Shadow Government

>Be High Chancellor of Reptilian Shadow Government on Earth
>Slowly heating planet to make more comfortable
>Suddenly Reptilians start to die in China
>Some kind of Virus? Maybe a bioweapon?
>Humans show almost no symptoms but become carriers
>Suspect US Military planted it in China under Trumps orders
>Virus starts to spread, killing reptilian soldiers
>Nest in Italy hit hard
>Try to panic humans to get them to slow spread of virus
>Some will die from economic collapse but meh
>Earth governments start to close borders
>Virus still spreading, killing reptilians
>Pull strings to close human establishments and enforce social distancing
>Trump declares a treatment
>Panicked Reptilians take treatment and die
>Entire Reptilian Shadow Government panics
>The Reptilian Shadow Government is now working from home

Attached: hybrid-reptoid.jpg (480x360, 27.17K)

Other urls found in this thread: egg incubation temperature

I wish this were true

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Based and retard pilled

Why are you allowed to breath?

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>implies reptilians rule planet in secret
>implies trump and us military still free to act against them
you can't have it both ways

Trump is impervious to mind control


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I didn't even read it, I'm just here to say let's all get together and suck each other's cocks. Fill each other's ass holes with hot cum. Let's get gay.

based and rept-killed.
because OP is clearly not a draconigger.
If he was a lizard person, then he would no longer be able to breathe.

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Based and futurepilled

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It's the only explanation that makes sense

Thank you friends. :')

Turns out the ride really can end. And we will win.


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Red pill from this movie! Thanks

They aren't immortal. But relative to the human lifespan, they might as well be. They can't breed until the climate is more hospitable, so maintaining their numbers until then is absolutely crucial. This bug is devastating for them.

Why is this /x/ now?

Okay, let's say you're right. See the problem is that you aren't right for the correct reason, you just read stuff on the internet that makes you comfortable and you accept that. Your research isn't real.

Go on, tell me more

Icke is that you?

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where are my qt loli dracos

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Interesting. Would you like to tell us more? Why cant reptilians breed in very warm isolation rooms, if all they need is temperature.

i mean, australia, i know
but i was thinking about this earlier this week
this virus only seems to be wiping out reptilian boomers
the media blitz proves it
thread theme:

> egg incubation temperature

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It's not just temp, but the entire atmosphere. Their reproduction cycle is completely alien to this planet. After gestation, a period of acclimation and moulting is necessary for them to fully develop. That period takes several decades, and needs to be 'natural'. They've tried it artificially, but the isolated offspring failed to mature, and eventually perished.

How would a artificially changed earth be any more natural than a smaller scale version of that artificial environment?

i think you mean *less* natural
an artificially changed earth is, in fact and technically more "natural" than a smaller scale version, bc of chaos, to put it simply:

smaller scale=more controls=less chaos

anyway he's prob talking about literally incubating eggs, which didn't work so they're changin the climate or something

Post the pic of young brenton tarrant (the despicable innocent-killer) and another young female psychopath (forget what she did). There's a fucking reptile in that pic

Their sensory organs develop in a strange way. They are far superior to any being on this planet; so sensitive they can almost smell thought. But they need a baseline. While maturing, they roam constantly, interacting with the environment. (They can't freely do this, until we're gone or subjugated.) Predatory and undisciplined reptilian-like creatures roaming about could not be kept secret for long. The artificial environment needed for full development would have to be gigantic, and completely contained. Impossible at the moment. If they could, they would. If any offspring were allowed to mature on this planet, they'd be unstoppable. Our 'luck' is that the beings that crashed here didn't mature here; they're acclimated to another world, and have vulnerabilities and limitations.

Where can i read more abput this

You can't. I happen to be one of the few successful 'graduates' of GATE. I viewed the information remotely. A GATEr from another region mistakenly left a visihaptic imprint at a 'jobsite', and I was tasked to pick up the scent. When located, I found the individual had access to certain resources, so I took the liberty of leapfrogging over to them while the connection was open. I was shut out almost immediately by the end source, then the subject, but not before siphoning a good amount of imagery and input. The creepiest thing, Ohio was a common motif in a lot of the reception. It's not their landing site, but something very important to them is there.


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The only thing I know about Ohio is that they love sports and are probably 20% inbred. Maybe high percentage of non-neurotic NPCs has something to do with it. Lol

Lots of military bases in Ohio. Spoopy.

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Lizard detected.

>nests in Italy, eastern France, South Korea...

all CIA nests

Detection Confirmed and Substantiated

More please.

Love this stuff. Very spoopy, but if Jews are not Reptilians, then nothing is real.

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>I happen to be one of the few successful 'graduates' of GATE
omg perfect i want you to keep going just to see what you'll say next

lets say there are lizard people there no worse then people that would feed human babies to them in weird occult shit.


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Based schizo

Fuck, I've had the chink cough for a week, today was the first time I felt like I could actually breathe right. Have I been a reptilian this whole time, without even knowing it? If so, how come I find my brothers and sisters and get in on the world domination racket?

>comparing a group of demons to another group of demons in a nihilistic and grammatically atrocious fashion
please reevaluate everything about your post
>including digits, please return those immediately

Attached: guards.png (392x366, 118.96K)

Let's see if your activation phrase still works.

Socrates. Domino. Egret. Constantinople.

I don't know what any of that means, but now I've got a hankering for crickets and I want to lay down on a hot rock.

>reptilians are all over 70 years old with existing health problems

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and the weather is so nice :D

i haven't seen this in so long ;')

I want to meet one of their kind or at least see with my own eyes
I think intelligence can overcome instinct and Namekians are our greatest allies

There are 'unsuccessful' grads, but the poor bastards are cognitively useless. In the early 2000's, the program was altered; cultivation and stabilization were supplanted with brute installation and crude turnover. It's a very delicate process, taking time and care. You can rush it, but the outcomes are erratic. Jobs are very hard on your body, no matter how fit. All GATErs have a distinct form of occipital bun, and that seems to be key to maintaining fundamental cranial stability in the long-term. However, other parts of the anatomy are subject to anomalous trauma; mostly internal. I've personally lost almost all sight in one eye, my outer ear (on the same side of my head) was removed after becoming uncontrollably necrotic, my sinuses are prone to fracture, a gallstone I didn't even know I had was projected through my liver and lodged into a rib, etc. -- The 'unsuccessful' with healthy bodies are kept in stasis, to provide amplification and absorption. They provide jobs with some buffering. The broken ones are quickly relieved of duty.

you won't survive the ordeal, nigger. These faggots are like the infamous demons. Their physical form is toxic to you, we can't coexist. They need to kinda terraform this planet to live on its surface.

If they're real, and really doing all of this cultivation or whatever, they probably view us as we view cattle. Maybe one or two will feel bad about their treatment of us, maybe they have their own PETA, hell maybe a few of them think we're cute, the way we think cats and dogs are cute, but I would wager most of them would never consider an alliance or anything and don't even think of us as sentient, we're just livestock to them.

I understand that LMAO fucking peta
Shiet so more like Frieza. I stand by it, it would be a glorious death if by mere sight. I would try to survive it and maybe challenge it to a game

A. What the fuck is GATE?
B. Post a picture of the missing ear. If you come up with any reason, any reason at all, why you can't show us the earless side of your face, then this is all truly a larp, but I want to believe. If you can prove that you're missing an ear, I'll dive head first into this shit and research all I can and fight the lizards. Give me a shred of proof, I really want to believe you.

they are the niggers of space, you won't get anywhere with them, kek.

New Albany, Ohio is super weird. A LOT of major companies have headquarters or distribution centers there. Very posh area in the middle of what is otherwise farmland.

>Source: lived five minutes away and worked in Abercrombie DC.

Freezer didn't terraform shit, nigga just sold planets. He's based on unscrupulous real estate agents/speculators during one of Japan's housing bubble collapses.

Taking a photo of myself and posting it here would leave a visihaptic imprint. A good looker could piggyback on it and peg me in less than two or three peeks. Not on your life. I'd have to push a stranger into taking my photo, then steal it from them without their knowledge. Almost impossible. I look. I don't push. If they consciously gave me the photo, or sent it to me, they'd become linked to me.