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I think that lie gave me coronavirus

>yfw Republicans want to solve the social security problem by killing all the old people

what the fuck

greg abbott is a hero

not sure about the lt gov

He knows we're talking about boomers right?

They would throw their own grandchildren in front of a moving train if it meant they got to live an extra 6 months.

As a Texan, that’s not for him to decide.

What a fool.


I have yet to meet any boomer that shares that sentiment

Patrick is a fucking loon. Useless as tits on a bull.

He's right, or he would be for previous generations, see

If that was the case the country wouldn't be where it is now.

boomers won't even let their own family live in their 4th investment house without paying the going rate for rent

fewer boomers isn't the worst scenario

Rents due motherfucker.

>lesbian looking shock jock from virginia runs to texas to LARP as a cowboy

dan patrick is such a fucking faggot

my granparents probably would, don't know about seppo granparents tho

The Baby Boomer generation is amazing and I'd take just one of them over a thousand of you whining fucking socialist cunt infants. You're the most useless fucking generation in history. You know nothing, you create nothing, you offer nothing, AND YOU DEMAND EVERYTHING FUCKING HANDED TO YOU OFF SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK.

Fuck off and die in a goddamn ditch, every motherfucking one of you.

First of all baby boomers are not grandparents, he's referring to the boomer's parents. But please show us the 90 year olds that want us to burn down the world so that they can live one or two more years. Give us some examples because I dont think they exist.

Boomers will probably die but DOESN'T MATTER AS LONG AS GREEN NUMBERS GO UP!

do you feel your sins clawing at your back, old chum?

Yeah, Millenals calling Boomers shit or anything is fucking hipocritical, the most useless underachiever piece of shit generation to ever exist.

We could get some good enviromental laws passed without old people. Just sayin'

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Did Guacman change his name to avoid the shame?

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>baby boomers are not grandparents
>50-70 year olds arent grandparents
shit a large portion of them could be great grandparents to young children at this point

I think patrick and you are right. They are crashing the global economy to save retirees. Is it a ploy to get their wealth before they die? I'm looking at 1mil if my folks die now.

So when is he going to an hero?

All the Texan Politicians here are neocon zionists. The only thing that makes them redeemable is that they are not as quick to opening the borders as Texas dems.

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Honestly that kind of collapse would kill far more people than this literal cold could.

Ok well I don’t want this fag “economy” to be saved for my children. It’s trash

Because it only shuts down the breathing of the old, no one else, honest. And anyway nobody minds 8 weeks face down naked stuffed into a corner of a packed ward with a breathing tube down your throat pumping your scarred lungs. And aids.

die for your emperor
die for your country
die for your economy

why do NPCs march when their masters bark orders?

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What are you talking about? The youngest Baby Boomers are mid to late 50's. My Boomer parents are grandparents.

>people collecting pensions die suddenly
>this now means we have less money at our disposal for some reason

Generally speaking they're not because millenials don't have children. And besides this virus is not that deadly to people in the boomer age group. It's 80 year olds and up that are so at risk.

This. The same people who voted against universal healthcare now expect my generation to ruin out future to extend their lives by a few years.
Which is exactly why I say let the Boomer remover spread

This so fucking much.
Millennials and zoomers are nothing but fucking petulant spoiled children

That's great for you but most millenials don't have children.

>millennials are the worst
>not the generation that inherited a job market after the global market was wrecked by the world wars, didn't have to compete with endless immigration & had far less men around but went and sold future generations down the river for handouts, imported the third world & destroyed the culture for hedonistic pleasure
Yeah fuck millennials though.

Fake Boomers detected

I wouldn't ask them to die for the economy, though. I love my grandma and I loved my grandparents when they were alive. They served in the war, and one built liberty ships.

I'd give anything to see them again, to tell them I love them one more time.

Fuck the economy.

floating genially down de Nile.

>millennials are a paragon of virtue
kek, stfu you fucking loser

I see nothing wrong with this. The jews want you unemployed, divorced, and addicted to meth.

>Grandpa DIE NOW for my money!
Too much

Texas IS the border. The buck's gotta stop here, Jack. No malarkey, my wife-s-sister's, uh, wife could get raped, FAT.

Exact opposite
Reminder this virus is being used to take away your civil liberties and justify post 911 legislation. You're all gay and retarded.


Just one more cruise trip

>I don't like what you said so lemme just project something you didn't say to feel better about being the progenitors of the clown world millennials were indoctrinated into

It is really faggy

Based Boomers. No free rides deadbeat.

It's for the virus to decide.

based boomer

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Pretty sure most people would sell everything and live in a tent to keep everyone in their family alive

What do you expect from someone who thinks God deliberately chose Texas when deciding where to place the world's oil?

The Boomer cries out in pain as he tells you to get back to work in the middle of a pandemic.

No not anyone over 60. That’s retarded. Ruin your children’s future to save grandpa? Fuck that.

Silent gens, retard

He's right, uncle Joe. We exemplify the virtues you drilled into us every day, yet throw out when times get a little rough. We want to work, we want our communities strong and healthy, but we know we're betraying our values when we're out there, coofing on our clients. I work every day I can, soak up overtime, take extra shifts, not only for money, but because I feel it's the right thing to do for everyone. If I help strengthen one, I can help strengthen others. I have energy, wherewithal, ability, and strength; why wouldn't I work to help while I can? I profit a little at menial pay plus overtime, and maybe--eventually--hazard pay. It may be only my way of thinking, but I'll take what I can to prop up my community.

Corona doesn’t affect boomers it affects silent generation retard.


Millennials are whiny faggot bitches. If you didn’t watch so much porn you’d have a little testosterone left over to actually do something with your life. Boomers fucked a lot of shit up but Millennials are far worse.

Fewer boomers means dems win most elections in the foreseeable future.

You’d fuck your kids over to see your grandparents one more time?

Imagine actually believing this