Why does anyone actually *need* to be a billionaire?
think about it
Why does anyone actually *need* to be a billionaire?
think about it
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Why do you need to be a millionaire? Once you reach $999 thousand you get a trophy *I won upper middle class*
Why do you want *gibs* based on other people's merit?
think about it
>blue check
>can't math
>pupperz is life
Why do you need the internet? Your mindless drivel would go on the bathroom wall quite nicely!
why does OP need to be a faggot cuck
Why do you actually *need* any entertainment? Every red cent beyond healthcare, housing, food and transportation to your job should go to the less fortunate.
think about it
It IS his only option!
>get 999 million
>put in no further effort into your business
>it probably collapses, leaving hundreds of people without a job
capitalism is built on growth and that kind of a system would promote stagnation, killing even the healthiest of business models
So they can buy a million bbc’s
>other people's merit
Please, user, no one's ever earned a billion dollars through merit, no one's produced a billion dollars worth of anything with real, material value. Our economies are driven by speculation, billionaires just exist because they've convinced enough people they're valuable to invest in. They only have that kind of wealth because society has collectively decided that they're entitled to it. If society collectively decides that they're actually not, and takes that wealth away, then there's nothing unfair about that.
>999 million
Vast majority of it isn't liquid :(
Why do you NEED to make this thread 3 times a day for 2 weeks?
At the end of the day,you lose because you cannot into OC
Are these people retarded. Net worth does not mean you have a billion dollars in liquid cash sitting around. It's in the market.
Thats a great idea
So they wouldnt continue to work for the betterment of their fellow countrymen?
Okay what about liquid cash, nobody can have a billion in liquid cash on hand or in the bank. It would prevent cash hoarding and billionaires could still work normally nd buy assets.
No one does but in a free society you can
Yes. Altruism doesn’t truly exist, at least on any meaningful scale.
Stocks are liquid assets. Just because
>iTs In The MarkEt
doesn't mean it's not a liquid asset.
Why does anyone actually *need* to be a hundredaire?
Think about it
No one needs anything you fucking moron, you don't *need* to be posting, you don't *need* a car since you can get to work on foot, you don't *need* to eat good food, bad food will keep you alive just fine, you don't *need* sex when we can just extract your jizz and put it into a woman, you don't *need* to live since we have better people than you who are clearly more intelligent. Fuck you commie faggot.
wtf do you think they have a Billion dollars in that isn't liquid? The vast majority of the net worth of Billionaires isn't in property and cars, it's in stocks, which are liquid assets.
Absolutely not. Nobody wants to work, and nobody willingly does it for free.
A lot of large, multibillion corporations valued in the hundreds of billions of dollars networth don't even have a billion liquid. Fucking Walmart, worth, like half a trillion in valuation has like 5 billion in liquid.
it always amuses me how altruistic people can with other's wealth
How about you suck my cock?
I don't listen to opinions from retards who don't even understand how money works
Arts, journalism, and athleticism should be hobbies, not full time occupations. To me that is a far more pressing concern
I don't.
But I also don't need some fucking nigger to be getting my hard-earned money through government confiscation.
go read early colonial town memoirs. these fuckers were communists until they switch to a capitalistic system then people started growing food in abundance.
you gotta give incentive to work beyond YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DON'T
999,000 is not enough if you have multiple kids who go to prestigious colleges, esp. post grad
I would if I was privileged enough to be a billionaire. I would feel a sense of duty to help the people, like a prince or something.
Maybe only certain people deserve to be billionaires than.
Yeah bc theyre all debt based bc of the jews
Are people really this stupid? Billionaires don’t have billions of cash in banks or their wallet. It’s the value of their investments. There’s no way to just stop an investment from growing past 999 billion. I’m convinced I’m surround by retards
>>put in no further effort into your business
user, that's ridiculous. Our economies are driven by investment and speculation, businesses don't succeed because of the relentless efforts of a single "job creator", they grow because greater numbers of people consider them profitable ventures to put their assets into. As long as there are still potential shareholders who feel that a business will be a profitable venture to has a stake in, the business will continue to grow.
They might not due so at the same rate if there was some kind of theoretical "maximum wage", but would that be so bad? I'd kind of like it if after this pandemic is settled, the only three surviving retailers aren't Walmart, Amazon, and Costco.
The merit is in being able to leech you dumbasses.
Lmao the arts are a MASSIVE industry, comprising billions of dollars annually and employing millions of people, and are consumed by the vast majority of people. You think that people who work in film, video games, and music should be FORCED to work 40+ hour weeks on top of producing content that hundreds of millions of people enjoy daily?
How come every funding thing is for schools? Fuck schools and fuck teachers also. The parents of most of these needy bastard kids either aren't around or don't lift a finger to teach their sprogs anything. They expect schools to raise their kids and teachers are more like shitty social workers now.
Nah, it's usually overinflated or worthless garbage like stocks, derivatives, real estate...
checked and based
The arts are a glorified money laundering scheme, grow up
Hueanon, merit in doing something antisocial and dysgenic is not a merit, it becomes a demerit because what they're doing is bad. Admiring billionaires for being parasites is like admiring niggers for chimping and Jews for scheming. It should be discouraged, not rewarded.
If you dump more money into the healthcare and education money black hole, you will get nothing out of it. LOL
Why do you *need* to be a faggot?
It's a bad joke.
Nobody said stopping the investment, the investments that total above 999m would become government property.
Are your kids retards that can only get into those schools cause their parents are wealthy? They shouldn't be allowed in prestigious institutions if they can't get scholarships based on their Academics and their work outside of Academia. American university would be far cheaper, and undergrad and grad degrees would be worth a lot more if we stopped letting retards in that only go to school because it's what their class dictates them to do, you'd also get a hell of a lot fewer people with completely unmarketable degrees.
So company grows to ovet 999 mil value and then I can just f off? Just the r&d for new semiconductor factories is in billions itself - and the design of the chips itself is a few billion dollars spent on top scientists and engineers in the field.
Yeah let's eat the rich and never move out of middle ages csuse it's somehow immoral.
t. monkey
>999 million
lmaoing at the state of this underage slav cuck, i bet you don't even know what derivatives are, holy fuck if people knew how the banks are rolling
The second part is better. Why didn't you post it? He outlines the logic as being "if you get bailed out so you don't dip into your billions, why do we let you keep your billions? Where's the risk that justified your pay?"
>I would if I was privileged enough to be a billionaire.
No, you wouldn't.
If you somehow became a billionaire overnight you would keep everything that you have, besides sharing a sliver of it with your family and friends.
You've got some special needs. Arts are PINNACLE relaxation and destressing that is mandatory for people to work efficiently. Everyone needs a healthy couple of hours weekly engaged in the arts, even as a consoomer, to be worthwhile at their careers. If you spend 24/7 thinking about your job, you'll get burnt out super quickly. Arts are essential to productive society. Fucking get out of your rock and stop making your only relaxation time about shitposting on Yas Forums
Not true, would feel obligated to the people, like a Prince.
People think billionaires have giant money bins that they swim around in like Scrooge McDuck. Fact is, rich people don’t hold a lot of cash. Most live through a credit card and settle up every month. All that money is in stock, real estate, capital ventures that keep people employed. To cap wealth is to cap everyone’s growth.
>The parents of most of these needy bastard kids either aren't around or don't lift a finger to teach their sprogs anything.
Right. They're worthless people. Probably because they didn't get good educations. Sounds like a recipe for a vicious cycle, to me. So why don't pick a generation at random, say, the one in schools now, and actually invest in their education so they become capable, valuable people. That way in fifty years when you're in a retirement home your caretakers can be educated, capable professionals, instead of illiterate niggers.
Jesus Christ, for people who go on about how they hate degeneracy, you guys are real hesitant to support any actions that would be regenerative.
lmao stocks aren't worthless garbage. You can't pay employees, let alone top level employees, marketing, anything, without investment. Stocks are a way for people to actually put their money to use for the good of a healthy and functioning economy.
Just create a new tax bracket, anything you make over 999m is taxed at 99%.
It practically is. The goal at that point is to start hiding it in tax-free or tax-lite zones.
> The schools!
> Teachers don't get paid enough!
GOOD. FUCK THE TEACHERS. As long as the majority of them keep pushing biased, leftist-indoctrinating lies & bullshit, they don't deserve anymore pay; in fact, they deserve less.
inb4 "rightwingers are always anti-science"
> "more than 1 gender" - the left
Your entire party and way of thinking BTFOs and renders itself incorrect with that, alone.
>no one's produced a billion dollars worth of anything with real, material value
there's no such thing as real material value. Value is completely subjective
stocks are not liquid during a run. JP Morgan had to coordinate banks to get the NY Stock exchange a loan because they ran out of cash. Also consider that with 3 business days to get your cash you could be all bound up, esp if you have SWIFT involved in international transfers.
stop posting everything you find on reddit
Noblesse Oblige was the concept that the rich have a duty to help the poor, its why Carnegie founded library and the like. Capitalists at the turn of the century held their belief that it was their Christian Duty to make a reasonable profit so they could tithe and donate to charity.
Why does anyone "need" to eat different food for every meal? Think about it!
Spegs that power contribute to wikipedia, minecraft and open source code are a minority. Also, almost every volunteer fire fighter at my unit was using it as a stepping stone to a new job, free college credits or into some pussy.
So, if the .gov takes everything you get after your investments hit $999,999,999.99...
Does that mean the .gov will refund everything if your investments lose value?
Came here to post this.
If you have a legal document saying you own 30% of a company and that company over the years winds up being worth billions, how are they going to take money that you haven't received? Billionaires don't have billions of dollars. They are WORTH billions. They don't have billions. If you are the owner of a multi billion dollar company, and have a few hundred thousand in cash, what happens under this fool's plan?
>more than 1 gender
Come on you gotta at least think there are 2.
Just compromise and have a graduated income tax. You want another million? You'll have to work even harder!