Washington State lockdown

Washbros report in! Inslee ordered stay at home. What are you doing? Seattle here. I, myself, must report to work tomorrow. What are your thoughts?

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so what happens if you decide not to listen to the fear box in your living room and go outside anyway?

Is it mandatory? I usually haul food to Seattle, I guess we would be exempt from this.

How are you guys doing over there? Any sign of the happening ending soon?

t. Vancouver user

Allowed for walks. Social distancing applies ie 6 feet of distance. I do inventory and qc for a grocer so i am expected to work and it's a job that doesn't permit remote working.

Stay the FUCK out of Montana, you diseased, entitled boomers.

I'll probably be seeing you.
No idea. I'm concerned but not overcome. I'll take what measures i can and the rest is in the hands of God.

when are you going to start shooting each other?

I'm afraid i don't understand your thick accent.

Skagit here. Fuck off we're dead.

you mutt bastard, I hope you kill each other by the millions while the virus eats your lungs
bottom text

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Could you say that again a little slower please? Nobody can understand you.

I'm here with my niggas in Federal Way
Wooty woo
Pac Highway TP Raiders meeting up at Dicks Burgers tomorrow son

>Inslee ordered stay at home. What are you doing?

Stay at fucking home, the order is law enforceable.
Basically no parties, no gatherings, going no nothing we're fucked, I ain't paying rent this month I don't give a fuck tho

I take comfort in seeing mutts dying.

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Go take your mom to the porn office, will need more entertainment for the next 3 months, tell her we want her to take 6 cocks in her ass this time

y'all gonna kill each other for toilet paper rolls.

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Im not suggesting people disobey. I think he was at best three days late.

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Your city is full of spics and hipster faggots but I did really enjoy the seafood and the good skiing.

What does this mean?

it means that there are two wolves inside of you.
one is homosexual.
the other is homosexual.
you're homosexual.

you know that this picture is showing a circ and not dick washing?

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Take if for what good it offers. I just wonder what happens next.

She is not far right. She is married to another woman who isn't from germany.
Media likes to bash everything AFD related

Burien here. I'm going to disobey orders

Montana is boring. I lived outside Butte for awhile and it sucked. Only people moving there are your kind.

>still not getting it

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Have you seen Mad Max? That's what happens next.

cope harder.
You are just shitting out bullshit and when someone calls you out you switch the topic and double down.

>he's still replying

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fat max: glory hole

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I have seen the previews
I'd expect no less from you guys.

When did you first realize CV was a hoax and everyone in Seattle is a giant faggot


Vancouver user here. I wish we could just detonate the bridges and keep the Portland, OR degenerates out. As a state we're actually doing very great when you look at our numbers in the proper context.

King Mel version.

Get fucked Washington


have you been over the border since they shut the border for nonessential travels? You think they gonna let me go and get gas and groceries?

>when are you going to start shooting each other?

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Fuck Whidbey and its Flat-Earther "leader."

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Let those cancerous fucks starve they are the reason Washington sucks now

You realize that the PNW is the whitest region in the entire US? Like straight up white, white! Literally whiter than you.

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Fidalgo Island here. Is it time to barricade to bridges yet?

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Part-Turkic rape baby has little say on who can qualify as white

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Olympia reporting in.
Going to work tomorrow, we're earning overtime bonuses for showing up now.
Just ate a 1lb steak for dinner.
Got shit tons of food, ammo, guns, armor, etc.
Don't red flag me bro.
Just want my good eats and to shit comfortably for as long as possible lmao
Can't wait for the cucks to riot.

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Proof that this virus is a hoax, proof of coverup


Awesome I can still work!

Also, can’t anyone just say they’re going to the grocery store? Just buy a Twix lmao!

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You fuckers are infecting north Idaho! Just die already!

>american vinyards

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West Seattle bridge is closed. Lower bridge is closed to all but transit and first responders. That really mucks up my drive.


Mt Hood. That fucking OREGON!

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Cœur d’Alene was pretty cozy though, but why is everything in Idaho named after a fucking Indian tribe? Even Cœur d’Alene is a fucking Indian tribe.

Hello neighbor

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Fuck Jay inslee he can't keep me inside I'm going to the weed store

Nothing changes for me, bro. Being under self-quarantine since Feb 29 when we all realize it had not been contained.

E. Washington small town. Restaurants and bars closed. Plenty of people driving, out on the street. Strangers sharing narrowing of eyes, knowing nod, sometimes a grim smirk: "this is bullshit." "WE'RE BEING JEWED."

Rombauer is a good vintner. We have them.

>officer I’m going to the grocery store

Yeah the emergency is really for King county. The desert bowl in between Seattle and Spokane is gonna be fine.

Lynnwood here. Saw some fucking crackhead fingering his asshole while twirling his dick around in front of buzzed bro coffee off 99

At least he was wearing a mask. Just another day in the Seattle metro

doing three days worth of work in the next 48 hours so some lard ass in the office can look good for "keeping things on schedule" and they can immediately resume selling houses to fucking hindu yuppies and chinese royalty the moment the order is lifted

>it sucked in butte

Global warming is truly a blessing in disguise. Yakima Valley will be the place for wineries in 10 years tops.

I’ve been twice since the virus started in the US. I’m taking a break for now, one week, if it gets really bad, maybe even two weeks. I’m not the only one and every time we leave the warehouse there are many trucks waiting to deliver their goods there, I can’t imagine what would happen if one of those warehouse workers got sick with the virus and they had to shut down the entire place to decontaminate it.

You mean hops lol

Looking forward to some good weather soon so I can head up into the hills and do some gold prospecting. SIck of work anyway.

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>She's both things at the same time!

Doesn't that mean she's controlled opposition or using both sides for her own reasons?