ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ
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This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·Fascist/NatSoc ideology
·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
·Nationalism & Patriotism
·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements
What are you waiting for? Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk altogether!
>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))
>But what really is National Socialism?
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/NSG/ + /SIG/
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Fuck off
Natsoc LARPers are cringy
Fuck off retard
Fuck off, this is a board of peace
I used to be NatSoc, then I self-improved and realized I didn't want to be NatSoc anymore.
Fuck off
Fuck off
Glow nigger ideology
t. Tel Aviv
Thanks for making these OP, you are clearly over (((targets))).
>try to convince my sister that the liberals are nazis
>faggots like OP exist and ruin everything
t. Copeland, Kansas
You have to go back to your shitty discord neetsock
Go back to r/pharmacy redditard
You have to log off your vpn you disgusting fucking jew and go watch your Palestinian bull fuck your fiancé.
ITT juden seething at NSG threads.
Found your HQ
Fuck off with your national socialist--- (((socialist)))---- bullshit during a crisis you fucking nostalgic larping faggot
Blood and soil.
Seeth jude
Thanks for making these OP, keep it up. Fuck these seething kikes.
We get it. You're an edgy teen alt-right praise kek badass master troll. Bring your Halloween dressup ideology back to Yas Forums after the boomer remover drama. I can't pay my rent. I have no income.
It's Jew or Kike try hard wannabe. Juden is German. You're not German. You're a pretentious larper.
Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
Fuck off
NAZI LARPING now is as normie as collecting pokemon cards you absolute homo. Nobody cares about your teenage angst phase.
Post the kool green frog now memer.
Seeth jude
Fuck off
We need world socialism, not this half-baked garbage.
>first /nsg/ in months
>The AI start flooding the thread
You're not German. "Jude" is from the German language. You're an American live action role player. You speak English. I'm not Jewish or Israeli. I'm Canadian. I speak English. You're fake & gay. Simply annoying. Go back to Storm Front. Bring this childish shit back in a few months, bud.
Confirmed kike shills
Fuck Germany and all the faggots that originated from there
Confirmed for needing to finally get their GED
> (You)
> I'm not Jewish or Israeli. I'm Canadian. I speak English.
Nigger kike
>5 cope posts by this ID typing words from a language he's too stupid to learn but worships
You're a fascist because you're poor, uneducated, and isolated. You need to get a job or a girlfriend, or both.
>image filename from tumblr
Ok I'm done. He is 13 or so. Peace out.
Yeah ok (((leaf)))
Confirmed for 13 and being a cuck
holy shill
epic bread in the baking
Cope harder
You (((newfags))) need to be purged.
You need to go get your GED
for real. last few nsgs have been good but lotta shills in here tonite.
thanks OP for these threads
>ad hominem. not an argument
oh boy someones cranky
Lol same old nazi dumbassery. I'm not hear to argue, just to point out you're a half-literate cuck
why are you so grumpy?
Something about you being a cuck
Lots of seething kikes here today.
Can you make better jokes other than we can't read and don't have our GED? This is kind of like talking to a baby calling me a poopy head.
I mean you're supposed to be for the working class. That's kinda bigotted.
Good one champ!
Dude you just posted cringe
I know you think we're big baddies from hollywood movies but if you acted like a big boy you could ask questions and learn our ideas. I know what you're gonna say:
>smart people don't listen to the other side
We can't help it. We're far too stupid and bigotted to ever learn or have a discussion. Screaming and pouting is much more indicative of high IQ
Shit bait
I'm only for sticking my dick in your ass until you can scream no more. And those aren't jokes, it's observations on the kind of person you gotta be to believe in something that insanely dumb.
>I know you think we're big baddies from hollywood
Most people studied history unlike you, high school dropout skinhead. Nazis were pretty fucking evil
What am I supposed to learn from basement dwellers who haven't even gotten their GED yet?
>we need world socialism
>talks about gay sex
No surprise.
Bend over, buddy, you're next.
>t. capitalist american consumer
jesus christ this board has been completely fucked by amerimutt migapede r/donald brainlets.
this isn't bait you stupid amerimutt pig. its just not /ptg/ aka your right wing circle jerk.
Today I've learned that Yas Forums doesn't nazism, I think I'll stay here after the virus after all.