White People General

Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.

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I'm white and I'm not gonna reproduce. Babies are too much work, too expensive, and not worth it if you ask me. Just gonna have a dog instead.

Built for BBC

Im pregnant but the kid will be mixed-race (husband is Nigerian) Hope it’s alright with you guys

Ok but a lot of us outliers who are too retarded and ugly come here

Why? Jews already won

faggots cant get pregnant so idc

Okay ((((memeflag))))

>I plan on killing non-white kids
Okay LARPer.

Okay Mutt.

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Step up your shitposting

I’m not a mutt. I’m blonde.

What a WONDERFUL time to have children, shit for brains.

Constructed for BBD

oKaY mEmEfLaG

I vow to have children with a beautiful Aryan goddess.

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So many modern women are pozzed, sluts, have zero interest in being feminine, in taking care of a home, and just want to sleep around until they're old. How am I supposed to reproduce with one of those thots?

Go to church, user XD

Who tf cares about reproduction? There are almost 8 billion people on this planet, wanting to preserve your bloodline is arrogant.

This thread is for men who are capable of finding a quality woman to have kids with but choose not to. Not sour grapes bitter incels.

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Good. Pasty white fucks deserve to die. You’ve been shitting up this planet for centuries.

who dis

You’d be lucky to mount a dog.

I care for the future of mankind.

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You're a single leaf who collects pictures of girls to fawn over on his harddrive, you have no room to talk you fucking simp.

Struck a nerve I see.

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I’m gay though?

>Wants to have children with a beautiful Aryan goddess.
Posts a picture of a whore

daily reminder if your jewish and you dont plan on subverting, your contributing to the end of the jews

Like I’m gonna force another consciousness into this miserable zionistic existence without its consent

i'm helping the white race op. by BLACKING them out of existence.

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Yeah, I don't like little faggots larping as a "real man" while clearly being a pathetic beta.

An Aryan goddess keep up.
A bikini makes one a whore? Good to know.

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>Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.

So basically every Yas Forums user!

>Race mix with nigger
>Go to Yas Forums
>Hope it’s alright with you guys

All the bait I see lately is bad, but THIS is literal dog shit

another reminder Yas Forums is constantly being raided by shills/cucks/roasties

Plenty of us are well over 30 and already have kids


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I started at 32 and I feel left behind a bit. Thankfully my wife is young.

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So do I, but I don't think that I'm going to fix it by reproducing.

Don’t worry about homie, I’ll be having plenty of mixed kids with my white girlfriend.

Why would I want to save it? We are weak faggots that deserve to die.

Why would I bring anyone else into this shithole of a world?

All nigger-fucking degenerate whores.

Why do people bother replying the same thing to every one of these threads

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Have fun trying to eat when all the White people are gone, nigger.

lol. Race is only appearance anyways.

Because it’s my promise to all the proud white men on this board.

Even if every white couple had five children, it wouldn't matter given open borders and the rate of immigration. It's over.

I don't want to live in a world with people like you.

>Implying I’m a poorfag
Maybe I’ll pay you to polish my shoes, boy

Yep. We are fucking done.

Kids are a waste of time and money. Anyone having kids in this clownworld society is a sadistic freak. If I found out I got someone pregnant I would probably commit suicide.

Shut up chink

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I'm having kids

with a west African woman

Plant some of that cash in the ground and see if any food comes out, you stupid fucking nigger.

If you dont go outdoor and get some vitamin D you won't contribute anything but coronavirus and hate


this girl looks partly korean

Seriously, race is only physical, (mainly facial) characteristics.

It's true. Why would I do anything to those cunts but smash their face in?

I want to have kids. Too bad there are no worthwhile women who aren't taken already

I'd breed this bitch

I want you to kill yourself.

I can see that double digit Neanderthal IQ of yours hasn’t though I won’t just migrate to a cheap European nation and continue my lineage there.

It's hilarious when white liberals come on Yas Forums and push anti-white narratives, even going so far as to pretend to be a non-white as an act of ethnic masochism. They will spite themselves to try to appease their Jewish masters, to promote the Jewish tribe over their own. They've been brainwashed since birth, and if I wasn't utterly desensitized to it at this point, I'd think it was tragic.

I only hope that the virus gets much worse, so that these spineless weaklings can get wiped out.

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>implying that there are any women out there that'll breed with me

American White women are degenerate pieces of shit. They fuck dogs, niggers, children, and anything else they can find. You won't find a virgin over 16, and you can't marry someone until they're 18.

But I’m not pretending to be non-white, I am a non white with a white woman. We’ll be marrying and having plenty of kids and if need be I’m ready to move to Europe. Stay mad.

They won't have you after they see what you've done here.
America is soon to be a pariah nation, and a cautionary tale for the history books. Someday the White race will retake the Americas from the Chinese, but before that time comes the Chinks will have ethnically cleansed every last nigger from this side of the world.

nordic girls belong to mediterranean cocks
jews belong to mediterranean spears
blacks belong to mediterranean whips

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Ah well, at least last in your last fleeting moments your mind will let you think your delusions happened before you slip away.

You really stretch the LARP beyond any reasonable believabity. Are you actually Jewish? I just assumed you leave the grunt work to your slave castes.

I'm not white, apparently. According to this thread, you have to have blonde hair and blue eyes to be white. Good day.

sloppy seconds or not, would

>the end of the white race.

Please don't tease us like that -- it's cruel

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I am having kids, but not with a roastie.

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