What the fuck is Trump doing bros? I cant keep defending him, I keep getting BTFO

what the fuck is Trump doing bros? I cant keep defending him, I keep getting BTFO
>lets do nothing
>lets shut everything down
>no wait, keep working or the economy will crash and millions will die

it's all so tiresome

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Shill harder.

>doesn't seem like anything is wrong, threat seems minimal. dems blowing shit out of proportion to oust me
>oh shit italy, we're going to have to decide who lives and dies. let's buy some time to think this through
>thought it through, the greater depression would put the great depression to shame, so we need to push through this without causing an even larger loss
He'll be talking about herd immunity next week. It's really the only way. Most of you will be completely fine and many won't even have symptoms. We only really need to isolate the vulnerable, not everyone.

Defend him from who? Liberals? Just punch them in the face.

You are being selfish and needy. Think of it from the greater good!

Fat guy in a flyover state vs Israel

Who do you think Trump is better off picking?
Jew know it!

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>keep defending him
he's been the president for almost 4 fucking years what defense is there at this point

just do some fucking democracy in november and STFU

Back to work, goy

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You're right. I'm only going to vote once for him this time around.

Why would you choose the most unbelievable meme flag for this kind of shitpost?

I'm going to democracy all over your face


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-13 Donald J Trump on Twitter The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA We are in contact wit[...].png (598x369, 34.45K)

I really don't get what's Trump's end game is. One day he's based: China travel ban, calling it the Chinese virus, promising Trumpbux, closing the border, etc. The next day he's gay and retarded: muh stock market, "big line go up", it's just the flu bro. His administration has been so schizophrenic I don't even know if he even believes in his own presidency. Not to mention Kushner and the GOPe being just as bad as the Dems if not worse when it comes to obstructing his agenda.

Isnt it obvious these creatures dont care about people? Anyone who fucking votes is retarded and basically participating in the deception.

None of them care about us unless we are working. Only ones they care about are money holders. Share holders, financiers, money launderers, etc etc. If ANY of you think either side of a govt who only wants to control you, is on your side, youre fucking retarded.

>depending on the government
Be a man.


Defend him only where you think he deserves defending. Shitlibs have retarded criticisms of him but the man himself is also shit. Sometimes the shitlibs have a legitimate criticism, but you have to be smart to know which is which. Don't think reflexively either way like a sheep.

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>one post by this ID
>original file path was a network drive folder called “X:/trump/rename_before_posting_53.jpg”


How can you seem so self assured when doctors don't even fully know what's going on. It's almost like it's blind faith and ignorance

Based and blackpilled

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Get money in his account at whatever cost (say whatever is necessary to do so) mostly by playing his base to have some imaginary monster in liberals


Trump had nothing to do with shutting down the economy in my state. 100% democrat governor and dem leadership made the decision. You cant simply blame trump for everything under the sun. The man is literally swimming upstream in a tsunami of liberal sewage.

No need to think about what your leader is doing, just punch all those who voice opposition in the face—even if they’re repeating the exact words you were saying a week ago. Hail to the God Emperor!

In six months we'll be bailing out the life insurance companies.

he was buying time idiot

Just keep your mouth shit and watch what he actually does. Not what he says, idiot.


>meme flag

Attached: Truth.png (1077x2054, 286.94K)

Blatant lies intended to cause panic

None of the paranoid delusions are consistent with reality. There would be mass deaths if this was a real threat. The only threat is the healthcare system being overwhelmed because, at best, you have 3 hospital beds per 1000 people. Even in a reality where only 5% of the general population needs treatment (far less for healthy young people), it doesn't take many infections to reach capacity. That's the problem. That's the only problem. And we can see the observable effect. It's not a meme image that's fearmongering completely false statements mixed in with bits of truth intended to cause mass panic.

He's retarded... He's always been retarded. You retards just figuring this out is the problem

>can't into exponentiality
Typical burger.

If we don't get Trumpbux I'm voting Biden out of spite.

What did I say that gave you that impression?

Trump say everything back to normal just need wait 15 more days

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You can both revive the economy and defeat the virus. Everyone staying home for months is going to bring great turmoil to the country, especially New York and California. We can reinstate the economy if we have the masses actually change the way they live. No more being disgusting slobs, wear masks, gloves, and just be paranoid. If we keep that up until the vaccine comes out, we can have our cake and eat it too.

Fuck off glow nigger

We're looking at this all wrong, he baited the democrats into shutting down their own economies. California, New York, Washington, and Illinois. That's the largest democrat states in the union. Now he reversed but the governors are committed and will stay shut down longer than necessary and do great harm to their own base. Trump will win fifty states in November.

Why are you still pretending the virus is just magically harmless to anyone under 60 years old?
If the virus is strong enough to kill off the boomers, it's still strong enough to fuck younger people up for life

>You can both revive the economy and defeat the virus
Not really. Most people are going to get it, that's just a fact. We're mitigating, not containing, to make it not all happen at once. The question isn't if you're going to get the virus but when, and shutting down the entire economy to post-pone that "when" for people who are completely healthy and the virus would be a nothingburger, is absolutely moronic. The resulting economic depression would dwarf the previous one in 1929 and make the virus itself look like Y2K.

We need to identify high-risk groups and people who live with people who are high-risk groups. If you or anyone you live with is in a high-risk group, you need to isolate. Food, household, and medical supplies can be delivered. Telemedicine can be done. Virtual entertainment is plentiful. The susceptible can be barricaded while the healthy get on with what we do best: consume.

why should trump do anything, you have your own personal responsibility. Look at Mexico they are fine and their president let the Markets decide what should happen.

>oh no, this 23 year old is in a hospital bed, that means it's going to happen to all 23 year olds!
>oh no, this 34 year old doctor died, that means it's going to happen to all 34 year olds!
Fear causes you to perceive things irrationally, so it's not really your fault, but you need to recognize what's going on. You are isolating bad cases and perceiving them as the norm when they're extremely rare.

You have a 1 in 103 chance of dying in a car crash. See that car waiting for you outside? It's just dying to bludgeon you to death with your own steering wheel. Not today, maybe not tomorrow, and maybe not this year, but it's about a 1% chance.

Corona-chan isn't even that high for healthy young people. Almost all of the young people who are dying from this have comorbidity. If you have underlying health problems, by all means, stay home and barricade yourself. But if you're healthy, you should really start worrying about the things that will actually kill you, because it won't be corona-chan.

your odds of being in a car crash don't increase by the second

I didn't mean that, the odds are overall over the course of your life. So you don't know when it's going to happen. Whereas you can be pretty sure you will contract corona-chan sometime in the next year and you're going to be completely fine. You should worry about giving it to someone you care about.

>We only really need to isolate the vulnerable, not everyone.
Actually braindead. How the fuck do you even breathe with an IQ this low?

>Xi dindu nuffin, he's my best friend
Good like trying to convince, T_D plebbit nu-pol.

You might be factually retarded.

Fuck off you weak heart nigger fag. You are fucking MAGA just a poor fag. Now go back

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How is that not true? Feelings don't count.

I'm pretty sure most magas are poor fags... I mean look at his base states. Pathetic shit

>thinks the states care what Trump says
States won't lift the lock downs

That 666 address still bother me desu

Then they go into a depression, wow, really owned Trump there!

and they will bring the whole US down with them

RIP Mom. There goes the rest of my family. My 401k is up though! MAGA!

Let us suspend habeas corpus and spend trillions --- and accept government jackboots telling you not to leave your house, like good goyim

At least we saved some boomers.

Unless you're clinically retarded, you know that a full quarantine is necessary to spread the virus but you're shutting off that part of your brain because you don't want it to be true.

>mfw Trump is literally killing off his supporters by telling them to go outside
Holy shit.

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It's a miserable day to be a Shill,
A miserable day to be a Shill,
Would you believe I get paid to Shill? Could you believe?

It's a miserable day to be a Shill,
A Shill pay can't pay the rent,
Should I just die? Could I just die?

I've always wanted to have purpose.
I've always thought Shilling had a purpose.

So let's hate the Shills on this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you just die? Could you just die?
Won't you just die Shill?

Won't you please, won't you please,
Please won' t you just die Shill?

This virus is crashing the economy even though it has killed less than a thousand americans after 6 months? We need to get america back to work. We can't sacrifice the entire economy just for this. We'll watch after ourselves. We can do more than one thing at a time, people. The president agrees with me

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Oh boy, get ready for 1200+ people dying of it on a good day.

Or just lock up the old folks homes and carry on as per usual. Why does this need to be fucking complicated?

It's 4d chess dumb American. He wants to add oil to the fire so dems vote for his stimulus package.

It's okay to leave the cult.

You can do it, I believe in you user.

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