Empty shelves

Has the panic buying finally ended in your city/ town?

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We had none until the NYC hipster niggers fled here to their summer homes. Now those lice are waiting in the grocery store lot before it opens.

Central Utah here
>implying we even bought into it to begin with
kys snow nigger

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No, i threw a can of cream of wheat soup at an old lady to get to the last three cans of beeferoni this morning.

Everything is stocked higher than usual. Except for yeast and toilet paper. I just want to bake my own bread, man. Flour wasn't out at any point in either of the two cities I live in, so why the fucking yeast?!

Home brewing?

late buyers are doing it this week
then early birds do second run next
wait a month

Because everyone is using antibiotics so women cant grow their own.

fresh supplies of chix n beef daily but cleaned out..only swine flu meat .ribs left...everyrthing else stock but tp and pt

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consider making a sourdough starter?

>cream of X
Overall, a based action.

Should I go to the gas station to buy a snack y/n Austin TX

nope. still cant get water tp, masks, etc.


Seems to be calming down a little. Still some empty shelves. Security now at stores only letting a certain number of people in so not crowded.

Denver, CO here.
I saw water was back on shelves today. Still no toilet paper, or any paper products really. A few boxes of tissue were left, that’s all. Food was plentiful but some things were running low like eggs and fresh fish. But maybe they didn’t put fresh fish behind the display for health reasons.

Fuck these fucking chinks

Christchurch NZ, still a fair amount on the shelves, people in other cities in NZ report there is basically nothing.

People here are still stripping the Wal-Marts bare, but smaller grocery stores are fine.


YoU'rE gOnNa GeT tHe
MaKeS yOu CoUgH
aNd GaSp FoR yOuR
tHe OnLy WaY iT eNds Is WiTh
YoU'Re GoNnA gEt ThE

I would have no idea, I'm a Yas Forumslack and was prepped by February. I do see threads on the Atlanta Nextdoor app where the stupid normies tell each other what store has toilet paper shipments and when the best time to buy is.

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I think so. I went to the grocery store around 3pm today and it was about the normal level of busy. They had meat and other shit I couldn't get last week. Eggs were almost wiped out, but I could've gotten those on Friday and didn't. I'm sure they'll be available tomorrow or Wednesday.

They did have organic free range eggs left, but they were like $7 for a dozen. Kind of wish I'd tried them now. Anyone know if they taste different/better than cheap eggs?

Hell no. My mom sent me to get Kleenex, she got lucky as fuck because I found a 4 carton pack left at a display by the food, last one. Also grabbed a single roll of paper towels because that was literally the only thing on that isle.


>last three cans of beeferoni
What's the appeal of beefaroni. It makes me fart for 3 days straight, and not the smell free kind.

No toilet paper anywhere

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Toilet paper, meat and pasta are back on the selves but commercial bread is gone. Also the grocery store is closed early I guess for restocking.

I found when shopping, its best to wear FULL PPE. It scares people and they stay even farther away from you than they normally would.

You lazy faggots need to get to the store when it opens. Figure out when they get trucks. The night crew restocks and when the doors open many things are fully stocked. I was in the parking lot at 6 AM last time I went shopping. It was just me and a handfull of boomers doing the same thing. Got in and out fast and got what I needed. TP was stocked but limit of 1 pack per customer regardless of how many rolls. You guys really expect to stroll in randomly at 3 PM and find shit?

How canni combine the words agent and asian?

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>fresh fish
Where the fuck you getting that from in denver?
Fresh water fish? can't be ocean fish


The boomers get there first and buy all the toilet paper. Maybe they need it because they're on medications?

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This is before the store even opens to younger people.

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nope, prob going to get worse as shelter in place goes into effect in my county in 20 min

Sorry kids, did you try waking up earlier? Worked for her!

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Go to inner city grocery stores. Make sure you CCW though. Its plenty stocked.

Don't worry, I'm sure there will be plenty to go around! Just show up early! Well, not too early, seniors first.

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Why the fuck this faggot buying “fresh” fish in Denver. Dude fuck you


I don't know about which inner-city you're referring to. This city is picked over by boomers.

>Not culturing yeast off of your own ballsack

You fucking Eurofags have no survival instincts

imagine the smell

The less "factory farmed" the better, user. Taste better, stronger yolks, etc.

Seems to have ended at my local Kroger. For a while there was no meat besides beef or fish (no lamb, pork or chicken) nor any bread or paper products. That's all back lately.

I think once their garages are full, they'll run out of room and stop hording TP.

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We have these little hole in the wall grocers usually run by pajeets or muhammads. Selection is small but its stocked.

Went to Harris Teeter today just to scout things out. There was a long line to check out and everything I expected to be gone was still gone. These people can't get enough.

bro I just goto CVS Pharmacy. They got all the shit I need plus they put limits on coronavirus related shit so I can grab some rolls if I need to. Feels good not to be a walmart burger. My coworkers shop there and the shelves are fucking cleaned out 'cause chinamart I mean Walmart doesn't put limits on their shit. Heard Costco does the same but I'ma doomer boomer turning into a bloomer so I don't need 5 gallons of ketchup so I don't really go there.

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Walgreens has a small grocery section mostly junk food and pizzas/ice cream and shit.

2 cases of water and 2 packs of TP isn't anything crazy.

The ones where they serve you from behind bulletproof glass? Pretty sure they'll be picked over soon, this city is going to be chaos when EBT balances refresh.

idk why but im feeling rlly sick and icky and sad and dysphorica but this was funny

Never dabbled in the store-bought free range, but I do have 5 old chickens that I keep around as pets and are good for 2 eggs/day among them. They're not technically organic, but they do meet the "free range" requirements.

Color-wise, my birds' yolks are darker, almost orange. This is a function of the diet (my birds eat that high end Purina Layena shit). Taste? Eh, I don't notice much of a difference. Folks will tell you they do, but I think it may be psychological due to appearance and feeling accomplished by generating your own eggs.

Big black asses require more toilet paper.

>Be millenial
>Watch news
>Quarantine in place! Save the boomers! They're higher risk!
>Stay home
>Go out for normal grocery shopping once a week off peak hours to socially distance
>Boomers bought out toilet paper already

They gotta fuck us over one last time before they die, I guess

It is when you have a line out the door of boomers ready before they even open, they'd grab more if there weren't limits. It is just the sheer number of them. Then they come back each morning to get more. My parents are reasonable but my mom's friend has gone every single morning since the panic started.

Rice, pasta, and every form of flour was wiped out. Even Mac and cheese and shit is wiped out.
No one touched the healthy exercise stuff.

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At the meat section, you can either eat like a rich fag (ribeyes, strips, organic ground bison, all manner of fish), or eat like a poorer than poor fag (cow tongue, beef ribs, generic hot dogs). Everything else is sold out.

True dat, shop there before April 1 when nigger credit cards get reloaded.

Based Amerifats. You might as well stock up because while they're nothing to write home about they're at least a somewhat dense and longer shelf-life source of energy.

>Austin TX
be sure to lick the door handles, the gas pumps, and the crackheads when you get there, you fucking swine.

Being vegan this was an advantage for me, literally 100% of pasta and flour gone for weeks, but you could just amble into the health section and buy all sorts of gluten-free flours, Clif bars, etc. Got a bunch of flours and coconut oil which I can use to make pretty decent Pancakes. People are idiots, they've been ignoring all of that stuff. Oh and gluten-free pastas, which again aren't as good as natural pasta but hell they're edible.

i don't know. i haven't entered a retail establishment in a week. what's it like out there?

Is that why supermarkets here are fully stocked and foot traffic is back to normal? Thank god hipsters went back were they belong. You can keep them.

fuck no. i live in a mid sized town in Tennesee and Boomers are legit waking up at 5am to clean out the grocery stores' meat isle, TP, bread, rice, canned goods, milk, eggs, and bottled water on a daily basis. My wife and I have been having to borrow TP from family because of these 60 year old boomer fucks are legit filling truck beds full of TP to go hoard in their garage

Walgreens and CVS are different companies but they look identical. Similar inventory too. That being said, when shit hits the fan, all I need is a frozen pizza or similar processed shit. Can you guess what a drunk doomer used to eat for the last 4 years?

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Still no cleaning supplies or tp where I am. Theres more meat and eggs and bread than last week though it wasnt a lot. Pasta and canned goods were slim pickings.