Okay. It was fun apocalypse LARPing the first week but this is actually gonna end right bros?

Okay. It was fun apocalypse LARPing the first week but this is actually gonna end right bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


no it's just the flu, bro


There are no brakes once your memes go viral brah

May take a few months though

You don't get it OP. This IS the new normal.


yeah once the retards finally die off
wait 5 months max

don't worry normalfag it's all good

We are at a paradigm shift bro. Accept it and welcome it. This world needs an enema

There world is never going back to normal.

America is sold out of guns and bullets and has fired basically everyone.

In two weeks you're going to lose the social order. Shitpost while you can.

>apocalypse LARPing
Joke's on you, we were very serious about it.

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lol wait until the zionist death squad drags you out of your studio apartment.

It's happening, my nigger.
You should have listened.

This beer_virus is real me me

also this

No we arent faggot. Stop being a dramatic little pussy. This shit will be over in two weeks.

We past the point of no return

It starts tonight

This is 1990 but USA edition. First the Soviet communist system collapsed, being replaced by neo feudalism, now it's the turn of the western corporatist parody of capitalism. What will replace it is anyone's guess. And it would happen eventually anyway, because the system was inherently unstable, Corona-chan just triggered the collapse early. Possibly for the better, as the blow may be softer than if it was allowed to collapse under its own weight.

Yes dont worry super aids is finally here to kill us all


>retarded inbred flag
It won't even properly start in 2 weeks.

This and checked

Bro I would worry based president Trump said it’s a democrat hoax and we’ll be fine in a week. He’s usually pretty reliable

Nothingburger fags have shifted too it being over in two weeks instead of making fun of it, incredible.

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this, it's all cope

>You should have listened.
>to every disparate piece of schizo bullshit regurgitated here
No thanks faggot

>islamic terrorism (so much fun to watch)
>mass shootings
>black lives matter protests
>police shootings
>natural disasters

none of these affected us, but corona will certainly upend our lives in ways that we can't even imagine.

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It hasn’t even begun.

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>Half the world shuts down.
>Markets crash.
>It's not real schizo
Man, whatever cope you need to make it through this dude. I'm really ok with it, despite the bantz.

I havent been this alive since trump was elected president his is really crazy times.Ill see how long this ride lasts

god I hope so

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nice, I didn't have this one

No, were actually going to be fine. Being US native, i talk to plenty of gun nuts. it seems to me that owning a gun causes its owner to be mentally umstable. Tjey are constantly having thoughts about shooting people in the face. They are terrified of the prospect of a lost person wandering onto their property as they would have no choice but the shoot to kill amd place a weapon on the body to make it appear jusitifed to a police investigation . These people, who show signs various types of mental disorders on the surface of their personality's, are sorta fucky. Im not certain gun ownership is for me.

As a hobby it sounda fun but i dont want to have my brain warped like these gun toting fuckwits all over the country. They literally repurpose the meaning of the second amendment to mean thay its ok to shoot other americans. in reality it was imtended to overthrow the government if need be. The self defence aspect which gun ownwrs so staunchly hold up is not writtem amywhwre in the amendment.

There is conflicting evidence that this Covid19 is fake, and real. So I'm just as in the dark as you are about all this. The only for certain thing I could conclude is that even if it wasn't real and China's deaths are all from going overkill on it's own populace, the economy is crashing anyways. Pink eyes may be a sign you have Covid19 though but it's basically a "you're too late" stage sign.

I didn't say any of that, you worthless nigger


Whatever you say, dude. Just calm down. Deep breaths. Don't JUST yourself.

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Checked, keked, and rekt
But yeah this is life now

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We're all gonna die obviously

Also, I think it's better you lurk a little more until you learn everything about greentext and how it's used. You don't want people thinking you're new when you're trying to make a point.

Just wait till the internet goes off in a few months.

They also call it a hoax now

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When are you going to start believing? Pic rel.

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You took it lightly when you should've been serious, and now you're afraid when you shouldn't be worried (about the virus).

It is a nothingburger. It's only a matter of time until it blows over, it's just a question of how long. What impact did it have in the real world other than lines on a graph going down? This will disappear just as easily as it appeared.

I sit in meetings all week with a statewide medical association with multiple hospitals that have yet to feel the burn and we are preparing for the absolute worst. I worked a drive up testing site over the weekend and people are scared as fuck.

Larpers need to die first and always.

Youre fucking stupid.

Not larping faggot

I caught, fought and and survived Corona
It's definately real brother, I almost died because I'm a smoker (37 y-o). To any smoker reading this, don't be stupid and quit right now or you're in for a very bad time

Remember that saying "the Coronavirus is a hoax" or "it isn't serious" has no consequence for the person saying it.
You will then understand why so many casually lie about it if that lie makes Trump look even a tiny bit better.

Uh oh

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Did you lose your sense of smell and taste? Blurry vision? Red glazed eyes in the mirror? Forgetting to breathe?

Depends on the damage to lower class individuals and small businesses.
This could be the start of revolution.

Trips of gookdoom.
Gee thanks

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It's going to get worse for many. The warnings were everywhere, but nobody listened. Resources are going to be running short soon, oil will spike after this lull, reservoirs are drying up (and surface water will not be able to take up the slack), people's skill sets are useless, inflation will be out of control soon, etc. Do you think the blacks, Mexicans, drug dealers and drug users are going to come through all of that in a civilized manner?

A forceful wake up call is coming. The corona virus is a lesson. Self segregation is not about fear and hate. Self segregation is about safety and love. The lessons will increase in severity until humanity chooses its destiny.


considering this is the biggest staged event the media has ever created

theyre not going to back down short of martial law fema camps and the new world order which is all finally actually coming

why would they stop after creating such a big fake virus and panic. this is their chance

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>A forceful wake up call is coming
No thanks to glowfaggotry and elitefaggotry.

And humanity will choose one thing.

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>his larp is based on a recent viral video
At least make up your own story.

I'm not gonna post this anywhere else, but I live in a state with a major defense contractor (think Boeing). A client of mine who works in this industry strongly implied that they are rushing on a
DOD contract to install some kind of shit to be able to keep lines open if/when this all goes to shit. No more info than that. I asked him/her what about internet, cellular, satellite, and radio? Got no more info, just stayed silent. I guess that, if everyone is sick, and China takes out the satellites (or US shuts them down preemptively), the military needs some kind of system that still works. My only guess is radio-to-text using AI, solar, and repeaters. HAMs will likely be all dead, too sick, or no power, same with other tech. Believe me or don't, but I'm planning for end times.

Time to get my receivers set up then

Yeah, but by then we'll be into the Great Depression 2.0 (because money printer go brrrr can't fix the massive loss of labour & consumers leading to a ton of businesses going under) & massive social unrest. So you'll look back in this as the high point.

Based & cannibalism-pilled

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I doubt it will be unencrypted and have normie access.