Imagine not being racist

Imagine not being racist.

Attached: goooks.webm (202x360, 1.7M)

I’m on mobile you fucking jerk. I can’t watch that

holy fuck . how is this possible

I don't get it, is the filter just making them pretty

How many fucking pounds of make-up do those bugs have to put on to make themselves half-passable?
Add some white to their genetics and they'll look a LOT better.
Fuck off in all fields with this stupid slide-like thread

Attached: FBIFAGS.jpg (564x423, 77.6K)

Attached: London.webm (960x540, 3M)

Apple user BTFO

How are gooks possible

Attached: gooks.jpg (839x760, 175.77K)

Attached: humansvsbugs.jpg (1198x1837, 732.51K)


Attached: aryan.jpg (640x480, 56.01K)


the fine line between man and beast

Attached: mutt2.png (1100x619, 338.85K)


Attached: betagoook.jpg (720x960, 208.09K)

Yep and it's time we took offensive positions. For every Chinese post you see, share the videos of chinks killing dogs. Share it to everyone not Chinese. The hate will rise and create IRL trouble and danger for them. Spread the dog. Release the dog bioweapon. Nuclear PR strike time. THIS IS WAR

Attached: 1585020180011.webm (480x360, 827.26K)

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>this is war

Attached: thisiswar.jpg (188x268, 7.58K)

Remember the whole

"Nahhhh they dont REALLY eat dogs"

but it's like in every single city lol


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Ching chang
Ding dang
Ping pang

Computers were a bad idea.

Attached: IDoubtItChan.jpg (640x854, 173.21K)

WHAT IN THE FUCK is happening here


I literally can't

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Based Lynch poster.

Sleeper agents bro. Do you expect the government to do something about it? Lol

>fucking chinese sorcery
you see that shit and you tell me magic don't exist


I hate filters so much bruhs.

Based /g/, putting the yuppies in their place

The Chinese language sounds like fucking spit. It looks like AIDS and reminds me of how Arabic sounds or whatever. You listen to that godawful language and you want to cut and dice your ears out more than Van Gogh ever did. Not only that, the language itself reflects on the Chinese people, and only one word comes to mind, filth. It's disgusting looking at that country, it's disgusting using my eyes to watch the people, it's disgusting even having the nasty word "China" in my thoughts. Your "people," if I can even call them that, have no empathy for anything or anyone. It was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his country into the shitstain it currently is now. Mao ripped the soul and tradition out of your country and morphed it into something words are unable to describe, and that unspeakable horror, that mindset ch*nks have, have metastasized into what any empathetic human considers the death of pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poison this world with Coronavirus like the apathetic insects they are and don't mind and don't give a shit if they ruin the world for all of us. They are boomers incarnate. Fuck ching-chong-china.

I'm on mobile and not only did I watch it but I fucking fapped to it you dysgenic faggot!! And you'll NEVER know what you were missing out on- it was GLORIOUS and you'll NEVER KNOW

Attached: 1584694365930.webm (568x320, 1.08M)

>hurgur durgur burgur yee haw LEMME EAT DAT ASS SHAWTY

All those filters look laughably fake though.

Makeup should be fucking banned O_o

muchas gracias amigo

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ancient chinese secret?

God I wish that were me

I'm guessing this nigger invented swing

>动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>it's china's fault I'm so fucking fat

Casual meth user here, getting shit done, being productive, even shifting some excess pounds. It makes me nearly impotent most of the time but if you ever manage to get horny you will fuck a woman to death. Or masturbate for 6 hours...insanely horny to the point where even if you are straight you will find homo shit arousing. A lot of people will have 24 hour fap sessions. It makes me incredibly horny to the point gay shit turns me on. I snorted daily for a year then smoked daily for a year before I got off. Caused myself to get psychosis. Sucked a few dicks. Life is better without but I still get a gram every couple months for old times sake. It eliminates the weak. Smoked a few bowls last night, fapped for 12 hours. Now I'm drinking beer and about to get some food. Idk when I'm on it I can work 80 hours/week no probs. Made me stink so bad. I was always paranoid I smelled. Of course I was too afraid to ask anyone if I did out of fear of letting on that i was on meth. I'm clean too, no problems over here. Pump up the jam.

I got molested multiple times as a toddler by my teenage sister.

well stop being a normie faggot then

Yas Forums is a board of peace faggot

The girl in the black was actually hot


Attached: BE0C3AFB-C638-4FBA-8461-7DAB2E8757D4.jpg (755x575, 318.67K)

>two chink countries

clown makeup

Sure, they look like goblinas but the filter is just making them look creepy as fuck.

Imagine the smell

why u no post on /g/?

Speaking of /g/, whatever happened to that NEET that was keeping an asian boy under his bed and force feeding him estrogen pills and making him dress like a girl in exchange for free housing and food?

Attached: b77.jpg (788x656, 24.69K)

Madonna used the same app.

Fuck you for making me loose my shit.

i heard he got married but kept the asian boy as a concubine.

She was average. Go outside and look at a woman right now. You haven't seen enough.

The real people of color

>looks like AIDS and reminds me of how sounds or whatever. You listen to that godawful language and you want to cut and dice your ears out more than Van Gogh ever did. Not only that, the language itself reflects on the Chinese people, and only one even having the nasty word "China" in mymetastasized into what any empathetic human considers the death of pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poison this world with Coronavirus like the apathetic insects they thoughts. Your "people," if I can even call them that, have no thoughts. Your "people," if I can even call them that, have no empathy for anything or anyone. It was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his country into the shitstain it currently is now. Mao ripped th comes to mind, filth. It's disgusting looking a sounds or whatever. You listen to that godawful language """people," if I can even call them that, have no empathy for anything or anyone. It was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his unspeakable horror, that mindset ch*nks have, have metastasized into what any empathetic human considers the death of pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoison

they cute tho

It is easy if you try.

Some of that is fake (not even the same clothes or the clothes are not in the same position). But what they are doing is completely true, chinks always lie. They are quite disgusting.

Phone fag

holy fuck chinks are UGLY AS FUCK

You think his wife would know?


>orror, that mindset ch*nks have, have metastasized into what any empathetic human considers the death of pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoisonthatdisgusting looking a sounds or whatever. You listen to that goliterately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his country into the shitstain it currently is now. Mao ripped th anyone. It was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back to mind, filth. It's disgustingfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstaingodawful language """was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his unspeakable horror, that mindset c," if I can even call them that, haveof pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoiso

poor doggo

>I literally can't
I hope I am someday as based as you.

Attached: 1555903428509.jpg (1600x1200, 608.96K)

Go to bed Chris

Use VLC you fucking retard.

> (You) #
>>orror, that mindset ch*nks have, have metastasized into what any empathetic human considers the death of pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoisonthatdisgusting looking a sounds or whatever. You listen to that goliterately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his country into the shitstain it currently is now. Mao ripped th anyone. It was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back to mind, filth. It's disgustingfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstaingodawful language """was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his unspeakable horror, that mindset c," if I can even call them that, haveof pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoiso


(You) #
>> (You) # (You) #
>>>orror, that mindset ch*nks have, have metastasized into what any empathetic human considers the death of pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoisonthatdisgusting looking a sounds or whatever. You listen to that goliterately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his country into the shitstain it currently is now. Mao ripped th anyone. It was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back to mind, filth. It's disgustingfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstaingodawful language """was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his unspeakable horror, that mindset c," if I can even call them that, haveof pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoiso

> (You) #
03 (You) # (You) #
>>> (You) # (You) # (You) #
>>>>orror, that mindset ch*nks have, have metastasized into what any empathetic human considers the death of pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoisonthatdisgusting looking a sounds or whatever. You listen to that goliterately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his country into the shitstain it currently is now. Mao ripped th anyone. It was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back to mind, filth. It's disgustingfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstaingodawful language """was quite literately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his unspeakable horror, that mindset c," if I can even call them that, haveof pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoiso


Attached: Screen Shot 2020-02-25 at 20.13.37.png (1138x1232, 1.54M)

(You) #
>> (You) # (You) #
>03 (You) # (You) #
>>>> (You) # (You) # (You) # (You) #
>>>>>orror, that mindset ch*nks have, have metastasized into what any empathetic human considers the death of pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoisonthatdisgusting looking a sounds or whatever. You listen to that goliterately ripped out of their bodies back when Mao fucked his country into the shitstain it currently is now. Mao ripped th anyone. It was quite literately rippe
d out of their bodies back to mind, filth. It's disgustingfucked hi
s country into t
he shitstainfucked his country into the shitstainfucked his country into the shitstaingodawful
language """was quite literately ripped out of their bodie
s back when Mao fucked his unspeakable horror, that mindset c," if I can even call them that, haveo
f pure goodwill. Now ch*nks poisonpoisonoisonpoiso

>quarantined with no PC