Rare video of a good cop


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Fucking with ptsd ridden Vietnam vets.

He was the best cop.

good cop as in a dead cop?

webm related - this is what GOOD POLICE WORK looks like

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>ptsd ridden Vietnam vets.
That was almost 60 years ago. Get over it, loser.

>not firing the second this guy went for his gun

as a cop, you can't do that. it's live or die and you just chose death.

Most cops are good,
Stop being such an edgy teenage faggot

>Screaming like an infant while getting killed with a rifle in your hands
What happened to masculinity?
If you feel that much fear WITH a gun in your hands, you don't deserve that rifle, you are still just a boy and need to conquer your fear of pain and death.
Otherwise you are a liability to your country and an asset to the corrupt.

>no context

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it's a fucking cop, they arent trained and hardened like soldiers

I love listening to him screaming. Never gets old. I hope his death was painful.

>good cop
Cops are scum. Literal neoliberal globalist ZOG enforcers.

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>t. traffic cop
Get over yourself.

why are romanians allowed to post on this board

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If they aren't hardened by life, they're not living properly.
Society breeds weak minded men who are coddled into impotence in combat capabilities.

Bullshit. The cop did nothing wrong.

Sauce for you faggots who are too stupid to google the date + "cop murder." en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kyle_Dinkheller


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>as a cop, you can't do that. it's live or die and you just chose death.
>it's live or die
Only because cops show up to every encounter with a gun at the ready.

You chose death when you continue to fire at someone who is clearly walking away trying to let you off the hook. But no, you can't just take the loss and be humble. You HAVE to keep shooting because your room temperature IQ demands that you play out your fantasy of being the punisher. So you squeeze out one more shot and then you are ended, pitilessly and effortlessly. Because for all your training you are still just a scared power-tripping civilian with a gun.

>t. Marine corps veteran

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Vietnam vet.
This should have served as a lesson on psychology in what happens when an individual's mind is damaged by excessive violence and goes on to live a "normal life"
Anything that lights up the aggression center may end up leading to a similar situation.
Those men weren't prepared mentally to handle what Vietnam was, and they came back with issues, so too do many of our current soldiers.
And nobody, not a fucking one of you seem to get that.


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>Bullshit. The cop did nothing wrong.

Yes he did. They use this video in police training as an example of "doing something wrong." The Vietnam vet should have never been allowed to get back to his vehicle and pick up a gun.

>pleas stop!!!!

tries to shoot him in the back. should have let this one get away. pride cometh


the cop was 22 you retard

Nope. All that the keystone cop had to do was show him just the slightest degree of respect and not bark commands at him like he was talking to a dog. Don't act like a hard ass if you can't back it up.

real Alpha Male in action
also Here

And? Guess he should have picked an actual profession instead of ZOG Jewish law enforcer.

thats fucked up user, no one deserves to be shot at for a traffic stop.

Yeah, you're right, he was too young to be effective in the position.
You need hardened men for guards, soldiers, anything that requires familiarity in combat.
You're right, he wasn't suited for the position.

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beat me

>The cop did nothing wrong.

Not true. He was given quarter and then used it as an opportunity to attack. The cop was a dishonorable combatant here.

Maybe he lived and was lucky. I really hope so.

cops are just sophisticated niggers


That was my point, is that the cop aggressed on him, did you even read my post past saying the dude had ptsd?

no, the cop in the video died

Great video! I really love listening to that faggot beg for his life and scream like a bitch before dying. Personally, I've only killed a handful of people and not one of them has screamed or begged like that faggot did. He must have been a particularly weak faggot.

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Traffic cops are usually the bad ones, but even they serve a purpose.

>Niggers acting like niggers making fuck tons of noise
>Turn into groveling little bitches when confronted
>Passive aggressively call the cops on someone telling them not to act like niggers

Big surprise, niggers hate cops until they need to cry their crocodile tears and have them fight their battles for them.

All veterans with PTSD should be Zyklonned. And so should you for this post.

>good cop
>begs for life
>shown mercy
>shoots him in the back for showing mercy
You ain't lying, this is as honorable as a cop can be, which isn't saying much since they're dishonorable scum as a standard.

Except, not really.

I hate that gen z uses cringe like this so much. You sound like a bunch of plebbit so¥lents

What's goin on here

Boy, I hope none of you ever need to call the cops for anything. Go ahead and talk big, but I know who the first fuckers you'll end up calling when shit hits the fan. Enjoy your larp.

I didn't mean that the cop did nothing wrong tactically. Obviously he did. What I meant was that he did nothing to deserve being shot by that crazy bastard.

>ZOG Jewish law enforcer
That would be the federal government.

fkn based

Was somewhere in Africa, local tribe of nignogs tried to attack a government with machetes and got lit up.

Why should they all be deloused user?

Boomers will never get over it.

Find a new career glowies.

Except it's the actual cop who enforces the law. Some faggot boomer ain't going to stop me for some bullshit traffic stop.

I love seeing cops get exactly what they deserve. Fuck dinkheller, he died like a twat.

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the truth in this post, I can taste it

he was only 22 years old, fucking shit user, poor guy was barely starting out in life and faggots on Yas Forums are making fun of his death 22 year after the fact.

Needs this edit for the eyes

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>he did nothing to deserve
Deserve ain't got nothing to do with it.

>boot lickers fighting niggers lickers in this thread
>Im here happy whether a nigger or cop dies

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>how can society keep getting away with it?

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I'm the guy in the pic and yer the cop.

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>first fuckers you'll end up calling when shit hits the fan
Pretty sure if anyone calls the cops during SHTF, it's to kill them in an ambush.

nah man, you got him wrong. it's you whos power tripping. none cares that you're a marine. sure you can kill, but what else? and i can guarantee there are better men than you who can kill better, too :)