How has the Holocaust impacted your daily life?

How has the Holocaust impacted your daily life?

Attached: Anne Frank.jpg (701x1979, 386.97K)

You mean the Holohoax?

I'd like to impact Anne Frank daily for life

>How has the Holocaust impacted your daily life?
It fills me with hope that some day it will happen for real.

Post more preggo Anne. I know you have it.

i have to see your fucking ass bring this shit up for the gorillionth time!

No I mean the Holocaust



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Fuck off confederakike. Holohoax never happened but I wish it did desu.

Every time life gets me down, and I feel momentarily sad, I think of all the rats killed with rat poison, I smile, and realise that life is good.

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Stay mad leaf

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The most convincing argument I’ve yet seen for Jews being a chosen people is a photograph of Anne Frank.

>Every time life gets me down, and I feel momentarily sad, I think of all the huniggers killed with Hellfire, I smile, and realise that life is good.


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She was too pure for this world.
I remain convinced that following the war, Berlin should’ve been renamed Annesburg.

Aww are you triggered? Watch out for PTSD coming from inherited camp abuse.


In no way, shape or form.

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She looks so happy because she just recieved a pen from the future

Adds comic relief to my life

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>She was too pure for this world.


>I remain convinced that following the war, Berlin should’ve been renamed Annesburg.

Still wouldn't be enough desu

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>Aww are you triggered?

Not as much as you are when I pull this out.

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How’s this?
>Berlin becomes Annesburg
>giant portraits of Anne in every German government building
>statues of her in every German city
What else should’ve happened?

Negatively, since not all jews died.

Makes me angry it didn't happen.

>What else should’ve happened?

Resurrecting (even if it requires sacrificing a million German virgins to do so) or at the very least cloning her.

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>advancing technology by nearly a century to bring back Anne Frank
I like how you think.
In the past I’ve also considered the concept of an independent Jewish state in Northern Germany, in Anne’s honor.

I don't even know who that is.

Once Anne was back, you’d also need to invest a lot into slowing the aging process. She should be able to see the modern day with her same youthful eyes.

Just as disappointing when I found out that Santa wasn't real either, perhaps even more so.

i can't stand people who believe in this bullshit

It's good for a laugh

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What do you think it would take to have a portrait of her put up at the Richmond Capitol? Petition?

just put on your funny hat and you can walk right in and hang it up yourself any time.

Not nearly as much as it could have

I literally spazzed our in front of my parents about the holohaux for the first time in my life (I’m 30) and things got awkward.

We’re sitting around talking about corona virus, I say it was probably the Jews. My dad says you’ve mentioned the “Jews” a couple times lately. I go into how they cause a lot of problems, control the media, and how the Holocaust was so over exaggerated. I can see the disappointment oozing from them. Oh son, you’re in a dark place. Dad almost choking up, telling me I’ve been brainwashed by some evil place on the internet. Asks me if it was reddit (I showed him T_D few years ago, because he is big fan and hates “fake news”). I don’t answer and try not to smirk while I keep serious poker face. He goes on and on about how the Jews are Gods chosen people and he doesn’t care if they rule the world and own every dollar in the world because it is God who has given them the power and the money and that we as Christians are supposed to stand with Israel. I mumble about the wooden doors on the gas chambers and the fake furnace smokestacks being built after the war... they are both shaking their heads and looking more disappointed then they ever have.

Fuck. Thanks a lot pol. I’ve snuck small red pills (13/50 etc...) before and they were all on board l, but it looks like calling out Jewery as a Christian isn’t a cool thing to do and now my boomer parents don’t love me as much.

I play more Diablo III

>What do you think it would take to have a portrait of her put up at the Richmond Capitol?

Shooting all the Yankees spies in the State government for starters...

Oh I'll put on a funny hat alright

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Had to listen to Jews whine about it my entire fucking life. The funny thing is, even if it weren't total fantasy, Jews would still not be sympathetic pseudo-victims because they still slice up baby dicks.

What about Diablo I and II?

Imagine blaming the world’s problems on an angel like

I go to jail if i say mean things about jews

Truth is no defense, eh?

You’d have to be soulless to feel anything but affection and warmth looking at Anne.

Kike dike


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Her face makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I'd like to feel warm and fuzzy inside her though.

Balticniggers will be under the Russian boot forever ;)

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It saddens me that this fucking shithole wasn't the one who got holocaused, and that winter beat the invaders again. We are a worthless parasitic people and this land is wasted.

Do you not yet understand that females are sociopaths who feel entitled to lie and cheat at will because they have to be the female? Furthermore, her face appears to be Jewish (i.e. feels entitled to lie and cheat at will because they have to the Jew). How could you not puke at seeing a Jewess's face?

When you tell her she's going to be a mom

It didn't tho

> I'd like to feel warm and fuzzy inside her though.
>tfw Anne Frank will never eat you
But seriously, she’s perfect

If only it had

to this day my economic status and freedom of speech is restricted because of the holocaust

Honestly man, every time I visit EU a tear rolls down my face, to know that not that far from me there is civilization. Right now im saving up money, but in a year or two i'll have enough to finally apply to go to school in Finland, and I will earn that degree and get work/stay there for good, and this shit place will be a bad dream. I started learning Finnish too, possibly get good enough to take classes in Finnish and not have to pay tuition then (my english is already high enough but that's still paid).

anne frank was a lesbian. she wouldn't want you, she would have wanted your sisters.

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will you marry a Finnish or Russian girl?

i don't know. But the word holocaust is just the word for blood sacrifice to God. In the old testament, if translated correctly, the word holocaust is used for every mention of a sacrifice. So why would the Jews call a holocaust of themselves a holocaust to God?

Badly, is didn't happen.
I mean, imagine a world without any jews
Can you even begin to imagine?
The closest thing we'd ever get to a utopia that's for sure.

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I'd rather be single or marry a Finnish girl. Russian women are gold diggers x infinity, and expect you to pay for everything and use you like a credit card.

I live in NYC, Jews keep to themselves. The most annoying people are filthy chinks and rude niggers.

OK Joomer

Where did you meet the girls? If you mean in Austria, then yea you met the smart ones that got out and are doing something with their lives. Women of older middle ages or ones stuck in russia will suck the euros out of you inside of russia.

ok La'JamalJones Brown

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>Anne Frank was tfw no gf

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slavic russian girls are actually so much more cuter than the georgian/chechen/armenian/etc whores who ruin their faces with plastic surgery and excessive makeup, though.
pic related

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>tfw no Confederate-Dutch alliance treaty that results in a German defeat before they even make it over the border, and saves Anne from having to languish in the attic