Why do people hate gay people? I understand hating trannies because they are generally pretty crazy and often ugly...

Why do people hate gay people? I understand hating trannies because they are generally pretty crazy and often ugly, but what did gay people ever do?

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The parades man, the parades. You got some real sick little perverts in your little booty club. And you do nothing to dissuade them.

A lot are insufferable and media shoving it into everyone’s face.

shut the fuck up queer posting your faggotry here when you have your own board that was made explicitly because you queers kept posting your faggot shit here
and now you post a faggot picture for your faggot thread

take it back to /faggot/

They committed sodomy. It's unnatural and disgusting, and a perversion of Creation

It has nothing to do with hate. If one is walking down the street and there's a big pile of dog poop, and he exclaims in disgust. Is he to be labelled a poopophobe? Do you ask this guy why he hates poop?

That's literally how dumb your fake astonishment is.

Lesbians and trannies hijacked our movement, don't blame us. Blame women and trannies.

Most of the time its because the haters of gay people are total peices of shit themselves.

But there's also quite a few gays that give all the rest of them a horrible name.

Then there's the fucking degeneracy of every gay man I have ever met in my entire life. Literally all of them are fucking degenerates at some level - and it has a lot to do with gay culture and how fucking intense it is.

I only hate one thing about gays and trans: YOU KEEP SLIDING FUCKING THREADS. This is Yas Forums. We believe in human freedom and that includes sexual freedom. BUT CAN YOU STOP FUCKING SLIDING THREADS

My mother once took me to a pride parade as a child against my will, and never explained what "pride" was or why I should go. I trusted her to raise me under the eyes of God and she betrayed me. She paid for that with your soul didnt she, grandma? Fuck globohomo and the women that raise their kids to love it.

Some can be annoying, like the ones who act like they invented homosexuality and sneeze glitter

but if someone hates a gay person, they usually are themselves

>But there's also quite a few gays that give all the rest of them a horrible name
Yea, quite a few. The vast majority of them.

Because they demand society celebrates their unhealthy and degenerate lifestyle. Fags need to get back in the closet.

I want dude in the back to crush my head in with his thicc thighs as I drain his balls into my mouth

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>Why do you hate gay people
Because you never, ever, ever, fucking shut up about it.

Gay people are a useful tool of the jew so they cant be trusted

Gay people are some of my best friends. Everyone is a degen in their own way, who are we to judge?

I like feet nigga.

Only the ones that force their agenda
Especially at kids

Because they're looking for ways to feels superior to others, so they bully those they don't understand for a quick feeling of validation.
Like I'm doing to them right now, funnily enough!

It's impossible to avoid hating on others in the end, so I save my personal reservoir of it for the fuckers who hate others for things they can't change

Gays are hypersexualized NPCs with no self control.

better question: why do we pretend that faggots are the clever bohemians they're portrayed as on TV when really most of them are white trash meth heads who fuck little boys and get fucked by rich kikes

stop normalizing it
and stop molesting little boys

...look at them, do thay look sad or desperate, no .. all answers qurstioned! ... sad lonly incels shoud not define the staus quo!!

gays only exist to enforce lookism
they are hazardous to society

participate in society's downfall.


Because they groom children and spread disease.

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Gays like a little poop tho

gays thirst for acceptance like they thirst for cocks
they are easily swayed and used for the jews agenda
thats why pipo hate them
also lots of them act fags

30% of homos have more than a 1000 partners. Instead of tolerance they now want total control of culture and want to destroy the family. Pedos are becoming more bold and aggressive because faggotry is now promoted and considered common & normal.

I dunno, probably has something to do with the abject degeneracy that is "gay pride"

Most faggots are wh*toid scum
Most people hate wh*toid scum
Most people hate faggots

Am a real life gay, appreciate the honesty. Yes, it is fucking disgraceful, but the movement was created by political interests, trannies, women.
Most decent gays denounce it.


This... You had bad luck though, there are maybe 20% resonable gays.

Respect. This fag does not make gay threads most dot.

I had a similar experience as a gay guy, gave me insecurities and issues since I could not relate to the degeneracy and gender bending.

A gold star for the sensible anons in here.
Sincerely a fag.

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>Hating people because they're ugly.
How old are you, user? People hate gays because we started with closeted gays and now we have tranny story hour. They were given the proverbial inch. Sage

the gays in japan behave exactly like a normal person
their parade is just like a normal parade, clothed and orderly, not full on degenerate like y pipo
why dont u fags act like them huh

>tell their fat straight women friends that they look great
>tell their roastie female friends that their ex had no right to be mad when finding her on the cock carousel
>support globohomo pedo agendas
That's enough for me.

no one on this planet wants to hear about, or cater to a popluation group who's entire human-experience is defined by their fucking sexual kinks.

Imagine trying to organize society around a sample populations sexual preferences. Its utterly fucking insane.

Defining your whole entire worldview through the lense of FUCKING is unimaginably self-absorbed and nationally suicidal.

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Theyre like the women of men, they should stay the fuck out of politics.

I'm gay and I can totally see why people hate us. The bugchasers, trannies, queers, pedos, and flaming faggots have ruined it. I don't revolve my entire life around my sexuality. All I want is to suck cock in peace and get married to someone I love. I don't go to Pride and i try to disassociate from the community when i can. I only tell people i'm gay if they ask but other than that you'd never know. I have a lesbian friend who wants to have a baby and she wants me to be the father. We're both white and I think it'll be great. I'm not gonna teach the child any degenerate shit or take them to drag queen story time or whatever. Literally I will make sure he or she knows how to shoot guns and outdoor survivor skills.
I'll make sure the child has a father figure in their life at least, but I swear not all gays are like the vocal minority. Just like how some black people are based and just want to live their lives, I hope you all will try to accept me. I don't care if you call me a faggot. It doesn't offend me at all. I just wish to be in peace and not be told by the state or some paramilitary group how to live my life. Thanks and God bless you.

Just keep it in the closet and don’t pretend it’s a wholesome healthy lifestyle to be embraced.
I don’t mind smokers. But if a smoker were to go about trying to tell me, everybody else and my kids that what they do is healthy i am definitely going to confront you, tell you to fuck off and stop filling me, my friends, my family, and my children with nonsense like “smoking is good for you!”. You can have your feelings and opinions about what you do behind closed doors or in your own time. If you want everyone to live and let live then parading around your faggotry. Your not special for being a sodomite or speaking with an effeminate lisp. I can fully accept you as a friend, co worker, etc so long as you keep it to yourself.

I don’t hate them but I can’t stand the media shoving faggy shit down my throat. And every gay person I encountered in my life was a complete bitchy cunt who acted like the world revolves around them.

I remember being brainwashed as a kid about the Matthew Shepard murder. It was Holohoax level conditioning. I can’t think of anyone I’ve ever known that hated gay people or wanted to hurt them because they were gay.

gays have been responsible for the downfall of every major civilization. once a civ gets decadent enough to allow public homosex it has 100 years tops until it collapses in on itself. first comes the "bathhouse scene" then the "gay mafia" then you get the historical equivalent of our pride parades. they always push the envelope until there is no moral fibre left to support society. life is simply too depressing with their depraved vacuous approach to sex and relationships being the norm, you have no men left to fight because they're too busy buggering each other. you either get a revolt against the darkness like the destruction of Weimar or everything goes to shit like the end of Rome or the Ottomans.

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It's the social engineering. The media tries to "normalize" mental illness and even go so far as to say gays should be "proud" of being gay. People aren't allowed to voice their true thoughts on the matter without getting fired from their job and being ostracized by their NPC conformist friends.

Nobody except Bible fundamentalists would hate gays if their culture hadn't been infiltrated by all of this sickening and preposterous gay ideology. Nobody cares what strangers do alone in their homes. Gays intentionally made society hate them.

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Beyond based

I'll tell you a secret, user: most gay men secretly despise women. They're stupid and self-destructive, mentally they're children in the weak and useless bodies of adults.

Because its a pernicious disorder which causes measurable harm to those involved with it, and to all aspects of society when unchecked.

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there's statistics on this
for whites it's 6%
for niggers it's around 18%
>per capita there's 4 times as many nigger trannies and drag queens than whites

As a real fag, please keep pushing against the development, expose the movement, attack it!
But try to not hate on us too much, prefer not to get lynched in the future due to the backlash of the LGBTQ+-12345ÛÄÖÅZXYÊËÏ I hate just as bad.


only dancing boys are ok

EXACTLY, it just means 2 less men to compete against. Unless they are bi and Chad.

well said

because they are disgusting pedophilic hedonists that provide zero value to society

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there are based gay men, blame women and the mentally ill ones for all the pride shit. Some dudes like me you wouldn't even know are gay because we are just normal guys going about life, your image of what a gay people are is distorted by the small percentage of flamers.

I fucking hate parades and shit, I like dudes in my own private life and thats about the extent of my interest in showing it to the world, I'm not ashamed of who I am and I dont give a shit If im accepted because I'll just knock you out or make fun of you if you start shit irl.

Niggers aren't people c'mon

Trannies are not gays, gays don't cut off dicks and shit.
You are probably right, look at brazil and their 6 foot trannie gangs robbing tourists.

I preferred when gays and lesbians married, had kids together, then fucked who they wanted to on the side outside the view of the public domain.

2% of the population

50% of all pedos

Fags ruined the catholic church and boy scouts. fags are why every major box store has a code adam sticker on the front.

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>Why do people hate gay people?
because they're faggots

all of you are crazy and ugly and gays are worse in general because there are far more of them. none of you have respect for anything and wear semen on your faces as if it is a badge of honor or something.

Dey eat da poo poo. That alone is reason enough to utterly despise them.

and the kiddie diddling

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20%of them have aids


And maybe TPTB? It was a jew doctor who started the trannie ops in berlin... Jews run the trannie lobby pushing things further

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I don’t care. Clean your house. When I see a counter-march of normal private gay people against the half naked dryhumping dildo throwing pride parades, I’ll stop lumping you all together.

act like faggots which is gross

>unnatural and disgusting, and a perversion of Creation

so are dogs, in particular pugs and french bulldogs and pitbulls, those things are abominations against nature.

The only thing I hate about anything gay is the fact that I was accused of being gay growing up when I’ve always been as straight as it gets. I guarantee I’ve hooked up with more opposite sex partners than anyone who ever made the accusation.

I just want hugs.

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You just described one of my talking points.

It should be done like this:
If there is to be one, normal clothes, showing that we are ordinary people who deserve respect.
What we have today is a transgression and abuse of the privilege to hold a parade...

anyone got a webm of the gay pride parade where a dude in a purple dress lifts it up, has a fake dick attached and squirts water at the crowd (which includes a kid)? because I need to show that to someone on the fence about the pride issue.

Personally I don't hate gays, but the narrative to normalize a clear disorder, is bothersome. Everyone is very fast to label something as hate instead of thinking about the reasons for a certain attitude. The gays can fuck each other bloody for all I care, but don't lie to me and my children by calling it natural and celebrating it

low iq take there user, like I can control the actions of mentally ill people backed up by and encouraged by the mainstream media. If you lump all fags into one group that's up to you because I don't care, gay people are not hive minded.

Thanks, Moshe. Very cool!

They are perverts, most would molest little boys if given the chance.

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because somewhere around half of them are pedophiles

They are degenerate faggots and they rape kids

based burger, you are all vile, everyone knows it, even them
that's why they kill themselves a lot

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Just use desmond is amazing as an argument, hard to argue against.
The 11yo drag kid making jokes about ketamine, hanging out with 40 yo tranny perverts.

Russia was right with the propaganda laws, but the west ridiculed them, now we have tranny story time.

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because of heeb infiltration. Just like with every other part of our societies, the homosexual communities have been infiltrated, overtaken and twisted into disgusting bullshit, completely detached from the reality of natural law.

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They're hype selfish and don't believe in the greater good.

aids , knowingly spread it and sperged out at anyone who tried to save your lives by suggesting maybe stop fucking so many assholes


Shit is one of the most difficult substances on Earth to clean. Even when you scrub, microscopic traces of your fag diseased shit gets left behind on surfaces. We 're supposed to be okay with that? Eat shit and die.

I need both. To build the perfect argument against the pride loons.

Cant blame him though, it is almost impossible today but we need to split off from the movement and host a modest parade.
Actions speak louder than words.
The parade makes us lose allies every time, we look like enablers/supporters.

they're relentlessly handsome

I have a wife and 3 sons ... better luck next time

OP your pic is disgusting. yuck

because they'er super simps and are the exact opposite of masculinity. not only that they lack public decency and have a victim mentality like nigs and trannies also they're over represented by the capitalist media with nearly every company having an lgbt palette.

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That's how it used to be. Many older gays will tell you "Faggots ruined homosexuality".

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Did I tell you had to successfully control them? No, stand apart from them, condemn them. That allows the god damn normie people to understand ( hey it’s ok to demand an end to queens wearing aids blood tiaras and firing fake cum out of dick canons at children. Show the world that anti degeneracy doesn’t mean anti gay. Just anti psychotic hedonist exhibitionist pervert.

I don't think there is anything wrong with gas people in general... However, with that said I do think it is very dangerous for the health of a culture to openly embrace and defend it. It should be a sub culture kept in the shadows and looked down upon by the culture as a whole.

The only good gay I've ever met, I knew him for 6 months before I learned he was gay. Because he didn't make it his personality, he didn't push it on everyone else every waking moment, he didn't speak with a lisp and gesticulate with a floppy wrist, he just liked to sleep with another guy (who he loved exclusively) in his private time at home.
The rest of them have been completely insufferable, doing all the things that guy didn't. And I hate them. It's as if their sexuality isn't even about their happiness, but everyone else's misery. Like they can't be gay if every single person who looks at them isn't driven to instinctual revulsion.