/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2466 - CHINESE VIRUS EDITIONS

► Detected: 381,520 (+2,739) ► Died: 16,553 (+46)

~~~ Remaining to surpass H1N1: 1947 deaths ~~~

Greece to be put on lockdown, 10 million

Virus survives on surfaces up to 17 days, longer than expected

Spain turns ice skating rink into a morgue

18 year old teenager has died in Britain

Spain state-run funerary closes, run out of supplies

Infection might cause male infertility

Virus spreads through pipes

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

Type-A blood more likely to catch virus than type-O

Norway expects 2.2 million infected

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash

China treating patients with "traditional Chinese medicine"

210 dead in Iran, regime covers it up

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted


00:55: 52 new cases and 3 new deaths in Switzerland.
00:49: 226 new cases in Germany.
00:44: 2,047 new cases and 105 new deaths in Spain.
00:40: China’s National Health Commission reports 78 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province. Most of them originated in a foreign country. Of those, 31 are in Beijing and 14 in Guangdong province.
00:40: 1 new case and 7 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
00:25: 69 new cases in California, United States.
22:50: 51 new cases and 1 new death in Missouri, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>US State Leaderboard
584 total deaths
34/50 states (+DC/GU/PR) on the board (NH new today)


183 deaths
110 deaths
43 deaths
34 deaths
27 deaths
26 deaths
18 deaths
15 deaths
12 deaths
10 deaths
>MA, TX:
9 deaths
>CO, IN, VA:
7 deaths
>OH, PA:
6 deaths
>MO, OR, SC, VT, WI:
5 deaths
>KY, NV:
4 deaths
>AZ, MD:
3 deaths
>DC, KS, OK, PR, TN:
2 deaths
>GU, MN, MS, NH, SD, UT:
1 death

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how's the situation in best korea?

How long until the healthcare system starts to collapse? Tons of nurses and doctors are being infected; only seems like a matter of time.

That's when shit would really be bad.

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Go back to work goys.

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nothingbuger. give up with this shit.

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>Our findings suggest that a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals, but it would be better than no protection.

>The homemade cotton masks captured 50% of 0.02-1 micron particles, compared with 80% for the surgical mask. Although the surgical masks captured 30% more particles, the cotton masks did surprisingly well. The researchers concluded that homemade masks would be better than nothing.

>Any type of general mask use is likely to decrease viral exposure and infection risk on a population level, in spite of imperfect fit and imperfect adherence, personal respirators providing most protection.

Poorfag Mask. Least protection but better than nothing:

Now You're Trying Mask:

Schizo Mode:
Same thing as above but replace the paper towel pleb shit with an HVAC filter. Normalfags aren't buying these (yet) so you can still snag some. You can make multiple, reusable masks off just one of these.
Google a filter with a MERV rating from the link. The higher the rating, the better.

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Ready for more red, Yas Forums?

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As soon as Trump orders everyone to go back to work

Stop making these threads.
Whoever is paying you to make this bullshit up, I want you to stop and just think about the people.
All those innocent people you've terrified. Think about them. They think some virus is ripping through the world; meanwhile it's long since been contained.
24/7 you fearmonger, spreading misinfo and lies out through these threads to journos who blow it up on mainstream media to terrify the public into buy buy buying.

What you're doing is despicable and you need to stop.

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China caused the catastrophic medical PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) shortage.

>50% of global N95 production is in China; the following is all from January-February

>Total ban on export of N95 repirators; shipment out of country were seized on the tarmac- beginning of January still through to today

>In January China Nationalized all N95 Production facilities Including American, Canadian, and European Owned

>In the 2 weeks following Hubei lockdown China bought out the global inventory of N95 respirators well over 50 million

>In the 24 hour period of January 30th alone 20 million were ordered to china

>Chinese nationals across Europe, North America, and Oceania bought out retail location to ship back to china or hoard; archive.is/bcmSn

>Proof archive.is/6HdUi

>All whilst still hiding the virus from the rest of the world; WHO head is a chinese asset as well

>Critical shortage of N95 masks and other PPE acrosss the non asian world resulting in CRIPPLED surge capacity as medical workers will be getting the disease en masse

>China is immune to being called out because they still have an immense amount of other products they can pull from export such as 90% of all generic medicine in the U.S.A.

>They have threatened to do so publicly as seen here archive.is/cC8Sj

>WSJ describing the absolute disaster that is NYC right now Medical workers already testing positive archive.is/IwfyV

>Further description of the absolute state of the United States medical PPE shortage archive.is/RWfwu


This is the death knell of the Republic of the United States of America. Either we Balkanize and break into multiple nations infighting for the coming decade; the desired outcome of Chinas final desperate gamble; or we fall and rise up with an eagle on the flag as the new Imperial United States of America. Only time shall tell, the die is cast.

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Futures are green so i think we lose this one bobo.

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Getting hard to stay positive, bros...

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Shouldn't you be in the cuckshed?

Drop diplomatic relations with Red China and recognize Taiwan's claims as the sole legitimate government of China.

This is a threat.

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Dems have blocked the bill (all voted no in the senate) on second attempt and have introduced their own bill in the house.
Their own bill introduces a raft of appropriations and new rules on completely unrelated bullshit;
>Tax credits for green energy
>Mandatory emissions reductions if airlines take funding
>Mass extra funding for every single branch and institute that already gets money from govt.
>Bailout fund for a crashing planned parenthood that can't bilk paying patients
>Secretly hidden rules to ban voter ID
>$100 million for the NSA for Covid, $20 million of it must be used for explosive detection swabs

90% of the bill is a huge ???????????????????????????????? or sneaking in their usual bullshit


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>best case
Publicity stunt to increase trust in technology and medicine
>worst case
nanochipped vaccines for whites

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Chinks are panicking because they left their borders open and are about to get hit with a second wave lol.

The economy and the virus are now inversely correlated. More virus for good economy and less virus for worse economy.

Hurry up please I have a CCL put expiring friday

>super serious virus which is why we have to lie about it

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what happened w Taiwan? did they just somehow escape the slaughter of millions to instill CCP?

Brazil's is expected to collapse mid april.
Not that big of a deal since our health sector is always on the brink of collapse since we decided to hold the Olympics and world cup back to back

You are nothing, burger.

>muh Charts

China 81,171 (3,277) Italy 63,927 (6,077) United States 46,145 (582) Spain 35,136 (2,311) Germany 29,056 (123) Iran 23,049 (1,812) France 19,856 (860) South Korea 9,037 (120) Switzerland 8,795 (120) United Kingdom 6,650 (335) Netherlands 4,749 (213) Austria 4,474 (21) Belgium 3,743 (88) Norway 2,625 (10) Canada 2,091 (24) Portugal 2,060 (23) Sweden 2,046 (27) Brazil 1,924 (34) Australia 1,887 (7) Turkey 1,529 (37) Malaysia 1,518 (14) Denmark 1,460 (24) Israel 1,442 (1) Czech Republic 1,236 (1) Japan 1,128 (42) Ireland 1,125 (6) Ecuador 981 (18) Luxembourg 875 (8) Pakistan 875 (6) Poland 749 (8) Chile 746 (2) Thailand 721 (1) Diamond Princess 712 (8) Finland 700 (1) Greece 695 (17) Iceland 588 (1) Indonesia 579 (49) Romania 576 (7) Singapore 509 (2) Philippines 501 (33) India 499 (10) Slovenia 442 (3) Russia 438 (1) Peru 395 (5) Bahrain 377 (2) Mexico 367 (4) Egypt 366 (19) Hong Kong 356 (4) Panama 345 (6) Croatia 315 (1)…

China +78 (+7) United States +2,411 (+29) South Korea +76 (+9) Mexico +51 (+1) Philippines +39 Colombia +29 New Zealand +53 El Salvador +2…


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This omg.
Today our prime minister said that current measures will continue to JUNE 1st instead of April. Fucking JUNE. Over a fucking FLU. It has been one week of this nothingburger shit and I am already losing my fucking mind here. THIS IS SO BORING AAAAAAAAAAAAHH. Oh no....some Boomers are dying. The same people who would die from a flu. OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN!!
Fuck me, you people are fucking stupid. I have fucking had it already.

Post more comfy pictures

Hilarious stuff right?
>meme virus is totally the apocalypse

This will probably slow down the fishing industry and the oil industry. Don't know how anyone from out-of-state will be able to work. So many rotational positions.


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>it's long since been contained.

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Shut your fucking mouth about this virus.This virus is crashing the economy even though it has killed less than a thousand americans after 6 months. The leftist media WANTS you to panic so they can ruin the Trump Economy. We need to get america back to work. We can't sacrifice the entire economy just for this. We'll watch after ourselves. We can do more than one thing at a time, people. The president agrees with me.

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The netherlands have measures in place?

tbf our healthcare system was predicted to collapse now.

tal bachman 90s cover


It now has to climb back up 9k+ points

Gonna be green tomorrow, time to load up on puts and inverse etf's for the inevitable return to bobo zone.

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Can you reuse N95 masks?

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Do I need to start phishing you too like sisterfucker? Hmmm..

$78,000 as a Sergeant. It will increase to $84,000/Year when I make Staff Sergeant, $90,000/Year as a First Sergeant. They know how to put on their personnel TQ if injured, still alive, and that is about it. Yes. I am in the Southeast. Salaries are steadily increasing with all of the manufacturing coming down here(hopefully no depression happens). TEMS is a great way to improve Community relations, us (usually) being the fastest/first on a scene. Thanks, Bud. I will stay safe. Talk to you again if we bump into each other. Yes, sort of.



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Why? If you are I'll and you are young you will just go to hospital where a lot of cute doctors and nurses are. At least in Russia there are a ton of sexy doctors. When I broke my hand crazy hot mild fixed my arm.

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Mossberg or a bunch of games on PSN March sale? Hmm, what would be more entertaining for a fucking shelter in place. I wonder. Fuck guns.

Is HVAC filter going to cover it? What about an HVAC HEPA filter?

Tomorrow will be a wild death, expect 60k-70k+ infected and at least 3000 deaths, screen this

Imagine being dumb enough to write this shit out.
It's a shame the virus is almost over

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Yes, I've been reusing my last 11 for 2 weeks now

I want to go into battle against the Chinese menace. Why are they asking grown ass men to stay home? Isn't there something we could all be doing to help? Like building tents, whatever, send me to the front lines of the Corona war! No kids, no GF, I don't give a fuck!!

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Guys, what if Trump is just saying this to try and stall the collapse of the stock market?

well, if they died of other causes that were aggravated or caused by corona-chan, shouldn' t that qualify as a Corona death?

>to terrify the public into buy buy buying.
The only thing I'm concerned about is that they keep sell, sell selling

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if you disinfect properly, lysol isopropyl, sunlight

All american news outlets are attacking congress for stagnating; it doesn't make a lot of sense since they're run by the same people and all what is the goal here

>We need to get america back to work. We can't sacrifice the entire economy just for this.
Fuck that. Stay inside.

It's not super generous, attributing every death to a different condition that might have killed the patient a few months down the line or not at all is on the other hand not honest. People with asthma can die from the flu that doesn't mean they would have ever died from asthma or if they die from the flu they should write down asthma.

>we hit 46,000
>we doubling faster than every two days
>we're gonna run out of ICU by the end of the week
>a million by ten days

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Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. Dr. Boyle believes the Corona virus escaped from the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) in Wuhan China. He believes the virus is an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain of function properties. The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring.

He cites a recent study published by Antiviral Research (Feb 10, 2020) written by 3 French and 1 Montreal scientists. They did a genetic study of the virus and found that it had a engineered "gain of function" over the 2019 nCoV. In other words it has increased lethality and contagion. He says this is a red flag that indicates it's a offensive bio-weapon.


>This omg.
Tits or gtfo roastie.

They will be giving of €400 Euro to people who still go outside and get together. €4000 to companies who wont listen to the rules.
Its fucking ridiculous. They are literally stealing our freedom away from us.

>writes everything he knows it's true
>writes everything aside from knowing that he exists
And that's how you recognize a retard

>what if Trump is trying to keep the economy from collapsing over a flu

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holy fuck is this what normie nothingburger fags have to do to cope with a few days of isolation? lmfaoooop

so many people are about to die, it isnt funny


2nd article he cites from Nat Med April 22, 2016 "Sars-like cluster of circulating bat Coronavirus pose threat for human emergence." University of N Carolina in Chapel Hill, they have a level 3 lab. They were doing research on "gain of function" methods for Sars type viruses. Turns out one of the team was Zhengli-Li Shi (from Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Insititute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China) China provided a grant to fund this research. The University obtained the original Sars cells for the research from the USAMRIID BSL-4 lab at Fort Detrick.

3rd article he cites. Archive of Virology (2010). Research by Australian Animal Health Laboratory (M. Yu, L.-F. Wang) and Wuhan Institute of Virology (Y. Hou, C.Peng, Y.Li, Z. Han, Z. Shi) They DNA genetically engineered combining Sars and HIV.. They got a grant from the Chinese Ministry of Science Technology and Knowledge. This coincides with the recent Indian scientific study that found the virus to have HIV markers.

So the Chinese purchased research from USA and Australia with Chinese scientists involved using Sars which is already a bio-weapon. They increased it's lethality and contagion and added HIV for infection. Then it either got released or leaked from the Cat 4 lab in Wuhan, which has leaked 3 times before.


Give me a fucking tan waifu first vlad

>even though it has killed less than a thousand americans after 6 months
Do you not understand how exponential growth works you fucking idiot

Why are there so many posters downplaying the virus tenfold in the last couple hours? /ptg/ especially is doing this and wants us all to get back to work making Jews more money.

>two more weeks guys.
>we aren't in a cult for sure
Let me know if this actually kills anyone

Big LOL for all these cunts from airbnb being forced to put their overpriced units on the rental market because no tourists. Hope they find ZERO renters.

you and her are two peas in a pod, coping nothingburger nigger

Whats the story of how it happened? Did she like it?

You got it

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I will give you until midnight tomorrow.

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Thank you user for making this

Once this is all over with, it would be super cathartic to see groups of mainland chinese and Hong Kong'ers just go absolutely ape shit on these rural wet markets.
Flipping tables, releasing animals, burning everything, beating on the merchants, and not relenting.
Ain't gonna happen, but would be based to see

>plastic bags
What a stupid whore

We had several loose rules starting 12 days ago. People kept breaking them, and this weekend was the tipping point. Pic related is what they decided on today.
Except it's far too late. ICUs will be completely filled this week. Expanding the capacity beyond what they already did is going to take weeks.

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>n-nothing burger

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>two more weeks
you've been trying that ploy for months. it's over libtard.

Americans need to get back to work

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I have a p95 filter respirator, i should be fine, right???

Holy shit will you retards stop already? It is the borger of nothingness and air. It's literally the fucking flu. Why the fuck do you want to ruin our economy over this empty borger with nothing sauce? Are you commucrats?

they are bill mitchels all manifesting as they attempt to cope with impending civilizational collapse, they cannot process reality

The economy will be fucked unless every other country agrees to open the borders to people and Russia agrees with SA on oil. It's not the bookstores that will need bailouts.

Thread Theme:

It's a shame though. It really is. I wish it would last longer.

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holy shit that's fuckin rancid

Take your meds schizo