Messianic Jew here

Hello, I am a Jew, I converted to Christianity in highschool. Now I am in college and am still a Christian. My father was an Egyptian Muslim and my mother was a Sephardic Jew. I rejected both Judaism and Islam to be Christian because I believe in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as my Messiah. I like going to church and attending local Christian events. Recently I have been looking to get married and start a family to continue on the Christian faith onto the next generation. I want a traditional wife, preferably blonde blue eyed, and of course, she must be Christian. Is there anyway to still acquire a White traditional Christian wife anymore?

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Yeah, marry an ethnic Jew turned Christian

What's wrong with marrying a White Christian woman?

Boys make the best girls. Kidnap a young Christian boy and put him on estrogen pills and hormone blockers

Christianity is the shomrim of judaism, it's all the same thing.
Also, your parents betrayed you and mutilated your penis when you were vulnerable and helpless.

Also, enjoy your mutations.

Messianic Jew = equally hated by Jew and Christian alike.

Just kidding, Jews have more hatred in their little fingernail than any Christian has in their whole body.

you're a degenerate mutt OP, don't pass on your genes
by not having children you'll do more for Christianity than passing it on and making even worse spawn

Because your filthy jew genes will poison her offspring and kill the white race

I agree, my mother's family hates me now and whenever I try to convert other jews they always spit on me, but Paul says to do good to those who do bad to you, so I just pray for them and anyone else who shows me hate.

show vagana and bobs

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What does that matter? All that matters is that my descendants are Christian. Such racism you have there, what would Yeshua Moshiach ben David think?

Nobody believes you Juden. You are a jew and therefore never can be trusted.

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Who do you think the first Christians were exactly?

You should actually kill yourself. You have Jew blood, and you won't get into heaven. You are an affront to God, even moreso if you spill your serpent seed into an adamic woman, you mamzer pile of filth.

Pls be my ai bf


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Find some other shitskin to date, fucking loser.

You're the only people who should be Christians. Good on you for doing Judaism right.

What do you mean?

marry a black or asian chick then

I hope you die soon.

Can I borrow 5 dollars?

white christian bitches LOVE jewish dick.
yair netanyahu has dated norwegian and danish christian girls.
op should be allowed to do the same thing.
pic related, the danish one

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But my preference is blonde blue eyed White women, and redheads. Anyone White. Don't worry, I wont marry the atheist and neo-pagan ones, they're going to Hell for rejecting Yeshua HaMashiach, I only want to date the Christian ones.

I mean you are of the serpent seed, not af Adam. You are not of the lost sheep of Israel. Study up and kys.

If you are serious OP then God bless you. God blesses all who are under his banner, regardless of nation or heritage.

I am however of the understanding that we are instructed by God not to intermingle with other races sexually. I would advise you to pray for his guidance, He will surely provide a sufficient bride.

Also, we’re very cautious of Jews around here, understand that that is a very well founded caution. That being said, there is no jew nor gentile of those who are saved, let go of that banner and commit to His. Again, God bless you.

P.S dating is not a biblically accepted practice.

Jews by blood are not under God's banner, kike.

lol yeah marry an Asian, I wanna see how bizarre looking the jook offspring will be


Don’t take my word for it, take God infallible word

Galatians 3:28-29 King James Version (KJV)

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Biblical Israelites were fair skinned red heads. You are not an Israelite. Pontius Pilate wrote down exactly what Jesus looked like and he wasn't a semite. Revelations 3:9

> But then I saw the light and realized that my purpose in life, where I came from and where I'm going, the truth about God and the universe, it all has something to do with some ancient Roman meme about a Galilean hippie.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with Jooks

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End times prophesies also say the blood Israelites will be gathered from the nations of the non Israelites and have a nation of their own.

You can be a born again Christian, you can NOT be a born again Israelite.

Gods promise to the bloodline is still in effect.

I can’t seem to find any scriptural basis for that. Mind giving me the verse?

>red haired jews
How the fuck did they make it out of the desert?

>messianic kike
nah, you're either christian or kike

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Dating a Slavic Orthodox grill online.
Dating a girl from the Deep South.

Kikes and Asians produce school shooters and porn sluts.

Whites and Asian produce Olympic Gold Medalists and Military commanders.

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You traded one kike religion for another.


hosea 3:5 and Ezekiel 34:23-24 and throughout revelations. All are end times prophecies where the coming Mashiach Ben David will gather all the lost tribes from the heathens, and will rule under God himself who will rule the entire universe.

Most Christians have been tricked by Rome or (((them))) into thinking that's the anti-Christ despite it being in the bible and jewish tradition

According to the bible they fled north after the civil war which would lead directly into Europe which is where you find the red head Irish and the British royals who claim to be from the line of King David

You are grossly misinterpreting these passages in order to believe a universalist message.

22 I will save my flock, and they will no longer be plundered. I will judge between one sheep and another

I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of savage beasts so that they may live in the wilderness and sleep in the forests in safety.

This would appear to be bait or a slide thread but it can still be useful if only to convey one point that has become abundantly apparent during this thread.

For those who claim to know Christ, the word of God is where we go to have our lives dictated to us essentially. We lean not towards our own understanding but rely on the perfect almighty God and his inerrant bible. If you dislike the truths you find, then note that you are the problem, not the word.

A lot of you need to brush up on your doctrine and bible reading. As do I. God bless you all in these strange times. Much love

These verses neither prove nor disprove that a Jew cannot be fully redeemed by the blood of Christ, whereas the verse that I stated declares exactly that. I have no doubt that the vast majority of those tribes will be unrepentant and judged accordingly, in accordance with other scriptures referencing a remnant being restored (10% of the Israelites) but that is not to say that anyone who accepts the lord as saviour shall not receive eternal life, because the bible very very clearly teaches that. God bless you

Not all who say "Lord Lord" will be saved.

Then, and I say again, direct to and quote the specific verse that rejects any man or woman from and race, creed or bloodline. The only rejection I see is to those who reject the Holy Spirit. God bless.

>now I'm in college and still a christian
hahahaha no you're not kike

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Correct. That could apply to both you and I also, denoting that not all who claim to follow truly do. We have no quarrel there. Many a Jew is mislead.

Everyone can be saved through Christ.

I just said that our people will be gathered and will have our own nation. It's a promise from God and he is very real, I have seen the fallen ones and I have seen the Elohim. This is not science fiction, they are very real.

All can be saved through Christ but most will reject him. I welcome our Jewish brothers to walk with us.

My beef is with (((them))) who hate Gods children.

>Is there anyway to still acquire a White traditional Christian wife anymore?
You get 72 of them if you die a virgin while fighting to end global Jewing, user. Now hurry up and get back in the oven you filthy shekelmonkey mutt.

Then we are possibly on a similar page, as long as we are agreed on the historical and biblical doctrine that Christ died that all might be saved. God bless you brother

God bless you too brother. Happy to have a discussion with you anytime and help in any way I can. It is always an honor to meet a brother in Christ.

You sound like a pagan pretending to be Christian promoting race mixing. Tell me why and how you converted.

Saw a similar thread with a meme flag no more than 2 minutes later. Quite sure this was a slide.

Give me your three best arguments against paganism and how paganism has nothing against race-mixing.

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Yep, looks like it.