/ptg/ President Trump General - Fast Edition

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/23/20
>VP Pence @FEMA HQ Video Teleconf w/Governors 3/23/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 3/23/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/23/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 3/23/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 3/23/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FoxNews 3/23/20
>SG Adams on F&F 3/23/20
>SG Adams on CBSThisMorning 3/23/20
>SG Adams on TODAY 3/23/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (NMFP Comdr RDML Weber/USNS Mercy MTF CO Capt Rotruck) 3/23/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (DefSec Esper) 3/23/20
>WHVideo: SoS Pompeo Encourages Americans to Use Trusted Sources 3/23/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/22/20
>VP Pence on LifeLiberty&Levin 3/22/20
video.foxnews.com/v/6143874391001 (pt1)
video.foxnews.com/v/6143874407001 (pt2)
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 3/22/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


If Trump is literally Hitler, does it mean he will start killing 6 million jews, murder 27 million slavs and try to take over Moscow?

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>it was her idea
>she didn't die
>her husband died
>no idea of doses, not even looking up online what the difference might be.
>willing to bet the bottle says 'poison do not ingest' on it.
This cunt murdered her husband. She saw an opportunity and she took it.

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>it's another i jumped the gun because computer hiccupped" edition
real thread here

NEETbux are in both bills
we did it lads we did it

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go here
At least my script works


Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-24 07-58-28.png (931x587, 116.55K)

Kill yourself, spic.

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kill yourself first, you disgusting furry poster

all I see is for taxpayers and lazy welfare niggers and illegals

I just wanna throw something out there to consider.

The American people, indeed our government and industry leaders, are waiting on: ?

- The media to announce America is now recovering from a national emergency under President Trump.

So yeah, do the math on that.

Right, riots are coming. On purpose, it would seem.

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Fedora is in the other thread so I'll stay here.

>Retarded couple did DIY fishbowl cleaner treatment



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I got an idea the other day, lets just nuke china outright

Attached: chinese man makes case for nuking china.webm (480x428, 2.9M)

fuck thread splitters

>make a bill that literally only gives stimulus to American workers
>one time but wording to make it affective until it's all over
>money to American workers in this event of crisis and nothing else
1000-2000 a month and 500 per children and literally nothing else, should get passed in a heartbeat.
If anyone knows any politicians or the Trump himself send it to him.
Welfare queens and NEETS and Disability don't need money right now, we do.

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>4 minutes since last death
are we bragging or something?

>does it mean he will start killing 6 million jews
no. if he did that, it would mean he was literally better than hitler. Hitler ordered the death of zero jews. Thinking otherwise is believing in a religion similar to believing Climate Change is real.

>China should've told us
>this American official would've told him
fuck off

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>its drumpfs fault that the chinese outright lied about the virus they created
wew lets hope they did stretches before those mental gymnastics

Attached: chinese food.webm (208x360, 1.81M)

>he's with /herd/ now
This stupid faggot is going to get us all killed

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Tenderizing it for later

Something else to consider;

The US CDC reports that just this season, in just the US, there have been 38 million cases of the flu, and 22,000+ deaths because of it.

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>4 minutes
It's been stuck there for about 4 hours actually

wait, are you telling me the holocaust never happened

>does it mean he will start killing 6 million jews
no. if he did that, it would mean he was literally better than hitler. Hitler ordered the death of zero jews. Thinking otherwise is believing in a religion similar to believing Climate Change is real or .

Attached: aliens.jpg (500x436, 23.96K)

Wait, those live mice? How the fuck does he eat that shit as if it were fucking popcorn?

do you have reason to believe this american would betray his people?

amazing how as we became more diverse that we became less civilized and more corrupt

>that NPC
Ironically Gucci is one of the brands that brought in Italy's coofing guest workers

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-24 08-04-46.png (918x444, 95.33K)

Gee, I wonder who made it that way?

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the statement was "since last thread" so.....

Lack of a soul

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Were they 60? How gentle is our society that you can live to be 60 being this simple?

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Yeah cause we have to have a man on the ground for the Chinese to make a fucking phone call .

>ann coulter

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chinese anatomy isn't exactly what you'd call human
in exchange for the micropenis and subhuman IQ they have a very durable digestive tract

Attached: chinese subhuman.webm (270x360, 1.74M)

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no, we used to




Why would this American even know?

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trips of truth

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checked and true

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>qualified individual
that excludes NEETs

Fuck off boomer

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the black jew knows

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>Trump's hotels
What is this meme? The hotels that Trump used to own shouldn't get any hotel bailout money because BLUMPF?

Now I wish I'd paid attention to what image I grabbed and gotten the chink jew instead of the ethiopian jew. Oh well, they're all the same kike

He still owns them, but he doesn't manage the business. But yes, they demand that he shut down, take the loss, and if the govt offers him money he turn it down

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thats an incredibly generous way of putting it

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get fucked

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Boomers are the most coddled generation in human history.

Haha gonna buy Doom Eternal with my Trumpbux

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Compensation =/= Neetbux for breathing

Government intentionally shut down the economy to slow the spread of a bioweapon, compensation is in order.

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they're really scraping the barrel imo.
they are being rekt by independents/Trump supporters.
these two groups wont forget what the dems are doing right now lel

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Should help you understand the benign nature of this chink flu, my memeflag friend

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Just nuke it already, fuck

>But yes, they demand that he shut down, take the loss, and if the govt offers him money he turn it down
If he were penniless they'd demand he kill himself.

>looking back at every vote in the last 12 years-yeah, they kind of are blameless

wasn't the last corporate bailout under 12 years ago? as well as multiple extensions of the patriot act?

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this country is burning and I brought marshmallows and a lawn chair.
I ain't votin for shit

What if we froze the boomers to protect them from the virus? This way we could restart the economy right now.
Future generations will figure out how to thaw them.
Just dump them all in a mass cryopreservation grave in Antarctica and zoomers will go revive them with future technology if they think their society could use some boomers for some reason.

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where are the based mods?

user, that's what the jew boomer is currently demanding of everyone else right now.

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>if you don't want to go on house arrest until the end of the summer, then you're a cuckservative
Oof. Are they really trying this strategy?

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>Having a social policy in effect for the remainder that it's a law
>Is the same as emergency provisions during a global crisis crippling nations
God damn they're so fucking brainless with the sheer magnitude of false equivalence

no such thing

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zoomers would die in a week
dipshits can't even figure out how to use a canopener

Attached: zoomboom.jpg (1280x720, 127.99K)

It's hard to believe they're being genuine with their arguments

Of course it's a woman.

>anti-abortion language

Attached: what nig.jpg (1200x1200, 130.25K)

>Future generations will figure out how to thaw them.
But will they want to?

>zoomers can't figure out how to open a can of beans
>millenials are about to die now that avocado toast restaurants are closed
>boomers will die to pool cleaner self-medicating
Too ra loo rye aye

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how much time until you repeal the 19th?

a government official should be immediately removed from office for even using that term

Attached: Trump thunderdome.jpg (2233x2234, 1000.3K)

too long

daily reminder that chinks are not human

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They literally drank fish tank cleaner.

I still dont know why they're gutting the bill with so much unrelated shit?
can someone explain?
they said it was a slush fund so just put some more protections on that money (just a few fucking lines) and then send it again.
period. reps will vote it through?
why are they adding all this? when its not addressing the problem they mentioned themselves?
do they think their dear MSM will get them through this? are normies that dumb? or are independents that dumb?
no way are reps looking bad in this from any angle, all of their bullet points were related to corona. this is insane

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-24 08-15-32.png (954x558, 113.51K)

They want to cancel the conventions and keep Biden out of public view, while denying Trump a win.

no need to be a cunt, why didn't you just present this first when I asked?


i mean, no one in your country takes women seriously, Trump saying fuck cunts, would be accepted by all races