Trust the plan. GOD WINS

Trust the plan. GOD WINS.

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Other urls found in this thread: INDEX.htm &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=

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i want r/t_d refugees to leave. Respect our borders faggots.

Imagine how great this country would be if all the Qkike Boomers ceased to exist.

Oh look its literally just some zogbots standing around

God wins in the end, all right, but not with the stupid Q "Plan".

It's been easy to see for a long time that patriots are NOT in control, and if there ever was a "Plan", it's been soundly defeated.

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LARP died yesterday, no national lockdown. It's over.

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Tf glownigger shit is in the sky behind them?

Take your meds, schizos.
Stop making these threads.

Oh its a helicopter -_-

people wonder why hitler and stalin purged the party
redditors and e celebs get the rope

That's not Q...

LINK will hit $362 by July.

Was crashing the world economy and bring in a digital currency part of the plan?

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>Trust the plan goy
>Trust Barr, don't look into his past with the Clinton's or involvement in Waco
>Trust the NSA, DHS, ATF, FBI and MilInt, they're your friend now that trump is in office and has complete control. They're all based and redpilled
>Assange and Snowden are traitors they should be locked up
>They hate this and hate Jesus trust the plan, we'll do all the hard work you just sit back and ignore the realities happening around you, it'll all be fixed soon
>Don't question anything or you're not trusting the plan enough. Don't even make an argument just act smug because you're right and don't need to prove anything it's all there

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LARPS over my guy, give it up.

God is winning, alright, and his enemy is the nigger-fucking faggot USA.

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Imagine thinking thats going to pass the senate after the kikeocrats shot down the Republicans coronavirus relief bill in an autistic fury. And than imagine trump signing it

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>doubling down

fuckin ey dmt bro

Back to plebbit you go.

Ok assuming you're correct, was crashing the world economy and bringing a 30% unemployment rate where people are losing their jobs and people are committing suicide over it part of the plan all along?

>tripling down

Were "patriots in control" I should say.

Dude, just tell us when it’s going to happen.

>Imagine how great this country would be if all the Qkike Boomers ceased to exist.

No idea. I'm not Q and neither was that poster.

Whose commiting suicide ?

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Q is still a psyop and not coming to save you retard

This didnt start in america did it though retard ?

there is actually a lockdown in italy, and democratic held states

>Sessions does nothing and gets cucked by Trump
>Trust Comey and the FBI
>Trust this other Jew or person we were calling an agent of the deepstate a week ago
>Just keep doing nothing and letting it get worse, we totally have your back goyim. Trump, Kushner Bolton, Netanyahu, Barr, Pompeo and the rest are going to save yoh

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You Q niggers cannot be saved. Enjoy your LARP.

>people wonder why hitler and stalin purged the party
They do?

Also the thought of slaughtering neoncons and boomers civnat in a massive purge makes my pp hard

Trust the plan user.

Future of human civilisation rests on Coventry Cathedral and the fat orange retard who brings a (((monopoly))) on twitter to storm .

Take it personally user, like I give a flying fuck American user.

It’s all over 8kun great awakening too.

Now you’ve got martial law and about to have your guns taken off you.

A combination of high level information warfare based on Gregory Bateson’s ‘theory of types’ , Lots of meditation and some incredible luck.

Seven weeks meditation with these bad boys. INDEX.htm

And yes, it is all over 8kun too.
Illumination route (27 pages)

Methodology (37 pages)

Don’t take it personally. All our politicians are shameless cunts. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out, does it?

And fixating on national identity is a recipe for disaster.

And yes, we are definitely all created equal.

And the dumb Jews do pay a price to handle the money too. Lol

Direct link to source document in pdf format. 2,238 pages

17 year long beam of light from the absolute. 130 Mb

Every single entry date and time stamped.

Kills the poor hurt feelings and opinions of individual humans dead.

Jon James Pratt (999)

48 year old illuminated polymath from Warwickshire

Humbly blessed as the world’s top intellectual and philosopher

Never lies and is never violent. Ever

Aka 'the storm '
Aka ‘cosmic lol ’

BREADCRUMBS &as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=&imgar=&imgc=&imgcolor=&imgtype=&cr=&as_sitesearch=&safe=images&as_filetype=&as_rights=

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No, it won’t. It will be around $10-15 EOY. Still very good.

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>holding Q accountable for random anonymous posts
Never gets old

If Q and Trump don't turn out to be the real deal, our homeland is fucked, and there's no where else left to run. You'd better hope and pray it's not a larp.

We have dates and they are wrong. The same material gets posted every day and things get worse. I want to believe but it’s fake and gay.

Q is proof that this was all planned and we are all fucked
Q= opium for people who would otherwise see that the NWO is coming now

Yes. Part of the plan was to prepare for a 3 week to 3 month disruption. You CLEARLY ignored us, willfully.

Sorry you're a retard, not my problem. Enjoy your LARP, because that's what it is.

It's part of (((someone's))) plan.


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What dates? You mean that IP address you thought was a date? Those month markers without years? How can you prove certain things came to pass or not when the media obviously colludes to lie and cover up news events all the time?

But whatever, I don't care. You being wrong isn't really my problem.

Alright Q fags = you keep saying it's not q, it's just some user when this bs doesn't come off. Give us the supposed real links then - lets have a look so we can see if it's real or just the obvious storyline larp it reads like.

HAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow! Did you just copycat what I said to you in another thread back at me? Holy shit it must have stung you hard when I said it. XD

Again: you being wrong is not my problem.

Nigger just shut the fuck up, you fell for a LARP congratulations you're just that fucking stupid.

Holy fucking shit Q user just flew over my house

Are you actually, seriously retarded that you don't know how to look for yourself? That explains a lot, you denialfags continually show us you're like boomers trying to work gmail with this shit. It's fucking hilarious.

Kek brainwashed NPC throws impotent temper tantrum as usual.

Oh look Ellen Degenerate is discretely on house arrest, like we told you retards. Lmfao.

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>Is a NPC that fell for a LARP
>Calls people who aren't retarded like him NPCs
Okay my guy.

Dunno San Antonio is going into lackdown tomorrow at 11:59pm

I can’t make threads because mods banned me From making them but I need your guises help I’m hearing voices in my walls I’m freaking out I don’t know what the fuck is happening I don’t know if they’re real or not I think I have schizophrenia I’m freaking out and help help help

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I want what they CONFIRM is the supposed correct info, because everytime this shit fails they explain it away as not being Q.EVERY FUCKING TIME.
YOU BELIEVE THIS OBVIOUS BULLSHIT, you don't get to call others retards

Are you a Q Bro? Is there not going to be alien disclosure?

Fuck Qtaris are a sensitive bunch. The hammer was supposed to fall multiple times and it has yet to. I’m not wrong about that and am asking for more information if you have it. With respect. I’d really like to think Trump is ahead of the curve, but the feedback I’m getting contradicts this.

Only Jews captialize ever letter of God. Same way they add symbols to it or add that underspace to it. They are afraid of saying or writing his real name

Trump isn't coming to save you, it's a disinformation, cointel propaganda, and psyop wrapped in one giant shit burrito. It's meant to keep you complacent and doing nothing while fighting pointless battles.