New Ellen Tweet

How far is the range on an ankle monitor?
>walking outside (backyard?)
>canary yellow
>says she's doing what everyone else is doing now by walking (ratting?)
>abrupt camera swing to show the stop sign (why change angles?)
>heavy emphasis on "do what the smart people are telling us to do";
>"and I mean the smart people"
>long pause, head drops
>abrupt end, no sign off

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Other urls found in this thread:

She’s really breathing hard.

No one cares Q-tard, enjoy the camps.

Ellen will be dead in two weeks.
Harvey Weinstein will be dead in less then 30 days.
Screencap this.

That dyke is eminently stompable

>smart people

Hi, Camp manager here. I just wanted to say, that whoever ends up in the camps, we are going to have a great time. Don't let all of the hullabaloo about reprogramming or the ditch where dissidents end up. We are going to spend an action packed intensive 26 weeks in a new fun and state mandated training (or retraining ;) session that is guaranteed to illicit excitement! And don't forget to ask about our new buddy program that will ensure your friends and family will get a cabin next to yours and a spot next to you in the mass grave that we will be digging in weeks 24-26 for those that just can't learn. So however this shakes out, I just want you guys to know that I look forward to working with you all.

Corona or something unrelated?

wo wo wo wo wo slow down user, dont muck up your boots so early

Spade disappeared after saying he was in "a quiet place". doesn't he have a job to do where he should be posting?

That’s just the nap time ditch. The sound of the gunfire is the signal that means the start of nap time. You enjoy happy nap time! Beijing happy forever!

my concern is she is in a safe place like australia/new zealand just like hanks.

all of these entertainers conning everyone into think we are safe and sound in our ordinary homes.

meanwhile, they are nowhere to be see, "catching" the virus statistically much higher than normies.

where are the sick normies?
these people get paid to mislead.
pied piper led rats through the streets.

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it was rhetorical.

i cant believe how many normies dont get it.

>mfw the last two weeks

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Nothing is ever rhetorical.

You win the most autistic boomer post of the week award.

You may collect this reward on your favorite Q Facebook group.

Top men

The name's Dick.
Dick Diamond.

Think I'll do some reading this weekend while I'm stuck inside. Nothing much else happening this week.

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I'm honored, user. Just trying to put the pieces together of all the recent celeb schizo posts. Something is amiss.

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Everyone is nowadays, since China released a fucking bio-weapon on the world. We are all fucked thanks to them.

>haha fema camps are real
>haha stupid Q tards
all of you deserve to be crushed under jackboots quite frankly

covering up the pedo elites on the pretense of a viral outbreak seems pretty neat, but why bother covering it up?

the one thing that doesn't add up is that if this is a purge of the bad guys, why did China, Italy, and Iran get Corona Extra and the rest of the world got Corona Light?

Last I checked, those nations are enemies to Satanic pseudo Hebrews.

She seems like she is going to cry in every video and aged like 20 years. Can’t walk 3 feet without breathing heavy. Sketchy as fuck. Also Sharon Stone & Julia Roberts instagram they look ugly & old. Wth no female is gonna get out on their social media unless they at least put on lip gloss.

especially celebs.

they are definitely being used as bait.

She turns her camera really hard and fast when she realizes this tree is in the shot. the tree looks different than the trees around it. What type of tree is this anons?

Attached: 53425345435r124334.png (656x1163, 1.08M)

Gotta release the archives
Full disclosure

nvm its probably nothing

>White rabbit
>Holding red(pill) egg and blue(pill) egg

Attached: hmm.png (595x687, 453.67K)

every picture I see of her looks progressively more jewish. it's like pinocchio or something.

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Can I sign up for the breeding program I'm low iq but high strength

Doesn't make a difference the actual cause. Any strange deaths will be labeled 'coronavirus'.

I held the door open for him once. He didn't say thank you and I instantly regretted the kindness.

did he look at you, or acknowledge you in any way?

Not a glance back or anything until I said quite audibly, "YOU'RE WELCOME!" And then he stopped and began to turn as I went inside. We sat in the Cheesecake Factory at the Grove and the waitress told us he was a regular and also a dick.

1. Doesn't look like a very wealthy neighborhood. (not hers?)
2. Where is her personal security team? She just walk the streets alone?
3. Camera angle switch could be trying to give coordinates / location.
4. Tree looks like Florida

im dumb but this is my breakdown
>whats up you pussy death cult faggots
>we eat by this rabbit to remind ourselves how much we hate you
>your pussy virus only caught three of us and they're already doing push-ups again
>the light belongs to us

What's he holding?
>blue pill
>red pill

Is there ziplining? Will we be making birdhouses? Is the girls camp gonna be nearby?

Qtards and schizo christcuck soccer moms are flooding the board lately.

I don't know if corona is being used for this purpose specifically but these celebs seem awful shook. To answer your question, normies are not equipped to process a happening of that magnitude not to mention any other reality-crushing disclosures. Im on the fence regarding Q but a couple of the drops explained that 99% of the population would be hospitalized or worse upon learning the full truth and seeing how the masses are handling corona supports that notion. If there is a global takedown happening, it would have to be done with precision and stealth.

Have you seen what the adrenochrome structure?
Turn pic related 90 degrees clockwise.

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I'm 99.98% confident the US government is under full criminal-masonic control and there's no SWAT team coming to shut down the child-snuff rings underneath DC, and "Q" is larper horseshit..but I'll play along..

>“I worked @RealFoodDaily, served her & [Portia de Rossi] at brunch. She wrote a letter to the owner & complained about my chipped nail polish.

“Not that it was on her plate but just that it was on my hand. I had worked till closing the night before & this was next morn, almost got me fired.”

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She looks like that star wars faggot that gets memed here all the time.


they do look alike...

cute bunny

>some say he could prolong life, even escape death

this is fucking weird. all of this is just bizarre.

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yea, she should have security for sure.

I went to Universal Studios Florida many times (I will never look at it and Voodoo Donuts the same knowing what I know now).

anyway, they were filming her show "live" from the Citywalk. she had security everywhere, including armed scuba divers.

fake fucking clapping piped in to speaker system give the illusion of a large crowd for the sheeple watching at home after it it was edited.

No digits. Fuck off.

doesnt look like any flora in FL ive seen. CALI imo

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Alternately it could be because Easter is a few weeks away and the Easter Rabbit is a popular decorative tradition around this time of year.

Or, alternately, adrenochrone 5g flat earth Qanon chemtrails shill kike

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Dat neck doe.

You are watching ellen on are the ones that are the niggers

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reminder adrenachrome induces shizo and ptsd symptoms that's why its users are such good public speakers they have plenty of time to formulate thoughts and opinions on what they believe the future will look like while speaking high publicly. I'm assuming most are also on a benzodiazapene to counter act the harsh side effects of adrenachrome such as mood swings and irritability - which could also explain poor memory, confusion, and fatigue when adrenachrome use is stopped

Ya hear that user? He deleted all his wet market apps, and you should too.

you were hoping for another blacked thread maybe

Quick rundown? Are there others as well?

yeah, thats not what fema does.
meds: not taken.
schizo: confirmed

"i want to do an update in front of that giant bunny because I've never done that before". he is teasing the adrenochrome qtards. he knows this board and is mocking us. the white rabbit and the blue and red egg look surprisingly amateurish for such a posh place. I guess this means no storm for you, lads.

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there are far too many examples of Q in high up places for something small like this to dampen my curiostiy

Did she get raided like oprah yet?

Fuck I didn't need a close up of that face, bitch look like a goblin

at least you weren't a dude. they would have asked to have you fired for having the genitalia they wish they had.

Yas Forums culture demands you watch ellen

None that I've seen in terms of an ankle monitors. Oprah and Maria Shriver have been seen wearing ankle/leg casts or braces.

Lmao, seethe much? I just posted a pic and you get all assblasted. Fuck off faggot.

China Virus.
Thoes involved with CHINA. Via downfall of usa.

Neurotic jew.

kind of like noname?

This honestly low quality shit

That's a clue tree!
They always have neat things buried nearbye.

Plus, you know she would get swarmed as paparazzi have to be stalking her hard right now considering recent tweets. And, she is obviously on a public road vs. her property.

pic related?

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Yeah, what the hell did that mean?

Well first of all I honestly don't think she's on an anklesmonitor (that pic people are referring to the monitor looked way to high up her calf to be a tether) I've known quite a few ppl on tether and I think they have to put them on super tight because they monitor your pulse to know if your ankle is still in it. So there's no way that it could have slid that far up her calf. I think y'all might be going out on a limb with that one. Just my opinion, still don't like or trust the cunt


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Shills in full throttle past week. Time's up.

or they are just cooped up and fucking weird

Shit, another coincidence. In the other videos shes trying to figure out the puzzle.

It looks like it has Spanish moss hanging of the limbs, they don't have that in California, do they?


>>“I worked @RealFoodDaily, served her & [Portia de Rossi] at brunch. She wrote a letter to the owner & complained about my chipped nail polish.
>lesbians are full of hate
wow, fresh news.