Why do so many people not want hydroxychloroquine + azythromycin to work?

A lot of people seem to just not want there to be a cheap, relatively safe (for short-term use) therapy for this virus.
Given that
>there is no vaccine
>medical therapy (ventilitaors, ECMO) has a horrible prognosis (50% mortality)
>hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed
>and long-term quarantine will devastate our economy, which will itself result in illness and deaths
You'd think there would be broad enthusiasm for anything that showed promise as a therapeutic or prophylactic, especially if it's a cocktail of old, well-understood drugs.
But instead, there's no shortage of blue checkmarks complaining about imperfect study design, urging more testing before widespread deployment, and offering no alternative.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-23 Five Reasons To Be Wary Of Chloroquine Hype.png (828x872, 626.65K)

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people are taking bizarre anti-malaria drugs because donald trump said they were effective against flu? zogged

Over-educated, over socialized, functional retards

Because then they'll have to go back to work.

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Because you don't know what dosage, and how effective it is?
No one is wishing they don't work, but that doesn't mean go chug a bunch in case you might have COVID you moron.

retard doomers who want trump to be wrong. also big pharma shills who want to sell america something patented to make a killing.

Some douche already died from this dumb shit but hey, go for it you tard


its called using a scale

Deep state shills don’t want the cure out there.

Trump mentioned it. They would rather die and take us with them than give him any credit.

Chang, did you post "as a blackman" in another thread and forget to change your meme flag back?
People overdose on tylenol and other OTC medication too.
Plaquenil is a mainstay of Lupus and RA therapy, and if taken properly, takes years to cause any serious side effects.

>self medicating

People are hoping this isn't an effective treatment and that more people get sick and die just because Drumpf Orange Man that they hate so much said it? Trannied

you can overdose on anything if you are dumb enough big deal

That's because doctor's aren't stupid enough to give it out

Once it was announced, it was bound to happen. What surprises me is that knowing this, WHY THESE FUCKERS WONT TRAIN PEOPLE ON HOW TO USE IT PROPERLY?
It's the same thing as SEX AND AIDS. You fucking can't expecting telling people to not have casual sex to work, so PEOPLE HAD TO BE TRAINED in order to prevent the goddamn virus.

There's a reason doctor's aren't giving it you dunce

It was aquarium cleaner. These dipshits in the media don't know context.

They literally took about 5 grams. Try taking 5 grams of ANy medicine.

a virus cause go ernments to institute unprecedented lockdowns around the world. This virus emanated from near one of the rare BSL 4 labs, where bioweapons can be made. The question you're asking;

>why would anyone be concerned that the miraculous cure for the virus that's caused everyone to be locked down happens to be readily available to the forces the government would use to maintain that lockdown?

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>50% of global N95 production is in China; the following is all from January-February

>Total ban on export of N95 repirators; shipment out of country were seized on the tarmac- beginning of January still through to today

>In January China Nationalized all N95 Production facilities Including American, Canadian, and European Owned

>In the 2 weeks following Hubei lockdown China bought out the global inventory of N95 respirators well over 50 million

>In the 24 hour eriod of January 30th alone 20 million were ordered to china

>Chinese nationals across Europe, North America, and Oceania bought out retail location to ship back to china or hoard

>Proof archive.is/6HdUi

>All whilst still hiding the virus from the rest of the world; WHO head is a chinese asset as well

>Critical shortage of N95 masks and other PPE acrosss the non asian world resulting in CRIPPLED surge capacity as medical workers will be getting the disease en masse

>China is immune to being called out because they still have an immense amount of other products they can pull from export such as 90% of all generic medicine in the U.S.A.

>They have threatened to do so publicly as seen here archive.is/cC8Sj

>WSJ describing the absolute disaster that is NYC right now MEdical workers already testing positive archive.is/IwfyV

>Further description of the absolute state of the United States medical PPE shortage archive.is/RWfwu


This is the death knell of the Republic of the United States of America. Either we Balkanize and break into multiple nations infighting for the coming decade; the desired outcome of Chinas last desperate gamble; or we fall and rise up with an eagle on the flag as the new Imperial United States of America. only time will tell, the die is cast.

Other countries have been using it for months and all evidence suggests it works to reduce the severity of disease about 30-60%.

Libtards would literally be happier to see people die than for trump to be able to solve a problem.

It's already been tried, it's not a miracle cure. If it works at all, it's marginal at best.

It's not that people don't want it to work, I wish it did work, but you have to be realistic about this. It's not the miracle cure Trump is selling it as.

right because the (((fda))) hasnt given its blessing

>why would anyone be concerned that the miraculous cure for the virus that's caused everyone to be locked down happens to be readily available to the forces the government would use to maintain that lockdown?
Hey, great question! I can't think of any reason that would be concerning.

so they don't have to go to the fucking hospital

you ever been? literally hell on earth

The druide said to take it, not Trump.

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>Why do so many people not want hydroxychloroquine + azythromycin to work?
Because it defeats the Bill Gates globalist agenda.

Some idiot took chloroquine phosphate, which is used for cleaning fish tanks, not hydroxychloroquine, which is the actual medicine. He self medicated and this wasn’t taken with the help or prescription of a doctor. He’s basically an idiot that OD’ed on aquarium cleaner. These are two different chemicals and the media is too stupid to know the difference between the two so this continues to be reported incorrectly... but “orange man bad” so expect them to only quietly fix it after morons repeat it on Twitter for a week and the misinformation is already spread.

The left wants the economy to crash and people to die so that they can get Trump out of office. That simple.

>retard doomers who want trump to be wrong. also big pharma shills who want to sell america something patented to make a killing.
I think a lot of doctors are unintentionally big pharma shills in that they're inherently much more skeptical about the potential for an old, boring drug to be repurposed to treat some new disease than they are of some new, hyped big pharma product, despite the latter naturally being much less well understood, and potentially much more dangerous.

Any potent medication needs to be dosed properly. If they just took it without medical supervision, then that's why they are fucked. The media wants to downlplay it because Drumpf said it was effective. If Drumpf said the earth is a sphere, there would be 100 stories tomorrow about "OMG its an Oblate Spheroid not a sphere!!!"

What's your data? Your statement is useless without data.

>Takes 2x LD50 of drug

>doctors don't prescribe aquarium tank cleaners


I don't see anything but positive evidence so far

for the same reason I don't want have some purple skinned boomer try to sell me on colloidal silver and how their bonor was cured by charged crystals and snake venom that they got off their pastor's girlfriend. obvious grifting will just get people killed.

You don't self medicate, faggot. Especially if is true.
>Man dies after drinking 6 litres of water in 1 hour

Kys jew

First of all he took chloroquine phosphate for fish tanks. Nod medical grade meds at the corrrect dosage. Second of all, you dont ban a drug or say it doesnt work if some rando takes it incorectly

Because the patent on it expired a long time ago so big pharma can't sell the stuff for thousands of dollars a dose.

>Meanwhile since the late January 2020, Chinese medical researchers stated to the media that in exploratory research considering a selection of 30 drug candidates, three of them, remdesivir, chloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir, seemed to have "fairly good inhibitory. effects" on 2019-nCoV at the cellular level. Requests to start clinical testing were submitted along with that for remdesivir.
2 fucking months ago:
1 month ago:
>The Chinese medical experts have "unanimously" suggested that the drug chloroquine be included in the next version of the treatment guidelines and applied in wider clinical trials as soon as possible.

These use to be sold over the counter back in the day. My Grandma took them and she is 85 and still gardening and jogging. So I don't see why people would be against it. Unless they changed the formula. Hasn't fucked her up at least. She read 1984 after I recommended it to her and she got me Snowden's recent book for my birthday. She sees the bullshit.


>1 post by this ID
>Nigger Flag




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See here:

"There are no currently available data from Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) to inform clinical guidance on the use, dosing, or duration of hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis or treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection. " -- the CDC

Leftists believe if there is a high death toll then Trump will lose 2020

Leftists forget that the only states which have HUGE numbers of COVID cases are places like New York

>millions of people die
>90% in urban centers like NYC
>USA becomes 10% whiter in the course of a year
>60% Republican landslide because all the liberals are dead

Make it happen please

You're retarded, doctor's prescribe shit all the time that's not big bucks. Most prescriptions are for three dollar generics. Nothing stopping any doctor from prescribing a med that works unless you believe retard level q conspiracies. Good damn you dumb



The more people realize this kind of shilling is all too real, the better.

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>Starts this thread with a screenshot of a news article from Buzzfeed

Bro, I....

But they didn't die from the Corona though

It was banned from being sold over the counter in France the 13/01/2020 by the jewish french health minister. Her jewish husband is the mortal enemy of the Druide.

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>Dumbasses drink fish cleaner
>Trump specifically said “Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine show promise” not to fucking drink fish cleaner
It’s all so tiresome

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This...the problem is some attitude that some of you ustaters have, and the donald has too...this "cool badass" attitude that thinks there is a easy solution for everything that put a lot of distrust on the common man...the worst think that would ever happen to this treatment was being announced by Trump, this is a serious issue. Anyway, lets hope it works.

Do you not know how to Google and verify our are you one of those people that only believes right wing media laugh tards

The left wants Trump to fail.
Yas Forums wants to watch the world burn.
The right, generally wants it to work.

no way for the kikes to make money off it

people see it as that forsythia snake oil from contagion


more like 90%. this fuck made HUNDREDS of threats


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>What's your data? Your statement is useless without data.
>He says, while placing blind faith in and promoting a drug cocktail that has not seen clinical trials for the purposes being proposed

user, this virus is mainly killing old people. The one age group that is almost entirely white.

these people literally cannot give trump a single win

You're asking me to the research legwork for an article that YOU posted, knowing full well how it would be received, given the source ...

... and you're asking me if *I* know how to Google?

Happeningfags want the happening to keep happening.
Jews want to make billions from Remdesivir and a vaccine
Elites want the terror to spill over into the streets, for months and months

Malaria has many of the same symptoms as the wuhanic plague. We've seen from small studies it can be quite effective in treating the Chinese lung aids