So long story short, I just got a job after a 5 year hiatus and I miss the NEET life. I am actually more depressed now than ever before. I've quit Blizzturd games, and my Steam library (for the time being, trying out this normie-wagie thing that everyone screeches at me about).
Anyway, yeah, I won't deny I've had a middle-class comfy lifestyle for a good minute but I struggle daily with happiness. I've tried a lot of things, but I just don't give a flying fuck. At 28 and lost, what's my next move? Has anyone ever fully recovered from NEET?
If all else fails I will ultimately sell myself to some rich cougar or something. I'd fuck a boomer to stay off the streets.
Be grateful. I am trying to escape neetdom and now a fucking global pandemic hits.
have you ever tried going outside and doing something? like hunting or craftsmanship?
Post key stats
Make 5 kids to save the usa
Honestly I try. I know I've had it easier than others, but on a personal level I feel pretty shitty.
The pandemic definitely hasn't helped, but it has given me some new perspectives. I also enjoy the fact that OTHERS have to endure being in isolation and away from crowds. It's about damn time they understand.
Start a family. That's the next step, that is, assuming you're white. If not, neck yourself, please.
>Muh games
>NEET for the last 5 years
>"I'd fuck a boomer to stay off the streets."
You sound like a useless tard wasting your life.
Anons could give you advice, but if you still don't get it at your age, you probably never will.
Yeah man, I love going out and shooting. My dad buys guns but he's pretty much oblivious to disassembly and maintenance. I suppose that'd be a good way to meet people or something. I'd love to hunt but Utah has 10k people ready to take the first tag for a deer lmao. So rabbits will have to do.
That's... Why I'm here? Asking for some interesting guidance, or maybe another route to take vs the one I'm on.
I know I seem like an ungrateful asswipe, which I have been, but I'm ultimately paying the price and ready to change.
If you love shooting, and you live a comfy lifestyle, than go out shooting or play airsoft every couple weeks
You did it backwards dummy. You're supposed to work for ten years to boost up your Social Security Disability benefit, then NEET for the rest of your life.
>If all else fails I will ultimately sell myself to some rich cougar
MILF fucker here. It’s not that simple. An increase in MILF porn and a surplus of thirsty betas mean that even attractive 40-somethings have a large number or young men to choose from. The stereotype of the sex-starved cougar is far removed from reality. They’re getting fucked just as much as Stacy the 20 year old sorority whore.
Fair point. I just hope I don't settle for a roastie that waits to leave in the middle of the night and take 50% of my wages. I don't live in fear, I just know how much power women have these days if they decide to abuse it.
this. i am essentially a neet but I still go outside and do stuff, i just dont interact with most people coz they're fucking worthless. but being stuck inside coming to this place actually takes its toll mentally even after a few days. i honestly dont understand how people can just do this for years, i would hang myself.
sunshine cures most of life's ills to be honest. if you have nothing but 20-something celcius sunshine weather, a bit of food in yer belly and a pack of cigs you are basically set. just fucking walk around outside and you'll figure out what you want to do. also, dont own a cellphone.
>T for the rest of
Fuck. I knew I should've taken life seriously back then. Oh well, hopefully after this pandemic blows over Technology will automate society a little more. Lord knows' the internet is overwhelming our brains as it is.
how do you find a rich couger?
- a guy about to be on the streets
I make 43$ an hour ... you'll never have half of what I own ... fag neet
Great question. I would think to look on the more popular social media sites, and just shoot some PMs. If you're at least a 5/10, you should be capable of finding a widow or someone that hit their wall a long time ago. In my head, this can be mutually beneficial. Both sides provide a service if done correctly.
I've been working since 17. Took a haiutus for ONE semester of comm college. Fuck is wrong with you. Get a job, shithead. Spoiled middle class fuck, are ya?
t. proud albertard. just coz you're welding teeth on a bucket at syncrude basemine doesn't mean you're special lmao. also, gotta pump up those rookie numbers bud, i was on about 57 an hour doing IT work back in 2010-2014, never had to do fuck all except watch you mouth-breathers work in the cold.
I make beer in Quebec , nice try
You have a redundant statement. Aforementioned above, I haven't had a traditional family setting to set me straight in life. And it has fucked me up, but I have the willingness to challenge my beliefs and hopefully share that knowledge with fellow-minded NEETS in a rut.
Wagie life seems like it'll be okay, but the transition period is rough man.
well in that case you're probably alright user. tabernac-ers are based, except for montreal pigs.
Theres a movie called CIA.
And the dude asks the rock who used to be fat how “he got so ripped?”
The rock says, “its easy. You just work out 6 hours a day everyday for 15 years”
Life is a little like that. First its hard. Shouldering the responsibility. As you continue it gets easier and you change. Your body and mind adapt.
Being a neet wont make you happy. Its a dead end. Make goals, get some hope, put in the work and youll be amazed at how the law of the harvest operates
Join the Army and kill people. Worked for me.
your serotonin is too high. stop taking ur ssri's. you need to learn to be a beta and take orders from ur bosses.
Kys video game loving faggot
Fuck, I'll be 28 this year and I'm in the same boat (except I'm still NEETing). I'm scared to rejoin the real world but I've begun to hate the NEET world.
Which branch? Don't they frown upon someone in their late 20s trying to join?
At this point if I can survive any type of deployment then dedicating my life to a cause of any sort would be worthwhile.
When I turned 18 I tried joining, but I was beyond insane with my decision making; I'd probably be in a grave by now if I would've joined then.
I've tried, it wasn't that great, life might be a shit game but we all have to play it, including you
Lmao the rare time I did take SSRIs they fucked with my sense of reality greatly. I'm pretty sure it had a lasting affect too. Fuck big pharma man, that shit is a death trap.
Be grateful you have a job during this current state of affairs
Backpacking with my dog helps me.
Watch out for the bush bros and their larp axes
Anons I’m new to NEETing, worked since I was 15, I’m sick of this gay earth. I’ve never been able to get ahead even working 80+ hours a week because something always fucked up. My question is: how do I make neetbux
Most definitely. I can't comprehend how shitty it feels for retail and sales people, they're pretty much fucked for the time being. But in the same breath, it's nice knowing people have to endure the isolation, disregarding their state of affairs anyway.
defeatist attitude. you realise most euros dont understand the vastness of your country unless they've lived there, and therefore the immensity of opportunity if you can hack the loneliness. i would unironically love to live in the US if i wasn't actually born with the handicaps of euro mentality i.e. somewhat vaguely giving a shit about eachother but also disliking the neighbours because we're in close proximity to one another.
just take the homestead pill and do some soul-searching and you'll realize you have it pretty good all things considered.
Get drugs shipped to you and sell them
Thing with NEET is that there is no going back. Its almost like a Tranny surgery, you chop it off and now its your life wether you regret it or not.
Once you have lived as a NEET for 5+ years, you will never get employed (maybe at a local mc donalds and work for pennys, but you NEETs pretty much assume this is how people live anyway so glhf). No serious employer wants a dude who is okay with pissing his years away and feeling no sense of responsibility.
Also, you wont go back to studying. After 5+ years of not studying, very few people have the concentration, ambition or general will to being able to dedicated and stressful studying, and if they do, they drop out cause their mental state has pretty much adapted to gaming and shitposting whenever you sit by a computer.
You will never have a respectable gf cause you have pretty much abandoned to the point of no return any attempt at social skill and fullfilling interactment with other people different from you. No decent girl will ever want to be with a man who knows nothing in life except his computer.
I guess the military would be your only option, assuming you are from the US, where they let any braindead good for nothing inbreed handle a gun and be responsiblle for lives.
That's a great point actually.
Naturally yeah, people around me doubt life and never second guess their decisiveness or their emotions that drain them because we as Americans attach too much emotion to our choices which carries so much mental weight. The pride can be enjoyable when it is mutual, but overall if the 'vibe/mood' is low, everyone feels it. We've got a pack mentality in the majority of living situations.
Being an individual should mean more control over my emotions. So you've hit the nail on the head with that one.
Oh so youre an adult now
If only we could unite
This is a brutal honesty that I appreciate. And you're 1000% correct. I was at a community college for A+ computer upgrade and repair. My highshool years never prepared me for any sort of study habits- albeit my own choices set me back, but my teachers never put forth any effort to make us care either.
Clearly I have a lot of catching up to do, but my life is in complete reversal right now. I've given up all things except this site, and a blank slate for a new purpose.
Military seems worth if all else fails. A backup plan > no plan.
I haven't been a NEET in almost three years but I don't have any sort of social life and I still live with my parents.
On my weekends I just watch TV or browse Yas Forums all day in bed. I tell myself I'm going to try to do such and such or get out of the house but I feel trapped and don't end up not doing anything. My life feels like one giant car pileup.
Not that poster, but I joined the AF after being a NEET for 10 years. I became a wizard during tech school. So far it hasn't been that much different from being a NEET. Study a little bit for the ASVAB (I used ASVAB for Dummies and got straight 99's) and your recruiter will treat you like a super genius. Just make sure you get a job flying a desk and not turning a wrench or scanning CACs at the gate.
Exactly, now you're getting it. It's about true individualism and self-confidence, the pioneering kind that built your country in the first place. Not the ignorant kind that you see from retarded suburbanites with a big mouth and opinion on everything.
I lived 15 years in NA and I could never understand why even though I made a tonne of money, I felt empty inside. I realise now it's because I was confusing the intracies of being a European, which entails a lot of good things but also a lot of small-minded bullshit, with a sense of belonging.
In a big place like NA, the notion that you should be "connected" to people is retarded because it is still, to this day, a big Sim City if you want it to be and have the drive to make it.
Trust me when I say that I have stood in some of the most remote places in northern NA and felt utter terror at the fact that I was alone. I had a truck, a shotgun and plenty of money/gas/whatever.... but the idea that I was so far removed from the next person just boggled my mind. I think if you're truly descended from the early American pioneers that this fear just doesnt exist inside of you and doesnt handicap you.
I could explain more but it's a long story. Ask whatever you want from somebody that is able to now realize what both realities entail and I'll answer.
Seriously man, this is what I mean. I am starting to understand this rotation of living and it's not stimulating or enticing, but necessary to survive.
Moving out without a good amount of money is impossible. The housing market sucks.
Also finding a realistic social interaction or a hub can be difficult. I try to not be so picky, women are a whole other subject but man they're high on the pedestal if they utilize social media.
I'm feeling new growing pains. It's 30% pleasant and uplifgting, 70% unpredictable and chaotic.
Not everything he said was true I was a neet for 5+ years after joining the military cause I was overworked slaving away in a submarine. I used my neet time and money to be alone with my thoughts and figure shit out. I have a gf and a good job. DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY. Just have a goal and and find job doing whatever it is you love. You're going to struggle expect it. But you're going to struggle worse when you actually enter and leave the military.
Hey so I was hardcore autist neet for years, thought I would always be that way, turned 18 and threw myself into hospo, got pretty good at being a wagie, got a healthy taste for booze and whatever was going but that lead to some pretty hectic depression and anxiety, kept that up till I was 25 and now I'm taking a year off, jumped back into neetdom, got 2 wow subs going and smoke cones all day. I've lived a good wagie life and now both sides of neetdom and I think from my experience being a NEET is the way to go especially if we're getting extra neetbux for 6 months, going to cash out my super, use that plus the extra neetbux to invest while the markets low all while mummy cooks me tendies. lifes not bad rn. If the market stuff goes well then I might never have to go back to work who knows.
This is intriguing. Yeah, I don't have to make a major point so long as I'm getting setup to enjoy a comfy lifestyle, hopefully with an upward curve in most aspects. If I'm passionate about what I'm doing, I won't stop and I don't stop. I'll put out some feelers and see what opportunities are available within those parameters. A desk can lead to many places I'd like to think.
This is the greatness of America and being American that most people never even recognize that makes us a people
Yikes well, sacrifice is the name of this game. Yeah, I was actually talking to a Navy recruiter and I passed the test but never followed up on the full process... It sounds like the initial hype wears off pretty quickly then.
Regardless of patriotism, I am impressed by the mental fortitude it takes to stay in these positions.
How? What drugs? I have experience selling street drugs but not with the online purchasing aspect
do you have a good job or are you trying to barely survive?
Bumping for this
Just go shoot some sand niggers and fuck their women
>s going and smoke c
Honestly dude if I get the chance to take some unemployment to study, I might push for an actual career. Until this point my value has been 'characters in a digital world' because I didn't value my own life. Booze and me have a relationship for sure, but I know that crazy bitch just wants my money when she's empty; but man she can be a good time if you can play the moderation game. My creativity and curiosity is much more plentiful with a few shots or brews in me. A crowd of happily moderate drinkers would come in handy more often than not too.
>their mental state has pretty much adapted to gaming and shitposting whenever you sit by a computer.
This is absolutely spot on. Shitposting on Yas Forums for years has ruined me for working on the computer. The habit of opening a browser and going straight to Yas Forums is so entrenched that sitting at a computer with something to do and not going to Yas Forums takes a near superhuman effort. Working on something not on the computer is fine. I think I'm addicted to Yas Forums.
well I'm of the opinion that you can't really fault them (i.e. euros with ego) because most of them are actually guilty of the very ignorance they claim americans are prone to.
The best analogy that I can give you is something my no-filter blackpilled irish dad taught me when I was young. If you have a toy model of a car or a plane, and you were to just simply multiply the dimensions by a scalar... you wouldn't actually end up with the real-life sized object because that's not how scale works.
This is the limitation, in both directions, of the American vs. Euro mentality. Each can't understand the scale of the other, and the scale impacts so many other things that are an entire topic in itself. Who knew that population density actually mattered???? Sarcasm obv, but there is a reason it was called the New World.
Much love for my amerimutt brethren btw.
Find a bar you're comfortable sitting at, in truth I'm not a full on neet anymore, doing an online degree that works well with my longterm goals. You're on the right path to finding some happiness man, moderation and don't be afraid of going out for a drink now and then. I can't overstate finding a good bar with a regular crowd that will become something of a family. Also don't shy away too much from Vidya, I think if you've spent that much time on it it probably means you enjoy it, just take moderation into account again.
14 bucks an hour, I'm on a grounds crew for my small city, in Utah. It's pretty much handywork and mowing/weed eating, but my crew is great. Although they're not really imagining life outside of "what will I eat today" or "what slutty bitch is gonna slob on me' knob this weekend".
So relations are limited, but I cooperate and work my ass off. It's simple but honest work I guess.
I browse daily. Nay, I spend more time lurking to see a more outlined taste of reality with less borders here than any other platform or word of mouth. People here tend to have unspoken rules of casting out some truth bait and seeing what type of response they catch. It's beyond addicting.
Not trying to be a dick but I think you should get a job and work for a year or so and then go to school. And not just working, but legitimately trying to do your job better every day than you did yesterday. And you might not like that because it sounds like being cucked to your boss, but it's about more than money. It's about your perceived self worth and when you hold yourself to a higher and higher standard then that increases. Using your brain and your body in some kind of laborious effort is fulfilling for men like having a child is for a woman. Also I don't recommend the military because they'll fuck your life up.
me too lad. I've been seeing a therapist and shit and just committed to making progress in employment and then BOOM no more jobs especially not for agoraphobic aspies
This place is also very bad for your brain. A bunch of depressed people telling anyone less depressed then them that they need to be depressed in order to understand the world.
hey kid i like you, eventually get something that will help white people into space someday!
I appreciate this. I will definitely take your words into consideration. A bar seems like the right atmosphere to bounce some of my moods off of others and try to create a crowd to expect. I think I'm just missing out on socializing. And yeah, vidya is great, but it drove me off the cliff of reality. I denied myself many pleasures to raise some numbers for some invisible ego I was feeding. Finding an equalizer for that is gonna be tough without getting a hook in my mouth again.
Being away from people because you're a loser and not worth their time is different than being away from people because you dont want to infect them
Fair points for sure. I think you're right, I haven't been consistent as far as employment so yeah, work history alone is gonna be valuable. I guess I have been sporadic with my decisions in life and haven't hunkered down for long enough to settle in. Thank you for the feedback!
Oddly enough I'm a realist to such a degree that seeing people mention their backgrounds and a taste of ifs and whens is comforting and believable. Otherwise I'd go to Reddit and ask some fuckwads their opinion.
But you do have a semblance of truth, I guess I was just at my wits end with loneliness. Rural living without reaching out often hasn't made me any friendships or relationships in quite some time. That's my fault, and friends online aren't always a feasible option to rely on.
Making money is more fun than video games. You’re just on a dopamine withdrawal from shiny light and color games.
I took up reading technical manuals and repairing every mechanical devices. I could to get my hands on to get off NEETdom. It took 2 years.
The thing that really hit me was when I took a good look at Asmongold. The man looks withered from collecting mounts and yelling at raid members.
He has wasted the best years of physicality for his life. He disgust me.
The only thing that matters about work history and education is the last thing you did. If you held any job for a year then it won't matter you did nothing for a few years after high school. If you have a bachelor's degree, it won't matter if you dropped out of high school and got your GED. I'm not assuming any of that applies to you, I'm just saying that your life isn't hopeless just because you're not one of those over achiever people with perfect resumes.
i dont really understand the point the first guy replying to your post was trying to make, it sounds belittling desu so fuck him, probably a self-important desk-jockey kike.
tfw when my dad was an excellent mechanic and i was a know-it-all electronics "prodigy" that was lazy in my youth and didn't understand the benefits of physical labour.
it literally clears your mind and makes you tired and serene enough to actually progress your state of thinking into an adult state of mind.
mfw i understand how to find a 0-day exploit but actually prefer being outside doing what others consider to be "pleb" work because it gives you more of a purpose.
the lesson is to never reduce others down to a point where you feel superior to them when in fact you don't have the slightest idea of what forms fulfillment can take.