I've just recently discovered the full video despite the son being meme pretty well over here.
What the fuck is the update on this case.
I can only find dumb redditor saying how they gonna get life for defending themselves
Somebody said they were probably too poor to get a good lawyer and would probably get jewed by the DA with a quick shut in case
Does any people know news about them ? Do they have a good lawyer ? Did they start a go fund me if they were poor ?
The Miller's case
Other urls found in this thread:
So since Yas Forums is defending these hillbillies, that means they're guilty, right?
Last I heard they kept postponing the case, probably wait until it's forgotten about so they can rail these two
Is that the number of missing chromosomes they have on their shoulders?
Yeah lol fuck working class white people, amirite? The kid was an engineer for the town of Abilene. These guys did nothing wrong other than defend their peaceful neighborhood from a white nigger.
I doubt it
they'll die and get really old in prison.
Kys leaf
Landing in jail or prison is a sign of mental inability to function outside of it.
>These guys did nothing wrong other than defend their peaceful neighborhood from a white nigger.
This. Did the world a favor taking that orange retard out.
Josh came up on them and , well you all seen what happened.
>pol is a hive mind
I can’t wait for school to be back in..
They answered the age old question of who would win, a guy with a bat, or two guys with a pistol and shotgun?
Zimmerman was innocent
>working class
They're literally both GIBS ME DATS no better than nogs.
You're only defending them because the guy they shot was a complete fucktard. No one in this case is a good person or a decent american.
Trial on the 30th for the son, april 27th for the dad
Exactly he was a retard and so were they.
They should claim to be mentally retarded to not get charged with premeditated murder
It don't matta, Aaron is still dead and these two will live forever as legends.
GIBE ME DATS or not we cannot deny that they were obviously well within their right to shoot this man
This case ie more than defending two "hillibilies"
It's an attack on self defense laws and the third amendement
Most of the retard on reddit were legit arguing that coming at you with a melee weapon second after having threathened two men to death did not constitue a legitimate threat to their well being. This is crazy
Lets not forget the racial aspect, they are two white guys and poor looking so people judge them as evil inbred white people, you just know two nigger doing the same would get off scott free and probably visit Obama's white house
Whatever people think justice should prevail and self defense law are what makes the american based. If you don't have them you basically surrender your live to outlaws and the government
>It don't matta, Aaron is still dead and these two will live forever as legends.
This so much
>Public access error
ah doubt it
The links don't work, it probably requires a session cookie or something. Take screenshots and post them.
Aaron was wrong, he shouldn't have doubted him, hope they get released
"you aint gonna shoot my husband" - widow
>"you aint gonna shoot my husband"
oh. ok go here publicaccess.taylorcountytexas.org
and search either by a name Michael Theodore Miller (son) or Case ID 13519-D
Fathers innocent, son is guilty. EZ GG
I remember saying from the start they'd be facing murder charges and they are they're still in jail. All the butthurt burgers were trying to say this was self defense
my sides
The father's case ID is 13518-D
They're not in jail. They were out on bail a long time ago. See >Bond
Wrong. Who's to say the "law" is right. It has nothing to do with justice. Only profit.
They run cell block G and control the flow of firearms in and out of the prison now.
I can make a thread and pretty much predict 75% of the replies. So yes, it is.
thnx user.
in all honesty about half the posts are bots at this point so that's not much of an accomplishment.
Imagine having this uncle and not turning out like Bam Margera. Rip in pepperonies Don Vito.
Yeah it says $25,000. I posted both of those screens. You can go there yourself and look.
Of course the cuck leaf says it's not self defense
Hope Trudeau imposes mandatory sex changes with his new corona martial law powers
>Jury Trial 3/30/2020
Doubt it.
How did these retards afford 250,000$ bond?? They still will get convicted and go to prison for life
Opposite. The defense team would be the ones postponing the case. The state is under the gun (no pun intended) to get the case tried. There is a constitutional right to a fair and SPEEDY and trial. If the state takes too long in bringing it to trial you can have the case thrown out.
They weren't defending themselves they were fucking retarded.
They be free after collapse of the system, creating a father-son raider gang and shooting faggots in their faces.
Imagine your life ends at the hands of this guy.
Well the shooting wasnt on their property. You can't just walk around demanding people to do things and shoot them when they dont comply.
>well within their right
Idk how you guys do if in gypsie land but over here you can’t shoot someone for yelling at you and telling you to do it even if the guy is being a tool bag.
watch the video. they didn't shoot until he attacked.
Not sure
last I heard it wasn't looking good for them, tho.
Probably in a jail cell awaiting trial desu
either that or they were queitly let go and their record sponged
But wait, there's more! A 100,000 one too, because remember they were first let out on bail and then later had their bail increased after the media started pushing the story and stirring up controversy over what was probably at that point already sonsidered an open and shut case. Instead the media made a circus out of it and the Millers got tossed back in prison until they could post a much higher bail.
They've basically already served time, for a crime they will ultimately be found innocent of, because the DA didn't want to look soft after the media made a circus out of the issue, not because of justice or anything remotely like it.
I agreed with it.
They killed a complete retard. I feel like they could've handled the situation better but shooting him was the right course of action definitely.
He was a violent retard trying to fight people over a fucking mattress and at his size he could easily have killed them both with his bare hands.
>they'll die and get really old in prison
is this bait?
I'm Too Fucking Stupid To Use A Search Engine: The Post
autism is from having too many chromosomes, retard
Texas Red threw a bat and got lit up.
No shots were fired until then.
I've watched it. He wasn't going to do shit. He was playing chicken like a hillbilly retard. They fired and he died. Everyone is a moron in this situation.
Saved. Thanks
They just have to pay the monies it costs to have a bail bondsman. They will be assessed if they are likely to go on the run. They don't actually pay the bond in full. It's like a fraction of the total amount.
Throwing a bat is retarded. Nobody has been seriously injured from a thrown bat. This is apetier shit.
Many people interpret the video differently but it's clear that what happens is one of the Millers shoots Aaron and then Aaron as he falls throws the bat in his hand at the oldest Miller causing the younger Miller to shoot him in the chest.
This is obviously Aaron's fault that he died. I'm not disagreeing with this but I feel like this should've been handled differently. They did the right thing anyways.
>man who was arrested 200 times threatens multiple times to kill someone
>wife records whole thing and does nothing to deescalate situation
>retard gets shot
why is anyone upset about this
Post it fag
That has to be bait.
He deserved what he got.
>Nobody has been seriously injured from a thrown bat
People have died from a single punch you stupid fucking smoothbrain.
>be retarded white nigger
>you can't just walk around demanding people to do things
>still do
>against 2 armed lads
>strike them with a bat when they dont comply
How isnt this self defense you retarded gorilla nigger?
They Posted bail and I think that it wasn't that much so that's a good sign where did this happen California?
I dont know but my guess is they get 10 to 15 years each. Yes they shot in self defence, and yes they could say they were in fear for their life BUT, they instigated the fight over a dumpster that wasnt actually theirs. If they were defending their property they would walk but you cant brandish weapons on town property and provoke someone like that
He threw a bat at the father. You can see it bounce off of him in the video. The shots are in response to the bat being thrown. Really easy open and shut case, but again, the media had to make a political circus out of the case and to push their national gun control agenda.
>So since Yas Forums is defending these hillbillies, that means they're guilty, right?
Yeah no shit, guess what didn't happen. This is complete apetier garbage on every side. Go fuck yourself. You don't get to kill someone based on a temper tantrum.
Here's my last post.
If they hadn't killed him and simply went back inside then they would still be in prison for a different charge.
It's illegal to pull a firearm on someone if the situation isn't life-threatening. So shooting him would immediately deem the situation as life-threatening.
If they had walked away then they'd go to prison for pulling a firearm on someone in a residential area.
They did the right thing killing him no matter what anyone says.
You do get to kill someone in self defense though. They were attacked. It's all on camera, including the bat that he threw hitting one of them.
Because the anti-gun cult is made of pure evil. Anyone who touches a gun to them is a heretic that must be purged at all costs. If they don't attack non-stop, reason and logic will have time to take hold and they will lose all their progress subverting the rights of free men.
It's about what happened before the video. Millers came to Aaron house talking shit about the bed and demanding him to move it. Aaron said no so the millers went home and got their guns like the little pussies they are. Aaron comes out to defend his property and gets shot. Capital murder not self defense
Fuck off idiot. You probably still live in the SoCal McMansion your mom got in the divorce from you dad while she fucks niggers. That is clearly a working class neighborhood. Not that you'd know.
No, but you get to kill people that threaten you with weapons. Get fucked you angry little bitch.
>You can't just walk around demanding people to do things and shoot them when they dont comply.
Where is the fun in that?
They shouldn't be playing cowboys. Complete niggertier situation.
Doesn't matter. He swung the bat and got the gat.
See this
Bullshit. Prove it.
I'm not even angry. I'm just not insane.
yeah and how many fucking times did Bat-man threaten to kill him? fuck off tranny, self defense
To a Man with a Gun, every problem looks like a target.
ask and though shall receive
You are insane if you think people should just let other people assault them freely because they happen to be better equipped.
Gud boi, dindu nuffin turnin his lyfe round etc
>Aaron said no
I like how you glossed over that he threatened to kill them before they got their guns
>His property
Look it up
Aaron is the only one in the right here. He threw the bat after getting shot and was not an imminent threat to Michael. Also they pointed guns at kids so fuck them
>They were attacked. It's all on camera, including the bat that he threw hitting one of them.
You sound like a bitch on the internet lol
You're lying.