Here's what you do, my fellow landlords

Here's what you do, my fellow landlords.

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First step: kill yourself

Fippy bippy

All landlords are failed jew mutts


They know if this goes on the rent market will crash. They are panicking because they need that income to pay back the banks and keep the tax collector away. And when the market floods with cheap foreclosures? Lets just say this is not a good time to be in debt.

And every user on Yas Forums is nothing but a coward who will never do anything to a landlord except talk shit about them behind their back.

You faggots won't do SHIT about FUCK. EVER. No matter what.

Acting like a total Jew when everyone is on a knife edge is how you get lynched user.

Man all those purple-haired baristas and drug addicts are gonna have some decisions to make when my crew of 30 spics come over and move you out. Either way I win.

Really, I want to see Americans gun down their landlords if only to remind me why we even do this meme war thing. I was promised a race war and got Trumpfuckery, it's about time there's something interesting.

People who rent are subhuman any way, let them starve


Why should anyone get to live in another person’s house for free?

Imagine being a urbanite and having to live in an apartment.

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Obvious projection from a faggot lefty.

who should a person be allowed to own many houses without using them?

Hey Boomer, we know that Money is your God. It's fine. Keep selling off this country to chinks and jews.

Because they have been locked inside it by the government.

Trump is a landlord with thousands of tenants.

If you're so smart why did you rent in the first place?

Why don’t you?

>Here's what you do, my fellow landlords.

I'm guessing something blue-eyed evil

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Ha! Landlords. Hope you paid cash for your rental properties. Else you might find out who the real landlord is.

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Because there is not a finite number of houses and regardless of the justifications as to why one should or shouldn’t be able to, thats the agreed upon arrangement between the tenant and land lord.

I’m not a boomer or a kike or chink and that’s not an argument nigger

At least you’re on the right track but then the government should be stepping in to freeze mortgages OR giving money to those affected. The landlords likely are in a similar position through no fault of their own

Landlords are parasites.

>be me
>buy cheap home in 2015
>mortgage with taxes is $750
>see values rising
>similar home in neighborhood sells for 1.7x what I paid
>tell wife no went asked about dipping into equity
>housing bubble approaching needle
>monthly payment $750

Indeed. I’m also pro-choice.

>unearned income

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checked.. but its a sad check

pipo gon' start dyin'

good point. they didn't have a backup plan to pay the mortgages if something like this happened so they're here cope-posting.

ahaha imagine believing Rich Dad Poor Dad (scam) and going all-in on buying real estate with debt. i promise you 95% of the "landlords" in here are RDPD wannabee faggots ahahahahahaha

With Black-eyed and Blues, YOU LOSE! Brown/Green/Hazel master race.

You don’t want to pay rent? Buy a house.

Too bad you are an over leveraged faggot who bought into the landlord meme with no outright ownership of your rentals. Have fun with those evictions, you won't find any replacement tenants and it's a short trip to bankruptcy court,fucko. Either way, I don't care. I'm a STEMfag with a pile of cash in the bank and a paid off condo. Sorry you tried to be a low level jew and got burned.

I own a few rental properties and the average rent is $2100.

Why are you allowed to own more than one pair of shoes?

Same bc only niggers and thots use it so it’s like elective eugenics

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Then what does make people demanding free housing?

Funniest post I’ve read all day

I speculated in real estate. The world owes me.

Where at, and for what kind of building?

We charge like 1200 for a 5-bedroom house with car port, back yard, dedicated laundry room, full kitchen, two porches, and a tool shed. But this is Florida where cost of living is low.

Once again, the commie proves that he is jealous of other people having things that he doesn't


under socialism, none of this would be happening.

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Who says your house belongs to you? Maybe it should be taken from you without explanation.

Because some retards can't save and would rather pay someone else to live in their house.

True. You'd be living in commie blocks, lining up for bread

Finally someone else sees it as eugenic. If a mother terminates a pregnancy then clearly the genes weren’t good enough for her to invest in.

>His shirt says bigger pockets
Can't make this shit up

They shouldn't and anyone who thinks they should had daddy issues.

If my tenant(a family friend) can't pay his $600/m rent in Maryland, I'll defer it until the bank forecloses on me, then I'll tell him the bank is foreclosing, and I'll go dump used oil and other pollutants on the land to make it worthless to the bank.

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try National Socialism, it’s not run by jews

commie? No sire proud georgist

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Ok ur fucked

You'll get cry baby replies but you're 100% right.

Come try to seize my farm so I can shoot you, soiboi.

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Is it a good time to have 450k cash and to have already been the process of looking to buy?

Probably some shithole near urban area

>Because there is not a finite number of houses

But there are a finite number of houses. Yes, more can be built. But it isn't like the federal reserve that can just print money. It takes land and resources to build a property. And you can't just build houses in the middle of fucking nowhere. Houses increase in value near urban centers because more people want to live close to their work. Nobody wants to have a 2 hour each way commute.

Just don't blow your load too early.

I'm not in debt and I don't really want some stranger living in my house for free. I don't know why this is any different

My landlords my older brother and whenever fuckwit tenants do shit like leave a mess constantly or have people around drinking, I get him to kick them out lmao

>literally forced into unemployment
>still forced to pay monthly payments to multimillion dollar corporations
>TRUMPBUX get watered down to small business loans + interest + tip
>wallstreet gets free trillions shoveled to it by the week
america's always been this kiked hasn't it. burn it to the ground

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then come collect your rent in person, nigger

My brother rented a house from a guy who refused to fix the sewage system, as roots and shit had grown into the old ass pipes and began flooding and destroying shit. When the city cracked down on it, the landlord blamed my brother and tried every trick in the fucking book to make him pay it. So my brother waited it out until his lease was up, opened all the windows in the building, and turned the heat up to maximum.

Stuck that faggot with a huge bill and he couldn't do anything to collect.

>They shouldn't and anyone who thinks they should had daddy issues.
I'm not paying rent under current landlord. He'll have to take me to court to get me out, but that won't happen for at least 4-5 months

God it's nice knowing just how powerful tenant rights are. Anyone else planning on going NEET tenant?

You can only have one house at a time.
No one should live in your home but you. However fuck “your” “house”

What's special about the blue tips?

Seems like a good value there. Most of my properties are 3bed/2bath, some have a garage. I'm near NYC and the cost of living is pretty high. For each of my properties property taxes are in the five figures.

I’d prefer if they just sterilized themselves. It’s a win / win.

A piece of paper called a deed you brain dead wanna be commie poser

now see the difference being the state taxing you for land you "own" at threat of taking it away
While renting is definitely kikey it is atleast someone elses land

You would be correct.

they kill more faster


high-velocity Hornady rounds



>Don't pay property taxes
>Go to jail
>Government takes your house and sells it to bank
>YOUR house

Which is why you’re seeing more and more condos and condo conversions (called a condex). However none of what you’re saying is a justification to live rent free in someone else’s house

>Is it a good time to have 450k cash and to have already been the process of looking to buy?

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>my house some bad news for you buddy.

i dont want your shitty farm Gomer. What i want is for the economic rent of your land to be taxed away and used to fund the government. Man only has the right to own things he has produced. Land was given to everyone by god and should be held in commons. If you want to cordon off a spot for your own private use thats fine as long as you compensate everyone else for denying the commons.
Funny thing is that because most people dont want to live near you or your stank farm the land value is very low and youll be taxed a lot less than you currently are under a georgist paradigm. Land Value taxation/capture could be used to replace all other taxes.

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>is a justification to live rent free in someone else’s house
The only justification I need is the fact that it's legal.

the world is ending, you might as well light the cash on fire on social media for likes

Why should somebody pay your mortgage in full when you can turn around and kick them out at anytime after they're finished ?

The best kind.
Thanks for informing me.

>sponsored video
>makes more money from youtube revenue than his "expertise" businesses
>is a redditor fag

bad time to be a landlord cuz if u think your entire apartment complexes wont dump you in a dumpster and light you on fire youre retarded this generation of constantly comfortable people arent going to go lightly into a great depression era mark my words

Because I am not arguing somebody should be able tonlibe rent free. I believe the opposite.

Anybody who wants to live rent free is just a theiving nigger. A cheap house is 100k. Imagine somebody demanding a 100k car for free.

Is there a more middle-class, daddy's money, pencil-necked group than landlords? The most low t of passive income streams? Oh don't get me wrong, they get shitty ooga booga tenants who smoke in the house and let their dog and cat piss everywhere, but the underclass wretches and their middle-class land owners deserve one another. Shit with trash.

At least with like an old man or a dude who owns two places and rents it out, that's not so bad, but those people who own multiple houses to rent as a passive income are some of the worst people ever. They should take some risk for once, use their brain on stocks, crypto, or a start up business. Stop abusing damage deposits. Damage deposits are supposed to be for repair, not bonus money for them to steal from tenants. the greedy motherfuckers also raise rental prices once minimum wage goes up too. One of the tenants might be able to save up enough to move ahead in life? Not so fast, Landlords need a bigger percentage of the cut now that the tenant makes more. What a fucking joke.

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Based as fuck. Henry George was an American's American through and through. One of our country's greatest thinkers. Landlords are just kikes without a barmitzva.

>owe money
>have to pay it

Are you 12?

What do you mean there's two sides to the social contract? I thought being a landlord just meant I get monies every month? You mean I'm running a business that is subject to regulation and risk? I WANT GUARANTEED RETURNS.

I've got the advantage. I know you've got to be on your land, I'll have much more opportunity to shoot you before you even know I'm there.

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All renters are niggers

Your tenants are drug addicts, you're probably a slum lord. And you would use spics to attack whites. You and your family should be hung from lamp posts as a warning to others.

check out never too small on youtube for examples of how small you can make a cuckflat and your fellow aussies will tolerate if you are looking to get some investment places.

I guess all the nogs who mug people are owed money by the people they stick up

I'm the poser? If you're claiming Natsoc , National Socialists would have suspended rent-seeking under extenuating circumstances like a goddamn pandemic. Tell me more about what you know about National Socialism you fucking brainlet. The entirety of Natsoc ideology is that the economy serves the people. That doesn't mean serving the interests of boomer kike landlords during a pandemic.

>pay your mortgage in full
That’s a mighty assumption you got there
>kick them out at any time
It’s called a lease

>Pay money for something you supposedly own
Yeah, alright.

Because they can't be kicked out at any time youbdumb drama queen. There are tons of laws to protect tenants from such a thing. In fact it is difficult gor a landlord to kick somebody out even when they aren't paying rent and damaging the property.
>I signed a contract agreeing iy was only good to X date

Nice, I'm in a similar position except I'm holding some metals as well

Yes, that is what the rich think

kiyosaki has been pushing gold for at least a couple years

I don’t even know what that is supposed to mean. Go to bed

If you think about it, there is absolutely no class of economic actor more willing to resort to illegal means as soon as fortune turns against them. Except drug dealers, maybe. Scum.

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The greatest American philosopher. Such powerful ideas THEY made a concerted effort to erase him from history. Progress and Poverty was the best selling book in the world save the bible when it was released

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they can try to file eviction, but courts will deny

>>I signed a contract agreeing iy was only good to X date

There sure is a lot of talk here about how landlords are good.

Would you like your brain crushed, fried, or both?

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When did Pol become filled with left wing losers who can’t pay rent?

everything in a bubble really except farm land and precious metals (gold, silver, lead)

might want to pull the trigger before the normies catch onto the coming currency depreciation

This stupid cunt..

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since schools have been closed

I’m NatSoc, (((America))) isn’t. I don’t disagree with you on what should be done. Still doesn’t mean you get to live in someone’s house for free



Shitty larp you won’t do shit faggot
Go back to r/ChapoTrapHouse

Were you not aware all jobs have dried up and we have BILLIONS OF NIGGERS now?

BILLIONS OF niggers?

>shitting on people for housing issues
Don't most of your citizens live in the street?

You won't go to jail if you don't pay the property taxes. In my area they will charge you 20% interest on the unpaid amount for some time then they will seize it after the time is up.

We're coming for you you greedy ass MotherFuckers!

You're gonna get got! We gonna take your everything!

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Pay back the banks? No dick head our ancestors actually worked and made money. We don’t borrow from banks like poor people. But if you really can’t pay you can offer your daughter to me or paint the inside of the house do something or I’ll have your ass out ASAP.

So many niggers

just texted him "hey baby, i saw your advertisement for a gay scat 6-way here is what i can do" and sent him someone taking a shit on someone else

Even people who paid rent on time every time hate landlords. That's how unsympathetic they are as a class.

>then they will seize it
So, theft?

Takes years to seize a property off a tax lien.