Wouldn't it be ironic if Israel could not burn Jewish dead fast enough to keep up with the bodies?
Holocaust on Suicide Watch
Maybe it's because Italy didn't invest heavily into engineering furnaces to quickly rid of the massive amounts of corpses they didn't expect, as opposed to a plan to work millions to death?
Only weird internet shitposters and tinfoil hat wearing faggots deny the holocaust. All "proofs" for the holocaust not being possible, gas chambers being used exclusively for delousing, "whEre dem piCs", nazis would be quaking in their boots if they talked with someone who was equally passionate about proving that the holocaust was real, because there is no proof outside of thinking that there is some Zionist Satanic Masonic Order faking literally every document with proof. You're a bunch of cucks that live with your moms or were kicked out of your moms house at 30 trying to prove that your "suPeriOr RacE" proves that you're better than literal doctors and scientists. Might as well assume that Flat Earth is real, and Al-Qaeda did 9/11.
Nice pasta, faggot.
It's how I feel, passionately. Y'all would get your shit kicked in if you spent 5 minutes shilling your beliefs on the street in Germany, or in your Aryan-raced havens in the US. There is literally no place on earth outside of totalitarian Muslim occupied areas that you wouldn't get the shit kicked out of you, both mentally and physically, if you tried to shill your >MuH ArYAn MAsTerRace
as you fucking mutt your way through rigorously disproved denial.
You must be optimists, to think that humans aren't capable of absolute atrocities. Even if it isn't 11 Million killed, 100k people murdered because they had the wrong parents is a fucking atrocity. Can't wait for you fuckers to die out so that we can have real discussions about the real manipulators of our society.
You mean those brick pizza ovens they always show in Holohoax documentaries? The ones that handled a 137 bodie per day per camp assuming 20 death camps for 6 years. No ashes found. No skulls or bones. Nothing. Where did 12 million pounds of ash go? Where did 6 million skulls go?
Canada...is that you?
Let's hear some arguments then, sperg.
So how do you feel about the 60 million white Christians in Russa and the Ukraine the JEWISH Boshevicks murdered with WAR, FAMINE, STREET TORTURE AND EXECUTION AND OF COURSE THEIR MOST PRECIOUS OF INVENTIONS...THE GULAG CONCENTRATION CAMPS?
Where women and children were sexually humiliated, beaten and raped....BY JEWS. Where uncountable numbers were worked to death.
Hmmm....where is your truth now? And buddy, I will deny the Holocaust anywhere anytime. The only reason you faggots have any power is because you blackmailed politicians with pedophilia shit to get Holohoax laws past. Your narrative is collapsing. And in the end....the shitskins and niggers don't give two fucks for "white" Jews and their bullshit with other white people. Shitskins are all going to put themselves higher on the victim stack. Nobody gives a shit about Jews but white people and all you do is shit....on white people. Your time is running out.
Yeah faggot, those "brick pizza ovens".
>Maybe it's because Italy didn't invest heavily into engineering furnaces to quickly rid of the massive amounts of corpses they didn't expect, as opposed to a plan to work millions to death?
Nibba, it's literally physically impossible.
Just like it's impossible to throw zyklon B pellets on the ground and gas everyone.
Not only does that shit need 26C ambient temperature, but the gas content wasn't even all that big, hence "GIFTGAS" (which technically is true and had to be printed, just like your faggoty average toilet cleaner has ACID DANGER SIGNS on the back) being sold in fucking tin cans.
The only gas we sell in tin cans is soda, and that would be exactly the thing that happens if some nazi opened a can in the proper ambient temps.
Hydrogen cyanide is lighter than air, the nazi fucker would be opening a can of cyanide soda, dousing himself like an idiot.
And if it's too cold for that to happen then its too fucking cold for it to gas out.
And if only the gas chamber is heated then you can't pump that shit out because it starts to cool down around the walls.
And not to mention there's testimonies about gas chambers that could gas 2000 people at a time, meaning you'd need at least 400 square meter halls at a packing density of 5 people per square meter, which is pretty much sardine levels, and you'd have to cover this 400m2 floorspace without gaps AND heat it.
Heating a fucking airoplane hanger in the polish winter to gas 2000 jews who, in file, slowly filled up an entire fucking hangar.
The walk around the floor from door to destination alone takes a while, and then you have to retrieve all those corpses now gnarled together.
But you have to kill 2.2 jews per minute to reach 6 mil in 5 years, or 3168 per day, every day, EVERY DAY for 5 years without a single minute of pause.
You have to collect an entire large village, pretty much a small town every day and kill it and dispose it to reach 6 mil in 6 years.
Stopped reading at number 1.
If 9 million Jews were in Europe before the war and only 3 million there after...that would well explain the 6 million that emmigrted the the USA. Yeah...you forgot about that didnt' you? KIKE PILPUL always forgets facts and pretends like people are stupid. You would get destroyed my man. I don't even have this committed to memory and I've destroyed your first fact. Pure rubbish, just like all Jewish logic.
yep. but the number 6 million is over exaggerated.
nobody ever claimed all the 6,000,000 jews were cremated. official estimates put the numbers at 900,000 burned bodies. also, have sex
>MuH ArYAn MAsTerRace
Okay, dumping again.
>but you get the shit kicked out of you
Yeah, because it's "illegal" and is vilified, but that doesn't mean it's true.
It just means it's illegal and vilified.
Still not enough to remove all 1.1 million corpses claimed in Birkenau by a long shot. Not enough fuel to cremate them all either.
The Zyklon pellets were able to outgas at low temperatures; but that then raises the issue that the Germans would have had to use a ridiculous amount of Zyklon B to carry out the gassings successfully in the amount of time claimed in Auschwitz.
Not to mention that the Germans only had control over regions containing around five-six million jews and there were even survivors in those regions. Hell, my grandfather's family was jewish and they fled Europe and gave up their religion to fit in. That's what jews do, up sticks and leave, like they have throughout history.
good shabbos goy. one shekel has been credited to your account
>it's physically impossible
nah dude and there are hundreds of scholarly reports on how it very much was possible.
I don't have the time or the motivation to show you how your idea that "Zkylon B can't gas muh jooz" because I don't spend all day being convinced that my race is some how superior to others when we're all fucking mutts at this point.
Maybe try looking into research that is actually scholarly, not some Aryan-cosplayers that hate jews. Try for just a moment, seriously, to consider the opposite point of view, look into the REAL research, and form an opinion that isn't based on some fomenting racist vitriol that your basement dwelling ass is somehow the victim of the greatest tragedy in the modern era.
>The Zyklon pellets were able to outgas at low temperatures
No, you cannot sublimate hydrogen cyanide at temperatures lower than 25.6Celsius, well okay maybe if the air pressure is different, especially not the pellets sold in the cans because the pellets were diatomaceous earth, not anything fancy.
You literally had to smoke the rocks like a crack pipe in special vaporizers, hence the round holes in the middle of the cans often seen on pictures.
That's where you jab the cans into the mechanism.
Question number 2 under the revisionist section can be answered by simple logic.
1. The Neuremburg Trials were not official trials. There was no discovery of evidence or defense council. Every statement from the prosecution was taken as fact. Thus the entire fake trials should be thrown out as a reliable source. But even so. Why would tortured German officers say they were "following orders"? Because the Jewish propagandists wanted to make sure that the entire German command was to blame for "killing Jews", not just some rogue camp officers. Duh. When you run a propaganda gaslighting campain you have to make sure you know your target is cornered. All fake bullshit.
Perception of truth is NOT truth. It was all a sham. Just like the Jewish produced docs and movies. There is ZERO forensic evidence of death camps. Case closed. All the tesimony is fake bullshit by schizo Jews who believe it was real...."in their heads". Jews are born liars. They like all victim mindset people craft delusions of their victim experience and for them, it is real and they lie lie lie about it. Plenty of Jews have called the holohoax as a lie.
"Just following order". Who knows if that was even stated. Even if it was...who cares? The whole thing was a shame so why would any testimony have credibility, especially under torture and ZERO rules of evidence? Neuremberg was faker than the holohoax. But neither is as FAKE as modern Jewish main stream media. That shit is fake garbage 24/7/365.
You can't gas anyone with hydrogen cyanide unless you heat it up, motherfucker.
That's why execution chambers in the us had the inmates literally huff the vapors over a heated vat of acid to get the most out of it, since it also immediatley rose to the ceiling since it's lighter than air.
It's not a naruto pop rock you throw on the ground and have a cool billowing cloud of jew killing gas.
The product was put into vaporizers that pushed the smoke through the clothes. it wasn't a fucking jerky or sauna room because it would be like handling helium.
Now, hydrogen cyanide is not THAT much lighter than air than helium but it's still not suitable for gassings like that.
A reason why the french also forewent it as a WW1 trench gassing agent because it was simply, as they put it "too volatile and went into the air almost immediately"
And I don't need much time for that, the fucking chemical properties of hydrogen cyanide are easily found on the interbutt and textbooks.
It's not fucking magic.
It's chemisty, physics.
Thos look big enough to barely bake bread. Looks like somebody used fake bone props for pictures though. Can't quite tell. But I guess I'm supposed to be crying or something. But funny...I'm not.
Here's data from testing done by Degesch on the outgassing of Zyklon B. Of course, if the Germans had intended to build homicidal gas chambers it seems strange that they did not install the vapourisers in those chambers as they had done in their delousing chambers.
Based Nig
That oven looks two feet deep. I can see the back wall bricks. Its fucking tiny. This is your smoking gun? LULZ
Have you ever read the damn labels on the cans?
"Kühl und trocken lagern" and the product was distributed in simple tin cans.
If it gassed out at these low temps then it would have been sold in pressure flasks, like a deodorant, and would not have needed a carrier substrate.
Hot damn.
Those ovens probably produced lots of bread to feed lots of Jews. The Holocaust was in making Jewish loansharks do actual real work. They are still butt hurt over it to this day.
6 gorillion faggot
>Point 1. GerMany ItALy and JapAn woUldn'T hAve CoopERated
Nigga have you stuck your nose into a history book? Hitler and Mussolini were at eachothers throats for awhile because Mussolini promoted Italian Exceptionalism and Hitler Aryan Exceptionalism. A lot of the problems with the Axis were that Hitler considered Southern Europeans to be of a lesser race, and Mussolini knew that he would've stabbed him in the back. Hitler also had to "promote" Japanese into Honorary Aryans so that people wouldn't think that he was working with some sub-humans to take down the "jewry"
>AnY GroUP thAT diDn'T WanT GerMany tO ConTinuE ShoUlD noT hAve ContiNUED
You mean like social democrats that thought that working better with Europe and paying their (unjust) fines didn't want Germany to survive? Cause a lot of them thought that the descent into Dictatorship was the death of Germany, and it ultimately was a death, for nearly 40 years germany wouldn't again be united. Sure Communists and whatever were seeking a global cooperation, leading to the end of the Nation State model, but they weren't looking to cuck germany. Fascism eliminates those who don't believe that the State should be elevated over personal freedoms. "First they came for the socialists, I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist..."
>Jews were innocent
Not anymore innocent than literally anyone else striving for power, but I don't need to touch this racist vitriol. If you weren't a "MuH mAster Race" you could see through the bullshit that is "All Jews think alike" but you cannot.
There's a difference between not protecting gays, and outright ostrasizing and killing them. Big difference. Difference between the Americans view(Sodomy illegal, maybe some vigilantes would kill the gays) vs Nazi Germany, literally pointing out who was suspected to be gay and then putting them in labor camps.
>"Kühl und trocken lagern"
That means, keep cool and dry, not "put in the freezer" by the way, although it could mean fridge.
But this was not the case for zyklon fucking B, which was just fucking diatomaceous earth soaked in simple hydrogen cyanide and an agent that made it smell extra nasty so you wouldn't accidentally gas yourself.
Zyklon B would be the dumbfuckest method ever, anything would be better, dry ice would be better.
It was a pesticide, nothing more.
It's text, it doesn't stutter. They cooperated, hence them being in the axis, and any group that wanted weimar to continue was not to be tolerated.
but wasn't that the town that had a capacity to burn 2 bodies per day?
but still,, 6 million does require a shitton of ovens
Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.
6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL)
In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.
It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.
That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
How can any Jew, Israeli, or Shill ever even argue this story when just simple math is enough to destroy the whole argument? Can any Jews respond to this?
I don't know what to tell you other than this is information taken from the manufacturers of Zyklon B. I'm inclined to trust it. I work with chemicals and storing something in a cool place can simply be a measure to stop it from going off rapidly rather than protecting from an accidental outgassing.
This still doesn't prove anything about gassings and I don't believe they occurred.
Really hitting all the Hollywood buzzwords there, faggot:
>basement dweller
Btw, convienient that you didn't mention anything about the actual master race part, because its 100% on the money. There was no master race concept, only that jews are faggots, which they are.
Honestly you people laugh at jewish cremation fables, but you really dont have enough jewish cremation yourselves. The average person cremates 2 jews per minute. If you have a family of 4, that's 76,692 jews a week. Over 306,768 a month. Jew ashes will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
And where are the other 5 fucking million bodies???? NOWHERE. NO MASS GRAVES FOUND EVER. NO ASHES. NO TEETH. NO SKULLS....nothing. All the dead pictures we have are of STARVED people. Which means they were kept alive when it would have been so easy to kill them. And I'm not sure all those pictures are of WWII. I bet thousands of pictures are from Jewish run Russian Gulag camps where starvation was daily. Jews would double dip on their sadism to save money. Why not use pictures they took of Russians and pass them off as Jews? They controlled Russia. They controlled the Nuremberg trials. They controlled the media. How hard is this to figure out people? It' all a fucking hoax. Just like everything the Kikes do. Nothing but managing perception. This is why we have rules of evidence. This is why we have innocent until proven guilty. All so Jewish fuckers can't control perception. We need to break up all Jewish controlled media and ban Jews from the media. Fuck...we need to kick out the Jews permanently. FOREVER. Go to your fucking sandbox, wall yourselves in and wait for your fucking gay as fuck messiah to come. You won't be missed.
Just stop nigger
>Hitler hated cripples
Well documented, accepted by Nazi higher ups before they were literally killed anyway.
>ThE EnTiRETy oF GerMAn PeEOple WErE SavEd
Yeah it's easy to benefit a specific group when you eliminate their competition, and then try invading other nations to get lebesraum.
>Millions of Innocent Jews
Millions of them were innocent, considering that they thought of them selves as serving members of their communities. Just as a reminder, this whole "Nation State" notion was still new in the 1930's. There were plenty of elders, and people from far reaches of the new State model that considered themselves members of their community first and foremost. It's only in our globalized, post WWII society that people more commonly think of themselves as members of a Nation State.
See "Untermenche"
>Hitler was all about the master race
Lmao k. And all that "Honorary Aryan" and Mussolini hitler beef was all about Hitler just uniting Germany.
>I don't know what to tell you other than this is information taken from the manufacturers of Zyklon B.
Paper is incredibly patient, and malleable.
A lot of German military also 'admitted to all sorts of evil shit', but Germany, at that point, was also fully occupied by the enemy, and the families of the captured military was at the mercy of the occupying force.
(Vid related)
And since I just mentioned that:
Ever seen those ISIS executions? How the accused are so calm and relaxed as they give their testimonies and then don't freak out before being killed brutally?
Same deal, they are being blackmailed, and also often tortured, with mock executions that stop right before the kill.
Do that enough times and eventually the prisoners will think "oh it's just another mock execution", until it's not.
What would you admit to in such a situation?
Although that question is kind of iffy these days, with very few people even having children, or a wife.
Or family they're on good terms with.
Anyway, I don't wanna get on your case too much, just saying.
The best things to believe in is recorded speeches, and even that is shrinking in the age of deepfakes.
paper, especially translations from German to English (aka from German into the language of the former (and still somewhat contemporary) enemy, who wants and wanted denazification more than anything?
Yeah, not too trustworthy.
Nigga, I get 2000 characters. And I already mentioned it in the first post, see point fucking one. Have you ever heard of Untermesche?
Found the newfag
Kvetch all you want, faggot.
The documents I have posted are 100% reality, which your chutzpah brain cannot override.
Let me relink/quote them for the rest of us, so they don't get sidetracked by your rambling.
>don’t have the time to show you muh (((research)))
You’re gettin real lazy in your old age Schlomo
White Supremacy
Master Race
These are all Strawmen arguments Jews use to shut down discover of real facts and criticism of the Jewish controlled narratives.
We need to call out Jewish Supremacy for what it is. They hide behind women, faggots and shitskins and harvest all the loot while their intersectional allies get jack shit. Economic marxism only works for the Jew when they climb for power. When they become the 1% they shift to cultural marxism to stay there. So long as they are the patrons of cultural marxism nobody challenges their economic oppression of others. The just deflect the blame. It's a neat little scam. Make profits but spend a little making your useful idiots think its the white man living paycheck to paycheck the cause of their life falure. This is why banks sponsore gay pride parades folks. BANKS.
There are certainly a lot of fakes around, but whoever would make a fake that contradicts the holocaust narrative would have to be incredibly incompetent; not that there weren't incompetent forgeries of course.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter either way, the holohoax is infeasible whichever way you cut it. But it's good to have your bases covered.
>Hitler supposedly kills literally HALF the world jew population and takes their wealth etc.
>4.5+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel (created based upon the holohoax) post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
Makes one think.
Some jews died in WW2. Jews were held in camps in WW2. Jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'death camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.
The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore there prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.
The full truth about jews and WW2:
Just because subhumans exist doesn't mean that Hitler campaigned about the master race.
In fact, for Hitler, anyone can be an Untermensch.
I've seen some picture recently which some faggot used as "see, hitler was all about white supremacy" that showed like how the subhumans have more babies than the "good people", and both illustrations where fucking white, not even jewish looking.
It was more like the huge ass family tree of the retarded hick from Idiocracy.
I'll post the picture if I can find it.
>The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone
that number has been revised decades ago to around 1,5M and literally no historian believe they were all gassed. Most have been shot. Apart from disease and starvation.
You’re also forgetting to mention the absolute huge supply of Sarin gas they had just sitting there. Not being used.
Mutt-jew coming through
>Implying cremation was the only way they killed Jews
>Implying other people's weren't lumped in as Jews for marketing purposee
>Implying we ain't still digging up mislabeled Slavs as kikes in Poland
Nigga I hate the commies more but you need better cope then this.
No they aren't, I just disproved them as much as I can for someone who has a surface level understanding of history, which is to say, I know a little but that means I know nothing(see, dunning-kruger effect). You think that that Aryan exceptionalism didn't exist yet you post from Germany? Fucking go back to Gymnasium you absolute cosplayer.
Fun fact: The US used Zyklon B on the US-Mexican border for decades... yet jews catch a whiff and die by the millions. Makes one think.
>The fumigation was carried out in an area of the building that American officials called, ominously enough, "the gas chambers." An article written in a German scientific journal in 1938 specifically praised the El Paso method of fumigating Mexican immigrants with Zyklon B
Zyklon B (a bug spray) is a piss-poor method of trying to kill people. In fact Zyklon-B was manufactured NOT to kill people. Zyklon-B is liquid hydrogen cyanide (HCN has a boiling point of 26ºC or 78ºF) infused into an inert substance like diatomaceous earth or wood chips. Hot air blowers are needed to vaporize the HCN. Talk of Zyklon-B being dumped into a gas chamber and people dying within minutes is physically impossible.
And why would the Germans use something as inefficient as Zyklon-B when they had 12,500 TONS of human killing Tabun nerve gas just sitting around unused?
Leading holocaust authority Dr. Franciszek Piper about why there was so little Zyklon B residue in the walls of the locations alleged to have been homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau (far less than would be necessary to kill humans). Needless to say Piper's reply was contradictory and evasive. Fortunately for those individuals interested in real history, David Cole's camera was rolling at the time and Piper's reply was captured for posterity.
Here are the segments of the interview concerned with the Zyklon B residue:
The Zyklon B typhus pesticide tested on humans:
>Just because I think subhumans exists doesn't mean I don't also think that Superior Humans exists.
Oy vey.
Shove a cactus up your ass.
There was no talk of a master race, merely of subhumans, which anyone could be, including Germans and Germanics at large.
The cover of it, which has been used as a joke since it looks like modern neo nazis, is a fucking proof of that, you insufferable faggot.
Anyway, found the picture.
Note: The family on the right is not jewish, it's white, it's a german family of "minderwertige" aka , of lower worth.
It's like talking to common fucking filth all over again.
Uhhhh whitey can't ever have a flawwwww uhhh muh jooooooos, while calling his white ass a faggot and while whites are the most critical about themselvs and cannot ever stop calling one another dumbasses.
Fucking chutzpah world.
Poor clowns having to take the flak for this dumb shit. They've got fucking clown commandments that tell them to always be at their best.
That's not what chutzpah world is.
Chutzpah world laughs at you, at your expense.
The clown is the opposite.