so, did Trump find the cure?
supposedly the testing started today in New York, any info Ameribros?
Trump found the solution
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we probably won't know the results of the testing for a couple more days, I think they're going to new york tomorrow morning.
It's making the glow in the darks seethe so it's promising.
that article he quoted on twitter even got some celebs praising it after being cured with it
will be interesting to see the results
Yes, it cures it because it's JUST THE FUCKIN" FLU!!!
I just heard on Alex Jones that the cure is tonic water. It has an ingredient called ‘quinine’ which is similar to what in those pills except your not filling the pharma Jews’ pockets.
China solution ungrateful.
usa and the Italy at fault.
-american flu lives at 100000+
-america army at Wuhan
-great china economy now.
-we link supply countries europe no thanks.
-china solved American flu.
Why is the responsibility of the world because of bases American not looked at for spread virus?
youre all fucking retarded and so is the stupid fucking president. i need this medicine for my own lungs. you're all so fucking retarded this medicine costs enough and you're about to increase the prices even more?!?! wow i can't wait for this retarded country to burn into the ground
Would have to drink and absorb 7+ liters worth in order to get a therapeutic dose. Stop listening to that drunken, fat idiot.
It does, but you have to drink way more than a lot to get a theraputic dose. The caller was dopey enough to say "make sure not to get diet because aspartame"
Gin & Tonics were created as way to get British sailors in tropical climes to take their malaria medicine. Tonic water contains a medicine called quinine which gives it it’s bitter taste,
It’s not that simple, you need to find the dosage, there is about 20mg per can, if the dosage is low, you might be able to pull this off by drinking a case of tonic a day, if it’s high, you may not be able to do this. Fun fact quininine or quine is what gives tonic it’s lovely bitter taste :)
so youre saying theyve hidden the cure for the flu which theyve repeatedly toldus kills millions every day?
won't need to kill myself because in half a year we're all going to be dead from this stupid fucking chinkoid virus
>7+ liters
Is that really a lot of soda pop for the average burger? I love Alex Jones. Most entertaining person in the world.
i hope it doesn’t work just so corona chan kills my exgirlfriend in brooklyn
Hcqs+Zpack seems to do the job
holy shit, you'll be dead of being retarded long before that
Wasn't this CURE posted on Yas Forums back in January?
No just you and your weak inferior genes.
Fuck off with your ESL Chink
Yas Forums is always a few months ahead of the normies. people think I'm a fucking wizard because I pulled my retirement account in early February and switched it to bonds. The same people panicking now that were laughing at me 2 months ago when I said "jesus christ China looks pretty bad we should be getting ready for this".
Yes, China and South Korea have been using it successfully for a while. The western (((media))) and (((pharmaceutical companies))) are just trying to stall it so they can make blumpf look bad and/or charge big money for a new "cure" they make
braindead from sucking trump's 3 inch penis
atleast i've passed my "inferior genes" on to my 3 kids. you're too young for this site
Ha, time to re-sell these bad boys, pic related
Eat shit change. Somebody post the China be gone pasta.
Tonic not soda you godamn idiot, is there anything mutts can’t fuck up
go fuck yourself
I left you some, geez
So some unlucky people are going to be in the control group and will die? Sucks to be them.
When you're surrounded by women, all goes to hell (even if you have beforehand knowledge and act on it).
At least I have rice for 3 months... hehehe, kill me
kek or go blind
Hopefully your kids aren't as mentally deficient as you, but from you basic lack of understanding of things like the price of medicine or mortality of diseases, it sounds like you're probably the type of person that can't tie their own shoes. LMAOing at your life faggot
>did Trump find the cure?
No. but he sure as hell is going to steal the credit for it.
Go torture some more innocent animals you conspiracy swinging commie chink. Rot in fucking hell
Yes, Trump is right, take massive amount of chloraquin to shield yourself from the virus. Based Donald, he could have been a doctor, he understands all that stuff
>retards believing lies about hydroxochloroquil
>It’s not that simple, you need to find the dosage, there is about 20mg per can, if the dosage is low, you might be able to pull this off by drinking a case of tonic a day, if it’s high, you may not be able to do this. Fun fact quininine or quine is what gives tonic it’s lovely bitter taste :)
No problem, I can knock down 20 gin and tonics a day and three packs of smokes. The Reaper can kiss my ass.
Actually you’re the fucking retard. Soda refers to any sweetened beverage made with soda water and not any specific flavour. Tonic Water falls into this category. If you don’t mind, can you please post with a memeflag from now on? Thanks.
>drinking a case of tonic a day
Do not use chronically.
It should be used for viral load reduction.
It is not a cure.
It is management.
You do not need a large dose.
Doesn’t it seem oddly suspicious that the Chinese were the first to test this and seemed oddly pleased to announce that it had results?
The side effects are public info you fucking retard
>testing started today in New York
>the kikes make sure to cure themselves first
What a coincidence....
>testing started today in New York,
I hope it is arsenic.
>Does it seem odd that the first country hit with the virus is the first country to develop medication for it?
fuck off schizo retard
holy shit you are fucking retarded.
Multiple cases of success already including one Hollywood fag even claimed it cured him. I got exposed and had a flu 2 days later. They were stalling giving me a test so I took some anti malarial drugs all better now!
Yeah, and so are the dosages they appear at.
>Woah someone who overdoses on hydroxochlorophine might have adverse side effects
>This is unique in the world of medicine
Neck yourself rothschild dicksucker
Drink with no sugar though!!!
When you've been to the future, or are from the future, finding answers to touch problems is simple.
There are herbs like cryptolepsis and enula you can buy online. They work.
Soda water doesn’t have the chemical in it you absolute fucking brainlet. Kys immediately.
Wow makes sense. But nowadays they put too much sugar.
holy shit you have no arguments
don’t be a retard its hydrochloroquine dumbshit
Fuck off chang,
You spam this in every thread. This has to be spam
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