbags out there who happen to be good looking. Thotery, unwanted children, abuse, abortion, single motherhood, are only a few of the negative consequences of this behavior.

My point is that women's poor mating choices are undermining our society. It's pretty obvious we would be better off if women started families with caring and intelligent men such as myself, but we can't force them to choose their partners. If guys like me had more game, girls wouldn't be falling for deadbeats and losers.

This is truly a tragedy that has given me many sleepless nights. How could we revert this?

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Built for BWC
>inb4 small asian dicklet cope

jiked and kiked
From soul destruction poison pill public school to child sex sacrifice vatican, the absolute state of the JooM in of April.

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You can't force them to breed with you, dude.

And if we did, they'd cheat on you first chance they get and Chad's sperm would have a better chance than yours at doing the job.

Even in brutal Medieval societies women would throw themselves at stronger men the first chance they'd get.

Over the ages, incels have tried to use laws, God, shaming, and torture to control female desire for Chad and it just doesn't work.

Modernity is actually redpilled because it's letting nature take it's course.

Women like to fuck big gorilla dick.

So let them.

In a few generations there will be few incels to bitch about it. Literal healthy eugenics in action.


take this shit to r/incels you fucking beta trash kys

32 year old CHAD who's 6'2" makes six figures and is marrying a 25 year old trad virgin in a days.

Your ancestors are responsible for your predicament. This is why you shouldn't procreate with ugly people it just makes more genetic garbage... and why good looking women shouldn't touch you with a 10 foot poll.

checks out

what is DYEL mode

Talk like a white man you babbling nigger. Roosh V isn't white.

It's not because of any of the reasons you listed, it's because these girls are going black.

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Niceguyfags are the fucking worst
Your sense of entitlement to the poon and your whiteknighting bullshit means that you will never form a real relationship with a woman
Beta cuck incel shill kys

>somewhat short (5'7).

If this is genuine, trust me when I tell you user, you aren't missing out on much.

Do you even lift.

Step 1: Don't be a simp
Step 2: Don't chase after women
Step 3: Realize that not everyone is destined to marry

I meant to reply to OP...


no. You're literally a fucking gamma. Keep seething. Literally nothing will change when you're gone. Or things might improve desu. Kys

Not gonna lie, that niggy looks bro tier.

>I volunteer at a local NGO
stopped reading right there. you pathetic scum

Women know exactly who to mate with. They're not the problem. You are.

I'm ugly as fuck and I fucked the hottest bitches until I got married and had a family.

You know how I met my wife?

I stole my parent's car to go see a girl at 2am who I'd never met before and was introduced to by another girl I'd just broken up with. I get there and fuck her but she has her friend spending the night. I tried to get her friend to join us in a threesome but she wouldn't do it.

I ended up marrying the friend. The only girl who ever made me wait more than 1 day before fucking.

Your problem is you have no confidence and you're a dumb faggot. You just advertised your qualities to IN LAWS. Are you a fucking moron?

Women HATE their parents. Your whole fucking job is to drive a giant fucking wedge between them and their parents and extract them in order to form a new family.

If you fail to properly impress a woman and protect her from her own parents you are guaranteed to end up in a world of shit.

Women used to piss me off until I realized it's all men's fault.

You know who's fault this all is? Our fathers. Not our grandfathers. Just our fathers. They let feminism and all this total fucking bullshit fly right by.

I've had MULTIPLE women tell me the thing that they like most about me is I tell them to shut the fuck up when they start with their bullshit. Women love games and you're losing if you're a dumb faggot who doesn't just tell them to shut up and escalate their ridiculous behavior in their face.

Women test men constantly and 99% of men can't even make it past the first 30 seconds without making themselves totoally uninteresting as a mate.

>25 year old trad virgin

Hahaha, nice one pedo

cope, bitch. i use to take advantage and treat women like shit. real badboy attitude and it got me no where. now i just want to be a good man and not deal with dramatic emcels.

Women are right not to choose you because you meme flag post. saged

Why would anyone get married?
Women make more than you and they don't share.

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Outside of Netherlands and Northern Europe, most women are under 5'6", so men at 5'7" don't feel as short as they are.

Volunteers at loca (((non gentile organizations)))
>dirty subversive kike detected.

>ugly christcuck amerimutt in Japan asls himself why no one wants to fuck him
Truly a mister

No wait it isn’t, in Japanese society you are lower than trash, and they’re right about that

Btw if he deletes his post to hide his engrosh teacha flag just go to the archive, he sounds like the sort of rat that would do that

>25yr old virgin
Bullshit. She's lying.

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>I'm every in-laws wet dream
>girls dont pay attention to me because I'm ugly
These dont work together simp. Your in-laws do not want fucking ugly grandchildren.

Look at that seething chink in the back, jej

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Nah, she grew up in a very trad christian household

That's why I'm saying I have no game, dumbass, did you even read the title?

No the problem is guys like you feel like they're entitled to get girls that look like your imagine. You should go after your female equivalent, a girl with a decent career that is not very attractive but sweet.

Men aren't people. Women own society. Men manage it and slave for women.

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Don't listen to this faggot, "drive a huge wedge between her and her family" that's not how white people talk.

fucking faggot

>no cute scandi girl will ignore me and give me the coal shoulder while another hot as fuck telepathically mocks him while breaking the 4th wall
Why even live?

Possible. But I don't believe it.

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what are you even saying frogbro

It's not their fault you're unattractive and have zero game.

No one cares that you volunteer, go to church, or that your family has money. Learn some fucking people skills you sperg and work out.

Lol that's cool, stay mad lmao.

The incels are right.
You're a slave. Women own you.

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Why do girls like this only go after bbc?

Look what these threads amount to OP. Just suffer in silence. Being born ugly is a social death sentence, and complaining about it just gives shitty uninteresting people an excuse to talk down to you. I think Yas Forums mods should start handing out bans to the makers of all women threads. There is nothing left to discuss
>black pill is real
>feminism is cancer
>Chad fucks, Beta bucks
>MGTOW is pretty much right, but they should all just shut up also

It's just over dude. Keep living your life, and maybe things will change. Can anyone in a a similar predicament honestly say these threads make them feel better? It's like a drug addiction, only you don't get any sort of high. You just throw your feelers into the abyss of this stream of piss and shit hoping that someone will say something that makes your issue go away. They won't, and they can't. Christians should know better than anyone that this world is completely submerged in chaos and darkness. Just let it go user. These threads are complete trash.

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I stopped reading at dyel. The answer is always to lift. Manlet? Lift. Ugly? Lift. No game? Lift. Gymcels are a meme. If you have muscles, you'll get bitches. The caveat is you won't want just any bitch. You'll get bored of fucking sluts and that's when it gets tricky, you'll develop standards that will be high because you're educated, outgoing, making good money AND you'll be fit, so you'll eventually only want girls who fit those categories, and they're few and far between and usually already married to turbo chads. Honestly lifting sounds like the only thing you need to do to be a turbo chad, yourself. Manlet is a meme, I've literally been cucked by a 5'2" scrawny fucker. That's the other thing, women are whores and no matter how great you are, no matter how many boxes you tick, if you're with a woman long enough she will cuck you. I did everything right and I still got cucked. Beating the dudes ass never got rid of the hurt and shame.

Stay delusional.

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They don't.
Black guys are all in prison for not being female.

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Eat psychedelic drugs and figure out why youre such a repulsive dingbat. Seriously you will find the answers and the ability to change. You've tried EVERYTHING im sure. So why not buckle up and take a 5gram mushroom trip into truth? Or a 700 microgram LSD trip if thats more your style. DMT works too but its so brief and its not really about you its more about uhh..well im not sure. Something about language i think.

>I ended up marrying the friend. The only girl who ever made me wait more than 1 day before fucking.
First girl who ever wait more than a day to fuck me ended up being a huge slut. You know she was so hesitant? Because she had a boyfriend.

>Women HATE their parents. Your whole fucking job is to drive a giant fucking wedge between them and their parents and extract them in order to form a new family.
This is literally a cult leader tactic. She must be damaged goods. If a woman doesn't love and honor her parents, that's a big red flag. Enjoy your divorce, alimony and kids who hate you.

Opf cource. Made by whites for whites

>I'm every in-laws wet dream: smart,

>r9k post

You can't rape women, idiot. They made that illegal. Lifting doesn't do anything.
Just accept that you're a slave.
Women own you.

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>I'm every in-laws wet dream: smart, kind, respectful, great personality and good natured and my family also has a lot of money.
>The only problem is that I'm ugly. Girls go for men with better genetics

How are men like you considered worse genetics? simply because your ugly?
You are either a liar or you arent as good as you thought.
I have the exact same traits as what you describe, every good trait but ugly. The only thing I have not is money.
Yet women found me attractive and a lot of men were jealous and attacked me.
If you were a chink in the western world looking for white women who ignore asian men by default, then you definitely didnt possess good genetics.

This whole pol myth about rich men being unable to find a date is a complete bold faced untruth you can hook up with anyone that is single or even an already paired one if you have the financial leverage. That's how every other poo and every fifth chink in Canada has a purebred Anglo chick whose family came in the 1800s because they help one another out and take over entire sectors of companys' department such as tech, wealth management etc.

yeah that's all well and good but who's going to run the PCR tests when the next coronavirus comes out? Chad won't do it.

They aren't wrong. Betas lack the courage to change the world for the better

Ok supreme gentleman.
I'm the opposite. I look fine but am a complete piece of shit in every other aspect with a boring personality and a train wreck life full of failure. and it's all my fault for being me not "women's poor mating choices"

le supreme gentleman

See that's the difference between Chad and you. I'm about to start poppin out aryan mini-chads while you're mad af posting jpgs online ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is ne

Dude not to call you a retard but “eugenics” in favor of big dick may not be the kind of eugenics that keeps the electricity running, much less allows space colonization or any other advanced societal activities.