Who else didn't prep and are now fucked?
Who else didn't prep and are now fucked?
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me. a friend said there's a line at countdown/new world. I'm too scared to go and my supplies will finish like tomorrow. Fuck
There's no line where I live, but all the cheap items have vanished and now only the expensive shit remains. I can't afford to survive a month with what little money I have left.
I work at a store and hide valuable stuff to the side for me or my family to buy at the end of my shift so I'm fine.
There is a Pakn'save 30 mins drive so I might have a look there for anything worth salvaging.
I hope you catch the virus.
Not me.
I have enough food to feed myself for 2 weeks and enough ammo to kill every human being within a 750 mile radius.
Stay triggered toilet paperlet.
Lmao you won't last a week with that
Yes, I will. I also have several loaves of bread not pictured, so all in all I have roughly 20KG of carbs at least.
Also canned goods.
supermarkets are pretty much back to normal where I live
I have enough freeze dried long storage food to last through our 30 day quarantine in my state. As long as we have natural gas and power I have enough food to last 2-3 months. Wife Dog and I are all set. I set up buckshot mouse trap clay-mores every night and the wife and I sleep with side arms and rifles locked and loaded I have 300 rounds of ammo bedside waiting for someone to try something. we also, being well versed in pyrotechnics, have tin can flash bangs good to go for raid entry when we need to find supplies. 10/10 can't wait for things to get weird. Pic related, me to the right, and you to the left.
>montreal steak seasoning
you're all set.
Why should i prep? the supermarkets are fully stocked and the supply chain will keep It that way.having a lot of water and Gasoline in a safe storage is not a bad idea though, im slowly doing that since last year.
As much as I want to be mad at that, it's a legit survival tactic. I'd consider keeping some stuff to the side rather than having a fucking nigger or re-selling Wumao buy it up.
Family first.
if you ever visit the city of montreal, go get a sandwich at schwartz's deli. they invented montreal spice.
> Wife Dog
Yes, make sure your wife-dog is properly fed. Wouldn't want her to go hungry during the quarantine.
Also, based apocalypse-prepping with the booby-traps
>get laid off of both jobs
>currently doing drugs
>use my eyes and senses to perceive real life around
>decide that there's nothing to worry about
yeah i'm pretty sure it's not the god damn plague
i did.
i prepped.
i spent my money on it and ran out of food.
i ate everything before the happening.
and now i'm fucked.
prepping is not for poorfags
>haha, no way everyone is gonna be stupid enough to buy all the toilet paper
>not proteins, fat and vegetables
you won't make it, bro
I'm a multimillionaire, I have 200 grams of spaghetti.
Literally no need to prep
This whole thing is a nothing burger
People panicking for no reason, a 5% death rate is nothing
Yeah toilet paper sandwiches taste surprisingly good
Explain the 21 million missing cellphone users in China, as evidenced by the lost subscriptions in the last months.
Are you even aware of that as-of-yet unsolved anomaly?
>be leech NEET
>parents prep for me
NEET wins again!
Theres a big block of cheese in that fridge, and I also have a decent stock of beans, tuna, and sardines in by cupboard, also dried lentils
What kinda drugs leaf? Staying sober through this has been difficult.
That is just China being China
>200 grams of spaghetti.
>cheese, beans, tuna, sardines
The only thing I don't have is toilet paper, but there are other ways I can deal with that. Food, water, ammunition, matches, lighters, living space, location, etc, all good.
>5% are critical condition
>mortality rate is 14% worldwide
>43k cases in usa
>only 500 dead in usa
>14% worldwide
>only 500 dead in USA
>china has 86k cases and only 3k dead
>Started going to market every week and buying enough for a month late january
>Wife amused because it's just a flu, no reason to panic
>Collected more than 100 rolls of toilet paper
>lots of food
>Dozens and dozens of cup noodles for lazy days
>So much flour to bake my own bread for months
>Masks, gloves, eye protection, alcohol
>Upgraded to fastest unlimited internet plan avaliable
>Full quarantine begins early, we are safe and cozy
>Single TV at home
>Toddler hits TV, breaks it
>Have PC and fast internet so don't care
>Wife is bored because no TV
>Argues constantly about being bored and missing her mother
>We break quarantine one single time to visit her mother, don't use masks at her house because it's not polite
>Later the same week I wake up with a fever and a sore throat
Do you have a source on this? Google let me down, i heard 8.1 million somewhere.
wolf and fox girls are superior to catgirls I agree.
If there were 21 million people missing you'd know. You realize the Chinese have Internet, right?
Literally any sortve issue could cause this. Double sims, people changing plans, could be any number of shit L. Pretty retarded way to gauge life.
>that pic
>lives in country with regular natural disasters
>doesnt prep
no excuses since Christchurch lad
Your fault!
>Paranoid freaks whose entire lives revolve around a fantasy SHTF scenario
>Will be yeeted by feds or have their guns confiscated and led away in cuffs to FEMA camps
I have food, to, wipes and coffee for at least two months if I ration.
Only have two boxes of 9mm though. Wish I had an AR instead of a gf.
Non prepper here. My state didn't go under lockdown and all stores are still open. Trump is looking to get the economy going again but even if it doesn't, I'll still be fine. I don't see any reason to believe I'll be without food, water, electricity or internet. Feels good to do so little work and still be completely fine.
Go raid an elites bunker.
this is a slide thread, please ignore frogs
>you dont have to tell me what happened, but..
>letting a person without a penis decide what to do in hard time
sorry user but cucks need to die out
8 mill is the number. Honestly I think they were mostly business phones. Chinese companies will shut a phone off for the slightest reason. Post Christmas+Virus. Talk to your customers on your PC..,.
grocery store had plenty of stuff today
you retards should have bought an n95 mask +filters instead of toilet paper, i guess you have die now when (((Trump))) sends you back to work to get infected
Technically I’m not a prepper. I’m a hoarder. My freezer has been stuffed with frozen foods years old. Everyone laughed at me for hoarding old frozen foods and hundreds of rolls of TP, paper towels, and socks. Who’s laughing now?
8 mil is the largest provider's loss. It's about 21 mill if you add up the 3 major providers. If we assume every person had between 2 and 3 different phones (like for work/personal), then 8 mil is a conservative guess.
Hang around, I'll dig up the link.
packnsave seems to have more stuff from what Ive seen.
I'm the comfy farmbro who keeps gloating in every thread.
>tfw they're not real
Lmao you going to survive on spices and hot sauce genius?
could still just be economy related. They are fucked wr to that too.
buddy those bunkers are literally underground and booby trapped as fuck. I actually feel safe knowing the elites are down here.
at least now you know in a genuine crisis you should be prepared to leave your wife behind
Other reports, because that first was behind a paywall, i realize
The big tweet was the 8 million number from the whistleblower (tracking the biggest single company that dropped a ton of users)
If 21 million chinese died, how would we know about it? (I want help brainstorming how to cut through the fat on this issue.) There would be some kind of economic or environmental fingerprint, right?
Like the lack of cell-phone activity, which shouldn't be affected by a quarantine. But this silence in the number of cell users...
I moved over 1k miles across the country just a few days ago for a new job. Agricultural job. I'm scrapping pretty hard though. Didn't travel with enough in hindsight.
Either you're implying your gf costs you too much to get an AR or won't let you get an AR. Either way, you're a faggot.
I live in China and we still have supply after 2 months. Put a mask on your face and go buy your shit. Stop being a faggot.
I will drag a coronavirus sick person to your house and make her lick your door knobs, then all I have to do is wait like the conmodo dragon for the virus to take effect, I´ll walk past you and your wife corpses and take your stash, guns and ammo.
Are they really efficient enough to shut off dead people’s phones that quickly? Wouldn’t they try to bill for another couple months?
How does -80k people equate to -8 million cell phone users? Even if there were blackouts, that wouldn't unsubscribe them from their cell service.
Talk me down from the ledge here, what's a rational economic explanation in this scenario?
Turns out it was the common flu.
New TV arrives tomorrow. My chances of survival with corona were much higher than with all the complaining.
Hoarders and prepers are literal retards. They closed a country of 1.4bn in one night and nothing happened. No food shortage or endless lines lol.
Pic related, my local supermarket a few days ago.
We're going over the economic numbers reported by the cell companies. Yes, there is an incentive to keep dead bodies on the dole. That could make the real numbers even higher for the deadringers who haven't had longer subs expire yet
No shortage of toilet papers in 2 months in China. Fucking brainlets.
you all must be new fags. most of us prep like 5 weeks ago lol.
They are still probably laughing at you. Enjoy your freezer burnt TV dinners faggot.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
>cholula hot sauce
patricians choice
>chinks want war with America
>they make bioweapon bat virus
>we do rape of Nanking part 2, with the help of the japs.
Was your bat soup worth it, Chang? You fuckin CHigger?
I just waited in line to buy 200 worth of cigarettes and booze cause of the lockdown in WA state. Already have food. Boomers are blowing this shit out of proportion. They're the vulnerable ones and are still in power. That's the only reason media is freaking out. And dems are countersignaling Trump by freaking out more when he tones it down.
Get on my level user
One roll a day? What the fuck are you eating? Bat soup?
>1 roll per day
Jesus Christ dude, eat some fiber
>Spices and bird seed
Yep looks good
You fucking retards had all the warning in the world. Hell, all of Yas Forums has been screeching since december/january to get ready for this shit, you literally had a 3 month head start on the normies, and you STILL fucked up?
Fuck you. Just die. You're unironically worse than uninformed normalcunts, who can at least be forgiven for their ignorance.
I've been last minute prepping for two weeks. I'm almost ready. Ammunition was hard to find but I managed to snag 600 rounds. Just a few more items on the list to go.
aardvark is much better
They have been trapped in their home for almost 2 months now. They probably are running out of money or finding ways to trim the fat on their budget and are cancelling all but 1 cell phone in their house.