Why are millennials not having kids and going for "furbabies" instead?
Why are millennials not having kids and going for "furbabies" instead?
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Brainwashed into thinking having kids isn't cool
America is done
Weak men, dumb women
look at roasties who have arab/black boyfriends and go on to have 5 kids by the time they're 30.
it's white men who are always focused on their career.
Because in today's economy scenario you might as well shoot yourself in the nuts and fling your money to the local aids infested hooker because that's just the same as having a kid, not to mention the baby mentality most youths have nowadays which makes them completely unviable for parenting. In turn, just settle for a dog
Cute dog desu
>focused on their career
WRONG lol. White bois stay home ever since equal rights hit you up. Whitey can't compete on any level.
Thy can't handle responsibilities... I have 3 sons , most people here couldn't do it .
Millenial here; kids are awful and the marriage contract is a scam. Its a lot easier to dump an animal than it is to pay child support for the next twenty years
Maybe in ten years if they're still married they'll have a biological child.
Nothing wrong with having a dog. Nothing wrong with waiting a while before having a child.
>marriage lasted 6 years
>50 and single
>divorced 4 times
>owe more in child support than what you male
This is the gayest shit I've ever seen. These motherfuckers should be sterilized and sent to forced-labor camps.
The only guy I've heard say furbaby irl got open hand slapped in the mouth like a bitch by an old drunk.
she probably fucked a black dog and had a bbc furbaby now whiteboi is cucked by a fucking canine.
Okay nigger
worf worf
barg barg
That's wrong, retard. Owning a dog is associated with a greater likelihood of having children.
Because that hoe's eggs have dried up from riding the cock carousel, and that faagots sperm has been degraded from soi, endocrine disruptors, and marvel movies.
shut the fuck up, kike
I’m having my first child!!! But Yas Forumscels hate me cause the hubby is African
>Captain America, Black Panther and Iron Man
>circa 1950
Look at the youth of today. And all this tranny shit going around. You think I'm about to bring a child in this world and put him right in the middle of that shit?
Imagine how low self esteem you must have to already the bling that your wife will leave you ... already knowing that you will find a stupid girl with nothing to contribute... I feel bad for fags like you . You already know you will fail ahahah you are not my kind . Remove this flag , you are a shill !
Commitment issues
>Why are millennials not having kids and going for "furbabies" instead?
Because boomers cursed the lands they inhabited
We're all better off for it.
Its a no win game when it comes to modern women. Get that pussy while you can and move on once she starts being a problem
You don't have to pay child support for a dog when the roastie leaves yet.
Raising a kid in this environment is fucking retarded. Modern day culture is currently designed to fuck over couples hard and there is shittons of legislation involving kids that they might as well be given to the state at birth. Besides, dogs are based.
Im sorry to hear your baby daddy's in jail. The kid will probably end up joining him there too, maybe make some better life choices
furbaby here, i want a japanese loli to adopt me
Look id be all for raising a kid but the fact that Id be doing it as a poor fag among a legion of rich fucks would be devestating for them...
The world needs fewer people, not more.
They'll hit 30yrs old and won't have motivation , no reason to go to work , nothing to build.. most of them will commit suicide near 50yrs old . Since I got my sons , life is easy ,
is this why black people are so mad all the time?
the kid is probably next desu. pic unrelated
fuck off you worthless faggot. im not having kids so i can add to the jewish world order fuck off. IOf you think having kids alone will save the white race is fucking moronic. ZOG will turn them against you no matter what for fuck sake. IF you have a female good FUCKING LUCK. I knew women who lived in the middle of no where without fucking TV and still they grew up and turned into a fucking whore for ZOG. Males MAYBE but highly doubtful specially if you arent well off like most people are.
Pretty cute puppy desu
Because the USA is a failed nation.
Because they also dress up as animals when they fuck their dogs.
cus there’s already too many retards on this planet
I say this. It's easy to give up and get ride of dog but a kid, that's some serious commitment of not just time but money, space and a bit of yourself.
To fix European civilization we must turn to the path of truth known as Orthodox Christianity. It destroys modern degeneracy and supports traditional gender roles. Come home white man.
She doesn't look all that happy in the 3rd picture, more disappointed it isn't actually a baby
Of you can't control ur woman , you are clearly low on testosterone. You already know you won't be able to handle a woman ahahah its sad dude . But lets be honest , you can't find a good wife . No good woman want a poor dude playing video games ... they need a MAN not a boy ... that's why you know you can't do it , you can't compete :)
This is actually a crazy kind of evolutionary advantage. The dog has evolved for thousands of years with a symbiotic relationship that has began with getting some scraps thrown to them in front of a campfire and ended with some humans providing and nurturing the organism as if it were it's own, foregoing it's own reproductive motive. Crazy when you take a step back and think about it.
>Buy dog
>keep it in cage cuz gotta “hustle” during the day
>leash it everywhere you go (slavery)
>shits all over your yard
>go out Friday night,
>forgot to cage mr scruffles,
>shits everywhere, pisses on everything
>tears up couch pillows
>”Sorry cant go out for Saturday brunch, gotta clean”
>spend 3hrs vacuuming dog hair (if their not disgusting fucks that leave it about)
>boy Im so glad I didn't have kids, they're too much trouble
>fondly looks at fur slave
If you knew there was a 50% chance of getting in a car accident tonight, would you really get in a car?
the most disturbing thing about it is they put on a show doing it, as if they are very proud
Good post damn
Because furbabies require less effort and responsibility. Human children are difficult to raise and require more resources and sacrifice. Millennials don't do sacrifice.
>he doesn't live in the woods and let his dogs roam around
If the payoff is greater than the risk, yes
Don't act as if its a choice ... you are weak ugly and poor , that's why . My wife could leave me and take half and I still would be okay ... but she won't , I didn't marry a stupid poor girl , my wife is a nurse and make almost as much as me ... I won't have to pay her shit . You pay when you got a wife with nothing in her bank account... you guys can't attract that kind of girls . They need a MAN !
>Raven Michele
Cripes, not even a half-decent name.
ding ding ding correct answer
Babies are too costly. Simple as
One reason we get immigration is due to this excessive cost, people don't make babies therefore companies encourage immigration
Weak fathers.
Indoctrination system instead of schools.
Identity subverting pop culture.
Marketers and profit makers.
are you sure that's a car you're getting into and not a dumpster whore you tried to make an honest woman?
euro transplant here
because they can treat animals like shit. at the apt complex where i live i have lady next to me that lets her dog shit on her balcony coz she is lazy to take him out. anothrr one is at work most if the day dog at home alone bark like crazy. why are americans so cruel towards dogs ?
You don't want those people having children.
They did a job on us
If I'm driving , yes ... fuxking put her in her place .. holy shit you guys are WEAK !
Wrong, having kids has always costly, people are simply too immature to make that sacrifice.