10,000 new cases in a day

>10,000 new cases in a day


Attached: land of the coof.jpg (1167x807, 108.06K)

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double-u tee eff!!!

virus printer go coof

We're actually testing people now so it makes sense. Italy still only tests the extremely sick and China is full of shit. It would be interesting to know what states the new cases are from and what condition they're in. Ie how many are asymptomatic.

yup, hopefully people now realize how much of a Chad they are for staying inside

this shit is serious

Attached: a3dq3r.jpg (3920x1840, 1.73M)

The result of burgers masturbating to loli.

What the fuck is wrong with you burgers? Are you licking doorknobs for fun?

im clean and i a loli doujin ebery der

>Italy still only tests the extremely sick

Where did u get that

pp sword fights on burger breaks

Based Corona-chan wiping out Jew York

we bouta blow up

Does Italy even have doctors?

You just thought the Olympics were cancelled bitch. America always wins



>Where did u get that

Italy's death rate is pretty insane, so unless Italians just die extremely easily, it's probable that there are several thousands of mild cases that just aren't tested yet.

The just drive up to pizza hut and show the cooks their scrotums
>bapadaboopedee corona?

>death rate already stalled

But it was our turn!

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>America already so high
>more deaths than recoreved
>muh superior healtcare
>muh nothingburger
>muh economy is more important than my family

>new cases
Those cases were already there, numb nuts, we're just finally getting tests out en masse.
Also China's numbers are garbage, they've lied too many times during this thing to be trusted.

Attached: ccp denies china virus human to human transmission.png (640x1136, 162.59K)

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soon there will be 1 million deaths a day

>>more deaths than recoreved

That's not how that statistic works, time to death appears to be much shorter than time to recovery, we saw this in every other country as well

>infecting amerilards
>exponential growth
ty based coronachan

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Go to work goy.

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no shit nigger we are testing for it now.

let's (((trump))) sends everyone back to the office lol

Nobody is taking this shit seriously, everyone is "quarantined" but that's just code word for VAYCAAAYSHUUUUNNNN! for your typical Amerifag that coughs with their mouths open as they drive around all day and doing their average weekend shit. It wasn't until today when they passed that bill to fine people $1,000 for being outside for no good reason that I saw a difference in traffic on my daily commute. I don't expect this to last even a week before people start coming outside again to get dey macdonalds and cough everywhere, with their mouth open.

>Current US death percent: 1.22%
>Current Spaghetti Badabing rate: 9%
Also our cases of severity
>Mild: 97%
>Severe: 3%
Both of those keep falling each day.

The reason China isn't testing is they're selling all their test kits to other countries.

Godspeed USA. I wish only for health and prosperity for all of you.

Then a billion the next. We didn't need that toilet paper after all!

Why are Italians so good at dying?

Of course we need an Asian to explain basic shit to Yas Forums

So we've actually found a good way to test in a short amount of time?

We'll beat Italy's death rate. California expects to need 3 million hospital beds in the next 2 months and has 88,000. That's just 1 state. We're going to have more dead than Italy's entire population.

No, you're looking at a window into the past. Takes 5 days on average for symptoms, takes a few days after for people to go to the hospital, takes 4+ days for testing. We've already got millions of sick, we just don't see it yet.


Because their population is very old and the aged are better at dying than the young


Crossing fingers.

Gen X: "pull the plug, slice the pie."

The death toll there is way too high for that to be the main reason.

fuckit I tried to warn everyone.

We deathcult now.

Attached: wtd.jpg (250x250, 11.98K)

I wonder why trump doesnt want to get tested

European deaths ~ 10,000
US deaths ~ 500

Niggers comparing US to each individual European state.

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It's a great reason. Old smokers.

Their hospitals are overloaded and they're leaving people to die at home. They aren't even counting the dead properly anymore, they don't have the resources. It will take a long time to unravel how many actually died in Italy.

>Current Spaghetti Badabing rate: 9%

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Good point, but that's common in Eastern Europe too, no?
>their hospitals are overloaded
Guess those officials weren't kidding about "flattening the curve"

Just wait for the medical workers to start falling due to contracting illness as a result of PPE shortages.

Attached: paul.jpg (1577x969, 320.86K)

Fake News
The whole thing is a Democrat hoax

you'reop also has like 200k cases too.

Just wait for the medical staff to start being unable to work


>50% of global N95 production is in China; the following is all from January-February

>Total ban on export of N95 repirators; shipment out of country were seized on the tarmac- beginning of January still through to today

>In January China Nationalized all N95 Production facilities Including American, Canadian, and European Owned

>In the 2 weeks following Hubei lockdown China bought out the global inventory of N95 respirators well over 50 million

>In the 24 hour period of January 30th alone 20 million were ordered to china

>Chinese nationals across Europe, North America, and Oceania bought out retail location to ship back to china or hoard; archive.is/bcmSn

>Proof archive.is/6HdUi

>All whilst still hiding the virus from the rest of the world; WHO head is a chinese asset as well

>Critical shortage of N95 masks and other PPE acrosss the non asian world resulting in CRIPPLED surge capacity as medical workers will be getting the disease en masse

>China is immune to being called out because they still have an immense amount of other products they can pull from export such as 90% of all generic medicine in the U.S.A.

>They have threatened to do so publicly as seen here archive.is/cC8Sj

>WSJ describing the absolute disaster that is NYC right now MEdical workers already testing positive archive.is/IwfyV

>Further description of the absolute state of the United States medical PPE shortage archive.is/RWfwu


This is the death knell of the Republic of the United States of America. Either we Balkanize and break into multiple nations infighting for the coming decade; the desired outcome of Chinas final desperate gamble; or we fall and rise up with an eagle on the flag as the new Imperial United States of America. only time will tell, the die is cast.

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We have the 3rd biggest population in the world

Yeah, eagle flag soaring high once the ashes settle. Eagle with a rainbow background.

Lol. Ok boomer

Yeah no. The CDC was supposed to have a stockpile of that shit at all times for pandemics, not attempt to panic buy at the last minute. We were also supposed to have supplies for a biological war. What the fuck would we have done if this was a real take-over-your-country attack?

Don't forget the population centers will be hit the hardest. Nor should you forget the absolute state of decadence, apathy, hedonism, and corruption the Roman Republic was in when Julius Caesar cleansed it.

America's fault for not prepping like a city nigger.

im glad our border is now closed

The absolute decay and rot of our institutions was a huge part of this equation but the level to which china has affected the outcome is larger. We are doomed, but so was weimar

Guys, what do we do... I don't wanna go into Maritime Law....

>d*scord honeypot


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Italy is only at the beginning of the epidemic...

and yet hardly any deaths

>just go to work goy lol it's just the flu bruh
This country deserves millions dead