My city went from 80% white to 17% white in thirty years.
My city went from 80% white to 17% white in thirty years
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I don't know the specific stats for my city, but I don't see any little white kids anymore. All the
how many kids you got
I've always wanted to go to Boston. I don't know if it's worse or fitting that the major city in the founding of this country shares the same fate.
are you even married? or are you some kind of degenerate faggot? have white babies. there will be a race war one day.
What does this have to do with it? I will have children in the future but the problem wasn't birth rates, it was the systematic importation of peoples from all over the world.
I’ve never noticed any demographic change in any of the communities I’ve lived in. Feels good to NOT be poor or working class
A couple decades those 17% will have been BBC’d out entirely
found your problem
why haven't you moved away yet?
thanks Obama
>30 years
we need to be having kids earlier, user
Don't get blackpilled. There is still hope. Normies are getting redpilled around the world, a giant waking up is happening. Keep supporting and spreading alt media. Also look into Orthodox Christianity. It's the truth and path of salvation, it's also based at fighting modern degeneracy and keeping traditional gender roles. There is always hope to save the European people and yourself.
Same in shitattle
Los Angeles?
How does that happen? They just accepted them or something?
White people: "WTF why is America becoming less white!"
Minorities: pic related
Most major cities in the US have gotten whiter due to gentrification. It’s a beautiful thing
Hear me out
> catch Corona chan
>Coof lungs out
>increase percentage
My hometown
>1990 census
93% white
>2018 estimate
60% white
Not that bad, but still
Austrian women are the easiest lays
This guy tracks where men live, fellas, I'm thinking he's gay as hell.
you'd better have a place to hide because we're coming for you when this all comes crashing down
going to force you to see things that will scar your conscience forever
Jewish on East Coast, Chinese on West Coast. Both are bad but Chinese got good food.
wait.. aged 15-19 that just means the child is fked
1) Giant turkey processing plant attracted them in droves
2) Brought their 50+ member families with help from the WELCA aka the biggest cucks in the world
3) Each female Somali shits out at least 10 kids
t. Minnesotan
Colorado is less and less White by the second. I am going to move to Idaho and be around Whites exclusively. Any Idaho anons in that want to give me some advice?
user, Detroit is only 8% white and most of that is just Arabs (who are considered white for some strange fucking reason.
Literally the best biological age range to have a child. Minorities still have a higher birthrate than whites past the 20's.
>inb4 fuck off we're full
I see plenty of white babies in my city. With black nannies from the nearby ghettos
I guess, I used to live near some Jewish girls. But it’s not just Jews
mine's still like 99.99 % white
I’ll be moving to a small comfy mountain town for sure
Why don't white people just move to Alaska? It's to cold for nigs and spics and you only have to deal with the local innuit population (who are drunks and criminals but at least they can go back to living in their igloos if they choose).
>black nannies
uh oh, someone post the webm
17% is still above the national average for burgerland though
Not enough femoids
yeah how about fuck off back to california you faggot
Oh my Detroit is so fucking black. Although I hear the Detroit burbs are a good place to be. Cheap as fuck and the competition isn’t as sharp
>originally based in Kootenai County, Idaho, about 3 miles (4.4 km) north of the city of Hayden Lake
>From the late 1970s until 2001, the Aryan Nations headquarters was located in a 20-acre (8.1 ha) compound 1.8 miles (3 km) north of Hayden, Idaho
The cities may change, but the Amish will always be around.
I was born and raised in Colorado.
checked but we should make our last stand in cascadia as a whole
Oh shid I just remember watching a documentary of a town in North Dakota that was 80% male 20% female, how bad is it in Alaska?
Straight from the cringe department
Chin up, fly open, dick out. Get out there and make some.
Unless you're a shitskin and then get out.
I don’t care how bad it is nigga I just know there ain’t enough femoids.
Thanks for the whitepill Fritz.
Not my fault that the traitors and kikes at the top have been working night and day to replace us natives with low iq shitters who breed like rats. I should be able to have 2.1 kids and not worry about becoming a minority in my country.
stay there and chase out the californians that are fucking up your state
It’s not just the Californians man. It’s EVERYONE
bay area, cali here. that's about the same as us. shit is fucked
Then its time to move
So I’m not staying. There are more femoids in Idaho. I’m going to a hospital in Idaho and recovering from all the tendinitis in my limbs and filing for bankruptcy. Then I’m going to live in my car and work and exercise daily until I get a house and a gf.
I am from East Boston and it was predominantly Italian American when I was growing up. Now its all Mexican and Salvadorian. Everett and Framingham are literally little Brazils and Chelsea is a central American barrio. The housing market is climbing in Eastie, slowly pricing out the shitskins though. Hopefully they fuck off to Lowell or Lawrence where they belong. Even the niggers are being displaced. Lynn is now Guatemala. Framingham used to be the absolute definition of quaint small safe white eastcoast suburb with small farms and big spaces. Everett used to have nice clean needle-free beaches without houses full of illegals stacked 40 to an apartment. Now its like a favela. East Boston prices are going up since they started building new apartments and tried to capitalize on seaports gentrification. Eastie is like a nice new expensive area but still surrounded by sketchy pockets you wouldnt want to walk through at night. Convenient ferry ride to work downtown tho but a pain in the ass if you have a car and want to drive for groceries or the big stores because of all the airport traffic on that narrow stretch of pike. I miss somerville when it was clean. Even Southie is not what it used to be. Now its like diverse and trendy hipster area where all the college kids rent.
Native Bostonians have been replaced. Somerville, the Irish stronghold of Whitey Bulger is literally Brazilian. Boston feels like it's 90% minorities. Have you ever got a cab driver in Boston who wasnt a sketchy Haitian driving without a meter and demanding cash only?
>they are the main head of the hydra
>burn them and the beast will perish
>there are more females in colorado by far, all we have are fat chicks.
oh man this cracks me up. Ivory tower fags gonna ivory tower though...
Nah nigga there be femoids ripe fo’ da taking
What if I'm honorary white?
move to OPs town and fill out a census form
But its illegal to put down false information
and only niggers do that
so its a catch 22