Who was in the wrong?
Seattle suburbanites accost man filming potential coronavirus medical emergency
Other urls found in this thread:
The pinko sheep, obviously
Damn, look at the legs and hips on that bitch.
that shit makes me rage. anyone that tries to limit someone from legally filming or taking photos is instant blood boil. shoulda pepper sprayed those first two since they were so aggressive with a dangerous beast no less
Seattle has some weird looking people
why do women like that insist on wearing leggings in public?
Why are you complaining? She looks really good in them but needs to grow her hair out.
Can you post a better link?
>we dont any footage of the training exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was a lot of 5oy
Why do stupid fucks like this think they carry any sort of authority? They really like larping as some sort of authority figure you must listen to is what ive noticed about them
Well, some of you were wondering where all the videos of people just collapsing are. Here you go.
filming that ugly lady's ass while she walked away was inappropriate
for my delicate sensibilities
I need to watch that cute Bernie girl now to wash away the taste
Imagine laying there dying in the street and some Seattle gay shoves a camera in your face so he can get youtube clicks because he thinks your suffering is a spectacle for everyone's entertainment.
They sound scared. They are trying to rationalize their fear and be in control by lashing out at someone. They probably thought "why is everybody just standing around watching?" But they weren't brave enough to tell the whole crowd to leave. But, this young guy in the back, 70 yards away, was just the punching bag they needed to feel in control of the situation and flash their superiority. People like this go through life stepping on others, never putting themselves under the same microscope.
"How about we fight, and if I win, you have to film me fucking your girlfriend?" Then when the woman starts to melt down, say, "No, I was asking you."
This is very true. Not only does Seattle attract the most mentally ill but also the most unattractive.
I would be slightly above average in Atlanta but in Seattle I'm like a unicorn 10.
Hope these people botch catch it next and collapse.
I think the 2 CIA agents trying to cover up the corona death were in the wrong but that's just me.
isnt seattle like san francisco 2.0? one of my cousins went to exchange there and she told me about beligerent homeless niggers openly doing heroine and shitting in the streets. also there was a murder in her apartment block the night she arrived.
>rando films a significant event people are interested in seeing out of self preservation
Absolutely disgusting and indefensible
>news crew films similar event
stunning and brave journalism, thank you for being at the forefront and giving us the flame we seek, oh Prometheus
attention whores. They know they need mens resources to survive, ultimately. It comes from a place of weakness.
They're not very nice.
Copy and taste the link+additional hyperlinked part
It's one thing to chew someone out for filming instead of helping, but it's pure autism to be angry at someone filming something that's already under control.
URL doesn’t work
Seattle area here. I have personally encountered quite a few dick moves like that couple in just the past few days. Seriously, complete normies are starting to lose it and it's starting to freak me out.
WA has laws protecting patient's rights, including if they are with medical assistance in public. It's subject to fine, and can be considered "stalking."
Still doesn’t work
Fucking leftist, always belive their virtues make them in the right and can voice their opions. Have no fear of repercussions. A female goes up to a strange man and calls him a piece of shit. Society has become too accepting of women arrogance and bullying.
Nice link, brainlet.
people like that need their ass beat once or twice in their life and they will learn not to walk up to a rando and talk shit.
If he's filming sickness than let him, why not?
Based unscrupulous retard who posts from all sides
Are you a felon drug user?
They would never say a goddamn word to a crazy lookin' nigger. They picked on meekbro from Seattle.
Seattle sucks because everyone is a nerd that will never throw down in a fight, so you just get these unlimited spans of passive aggression.
Took the words out of my mouth user.
OP fucked up his link so bad he has to commit ritual suicide now it’s only way to purify his soul
because going bare bottom is a crime or something
who was in the wrong?
as always has been and always will be the case, for the history of the universe until the end of time:
Was about to post this. Anyone who doesnt have a firm grasp of objective reality (normies/leftists) are going to lose their fucking minds as soon as they begin realizing the society that nurtured their dillusional ideas is collapsing around them.
Another 6months and you can expect to see a huge rise in serial killers and suicide cults.
Open wide here comes the choo choo train
Sudden Wuhan Collapse Syndrome is my name for it
Some think they have just a flu, but it eventually goes into the lungs and their 02 starts dropping, and it can lead to them passing out
These cases mostly just need oxygen therapy to recover
didnt you see the image?
its sweet and sour sicken
or goo-goo-gai-pandemic
What race is that?
Seattle is gay as fuck.
These are Urbanites, Greenlake is very much within the city now.
holy shit talk about snowflake mentality. what a whiny little bitch they barely reprimanded him. toughen up nancy boys
Stop talking out of your ass you retard, If it's in public you can film.
Meme this Seattle couple
Anyone and everyone that found themselves in Seattle.
the guy filming is a fruitcake but he's 100% right
>reddit spacing
Well to be fair I would be pissed if some random dude started filming my father having a heart attack. But in case the victim is a stranger to me, I couldnt give half a fuck if people film him
stupid faggots and their fur baby.
Yes all of Washington and the pacific northwest is like this, don't come here.
liberalism is a disease and coronavirus is the cure
Would it be a dick move to masturbate to this?
The woman has the "Let me speak to your manager" haircut. A clear red flag. The "man" is a mutt of dubious ethnicity who has inner rage for being a rootless freak. Quite the pair.
Based pun.
Nice link faggot!
Sounds like 90% of Seattle
I already am
Mashed potatoes ass. No.
It's just another form of virtue signaling by mentally ill liberals. They don't really care about the filming but just want to feel that sense of smug talking down to some stranger for some perceived faux pas.
>STFU boomers you're blocking my view.
Imagine commenting on a video you didn’t watch
He was keep a respectful distance, he wasn't in the road or in anyone's face. The barren couple can go fuck themselves.
Every woman in seattle dresses that way
The guy walking the dog is such a cuck.
>lets his girlfriend initiate the confrontation and do the talking
>passive aggressively tries to tell filmer "that like maybe umm that's like not so chill man"
>realizes the filmer isn't going to beat his ass, so begins to get brave as the confrontation is winding down
>you're a piece of shit!
>ok, thanks for your time
>doesn't do shit and walks away
Absolute cuckoldry on display in Seattle.
lol short-haired women are a pest
you f*cking coomers. not two hundred years ago she would have been chased away from public spaces for indecency. and that's not the only difference between today and then
>be burger roastie
>spend a half hour standing around watching someone die of corona chan
>see someone filming
>flip out on them for being disrespectful
Bitch you doing the same thing except you just going to tell your friends about it instead of showing them.
>not two hundred years ago she would have been chased away from public spaces for indecency
And? Two hundred years ago, people were even dumber than they are now.
it probably has a dick, so indirectly yes
That cunt. Mostly because of her ideals, but that hair.... and that outfit.... ugh... so gross.
>people were even dumber than they are now
[citation needed] Or are you tying to imply that memorizing facts effects ones ability to problem solve? Cuz there is little different between you and a neanderthal besides the number of facts your society has accumulated.
thats a awesome pic though
white people are different when not forced to live nearby non-whites, that's for sure. most white people who live nearby a lot of non-whites have an irrepresible self-pride that comes from being the smartest person in the room a lot, because of the intelligence differences.
i looked more closely, and saw that her hair wasn't so short but that doesn't excuse her behaviour
are you anti-white or something ? there was a lot ways that society was organised better, to included not wiping out the white population, like what's happening today
lurk more
Dox and shame
And nutrition plays a huge role in brain development, so they would've been dumber back then, period.