It’s over. Corona lasts up to 17 days on surfaces as far as we know
Shut the fuck up and get some Lysol you mongrel faggot. People are sick of the bullshit fear mongering tactics that are SO OBVIOUS at this point. What's wrong SHILLERINO BRO not enough attention from your waifu pillow?
The COVID-19 PCR tests are for genes that if found individually result in a negative test, but found together result in a positive test. So one false positive is negative, but two false positives makes it positive. How accurate are these tests? We have no reference to know if someone recieves a false positive, or if the tests are accurate. No one can be sure they have the virus. 86% of infected never show symptoms. It's just like the HIV/AIDS hoax!
The chances of a virus mutating across species is ZERO, and across multiple species even less. It has never happened, never will happen, and never could happen. The only way humans can test positive for a virus from an animal is if it is injected into them, period. And the chances of it going across species multiple times? It can not happen, ever. Dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, and others have tested positive for this COVID-19. It's 100% impossible. All signs point to the testing being false positive. How many times are we going to fall for this?
It's exactly like the HIV hoax. West Nile, SARS, AIDS, and Hepatitis C are all invented by the CDC and WHO. The testing is even similar to HIV, which is fake. The statistics make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE.
Watch this documentary House of Numbers on how the CDC and world governments invented the AIDS epidemic out of nowhere:
Thousands of people died to the h1n1 vaccine. The spanish flu was created by vaccinations. All viruses are symbiotic in that they detoxify the body to prevent aging, especially in the respiratory system. They have been evolving with us for billions of years. They are manufactured within the cells. They are not foreign invaders that hijack your cells. That is fantasy. They are as much a part of us as our immune system. We have never proven viral infections are contagious. ANY deadly virus is either man-made or made-up.
Do NOT get tested. Do NOT take any drugs they give you. And for the love of jesus christ DO NOT GET VACCINATED.
I don't know a single person with the Chinese virus.
Do you?
2 weeks for symptoms, more than 2 weeks lasting on surfaces.
literally the entire world would have been infected by mid January
schizo nigger
wtf is traces?
You guys are so fucking retarded. Theres no way in a trillion years this is real. Obviously they have no idea what the fuck is really going on. I doubt they even really detected the virus.
Great News! If that’s indeed true then we can all go back to work and get everything going again because we’re all fucked. Honestly, that’d be the best thing ever. Zero way to avoid it. Just go with it and let the chips fall where they may.
Interesting. I just watched US report on it lasting 24 hours on cardboard and a few hours on metal...
Clear and concise.
>86% of infected never show symptoms. It's just like the HIV/AIDS hoax!
Stopped reading here.
big if true. cruise ship just flew over my house
*washes hands for 20 seconds*
oh oops! didnt think the little guy would die that quickly, oh well, better luck next time corona!
This is absolute fear mongering. In no way does this prove that you can get the coronavirus 17 days after leaving the host. No virus could ever do that. Think before you post.
My father got it.
What did it linger in? What medium?
Right, but when you're fighting a pandemic, you always want to assume the worst.
We're not going to have decades worth of lab research before we're able to make a decision.
>believing this shit
I should probably stop ordering so much stuff off ebay.
Several hours on cardboard apparently, lot of washing my hands here.
this doesn't matter because you can just wash the surface with literally anything and it'll get rid of it. everyone's going nuts cleaning everything anyway.
No you don't need to assume the worst. The death rates are absolute horseshit. No increased mortality has been observed in any of the affected countries
20,000 people have died to seasonal flu in the united states this flu season. 553 deaths allegedly to corona. Italy's statistics are bogus
real talk: If you are going to be infectect, its easier to survive from a small initial dose than a large one
Dont be lettin no asian hookers spit in your mouth
The CDC report is on their website. This is bad.
Also, 17 days outside of a host? Fuck off, fake and gay
>believing the CDC
natural selection will take care of you
Is he wrong? From what I've hearing and reading, most people who have it may not even know they've had it. Most are going to be 'asymptomatic' apparently.
they were spraying down the fucking streets in china for a reason you goobers
Italy has no idea the virus killed all those people. They just keep racking up the death toll. Guarantee you there's a small group of doctors reporting the majority of deaths
Why the fuck did they not clean it for 17 straight days?
Spray surfaces with 1% vinegar. Acetic acid is an incredibly powerful germicide that kills all viruses.
In the absence of evidence you should always assume the worst and hope for the best.
I'm not going to the link, but i looked up the whois and it doesn't look like anything more trustworthy than the various countries and states are reporting. Even the US media now reports it, who were stubbornly trying to downplay this thing for almost 2 months after our first case.
For up to 10 years, but anyone who lives long enough will show symptoms, if it spread as easily as Coronavirus it'd be game over for all of us, probably in 1995. It's one of its trademarks and part of what makes it such a difficult virus to eliminate.
Because it's not real. They have no evidence testing positive for the virus even makes you more likely to get sick. It's no coincidence most people have no symptoms. Most people who test negative don't have symptoms either!
I believe the majority of deaths are in the Lombardy region. Home to Lake Como, Milan, and the major fashion industry of Italy. Sex trafficking, bro.
>for up to 10 years
Carbon copy of the HIV hoax
See documentary House of Numbers.
They aren't testing people that aren't senators without symptoms. You have no reason to think this, they are just making optimistic assumptions.
Cruise ships are basically incubators. This is just sensationalist clickbait garbage.
I watched that AIDS documentary last night and felt like a complete schizo afterwards. Waste of time.
mfw already caught, fought and fully recovered from Coronachan so this thread is irrelevant to me
South Korea found 86% infected show no symptoms. I wonder if 86% who arent infected show no symptoms.
prove it
kys nazzi
I can't see an atom so it doesn't exist.
This is legit though
>50% of global N95 production is in China; the following is all from January-February
>Total ban on export of N95 repirators; shipment out of country were seized on the tarmac- beginning of January still through to today
>In January China Nationalized all N95 Production facilities Including American, Canadian, and European Owned
>In the 2 weeks following Hubei lockdown China bought out the global inventory of N95 respirators well over 50 million
>In the 24 hour period of January 30th alone 20 million were ordered to china
>Chinese nationals across Europe, North America, and Oceania bought out retail location to ship back to china or hoard;
>All whilst still hiding the virus from the rest of the world; WHO head is a chinese asset as well
>Critical shortage of N95 masks and other PPE acrosss the non asian world resulting in CRIPPLED surge capacity as medical workers will be getting the disease en masse
>China is immune to being called out because they still have an immense amount of other products they can pull from export such as 90% of all generic medicine in the U.S.A.
>They have threatened to do so publicly as seen here
>WSJ describing the absolute disaster that is NYC right now MEdical workers already testing positive
>Further description of the absolute state of the United States medical PPE shortage
This is the death knell of the Republic of the United States of America. Either we Balkanize and break into multiple nations infighting for the coming decade; the desired outcome of Chinas final desperate gamble; or we fall and rise up with an eagle on the flag as the new Imperial United States of America. only time will tell, the die is cast.
Take your meds schizoid
Enjoy your reinfection Pablo.
If you actually watched you'd see that their gold standard of testing tests for antibodies that have never even been proven to be related to HIV, resulting in millions of false diagnoses and deaths from the treatment. But you probably didnt watch.
this is the funniest fucking part about you nothingburger faggots on this site. You can't even conceptualize the position of unassailable ignorance you've built. There's always an out. No matter what evidence is provided, you'll say it's fake. He could post the fucking test results, then you'll say the results are fake, or the tests are invalid. there's no fucking end.
No such thing as reinfection
all tests have an error margin and that includes Corona. It's a virus. It attacked my body and after several days, my body discovered how to fuck him up. If Corona returns my body is ready and it will be a 1st round knockout
It's time to initiate the Samson option.
Rabies is a virus can cross species.
You just want an excuse to go bang brown hookers in SEA
Never been proven
>flu doesn't mutate all the time
>flu doesn't jump species
Most deadly virii are deadly because they haven't mutated enough to adapt to the human host:
Smallpox from cows.
Flu from pigs.
Rabies and hantavirus from rodents.
AIDs from chimps.
You sound like a schizo in your manic blog post
Complete bullshit based on speculation. Never been proven one time that a person can be directly infected from an animal. Even mainstream scientists know aids could not have come from chimps.
show titties
Hey fucktard we are animals
At this point, even on the top of Mt Everest, my P100 filters offer futile resistance
Also what exactly are ‘traces’?
Can these traces actually infiltrate and infect cells?
Can they multiply?
Just 2 more weeks bro. Then it will be really out of hand, the economy will crash, and we’ll be PLUNGED into WW3.
How does China sieze foreign factories? How do they buy up the "world supply" of masks without anyone catching on?
>SARS-CoV-2 RNA was identified on a variety of surfaces in cabins of both symptomatic and asymptomatic infected passengers up to 17 days after cabins were vacated on the Diamond Princess but before disinfection procedures had been conducted (Takuya Yamagishi, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, personal communication, 2020). Although these data cannot be used to determine whether transmission occurred from contaminated surfaces, further study of fomite transmission of SARS-CoV-2 aboard cruise ships is warranted.
This is what the actual study says. Can any science fags please explain
>SARS-CoV-2 RNA found 17 days later
Isnt RNA just a trace like footprint? i swear these kikes are crashing the economy with their fear mongering to stop Trump 2020
uh do you understand why this is a big deal then
Fake news
All CDC officials should be shot dead