I just PULLED the starter relay on my mom's car, i just SAVED MY LIFE

Thank you Yas Forums, you gave me the Courage to do it. !!!!!!!!!

My parents and relatives don't understand what exponential growth is, they don't understand that if 2 people were sick in town a few days ago, 4 people were infected yesterday.... that we need to be expecting 20 people in town to be sick tomorrow... exponential growth

They're not taking things seriously, has already resulted in some loud-arguments about how we MUST stay home... they REFUSE to listen, some of them aren't getting it...

I have now PULLED the starter relay on my mom's Subaru, she will no longer be going to WalMart later this week, no longer having the ability to bring the virus from a large store back into this household...

I just saved my life.

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I consider you guys to be my brothers.

We were here when the Access Hollywood tape with Billy Bush was released just days before the election.. I thought that Trump didn't have a hope and was scared then, but we pulled through and made it.

Pulling that Starter Relay was one of the Top 10 moments of my life, I now don't have to worry this week.


Bro, how are you going to get tendies now? or food in general? Just tell her to wear a mask when she shops.

Don't include us in this, fix your mom's car, say sorry

>Don't include us in this, fix your mom's car, say sorry

You guys gave me the courage to do it.

If these older folks REFUSE to listen to the President's directions on keeping distance, it's up to us, the younger folks who understand Exponential Growth, to pull the batteries and starter relays of their cars.

You are an idiot. No one here cares about anyone else here. Fix that shit and go inside and thank them for not kicking your ass out.

This post reeks of reddit.

so dramatic

good start. but I'm thinking there is more to do

>You are an idiot.

I might be an idiot, but I will be ALIVE. I won't be in a hospital coughing up my lungs hooked up to some questionable breathing machine just built 36-hours ago on an assembly line that was making Chevy Cruze's just 2 weeks ago.

>car doesn't start
>suspect your kid fucked with the car

somehow this is going to end with OP being told by a cop to lay on his back and wiggle his feet before getting shot to death

Why don't you just murder-suicide the whole family?
Then you won't worry about coronameme.


You shoulda pulled the fuel pump fuse...

The car will die a quarter mile down the road, and mummy will be FUMING

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>You guys gave me the courage to do it.

How in the fuck is that courageous?

>I just saved my life.

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If your mother and father want to kill themselves why are you stopping them? just let them go you psychopath

Don't you know that if you pull a relay it goes bad and you'll have to but a new one?

Histronic faggot, why are so many burgers like this?

Eh, I'll take it. We worked through you fren.

stage a kidnapping
it's the only way to save your family

Thank god this is fake

You should pull the starter relay on your life.

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What the hell are you driving that will run for more than a few revolutions with no fuel pump fuse?

>that we need to be expecting 20 people in town to be sick tomorrow... exponential growth
Unchecked exponential growth in a model is garbage.
>what are confounding variables?

put it back. You might need that car to get you to safety. You are being stupid. Just sit them down and talk to them.

Good work user, you’re based.

Nice bait Peak Prosperity

>>Histronic faggot, why are so many burgers like this?


Why do your parents have a aftermarket battery cable added on? Are they niggers with a system in the trunk?

Based. I had to basically yell at my boomer mother

stop scaring your family, you schizo
it's just a flu

You seem nice

Wish I could do the same.
Wife must work, because government said so. Her colleague now has confirmed case in her family. She still has to go to work.
Fuck the Australian Government

Just hose her down in the backyard prison-style when she gets home..

kek you're not a hero, you're a faggot. Kill yourself fearmonger.

What an insolent faggot lol
Your parents are likely too retarded to figure this out.
Now they’ll take the bus.
They will be infected.
You played yourself,fucko
Enjoy permanent lung scarring.

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Remember, Jesus is the only friend you can count on.

FYI, He probably doesn't want you sabotaging your mom's ride.

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based panicker

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Nigger, I can't start my car at all if I leave the fuel pump cutoff switch off.

>not letting the boomer culling happen
Even Trump is ready for it to happen. He's giving people a couple weeks to deal with it but after that it's a free for all.

>Don't include us in this, fix your mom's car, say sorry
>chinese tea leaf
don't listen to this one, OP. You've saved your disgustingly obese mom and dad from a slow, painful death.

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>spare 10A fuse missing
>fuse puller missing

Your car is in shambles.

incel. die.

Im letting mine do what they like, if they cark it, i can retire.

It didn't have to be this way... it really didn't.

I already have popcorn lung from vaping



good call, in a couple of days we will see how bad this is even more when we surpass Chinese official** numbers then everyone will get how fucked we are

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-23 Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV).png (780x520, 129.29K)

>Yas Forumsposter
>doesn’t want to spread it more

go back kiddo

Why wouldn’t it be?
Not dealing with the brightest bulbs here most likely.


>countries that take the thread seriously
>falling apart economic collapse
>countries that let free market decide
>not falling apart
you are a retard user.

The virus takes days to show symptoms.
They might already have it.
What you should have done was steal the car and hold up in dawoods for 2 weeks.

Ope, digits confirm. Get to work user

Wow you're a faggot.

He has some carbed old heap of steel, the venturi can pull some fuel but it won't be enough

user. Trump said everyone is going back to work next week tho..

If this post is real, you're a fucking moron.

kys retard
virus is a hoax

>Pulling the starter relay
>Not removing the ecu fuse to disable dwell to the injectors
Enjoy hydrolocking that engine you tard.

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A starter relay a day
keeps the doctor away

How about you just let your mom get infected and fucking die Bc you are a fucking sheep. This is a fucking plan for the govt to strip us of our rights and trumps on board with it. Fucking retard.

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Just remember, the meek will inherit the Earth. Stay home, lay low, claim your prize after the destruction.

Op is this you?

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Just wait till she calls the auto repair guy and some coofer arrives and kills you all.

retail wagie here; are you home bodies really this terrified of Corona? I go to work every day no mask no gloves no nothing and im fine

i am happy for your relief.
it is too bad your mother would not listen to you. perhaps you saved a few lives..

I commend you for doing something other anons literally wouldn't do.

nys ? ne ?

>reddit spacing
false flag media story, fuck outta here.

is Dwell some small amount of fuel. or. something.. or some minimum amount of the mix to make it idle right? do you mind a quick explanation?

>tfw live in kansas
it's coming for me bros... it's coming for all of us

>How about you just let your mom get infected and fucking die Bc you are a fucking sheep. This is a fucking plan for the govt to strip us of our rights and trumps on board with it. Fucking retard.

She earns money and makes food and does my laundry, I would be a complete fool to let mom get sick, and then allow the entire household to get sick. This virus is not a joke, it's a nasty fast way to die, people are dying within 7 to 10 days locally from it.

no he didn't, he said he is not looking at months, but they have to see what happens under new review, but you know what it's such a dilemma I think we should try it and see what happens, ya we will have the emergency tents set up for the dying and we get back to work, yes back the work yes indeed, shalom

you faggot
put that relay back in you cunt

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Still probably call roadside assistance.

If the battery is charged and you go to start the car but nothing happens, any person in the know, will know it’s a starter solenoid.

Pull or damage the fuel pump relay aswell.