Is Fauci about to be shown the door?

Is Fauci about to be shown the door?

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More and more sidelined until he gets fired. Nobody can criticize Trump and survive his adminstration. I hope he sounds off on how stupid and waffling Trump was once he gets fired.

As much good as healing can be, there is a dark side to established medicine, and this guy is the top of it.

Trump would be retarded to fire Fauci while the country is still in crisis mode. He's seen as a beacon of knowledge and highly trustworthy in difficult times. Throwing him out now would just make things feel even more chaotic. Trump needs to stop being a little bitch about everything and running his mouth about shit he doesn't understand.

99999999999999999999% this.

now call me a shill trumptards.

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This. Trumps press conference start to expose him as a babbling child. Look I know this is an unprecedented black swan event, and trump did have the greatest economy and a far better president than Hillary would have been. However, you can really tell this is starting to kill his confidence. He’s shouting out irrational things and going off on tangents at reporters. Yea they ask dumb questions but he looks like he’s starting to crack. I mean shit if I were in his position and the whole world was trying to take me down, I would be fucking a bit disoriented too.

What did he do wrong?

the only way he can make america great is by

firing all dissenters and only keeping loyalists this

has only ever worked well for everyone.

>Trump would be retarded to fire Fauci while the country is still in crisis mode
Fauci is a snake and a failure. Trump needs to get rid of him ASAP

I think actual AIDS is a more reliable news source

you've lost the plot

sure nigger

He's a good doctor, we are lucky he's on our side

was it the cdc that said they have to clarify what trump says everyday because trump doesn't know what he's talking about

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Let me guess, you don't think anti-virals are the way to go?
Trump needs to show this guy who is boss.

Might also just be fake news; a journalist hears from a friend of a friend that Trump is mad at Fauci

He's a kike/big pharma insider who wants to play up the virus and sell expensive drugs.

Fucking traitor.

Upboated ^

trump's solution? get rid of the experts

>He's a kike/big pharma insider who wants to play up the virus and sell expensive drugs.
100% he wants to bring in the Bill Gates vaccine and anti-virals ruin that for him.

He blasphemed against the God Emperor. It's high treason to contradict the uninformed word of a functionally illiterate wartime president, you know

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I don’t trust Fauci at all. He looks like the doctor in “The Burbs” with Tom Hanks. He looks smart and all but there’s something funny about him.

Fauci is going to get the guillotine or him in drag with high heel shoes leaked

>a failure
Literally how? By what measure?

He already did that

take your chloroquine phosphate schizo boomer

>Literally how? By what measure?
He allowed the pandemic to go out of control.

>correcting his falsehoods

Kek. Fauci is a fear mongering faggot. Fire his ass.


>take your chloroquine phosphate schizo boomer
Whatever you say pharmashill

I kind of like Fauci. But I wouldnt be surprised.
We'll see I guess

Fauci will become the left's new Sacred Blessed Bureaucrat Whom May Not Be Spoken Ill Of Nor Fired.

Truth told, this faggot has been in NIH and CDC for 50 years. Any lack of preparation etc. is his fault. This has been his "job" his entire life. His whole existence.

Plus he's a Hilldawg clit tickler.

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Holy fuck you are stupid, here's your (you)

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What happened? The only thing in which Dr. Fauci and Trump had a difference in opinion was the treatment, in which case it's being tested in NY starting tomorrow. Maybe i missed something?


Fuck fauchi. Check out dr. Shiva the literal inventor of email on what a fraud he is.

It was obvious from just looking at Fauci he is not to be trusted. Like I said above he looks like the doctor in The Burbs, they look smart but you can easily sense they are rats. It’s no surprise he was for Hilary whatsoever. You don’t even need to show the proof

You can criticize him in closed doors. That's not what this guy is doing. How many aides criticized Obama during his tenure, George Bush Jr.? Clinton? What are you fucking twelve.

He was communicating with Hillary
He is one of them
This has nothing to do with Corona

You can tell he’s a rat.

These are not experts. These are corrupted bureaucrats. Real experts are not getting paid on the GS Scale (150k max) in the fucking medical field, kiddo.

Funny how these faggots who've been there for 30-40 years, didn't want to shutdown every small business and crash the economy during the Swine Flu pandemic while Obong was in office.

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Almost checked

Compare and contrast Fauci with H1N1 to now, as well. H1N1 infected 60m, and killed 15,000 in the US ALONE.

Yet NOW he fucking panics? He's a fucking snake.

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if Trump fires this guy he will look like the biggest fucking idiot, firing a crucial expert in the middle of a crisis

goddamn why did Trump turn out to be such a fucking idiot lunatic

The worst thing you can do is give people bad advice when their lives are on the line.
Either study the fucking briefings about the event, or pass the medical questions to the Doctors.
You will never word-sell beyond the death of a family member because you gave stupid info.

nice headcanon

Why? What did he say or do?

He had a role to play in this crisis and he failed


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How the fuck is a Clinton loyalist anywhere near this?

Fire him now

Shill spotted

one can only hope

And more from Science - yesterday.
>Q: What about the travel restrictions? President Trump keeps saying that the travel ban for China, which began 2 February, had a big impact [on slowing the spread of the virus to the United States] and that he wishes China would have told us three to four months earlier and that they were “very secretive.” [China did not immediately reveal the discovery of a new coronavirus in late December, but by 10 January, Chinese researchers made the sequence of the virus public.] It just doesn't comport with facts.

Fauci: I know, but what do you want me to do? I mean, seriously Jon, let’s get real, what do you want me to do?

He's a snake.

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Guys, we need to all be ready to DEMAND his fucking impeachment if he does this.

Fauci is someone supported by white nationalists, commies, Dems, Repubs...everyone.

Holy fuck.

There will literally be ARMED support behind Mitt Romney to remove the orange fucker if he is actually this dumb.

Someone please stop this man.

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IDGAF what his political affiliations are you fuckin faggot. I voted trump in 2016 and will vote him again in 2020, but only because he's better than biden. Trumps looking like a sniveling fucking retard and Fauci was breathing some light and giving realistic guidance into this fucking pandemic. Go take your HIV Chlorine Pills schizo card carrying republican fag

None of this is true, Fauci is not working to help the USA. He’s absolutely deep state and his love letters to HRC are confusing. I remember seeing that Fauci helped overturn the ban on corona virus genetic modification that allowed the creation of this virus in the first place.

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You don’t get to be the head of the CDC or whatever unless you are a bar person with ulterior motives. Take away this corona virus and he’s still the head of an organization that poisons people with meds.... that do not heal people from disease or illness at all.

Like I said he reminds me of the doctor in the movie “The Burbs” he looks smart... has the doctor look, educated doctor title.... but at the end of the day he is a snake killing people.

Do you have a link?

We're about to learn that
doesn't mean anything. These niggers all went to Marxist schools so they will happily fuck up the economy because they want the world run by
who control every aspect of everyone's lives. The right thing to do is tell them to fuck off and let people do what they will. Even if they are wrong and die, it's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

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Trump is correct that these kikes are overreacting. However, you are correct that he needs to shut the fuck up right now while they overreact. This shit is about to blow over as a gigantic fucking nothingburger, and all Trump has to do is sit back and say he listened to his experts.

The CDC is one of the least competent bureaucracies in the U.S. government and that is legitimately saying something.
That being said, things change literally every day right now. I thought Trump was doing a good job over the weekend, now I'm wondering if he's legit just going to force people back to work while bailing out companies that have been leveraging themselves to artificially inflate their stock prices and make a few people rich.
Like usual, it's one step forward, 2 back, then another forward with him.
All I know is that my contempt for this government has never been higher and I almost wish that this would cause it to come crashing down if it didn't involve my loved ones dying horribly from a disease.

How fucking high are you, you fucking dumb nigger? You are actually claiming he was telling people to go grab some quinine sulfate and start gargling it. No, you god damn retard, doctors use it to treat sick people. He didn't say go take some quinine , you god damn deceiving kike bitch.


>He's seen as a beacon of knowledge
He's a vicious piece of shit who got millions of people laid off as part of an inane experiment to see how far they could go with using public health as an excuse to suspend civil rights. Would have been better if everyone ignored him from the beginning but telling him to go enjoy early retirement now and never take his opinion on public policy ever again would be the next best thing.


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It's hard to enjoy being a President when your enemies are stringing you up because your nation fell apart and you got invaded. Ask Hussein about that one.

so trump could be right?

Why are the jews overreacting if it’s really a nothing burger?

>IDGAF what his political affiliations are you fuckin faggot.
Then do you care if he's inept and incompetent? He's been in charge of this shit for decades.

Why not panicky response compared to King Nigger and Swine Flu? >I voted trump in 2016 and will vote him again in 2020
As you should. This doesn't mean the Fauci is a snake and his bad advice and fuck-ups aren't hurting the country, however, and the left will shift that blame squarely onto Trump.

Crashing this market. With no survivors.

Fauci was King Nigger's good goy and probably drugged more than half of the abducted kids Barry and his admin raped from 2009-2016

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How many obama and bush officials felt the need to criticize in public? I remember only one obama general who got shitcanned pretty quick. Trump officials criticize in public much much more because the guy is unfit for the job and they can't help themselves. Except Pence, dude is determined to go down with the ship sucking the orange dong. Also no one has been more vindictive than Trump, if he feels crossed by a repub senator or congressman he sets his magtards on them. Bush and Obama weren't so petty about own party criticism.

I enjoy it when people try to troll, but this is just weird.
Not only did you add words to mine, you failed the basics of the text.

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權

This guy's such a pathetic faggot, his only job is to try to steal on Trump. Trump made him crack the fuck up at that Deep State joke, and then to try to hide it he puts his hand up over his face, and everyone is like OMG SEE HOW EMBARRASSED HE IS BY TRUMP. Fucking fag can't even keep a straight face, Trump bent him over and made him laff.

>here is a dark side to established medicine
everything is a racket and the people involved want to preserve their racketeering. just because they are doctors doesn't mean they are focussed on empathy towards patients. you are right.

Ok thanks

>force people back to work
only seething cubies who thought they were getting a year long taxpayer funded vacation would call it "force", and frankly, it's going to be a huge problem when people realize it won't be happening

jesus christ you fucking queer you are still scared of this little virus? pull your head out of your ass

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

All I'm saying is that if you don't trust Fauci, get another doctor who will probably say the same thing.
Your military and national labs should have already been running tests on this disease, and should know approximately the fatality rates and what it will do.

Not everyone is solely motivated by money, bro. Some people stay at jobs that they really like and where they think that they are making a difference even thought they could make more money in the private sector.

Western medicine isn’t in the business of healing. I was at 15% function 5 months ago with adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, and I was dissociating because of the anxiety and stress. I was on the verge of considering suicide.

Went to acupuncture 4 times a week for 3 months... that got me to 75%. Then went to New Mexico to do trauma release exercises/ somatic experiencing. And I’m basically a new person.

It was scary how low my sex drive was... araiana grande could have straddled me naked and I wouldn’t have given a fuck. Today I’m just as horny as I was when I was 15 and picked up a cute 23 year old at Walgreens today