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I fucking wish.

Dutch people have disgusting hygiene and also subhuman genes

can you read

But why?

213 dead 2 recovered
213/215 = 99.07%

Coronafags are the pinnacle of Dunning-Krueger.

holy fuck you are brain dead

They simply don't count how many people recover.

You mad bc you have almost as many infections as China now?


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No you are,please educate yourself


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how is he wrong?
the data are wrong obviously, but his calculations on top of them are correct

mortality rate is dead/(dead+recovered)

you literal ape, its 213 deaths out of 4749 cases. you need more english classes zhang

Honestly they don't have a clue how many people are infected, they don't test until you're burning with fever and gasping for air. I think maybe they don't keep count of who recovers either.

that doesn't look too good to me

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The Dutch probably do not properly report on recovered numbers.

>213 dead 2 recovered
>213/215 = 99.07%

are all leafs this stupid? that's not how it works retard. people are still recovering. jfc

Why would you do total cases when those cases are still resolving?
If theres an obstacle course and 2 people made it through, 213 died going through, and 4749 are currently going through, you dont assume all are going to make it and none will die.

Wtf is wrong with your country?

213/4749= ~4.4% not fucking 99.07%

kill yourself you retarded motherfucker
213 dead
2 recovered
4749 total cases
4749-215=4534 which is the number of active cases
99.07 percent is the number of people dead among resolved cases, not among all cases you fucking degenerate

you dont count mortality rate from that you brainlet
confirmed are yet to be classified into either dead or recovered

stop baiting please

People infected with coronavirus die quickly, but survivors take thrice as long to be considered cured.
This is the start of coronavirus in Netherlands, so not a lot of people have left the hospital yet.

what the fuck
so thats how you come to your conclusions eh
incomplete data, hopes and dreams?

I haven't washed my hands since childhood and I almost never get sick

stop larping as a retard
it doesnt stand out on Yas Forums of all places

I know multiple people who have got it. Two of them are even pretty old. They're already through the worst of it and our country doesn't care much for counting recoveries. It's not the most important thing right now. 80% of people don't even need to go to the hospital when they catch it.

leave it to the commie to be the idiot eh
been working for the past hundred years
once again no data to say mortality rate you nutmeg

What about the 4,749 other infected? Are you really this stupid? Are you from India or Pakistan? Is your last name Singh?

We dont know how they will end up so we cant use them as data. We can only use resolved cases to determine the chances of death.

just leftists, dont be demeaning with poos and pakis some of them are good people

It's called the resolved CFR. What you faggots are wanting is the naive CFR (dead / total), which completely underestimates how deadly the disease is because it assumes that all patients w/ ongoing cases will survive

No. That is not how it works. If you are projecting to the future you need to estimate future infections too to have a rolling number. You would need multiple models from best case to worst case and in between.

what the fuck
you do number of death over total population not dead over recovered what the fuck

I will agree that some pajeets are OK but pakis are all awful. The good ones get crushed by the overwhelmingly bad society and would not be on Yas Forums.

Apparently Valhalla isn’t a big truck

It’s a series of tubes

kek people that don't lurk enough falling for such baits

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We are not projecting, we are calculating the death rate based off resolved cases.

well then theres no fucking meaning on doing it

you are correct
I dont know how there are still all these people that think you should use people that are currently infected

Why is your skin slightly orange?

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almost everything

>I dont know how there are still all these people that think you should use people that are currently infected
leave it to the brazilian monkeys and amerimutt intellectuals, they always find a way to proudly display their idiocy

The math is right, the conclusion is wrong.

This would only be true if looking at something in a historical context where people can only have either survived or died. It does not apply to a situation that is currently in process. Please let this be fucking bait.

nice to see another oldfag

Really I think most people don't give a fuck, they're just annoyed by the quarantine stuff. Except for a bunch of facebook boomers who buy all the bread from the supermarket.

1st you calculate the proportion of people who die from a specified disease among all individuals diagnosed with the disease not whom recovered what the fuck
2nd show flag idiot

Actually figuring out the death rate by assuming all current unresolved cases are not deaths is even worse. At the end of the day the only way to accurately know is to wait for it to be historical but assuming that in progress cases are fine/not-deaths is even more statistically misleading.

a lot of old people.

you sir are correct.

>Websites have eveythiing exactly correct at all times

not anough tests. hell they don't even have anough gloves and face masks left for the hospitals. Our preperation for shit is always garbage. if it isnt road salt then it is this shit. or ammunition for our 'army'.

He's not wrong, it's a calculation of truthful information. Recovered and death times should be similar. The problem is new cases. However the truth is likely closer to his depending on how quickly they are registering new cases


>At the end of the day the only way to accurately know is to wait for it to be historical
Yes, I agree.
>but assuming that in progress cases are fine/not-deaths is even more statistically misleading.
Yes, in historical context there are only 2 possible states. In process contexts there are 3 possible states. Assuming that current patients are either one of the two is misleading.

That's the point brainlet
Why on earth would you use unresolved cases in a statistical analysis of what % of resolved cases end in death?
Of course, from all the other data, we know this is clearly an outlier, and could be caused by anything from shitty test kits, lack of testing for recovered people or simply state lies, but whatever the reason just because we can see this is an outlier doesn't mean the statistically sound thing to do is randomly assume all unresolved cases aren't deaths.

This is legitimately bait now.
It's deaths/total cases.
213/4749 = 4.48% (which is still high desu).
USA is 1.26%

Now fuck off leaf.

Which is why he is correct to just ignore unresolved cases
213 dead
2 recovered
215 cases
213 is x% of 215
x = 99.07

We know it's likely an outlier but it doesn't mean it's not statistically sound and anyone who believes otherwise doesn't understand statistics and would rather just randomly and with no logic or forethought use the method which brings it closer to what they believe the number should be.

Thats what they get for being niggers and stealing other nation's masks.

People who die get reported instantly, people who "recover" need to wait at the very least 2 weeks before being even able to be declared recovered.
99% of Americans will have little to no symptoms.

keep doubling down on retarded you faggot kike

It isn't wrong no. So far only 2 have recovered. We have no idea what will happen to the current cases. But I think we will end up around 10%.

>haha creative maths
Shut up redditor. Go back already.

>little to no symptoms.
who THE FUCK would ever believe this???

Pathetic redditor SEEETHING.

This is bait, right?

choked on stinky cheese

Every time you ask this dumb fucking question the answer is the same.
Countries tend to only test the extremely sick. It's not until things get out of hand that they do wide spread testing and reveal the large number of infected that are asymptomatic. If you only test the people on deaths door in a hospital after typical methods fail then clearly your data is biased towards higher mortality.

He's pulling it out of his arse
It's true a lot of cases are mild and some are asymptomatic even but this 99% nonsense has come straight from his favourite source 'trust me bro'