What do women find most attractive in a man?
What do women find most attractive in a man?
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math skills
Personality. Looks don’t count for shit if you aren’t a Chad
spending money on useless shit like flowers or face paint.
bitches LOVE it when you waste money the more you waste the wetter they get.
His big black dick.
Wtf Looks make you a Chad not the other way around
what site is this
asking for an enemy
anyone who disagrees is coping and most likely seething
I've known some Alpha looking guys who act like sub-level betas.
I honestly have no idea. It defies any reason.
having lots of time and money to waste on them
Mutt's Law
Bank account obviously.
I won't even bother to ask anyone to proof me wrong.
You need the general structure of a Chad a little bit. You can’t be 5’7 and fat. But if your personality is a onions boy you’ll not be a Chad, your biochemistry even is affected, your body makes less testosterone if you aren’t manly mentally
If you post a pic I can run it through the app and post results.
Everyone is different.
hentai addiction
Big black penis
broad shoulders, abs, money, success, good teeth
not watching anime
not playing video games
not blaming other people for lack of success
not collecting Funko pops
Gay Canadian answer
I'm pretty sure if you are below average in terms of looks then I don't think confidence will get you anywhere at all. Unless the girl is below average as well.
The Golden Rule for interacting with women: If you can't make them like you, make them like themselves while in your presence. Do as the Pimps do and view women as wads of emotion and narcissism in all of your interactions with them. The dynamic between the sexes is that women put their tits out and you hunt them down, driving them away from the rest of the herd and competing with the other men to attract them. Only then, once you are dating, can you begin to form an actual relationship between two people.
this. i've seen solid 10s dating guys uglier than that. i think its a mix of childhood friends and money.
I disagree. You be yourself from the start so they know what they're getting and you bring her to your level during that process so that you can assess what you'd be getting.
>If you can't make them like you
You fucked up right out of the gates, chief. You never "make" a woman like you. She either likes you or she doesn't and life goes on.
Reddit karma in r/politics duh
Having actual power and not being a social retard.
When he‘s not a weak pussy ass faggot boot licker. That is all.
ideally if that confidence isn't misplaced but even misplaced confidence works especially on a dumber woman
if you are smart enough to recognize your weaknesses but also just a generally incompetent person and you have justifiably low confidence on account of that. then you are not going to get laid unless you have almost everything else going for you.
If you show dominance and you have money, looks do not matter at all.
In bed, you gotta be rough and let her know she's your property. You don't ask her if she wants to have sex, you just have sex. She gotta know that if you ask for a blow job she better get on her knees and do it or else you're gonna find a better woman.
If you get that going, she's gonna be a nice conservative wife which will always listen and agree with you.
Women are wired to be treated like that. Even the most hardcore "strong, independent women" WILL get that sort of attitude completely destroyed once you grab her hair, shove her face on a pillow and cum in her face when you're done.
Physically attractive?
>Face frame and height
Generally attractive?
>Looks Money Status
LOL at the faggots saying ‘confidence’
a very small percentage of women actually care about abs, mostly
this ffs
Hot ass chicks will line up around the block to date average or ugly millionare men because they want access to those millions. Theres a redpill I saw on here about some rich guy who had some hoe knock on his door to find he was on some kind of list these hoes have of rich guys that are potential dates
Theres a reason gay couples are steryotyoed as having a lot of money. Gay sex may be degenerate but guys dont leech off eachother and are more likely to know about proper money management
Making a girl laugh is the top choice. And muscles.
Unless you either A) really want to fuck her or B) really want to get a chance with her. The other option is the bar scene where you shotgun invitations out until some woman is, for some reason, willing to maybe give you a shot. Find her and hunt her ass down. Mind you, that doesn't mean by a stalker or become obsessed with rejection or her opinions, it just means that you need to go after her with the focus and drive of a missile.
Mutts Law
Changs Razor
There are things you need to be upfront with yourself about. Niggers get white women because they are super social and have mountains of confidence born out of almost nothing... I rarely see self concious black guys that are upfront about it, its very rare to see one that makes self deprecating jokes like whites. White dudes are incels because they are too smart for their selves. They are self aware enough to see their flaws and just start to overthink about them which makes you spiral into depression.
A women cares about three things, looks, money/status and how you make her feel. even if youre just average looking and dont have money. My advice to you is try actually cultivating a more outgoing, free spirited, and funny personality. Get some confidence along the way and you'll go a long way .. the reason Negros get laid is because they make them feel pretty and wanted, make them feel like they "have a friend" plus they have that masculine energy that women crave and arent awkward as fuck to talk to.
Free labor.
This. White men are pathetic (I'm white and I see too much mediocrity) because they talk about anime and video games. You don't do that past the age of 12. Also you need to play a sport and don't wear glasses. Eat meat. Hit the gym. Be masculine. Use Yas Forums less
This or solid snake.
>Money/Financial responsibility
Women never and i mean never care about your personality
>Mutts law
Nowsy thats above a 6.
I remember my dad went to the bank in pyjamas once just to prove this point. the clerk went from total bitch straight to asking him on a date.
Big cock, looks, personality, and money
>Confidence (second biggest one)
>Athletic build (biggest one)
It's pretty simple desu
Mutt's Law
>praetor suit
>slays demons
>prioritizes the important things in life like saving the human race
>small circle, Vega and Hayden.
>strong and confident
>sheer fucking willpower and never compromises when it comes to doing good and killing demon nigger scum
>literally a god, and worked hard as a man to get to where he is now
There’s your answers, pic related.
>I rarely see self concious black guys
Hit up music stores and places thst sell books.
Note that 3 of those are psychological and the other 3 are built up over time.
You guys are Jewish.
Only self hating Jews think this way.
Hello Murdoch.
self confidence
You incels here underestimate the power of confidence.
I know a autistic 5'5 italian manlet who slightly above average facial wise, but the boy thinks hes brad pitt level(not even fcking close) who probably browses pol and unironically believes in half the shit u spew and he still gets laid.. Why? Him getting rejected by whores doesn't affect him mentally at all. He realizes its a number games so he autistically spams dating apps all day.
Hes had 18+ lays
The most alpha guy I've ever met was a 5'2" chubby as fuck manlet named Bulldog. His personality was 7 feet tall though.
The thing is though, niggers don't get laid.
Look up dating statistics. They're on the very bottom. I know Yas Forums likes to push this theory about how black men do so well with white women, but the stats don't add up kiddo.
Dominance. This is the only answer. The best way to display this is to have a high status group of friends, and to be the highest status in that group.
Women find it a turn-off for a man to watch anime, play video games (unless she's a chink who cooks bats with diseases herself), and collects Funko pop garbage. I would rather be Jewish (which I'm not ) than do any of those things that you shouldn't do once you turn 12.
Also, you need to do a sport and not wear glasses.
>Niggers get white women
no they don't. jewish pornographers have given you cumbrain
>White dudes are incels because
the vast majority of incels are chinks, pajeets, and niggers
This is a very small sample space from OkStupid!
Go out to bar, a club, a frat house and report back. See if anime gets you laid haha
This isn't necessarily what they find attractive, but just a rambling post about what I have observed through friends, past relationships and in general.
>basic woman
Non autistic men with the ability to provide and function
>introvert/autistic woman/'nerd girls'
Whatever they get their hands on, usually serial monogamists and relationships rarely stable
Money, status (that includes looks)
- looks is honestly secondary unless you look like a trainwreck. How well groomed you are, having proper hygiene and not smelling weird are more important. Personality/charm does more than looks - looks are just a passive 'bonus' - and no woman finds politics attractive, so you need to fucking get a life, some interests and hobbies.
All women hate a man who can't talk, so you need to have a life or interests and opinions to have something to talk about, because if it's all about how she is doing, what she's been doing and what she will be doing, when you do nothing, then she'll smell the loser in you pretty fucking fast.
>I know Yas Forums likes to push this theory about how black men do so well with white women
that's chinkcels that spam niggerdick
>small sample space
video shows it analyzed over 3 million+ people
every other dating statistic shows the same
why do u fags act like this? black men don't do well.
Well number one he's gotta have at least an 8.5 inch cock, second he's gotta be at least 6 feet tall, third he should be a nigger because all her stupid useless whore friends say so. Money and intelligence are okay I guess but that is so twenty years ago. I mean, like, its 2020 and you only live once right? Might as well make all the wrong decisions and solidify your place in hell with all the other stupid useless whores
>why do u fags act like this?
becaue they blame white men as the reason asian women don't want them
Can't tell if spiteful faggot or MGTOW seeking low in all the wrong places. The two so often intersect
nah u fags keep blaming that chink, but its not that 1 guy doing all of this.
its in every manosphere group from here to incels tehy all say the same shit
>nah u fags keep blaming that chink, but its not that 1 guy doing all of this
it's him and the chinks from reddit, newfag. but a lot of it is him. i've outed him more than once.
GF likes to fuck with hentai on. Anything with maid or servant submitting to master kind of thing.
I know it's only one sample but unless the woman is a vapid cumsock she will probably find it arousing or interesting
Based Nip
That's a lie. Personality is important to some women. It depends on what a person likes, but stoic men are king. Very sociable men are a turnoff to a some women.
>(money or big dick)
I genuinely believe you're an incel with a porn addiction.
Not liking berserk is a huge turn off